What Is The Fastest Mob in Minecraft?

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- [Skip the Tutorial] We've gathered all of the mobs in "Minecraft" to see which one is the fastest. And if you think it's any of these mobs, stay tuned. You might be surprised. But first, we've got a problem. YouTube tells me that the fastest anyone's ever subscribed to the channel is one and a half seconds flat, so if you think you can beat that time, let's get one and a half seconds on the clock and start the subscribing now. (stopwatch ticking) And even if you subscribed after the bell, it means a lot, and thank you. Now, let's start with the mobs that move the slowest and then work our way up, and in that case, we should talk about the turtle first. Now, unsurprisingly, the turtle on land moves very slow, about 0.3 blocks per second, and, folks, that gives it the slowest land speed in the game. And while it is pitiful, it's actually not the slowest mob in the game since, when you get it in water, it'll move at a speed of two blocks per second, which, don't get me wrong, still isn't fast, but it's far from the slowest in the game. And in that case, the actual slowest mob that you would find would be the Panda, especially it's lazy variant. Now in our testing, it moved at a speed of less than a block per second, only coming out to about 0.98 blocks per second. But, you'll find that it does move faster if you aggravate it. Since an agro-Panda can move at a speed of 1.4 blocks per second, which is still pretty bad. I mean, we can move faster than that if we crawl, but hey, at least it's not lazy. Now, a good baseline going forward for the other mobs would be the zombie. It's not fast, it only moves at about 2.3 blocks per second, but at least this is the first mob in the list where it actually has a chance of catching you if you're not paying attention. But even then we've still got over 20 mobs in this list that are much faster than the zombie. And while there's still a faster zombie for us to talk about, first we've gotta cover the witch. Now on paper, the witch will only walk about a half a block faster than the zombie, but where that starts to get interesting is through the Swiftness Potion. See, after the witch drinks this, it gets an extra block per second in its movement speed, which sounds like a big improvement but it still moves at less than four blocks per second movement speed, only clocking in at about 3.89 blocks. And honestly, considering it's the only mob that can drink a swiftness potion, you would expect the results to be higher. I mean, even a standard baby zombie can still outrun a swiftness potion witch. In normal conditions a baby zombie can run over five blocks per second, which is over double the speed of the adult zombie. And by this point, it actually becomes a threat if you run out of hunger and you can't sprint, since the player's typical walking speed is only about 4.3 blocks per second. But if you're not able to sprint, yet you still have yourself a pig and a saddle, you can still get away just fine. Sure enough, if you ride a pig with a saddle and then use a carrot on a stick for the speed boost, it'll move at a speed of 5.2 blocks per second, which just barely edges out the baby zombie's moving speed. I mean, it's a whole 0.06 blocks faster. It's not that much, but don't worry. This is nowhere near the fastest ratable mob in Minecraft. And we'll get to that later in the video. But as it is, even the Ravager is capable of moving faster than a pig, even without a speed boost. Now I will mention this is not when it's walking, since then it'll only move it about 0.6 blocks per second which is almost about as slow as the turtle. But once you get it angry, then it can run at a speed of nearly 5.3 blocks per second, which is fast. But if you run into straight line, you can still outpace it with a sprint, though, where that sprinting becomes an issue is once we have to face the Warden. Now in our testing, when the Warden's chasing after you or something else, it can run at a speed of 5.6 blocks per second, which is scary since that's almost identical to how fast the player can sprint, if you don't use potion effects. And that means if you're getting chased and you make just one wrong move, the Warden has the chance to catch up, and the rest is history. And honestly, I don't know what's scarier, the fact that it can move this fast, or that it deals 45 points of damage when it catches up to you. But even though it might be a struggle for us to outrun a Warden, for the villagers, it's an easy breeze. How does it may seem, a villager is actually faster than the player? Now that's not just when they're walking around the village but rather when nighttime comes they'll be able to move very fast, at a speed that tops over six blocks per second, but you gotta keep in mind, this only happens when they're fleeing from something like a zombie, which is specific, but it proves that sometimes it might be worth being a coward, and the cow will prove that even further. So even though this mob normally walks slower than the pig, when it's fleeing from damage, then it can run at nearly seven blocks per second. Man, what cracks me up is that it doesn't even move that fast when it's following you for food. Which I guess that means that the stick is a better motivator than the carrot, or wheat in this case. Now this is the part of the video where I tell you that we didn't just calculate the horizontal movement speed but we calculated how fast a mob can move in all directions. Because, when you factor that into the list a lot of the mobs that we're about to see start to get a lot faster. And first in those candidates happens to be the rabbit, which when it starts sprint-jumping can flee at a speed of 8.26 blocks per second. And to put the rabbit speed into perspective that's almost as fast as an Enderman. Since an aggressive Enderman can move at a speed of 8.75 blocks per second. And when they can both move that fast I don't know if I'm more afraid of the killer bunny or the aggressive Enderman, but obviously the Enderman can still teleport about 45 blocks every four ticks. So that's gotta make it faster than the rabbit. But oddly enough, it still won't be the fastest mob in the game. But I'm getting ahead of myself, so let's put a pin in that for now and we'll talk about the Strider. Now, these guys don't walk very fast, but much like a pig, if you right click with a fungus on a stick, then the two of you can start to move at a speed of 8.9 blocks per second, which still only makes it fast enough to be in the top 50% of mobs, but hey, it let Dream escape the hunters, so that proves that this run speed is still good enough for a speed run. Though unfortunately for us, our friendly Striders still stand no chance against the unfriendly spider, but let me be clear, in most cases, these spiders can only move at around a speed of 3.9 blocks per second, which is by no means fast, but on hard mode, that all changes, since in harder difficulties, there's a chance for spiders to spawn with a positive attribute, including the Speed One potion effect, and with that, if a spider spawns with Speed One, and then uses its jump attack to chase you, It can reach a top speed of 11.2 blocks per second. And now that we're into the double digit movement speeds, these mobs are gonna get a lot harder to catch, like the ocelot, for instance. Now, if you've ever messed up on trying to tame one of these, you know it's fast, but did you know that an ocelot can flee at a max speed of 11.6 blocks per second? And the same will be true for the cats that spawn in the village. Though, those cats still have one trick up their sleeve, and we'll see that later in the video. But before we get to that, I'm gonna have to teleport away from our test track, since this next mob isn't as cooperative. Folks, it's time to test the Wither. As our first boss in the list, this mob can reach some solid speed, at a rate of 14.5 blocks per second, in our testing. And, the way that we actually see this is that you'll notice that when the Wither changes which mob it's targeting, that's when it moves its fastest. And while that change-around seems quick, it actually is still one of the slowest flying mobs in the game. Yeah, no joke, Even the Vex can move faster than the Wither, albeit slightly. See, when the Vex charges a target, it can move at a speed of 14.56 blocks per second, which just barely edges out the movement speed of the Wither. But I should note that since we're testing the speed using in-game command blocks, that's a verifiable enough method to justify that much of a difference. And that means that it's likely more than just human error. And as such, the Vex takes our top spot. But not for long, because even with all that justification, the Vex still doesn't stand a chance against the Fox. Since when a Fox jumps through the air, it can reach a speed of 19.8 blocks per second, nearly 20 blocks covered just like that. All to just reach a chicken, which seems like overkill if you ask me, but since we've now seen how fast a rabbit can move it might be more justified in some cases. Finally, we get to talk about horses. Now this mob is a lot of variability in its speed stats. So for our testing, let's only look at the theoretical fastest horse that you can breed, which is tough enough to get. But even after that, we still have other variables to consider. Like how the horse runs normally at 14.2 blocks per second, but if you stray to the side, as well as moving forward, then that adds on another 0.3 blocks per second faster. And if you jump as well, then it can reach a top speed of 21 and a half blocks per second, which is fast, but even after all that effort to breed the fastest horse in the game, it'll still be slower than your average dolphin. Usually the dolphins don't move very fast only swimming at about 4.7 blocks per second. And that only goes up to 15 blocks per second when they're targeting you while angry. But where this mob really picks up its speed is when it jumps out of the water. See, when a dolphin jumps to pick up an item, it's possible to reach a top speed in our testing of 22.89 blocks per second, which makes them the second fastest underwater mob in the game. And before we see the greatest of all time, we need to address the GOAT, that is, the goat mob. Now make no mistake, the goat is a fast mob, and you'll see that when it charges at roughly a speed of 15 and a half blocks per second, when it charges at you. But more so than that, it can jump at a speed of 22.92 blocks per second, which beats out the likes of the dolphin, although by just a hair. Hey, well, it's a narrow margin for sure. Don't worry. It's not gonna make any difference on our top five, because speaking of which, now it's time to see the fastest passive mob in Minecraft: the Axolotl. And oddly enough, the top speed that we're gonna see here is because of a glitch. Now you'll notice that when you tie an Axolotl with a lead to a fence, it'll start to move very fast around in a circle. And if you put it in water next to a squid, it can go even quicker with a target nearby, reaching some speeds of 23.6 blocks per second, which that alone sounds like a lot, but let me put it into perspective. That's almost as fast as the Ender Dragon. That's right folks, the Axolotl with a lead is only about a half a block slower than the flying Ender Dragon, which makes this texture pack feel a lot more fitting. But jokes aside, the Ender Dragon will still take our current top spot, since it's capable of moving at a speed of 24 blocks per second. And considering the player can only move at a speed of 5.6 blocks per second when we're sprinting, it's impressive that the Ender Dragon could do four times that without even breaking a sweat. And what's even crazier is that still, the Ender Dragon is not faster than a Phantom. No joke, a Phantom can swoop down and hit the player at a speed of 24.2 blocks per second, which just makes this mob all that more annoying, which is yet another reason for you to sleep through the night, so you can get rid of these things. But what's worth mentioning here is that even though we can change the Phantom size using commands, that doesn't seem to impact its speed. And the reason that's worth mentioning is because that very thing does happen when we change the size of the slime. As we've pointed out in the past, a player can not outrun a size eight slime and the same is true and then some when we summon in a size 255 slime. Now for this bit of testing, we're actually gonna use magma cubes instead, since they have a higher jump than the slime counterpart, meaning they can move even further and they'll do it faster. Therefore, a size 255 magma cube can reach an average speed of 350 blocks per second. And folks, that's just an average. There's a theoretical speed of 500 blocks per second here, but we can barely keep it in place long enough to test it. I mean, this thing's so fast that by the time that it's jumped twice, it's already outta your render distance. And that means it just despawns, which all begs the question, If this mob is so fast, then why is it still not number one? Well, after testing every mob in the game, the fastest one turns out to be parrot, or the wolf, or the cat. See, we have a three-way tie, since these mobs are all pets and what pets can do that no other mob can, is instantaneously teleport an infinite number of blocks in a second. And it's so fast that our testing system can't even calculate the speed. It's off the charts folks. So if you count teleporting, these are the fastest mobs in Minecraft. And if you're going off pure movement speed, these are the fastest ones in vanilla. And with that folks, YouTube thinks that you might like this video, so see if they're right and have a good one, alright?
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
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Id: BQih60AB49I
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Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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