What is style? How to find my own style?

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let's take three seconds to define the difference between fashion and style so fashion is something which is decided for you by a designer a designer does two collections per year normally maybe with the covet it will change and he will decide that this year you're going to wear orange or blue or whatever or and the skirt's going to be shorter or longer so you don't have the hand on your on the fashion you just buy what is decided for you from somebody else yeah it goes as far as um using a search engine to say oh what how should i would do my fingernails this year um oh should i wear a belt how long should my dress be um what type of shoes are installed how about purses so we can go far with it as women i guess men don't do the same to somebody exactly the same but it's it's following the flock literally following the flock and doing what other people do style is the exact reverse because when you speak about style first of all you speak about something more timeless and and so style is something personal fashion is something global but i must admit that sometime we had a tendency specifically in our community to overuse the word style that's true and if you think about today the fashion world is being turned upside down they're even talking about going more toward the style mentality reducing the number of collections they're doing just because cells are taking a dive during this difficult time so i think the fashion industry may even change the definition of fashion these days we're going to find out let's hope what we're going to do today uh we're going to do something a little bit different because i'm going take uh as a as a reference an article you wrote sonja i think it was in 2016 for paris and gentlemen and and the title of the article is that this that word called style and this i must say brilliant article you try to decipher you try to understand you try to to comprehend what lays behind what lies behind this word what did what what it described what is the definition and so what was the surprising thing about that article was the number of people that chimed in and who are really considering what style means to them so that was surprising for us yeah oh i can have the statistics here it was shared an enormous number of times published around 15 of the people yeah it was shared probably more than a thousand times everywhere around the web so let's let's uh listen to you actually and you can interject and command whenever you want and you start this article with a with this sentence one of the most overused words other than chic and fashion has to be the word style of course within the realm of how we dress we glorify the world and that's true in our community even me when i have the when i say fashion because sometimes we can use the word fashion or people are discovering our work our books our podcasts our youtube channel our blog sometimes they write to me and they say um you are my inspiration in fashion and uh sometimes we must admit you know we're a little bit too harsh on people because it doesn't really matter but still we glorify this world style and overuse it probably and overuse it if someone called it eternal rachel zooey who is rachel so she's a stylist for the stars and yeah okay so rachel zoe she said it's a way to say who you are without having to speak and that's quite brilliant actually evgeny zimiatin sorry for the pronunciation who who's a russian author from the 20s 1920s so jeff genie our friend hello evgeny is probably dead i said it is where beauty lies that's a beautiful something you would say yes alain of course who wrote dressing the man said it endures he may have taken that from someone else but that was his position yes yes and then that that's the very for us this is one of the main definition this is uh style enduros fashion fades of course coco chanel said that when everything else fades it remains the great hodro hepburn said everyone has his own style so the key word here is own isn't that funny some people may not consider themselves stylish but she says you still have your own style that's so true it is so true we witness this on the almost on a daily basis where people start to deep dive in our work i had no idea how many words we wrote how many sentences we how many times how many minutes and hours we spoke about styles since we worked together i don't know millions of words for sure and hundreds of hours so we've been really really and we've witnessed that people are writing to us to say well thanks to you and thanks to your work and we're very honored to receive that i found my style and it seems not so superficial at all we're going to deep dive in this subject it can be very life changing to find your own style that can make the difference about whether someone even remembers you or not so i think that's a strong point yes then you take the other example of charles bukowski well speaking of charlotte because people we speak of style might be a little bit bizarre can deny he does have a style yeah yeah the child because kids called it everything he said everything is style he even say that john of arc head style john the baptist has style jesus had styles socrates caesar garcia lorca etc we can i recognize charles bikowski this guy is always a little bit you know he doesn't think like the rest of humanity i would say yes and so you continue by writing a common perception is that one must put a lot of thought and effort into displaying style and you are quoting uh a song that i adore uh you write in the song looking for the heart of a saturday night so i'm not gonna sing but um if i remember it goes like looking for the heart of a saturday night but i don't have the the voice of tom wait it's gonna be really rough out of saturday night something like that and he croons you say uh these are the lyrics it says you comb your hair i'm gonna do it live you comb your hair and you shave your face no trying to wipe out every trace of all the other days in the week you know this will be the saturday you are reaching your peak i love this this is nice it's sung so many times it is so good arson wells also you quote arsene welder immense arson wells looked at style a different way telling us it is knowing who you are what you want to say and not giving a dab so this is another attitude of somebody who found his own style that really you do it for yourself i'm not totally in i'm not really in agreement with the arson wealth view because i think that um it's also you dress for yourself but you also dress somehow for others how what do you think about that i think it depends on your personality i think some people really aren't interested in what other people are thinking about them and it's almost like a genetic factor and some people are consumed with the idea of what someone else may think about them i used to think we're all alike but the longer i live i think we're pretty much different yeah some people really don't care at the same time what orson welles is saying that is that you can work on your own style and then don't give a damn that is to say you put efforts but just for yourself it doesn't sounds very true to my here because when you put efforts it's not only for yourself but also read what he says one more time read it again read orson's opinion again so he said knowing who you are what you want to say and not giving a damn this is definition of style all right okay then we have of course oscar wilde it is the passion of man's soul which lies behind the perfection of a man's style while bobby so bobby herrera i think is a he's a hockey player from canada so how can you mix the thoughts of oscar wilde and bobby hall we don't want to hear from this exact same genre of everyone that's not interesting this is very different some people like hockey you are very bold darling to to mix the the oscar wilde and the canadian hockey player but this canadian bobby horse said forget about style worry about results so probably it was not very beautiful to see you know he didn't have much style with his cross you know on the ice but he was as far as i understand extremely efficiently he produced he produced he was delivering as we say in france and um incorporating style into whatever you do explaining quote even if all you can do is a bad thing well at least do it with your style yes well that's a good so whatever you're you're doing try to do it with style we're not telling you what to do we wouldn't ever try to tell you what to do but you can at least consider your choice of what you do as doing it with style well can you imagine we're speaking about one word since already 12 minutes yes we hope you like it because we are totally passionate with that and we try to give a meaning to all this that's exactly what this is our objective try to give a meaning and and try to understand even our own obsession why are we so obsessed with style and and being stylish and being so nonchalant in our side we're going to come to this a little bit later let's continue reading what you wrote isn't it fun to listen to somebody reading one thing out of body experience yeah it's a little maybe i carry it far but it's strange it is so to add more of a twist in order for you to describe in your own words what style means your explanation itself will be dependent upon your own style that's very true in this brief essay well it's brief essay i hope because the introduction is quite long already it's not that much longer don't worry you're right i would like to offer two techniques to try in developing your own style beginning with a method called heuristics and ending with a revelation specific to finding your style by e.b white who is eb white well there was a book called elements of style every person who aspired to be a journalist is required to read this book so eb like wrote it but then it was later revised okay by somebody he said so um so we say ending with a revelation specific to finding your style by e.b white discussing his 1959 enlarged and revised work by williams trunk jr yes in his dissertation in his paper the elements of style from 1918. put this famous work together that we all must read if we're going to be journalists oh yeah and uh remind the people you did your major in journalism that's right in the university of georgia henry grady school of journalism in athens georgia university yes not like cosmos here who's doing our production he's from actually from athens greece this is athens georgia yeah yeah it's not from greece so there's athens in georgia so the first chapter you explain the heuristic technique let's try to define what it is this heuristic technique you're right referred to as heuristic this technique is is any approach to discovery problem solving or learning using a method not guaranteed to be optimal or perfect but sufficient for immediate goal flow it's like very um concrete right the heuristic approach how would you define it uh well in my own words i would just say that a lot i'll go back to an example of someone who overthinks something over worries about something is consumed with fear about you know how the outcome will will be um who just is so into their own mind their cerebral thoughts and considerations of outcomes that they don't get anything done so with a heuristic approach you sort of try to release those feelings of fear and concern and go with more your intuition the natural way of doing things you just leap forward do it willing to accept the results and you end up learning more in some instances this way than if you overthink something so if i translate this in a simple sentence it's also accepting making mistakes yes in order to deliver immediate results and the mistakes become the great teacher because you know intuitively how you felt when you did whatever you did plus you get feedback from others and so if you're not too concerned about your own ego and you can receive that feedback it can be a great way to learn and move forward so let's try to translate this in our world of style and how the way you dress and i can testify this is a very good approach because so many people put so much efforts and thoughts and i will receive so many messages mr jacomay i have this uh off-white jacket do you think it's better to have a pocket square with this kind of patterns and i my answer is always the same try it just try it perfect put it on and you have already the mirror in front of you that will tell you path of the truth and then if you're not sure go outside or go and meet your friends make mistakes this is how you define your own site you have to try try try and for example never choose for example never choose a tie or a pocket square on the rack because you can fall in love with a tie or pocket square but when you put it on it that it doesn't work and on the contrary some very strange patterns and you look at that in the window and say oh i will never wear that stuff you you you remember how many many times you're trying to project out how it will look when you it's almost impossible to do in many instances you have to actually put it on your body with what you would normally wear and then it's going to answer the question for you you don't even have to answer it yourself and sometimes it works perfectly and you would not never ability the second thing and i don't want to go against people who are salesman or sell assistant in some shops but also the heuristic approach makes you understand that you are your best judge or do it with your wife or with your companion or whoever but you are your best judge and sometimes it's better to trust your own judgment than to follow blindly the advice of others a little bit well i i don't know because you know a lot of times we try to we look in the mirror and we see ourselves or we have a picture and we see ourselves or we think oh this is a really bad picture and then i'll say and you'll go no that's not that's a great picture and the way i see it and the way you see it could be totally different so when you're all alone in a dressing room and you step out sometimes you want the opinion oh you know what i have asked before i've just gotten to the point where i'll just ask no nothing personal but are you getting a commission on yourselves i'm just curious um if you don't mind my asking and if you do never mind usually they'll say yes or no if they say no then i might take what they say a little more um seriously because your motivation is key right yeah what i wanted to say that's fantastic people who are doing a great job very good but the thing is that not two people have the exact same style that's that i wanted to say so that sometimes they even the sale assistant can have some reflex that is one size fits all doesn't work with establishing yes remember when we went to anne fontaine and we had a russian so it's a it's a shirt maker in france for women only beautiful beautiful white shirts and this woman she helped me so much she found two two shirts immediately it would have taken me two hours to find those two shirts because of her experience so it depends on the situation exactly let's go back to the heuristic technique and see what sonia glean the one and only is writing on the subject so it's about not a perfect technique but achieving immediate goals whenever finding an optimal solution is not practical or possible as in finding for example your style because it's a long journey it's a long long journey and it's not even there's no destination it's a permanent journey then you say a heuristic approach is a mental shortcut to ease the cognitive load of making a decision guesstimates rule of thumbs common sense and relying on one's intuition based on past experience are example of a heuristic approach i've used heuristics for years in writing for example my first draft can be rough and after a few more rounds of editing i will choose to publish before falling prey to the overworking an article oh my gosh i can relate to this as well yeah i can relate to this very easily because so many people are overworking an article and you know what is the result most of the time when you overwork it's worse than if you'd stopped earlier it's not only that is that it you empty your article of its originality and i've been learning this so many times that when you are revived and revised and revive at the end you lost your soul almost this is very and i think it is the same in men's style when you dress and you you want and in style in general when you dress and you want to refine and refine and refine you just miss and you you lose your original intention that's right and you know what the point of this section is just jump in there and do it you know if you're not a good writer and you need to express something on paper you probably will never write what's in your mind but maybe you need to get what's in your mind onto paper so if you release all that cognitive load and just write it without worries about all the mistakes and the insults you might get from others you get your thoughts out there and then if you want to move forward and remedy it to make it more presentable you can because we're relating this to dressing too oh yeah yes when developing a personal style we should not hesitate to produce results because we are afraid of making mistakes instead we have the freedom to sift through the wrangling of our minds like a prospector you're very dramatic on this one i'm gonna put music let's put music a little bit i do it again because i like this moment so you say when developing a personal style we should not hesitate to produce results because we are afraid of making mistakes instead we have the freedom to sift through the wrangling of our minds like a prospector rotating a pan of water full of gravel and sand in search of specks of gold i'm sorry i'm french you can notice my accent i hope and because what are you talking about let's continue don't be afraid to show the gravel and send of yourself expression refinement will come after you've relaxed enough to be willing to make some mistakes as a side note sister technique to heuristics is called the stream of consciousness technique the narrative approach in which you we can depict multi multitudinous feelings and thoughts passing through the mind expressing whatever thoughts are flowing without filtering or thinking too much the above represents a great approach to finding your personality you are a poet and you are a fantastic writer virginia woolf used stream of consciousness to write literally just just like i hate to use this term but it just came to my head just vomiting out all these words and then you know some of it she just left she edited nothing and a lot of people love to sift through her writings but you continue with a very important idea you said the idea is to avoid becoming an over guarded dresser as a result of fear fear to venture outside of your own parameters fear of the judgment of others fear of regretting deviation from doing things the way most everyone else does them this is so relevant today darling what you write because this is i remember so many people and i'm so happy we've been an inspiration with other people in our trade for uh young men for example to really go for it but i will still receive letters to say oh you know it's difficult because what my colleagues will think what my friends will think they're going to mock me and then we witness that little by little the young generation they don't give a damn anymore they do it because they like it and i i adore this idea we have seen that a lot but you know you have to address one thing that's very important and that is a lot of us have anxiety and it's just almost the way that we are wired so just telling someone don't worry about that just go out there and intuitively dress you know go for classic style you'll learn no you can't do that if as a person who knows what anxiety feels like it's really something that just takes practice just letting go a little bit at a time a little bit at a time a little bit of time and then finally you reach somewhere around where you want to be i agree totally with you and you say to finish this paragraph as a small example during this period of free expression your eyes are open to try things like a bow tie or a tie pin but won't won't that harm the fabric yeah for example i'm this is a loop helping i'm wearing here i hope it shows on the camera i have a lapel pin here on on my it's not yeah it's a lapel pin and the first in order to pinch it to put it you have to to pick the fabric and we have so many people asking how it's going to have damaged the fabric no it doesn't damage the fabric because it is a needle so you say um sometimes you're afraid and you start learning what pleases you instead of becoming locked into a shreken universe before you know it you'll find yourself honing in on a wardrobe that really suits you buying less once you understand what pleases you more this is a fundamental i repeat you will all of a sudden find yourself because you've been establishing your own style the way you love to see yourself dressed and so you're gonna buy less once you understand what pleases you more and this is extremely important and now after that darlene you speak about the personal experience do you remember this person yeah so you don't really have to read it word for word i can just uh explain that [Music] otherwise i could not have walked out of the hotel room so i just put together what i had okay but i ended up really liking it it's the only suit i had out of two we were going to pity wummo i put on my fuchsia pink suit i put a crazy tie that i just pulled out of the closet i didn't know how to do a pocket square so i did some strange fold put the pocket skirt there went out the door yeah and it was an enormous success well it's you know no no no no honestly honestly that was really people said who is this woman with a pink suit and a yellow with a and we were together my hair you can see on the photo was so long and we were just you know how did you say i whistle i would say yeah you were saying yes no try to be as nonchalant as possible which is almost impossible it was our first time we hadn't heard here and you had a pink suit yes and we were trying to be non-challenged so anyway the whole point is making it sure that's a long story short is that from that experience i started understanding how i felt about dressing that way and made adjustments yeah anyway let's continue and finish this article so it just goes progresses to show what almost 10 years later yeah it's actually eight years later and you say half past and now i know that i prefer tone on tundra in shade on shade explain to us what you mean this is one of your spaces i went from a pink suit to going to monochrome chromatic dressing which is using the same color in different shades or sticking to two colors and it's just a soothing uh look that i really enjoy and this changed the way that i dress i can get dressed much faster because i know what i like and i think that's another benefit time saving over the years because you understand what you like and you finish this part saying beautiful sentence you say making the efforts to express yourself as you are without filters overthinking or too many revisions may result in looking error ridden at first but with practice you'll find yourself running through the refiners fire with each path through the fire giving a better result as you become an intuitive dresser with a unique individual one-of-a-kind style and this is i could i could have i i can't write better than that honestly this is in a few sentences everything we try to say on everything we do within indicates is perfectly summoned up in this sentence and then you continue by something which is very important and that a lot of people should reflect on i don't say a lot of people but we know some people they put too much thought on what they do concerning yourself you say to achieve style being by affecting none let's define the words a little bit so we know you say we now arrive at a more advanced revelation about style taken from a book which was required reading before i could earn my journalism degree uh the book is elements of time by williams general the revision the guy who did the revision for the book of eb white addressing style from the the viewpoint of writing i use most of i i i happened to be many times to use this comparison between the way you write and the way you dress really yes yes because you know i'm a great admirer of gustaf luber for example because it's for me the the epitome of style this guy but he was putting a lot of thoughts in it but at the end his tie was so fluid so you see the relationship between putting thoughts and how people look at you and this is the definition of prejudice you can put a lot of thought but you should look for nonchalance and that's flaubert in style he's a fantastic wrestler he will sometimes spend two days to to to find the right word one word on the sentence but when you read it it is so fluid that it's evident that only this word was meant to be in this sentence the impression that you just gave me is wouldn't it be great if everyone could relate to the writing that they prefer and see if they can pull in some type of similarities with how they prefer to dress i bet you in most cases it is there is a relationship there yeah that's right that's a good idea let's let's let's deep dive a little bit on that and you well first of all uh why tells us something is cell to achieve style begin by affecting none so let's define affectation because uh we have to be very precise with the words so affectation you say it's from dictionary you said behavior speech or writing that is pretentious and designed to impress so i've seen so many people say dress to impress this is probably the thing with which i disagree the most if you dress to impress uh we don't speak about style we stick about we speak about something else this is a major concern exhibition yes it's uh well you can dress to be at your best you can dress to look handsome if you go on a date or pretty you can dress to be at your best but ah dressing to impress is something which is it's it's it's a kind of a phrase assumption that a lot of people are using absolutely think about we're correlating writing you know when you read something we call it purple writing yes when someone adds uh it's almost like they wrote every sentence with a thesaurus yes they found a word that they use uh commonly and they think i've got to put a fancy word there so they'll look in the thesaurus and at the end of the article or the writing piece you you're head spinning you can't even get through it because you feel like you need a dictionary or it doesn't have the rhythm in french you guys love to keep the rhythm in french people who put too many affectations mostly they're not most likely they're not french uh specifically scholars actually when uh i've been listening to so many thesis you know in france when you do a thesis for a phd this is public so you have to explain your thesis you say your thesis yes to become a doctor of whatever exactly sociology or philosophy oh yeah and there's an affectation there because they try to use as most as as much as they can complex world even if the the sentence has no meaning at the end but the number of complicated words you use uh becomes almost their obsession but this this is another structure oh very good point yeah we and this is exactly what you should if do you translate it into dressing don't do that don't over complicate things we've met people who you know we've seen for the first time i think they're really trying a lot because i'm not saying because they're meeting us but because we're in this field and i think we're looking at them so they'll put what the type in the tie bar the lapel pen the scarf the gloves the glasses and wow there's a lot of items there and so maybe if you can just try taking off an item or two and seeing uh the elegance specter come through after you do that i'll give you an example today normally i never never present myself in front of you without a pocket square but as i put on this lapel pin which is uh actually it's an animal painting fantastic by this russian artist i don't know she's in one of the the other uh yeah it was an ex excellent yeah and uh yeah it's a detail of a painting from toulouse-lautrec i think it's from le mourin la galette or something you know this uh i think toulouse-lautrec was popularized um um uh in your country with this film on moulin rouge exactly basilium and uh bas ulman baslerman i'm not sure about the name of the director fantastic film and so this thing if i would have put on i tried it to put a pocket square on top it would have been too much you know because i also have i'm sorry for the sound you see here yes it's a tie bar so a tie bar a lapel pin it would be too much because pocket square so don't go too far this is a good example i'm sorry i'm speaking about yeah i don't want to look like a fireworks show exactly or like a christmas tree right with too many things on it and uh i'm sorry this is french humor i know you don't like the the the christmas tree you say the definition the affectation of a man who measures every word for effort or the second definition is a study displays of real or pretended feeling an affectation of calm that you pretend to be nonchalant and very at ease in your clothes but in fact you are not and then you say something that i love this is the last part of your we uh reached the last part let me just throw in i don't want to go too far but i want you to understand that a lot of people have to do this fake it till you make it just to get through the day but we're saying that try not to keep faking it it's okay at first if you have to fake it until you make it but try to find a place where you don't have to fake anymore we can be natural yeah yeah it's it's funny because i just stepped back from our discussion and i said we're talking about dressing but you understand that this is not the subject it's almost a pretext that we take to speak about something else and this is why more and more people understand that the way you dress is not secondary what i discovered specifically in america where we live together i would say four months period four to five months per year i've seen so many people saying oh i don't care really the way i dress i go you know the famous advertisement by mcdonald come as you are you know and but what you discover if you really take a closer look what do they do in fact they all dress the same so they not only it's it's it they say they don't care about the weather it's not true because they all have this same shirt by columbia with venus you're talking about americans yes they all have the same haircut same haircut yes same chinos same thing so saying that they don't care where they're dressed is it's a lie it's they care about dressing they wear other dresses and they they want it inconsciously i don't know if it's conscious that is a gracious point but they follow the trend they follow the flock so they do care so they do care ah you understand why if you do care admit it and try to find your own style it can pay my friends listen to me enormous dividends in life it doesn't mean suit and tie we are speaking here about classic style but you can find your own son in any kind of dressing but this is not superficial you finish by saying something like that mr white this is the guy who wrote this book in 1918 like to sip a vermouth cassis before no it's actually not this is a different this is just an example of a fictional writing which is a really cool point so read it's not the same mr white this is an example of fictional oh okay from peace it's very uh because i like this you said the guys say it's a french taxi driver's drink he said in six words he encapsulated a thought that could take a full paragraph to describe talk about the alcohol at the beginning read the whole thing from mr white uh i don't have it from mr white i'm sorry i said mr white it says mr white he's talking about the vermouth that you put in the martini yes so it's a this really simple alcohol and the writer's trying to explain what it's like to drink this alcohol yes so he describes the drink and he says it's a it's a french taxi driver's drink that's all he needed to say yeah he didn't need to go into three paragraphs about the simple drink he just said it's a french taxi driver's drink if i tell you this is a french taxi driver's drink and i i give you the drink what are you going to think uh that i have to pay no the point is you're going to think it's a very simple drink maybe not too sophisticated okay i understand that well we have some sophisticated taxi drivers now let's let's move forward in dressing with style it's not different you can express that you like vintage with one item i understand what you want to say or six items but many times one item is enough to get the message across without wearing paragraphs i like the way you write you don't have to overdo it you know when i wear this type in you understand i like vintage feeling because this is from mulan la galette to los notre to los lo trek the old paris with the moulin rouge it says everything immediately you continue and you finish by you say it is this truth in dressing that unveils a secret to expressing style avoid by all means affectations and i think this is a lesson we can learn in any sectors of life applies to a lot of different areas oh my gosh avoid affectations it can go also the way you decorate your house it can go the way you i don't know you want the way you decorate your garden the way you receive other at your home the way you behave with others the way you celebrate your birthday of your child the way you know this african advantage you know that's as if you are displaying continuously how powerful and perfect you are that doesn't put people at ease you're always saying put people at ease put people at ease and that you know is a part of what you're saying that if you go too far with expectations you do not put people at ease putting people at ease is for me one of the key definition of elegance yes an elegant man or even a gentleman has this first quality putting other at ease in his presence and not monopolizing the discussion and not putting all the light on himself so by definition avoiding every kind of affectation that's the the holy grail in terms of style to reach and you finish to say unless you are dressing for a re-enactment of the french belly park era or for the civil war movement if it doesn't feel honest when you wear it then evolve to wearing what feels authentic to you authentic to you on the opposite spectrum fashion not style is a total embrace of affectation and that's another definition of faction you embrace affectations in trying to make a statement with affectation you can be fashionable alongside thousands of others simply by knowing trends you can make a fashion statement by wearing something the status quo deems slightly uh outlandish if fashion is your passion then the pursuit of true style may not be your forte that's for sure and then you say and it's the very last paragraph but if the proceed of true style is what you are after and i hope that if you listen to this program this is what you are looking for then hone on in cracking the mask you may be wearing in order to express a specific style unique to who you are and begin by affecting none if anyone in the fields has understood the power of avoiding affections it must be hugo jacomei no sorry it must be coco chanel who tells us before you leave the house look in the mirror and remove one accessory okay we translate less is more this is a marketing thing these days but she always say that look in the mirror and remove one this is exactly what i did today before doing this episode i removed my pocket square instead of adding something try to remove of course if you are in your bathing suit i'm just joking finally if you picked up the word on the word begin in white's addict above then you have been astute in your observation with the beginning of a new year if you agree but what better time to begin to see things than you about listening to this podcast for example what a good occasion to start things on you by steering clear of affections in all parts of life clear of pretentious attitudes or the intent to impress no longer pretending but rather expressing yourself exactly as you are something no one else can do better than you i have to put a little bit of because i'm gonna cry it's so beautifully written very kind thank you so thank you this was i must admit well you my wife we're together since almost a decade uh i just rediscovered your writing you're freaking good writer i must say thank you and the the you are very unique in the way you can exchange you can really cover some subject this is not easy you know to cover this subject without being yourself the subject of affectation this is a very very interesting so if you want to read this article it's called this word called style it's on our blog and parisian gentleman see you soon as an appointment to the next episode of satorial talks bye-bye my friend bye thank you thank you [Music] you
Views: 32,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what is style, style vs fashion, style and fashion difference, oscar wilde on style, coco chanel, yves saint laurent, style is eternal, fashion fades style is eternal, fashion changes but style endures
Id: Qp4fKCA3k2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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