13 Easy Style Hacks you'll use more than you think!

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hi everyone and welcome to another episode of sartorial talks we are so glad you're here today i'm going to do something that we haven't done before i'm going to talk about hacks for classic style and this is a whole box full of surprises for you and it kind of reminds me of when you used to do show and tell in school i'm sure you probably remember that no matter what culture you're coming from so i'm going to describe some problems that hugo and i have had traveling and at home and the way that we just came up with our own little life hacks in terms of how to overcome the problems so number one problem how do we iron a shirt when we don't have an iron sounds impossible right i'm sure you heard about hanging your shirt and somewhere in the shot around the bathroom and turning on the hot water on the shower and it's steaming itself to the point where there's no wrinkles but in reality that doesn't really happen there's still wrinkles so i'm going to suggest something for you you may not have an iron but i bet that you have a washcloth or a towel somewhere what you will do is take wear your shirt notice where the wrinkles are take your cloth immerse it in warm water and simply rub out the wrinkles on your shirt it's an amazing way to get rid of wrinkles yes your shirt will be wet 10 minutes later it will be dry and the wrinkles will be gone you'll have probably 90 percent results compared to when you have iron actually ironed your shirt give it a try comment and let us know what you think next problem and this is the most frustrating thing that can happen with your shirts hugo has complained so many times that he lost a button on his shirt what do you do okay people usually look for um safety pins and it's almost possible to pin a safety pin underneath where the missing button is you can people are going to see that so what can you do well what i've been doing and i purposely wore an outfit that i've had to do hacks on and this shirt happens to have a missing button ideally i would get a tag that looks like a button by someplace like victi cufflinks which is someone i follow on instagram and i'm going to ask him to make me a lot of studs that actually look like buttons but in this case i have a stud that happens to be a lapel pen that i've just used in place of a button it works great it holds the shirt together it looks a little stylish original we can say and it's a way to solve the missing button problem i'm going to call my friend at vectique cufflinks and ask him to make me studs that look like real buttons and keep at least 10 of them for when we travel or here at home because that is the most delightful thing to be able to replace a button like that the next thing that we'll consider a life hack is when what do you do and we're staying with shirts what do you do when you have a ridiculous stain on your shirt say you've eaten pasta or you spilled coffee you know how it is every time you get that new white shirt it seems like you get a stain so hopefully you can just wash it out in fact you're going to have a secret that if you put water on the stain within the first three minutes usually the stain will come out but say the stains there what we suggest you do instead of throwing away your shirt is just get a waistcoat and put on the waistcoat hopefully it'll be covering the area where the stain exists for example and i'm going to reach into my box my show and tell box i've chosen this waistcoat which is harris tweed this is made from sartorius to go under this outfit should i have a stain on my shirt and it doesn't take up a lot of space in your suitcase to add a waistcoat that goes um with your suit or your outfit and so this is something that's also nice if you want to go to something that's more casual you want to get rid of your jacket say it's hot outside you just wear the waistcoat with the trousers so a waistcoat's a very nice thing to take along with you are to have available anytime you want to do something that makes life easier okay next problem oh i like this one and i just discovered this recently what do you do if you're dressed well for some kind of business purpose and then you need to go and become a little more casual so you don't look so business or corporate you look more relaxed what can you do you can plan ahead and you know when you commission a suit or when you get an mtm um a plan and you have to choose the lining of your jacket what i suggest is that you go really casual with your lining and let me show you what i've done with this repenze suit where pinsie's out of rome i chose a very casual lining and the reason that you want to do this is because most people don't even see your lining anyway right but if you want to look casual you can fold up your sleeves on your jacket and even fold up the sleeve on your shirt you know get it to where you feel comfortable with how it looks and this casual lining will automatically downgrade your outfit of course you have to get rid of the tie open up the shirt a little bit maybe mess up the hair a little go to your casual event and you're gonna feel good i even take my socks off usually just to give it a little more casual vibe so notice when you commission a suit whether it's bespoke or mtm or even if you're getting it off the rack look at the lining try to get a casual lining next problem is and i just got this today on instagram i had already written up the hacks and someone said what about when the hem comes loose on my trousers okay you're probably not if you're out and your hem is coming loose in your trousers you're probably not going to take the time to take a needle and thread reham it or maybe you don't even know how to do that but i bet every one of you knows how to use what we call duct tape and the cool thing how many times have i done this in my life i don't know 20 the cool thing about duct tape is it sticks to almost anything so what you do is you make sure your trousers are where they should be when they're folded up and properly hemmed take the duct tape and just apply it inside the trousers i actually have an example i didn't have duct tape when my hem fell out of these trousers but i did find some tape from the hotel that looked like this and i ended up taping my trousers like this where the helm is supposed to be and it worked beautifully no one suspected that i had lost my hammer at all so remember the duct tape trick next we're going to talk about and i really love that we're talking about pilling do you know what pilling is i'll explain it because i have this issue on this suit this is just because the fabrics have nice laura piano fabric it's a mix of different materials but the problem is i get a little bit of pilling just a little bit of the little balls that form on the fabrics beautiful fabric but especially here where the wear is and especially on the back if i'm leaning up against a chair i'll get a lot of the little balls forming so i just take a razor and i literally shave the peeling off and it works beautifully it's incredible um the actually had my razor upside down which wasn't working at all so you just push the razor up against the pilling and voila it's gone the fabric's smooth one of my favorite hacks of all time i'm going to go ahead and match my sleeves here so i'll look a little more casual next issue how many times have your shoelaces come undone when you're walking down the street and everybody has to stop and wait for you to tie your shoes happens to me quite a bit until i started tying my shoes a little bit differently i mentioned this in one former talk very briefly but i thought i would demonstrate it for you today what i call is a regular shoe tie with a double loop and let me show you what i'm talking about if you tie your shoes like this i guarantee you it's going to be rare for your shoes to come untied so let's do a regular shoe tie make our loop instead of going around once let's go around twice and tie the shoe as normal pull it tight and this will keep your shoelace in place all day long didn't take any longer than you would normally tie a shoe not a significant time difference sometimes you'll wonder why the shoelaces are so long on shoes and i believe that in the better shoes they'll put longer laces so you can do this type of shoe tie let me go to the next problem that perhaps you have or haven't had in the past that is shoes that look like they need maintenance belts that look like they need maintenance maybe a worn out briefcase how many times have you seen people carry briefcase that really looks like it needs some attention maybe a wristwatch band that looks worn out we have and this look this bottle looks really well used you know why because it is really well used we use the the sapphire cream universal okay hugo can say it with the french flair icon but okay this cream is the product probably the only product i've ever recommended you put some sapphire cream on a cloth and you rub it on your shoes rub it in let it sit rub it again for a little bit of a sheen on your briefcase on your wristwatch pan wherever you are using leather even your coat your leather coats this is magic stuff and this is a hack you have to try i sound like a product announcement but i can't help it this this is amazing everybody has to have this product if you wear leather at all if you're vegan and you use um some type of simulated leather i would love to know if this works on that too so you can let us know in the comments okay next area that we're going to look at is when your shoes are too small now i can't reach into my box and tell you what to do if your shoes are just a little bit too small and it's such an annoyance that you just leave those gorgeous shoes in the closet because they just hurt whenever you wear them so what we've done in the past is we'll find the cobbler wherever we are if we're staying for an extended trip and we'll have him stretch the shoes it takes 48 hours even if you're at home and you know a cobbler you can take your shoes to call them and say please stretch these shoes out with the device and they actually have an extender device that they place inside the shoe and it just puts pressure on each side of the shoe and literally stretches the leather ideally you would want to wait 72 hours to really stretch that shoe out and i couldn't believe it when i got my shoes back after it had been struck they had been stretched for 48 hours suddenly there was no problem wearing the shoes that little size differential disappeared and it was no problem at all the last thing that i want to cover is what we've all experienced and that is blisters on the feet now if you have blisters on your feet i'm going to reach into my box and show you one other product that you have to try this is blister gel guard i think you can get it this is band-aid i think you can get different brands it's almost like invisible skin you know what before i even go out if i know i'm going to be walking for more than an hour or two i'll use one of these at least on the back of my heel just to protect my skin so i don't get a blister and i don't annoy everyone in the group it looks simply like that and it's sort of like invisible skin you put put over your foot it can change your life you know if your feet hurt everyone's miserable including yourself and the people around you so those were my suggestions but i did make a small announcement that i was going to do uh some type of hacking episode on satorial talks i had a few questions so one question regarded tiling what if you tie your tie and you realize that one the blade underneath is way longer than the top blade what do you do or maybe the there's a problem with both blades being too long some people just put their tie in their trousers and go from there it's a style you either like it or you don't but it's one solution another question i received which is was a bit of a surprise for me was about what if you have really dirty fingernails so you're gardening so you're working on your car you need to go out somewhere and you're too embarrassed to go out i think a lot of men have this problem i know i do gardening from time to time and it's a problem that that i experience so let me reach into my box and tell you what you can do take some white toothpaste and an old toothbrush wash your fingernails with the toothpaste and the toothbrush then use a pocket knife or any type of tool of course clean under your nails and i'm going to show you something very strange but if you're a guy who has this problem a lot it is a hack that should work for you you have to go to the ladies section and buy some white fingernail polish you're not going to paint your nails don't worry you're going to pour the white fingernail polish onto a sponge it's only going to take like five seconds and then you're going to claw the sponge underneath you'll have white fingernail polish no one will know you're wearing fingernail polish don't worry pour some more on the sponge claw the sponge again dry your hands and guess what your fingernails are going to be just fine and so this is one thing that i think is going to work for you let me know if you try and it works or not next i want you to know about huge trousers and what to do about your trousers being too large because this is the third question that i received so if your trousers are too large because you've been getting fit you've been working out you know and you're just feeling like you have to retire the trousers that are too long do not retire your trousers simply get some braces or suspenders and it looks super cool to have trousers that are a little bit too large and just put the tr the braces or suspenders under your jacket and wear your trousers no one's going to know that you have lost weight and the trousers are going to have that like loose old hollywood feel so these are all the style hacks that i could come up with and the solutions that hugo and i have really experienced and the things that i could do to the best of my ability to answer the questions from you the listeners let me know what you think add some more hacks if you know of more that may help other people and until next time cheers
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Keywords: style hacks, style lifehacks, sartorial hacks, sartorial lifehacks, how to clean your fingernails, how to tie your shoes, how to fix a loose hem, pants too large, shoes too small, how to fix, suit pilling, fabric pilling, suit peeling, fabric peeling
Id: voaInQ2QiyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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