What is "High Value" Anyway?

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so it's pretty well-established that value is important in game but the question I want asked in this video is what is value anyway so there are a ton of different theories floating around there about what is value right there's this school of thought that is like maybe the classic mainstream narrative it's all like looks money status that's one version then there's the version that it's all like social value right do you have social alliances do you have friends you know people who have your back sort of like power or social power being value and then there's this idea that came like uniquely from pick up which is this idea that it's about giving a girl experience like if you're like can pump social state and and control social energy and that kind of stuff that's that's a form of value and there's some validity to all three of them more to some less to others but let's talk about what would make sense what would make sense as value well what would make sense is that value is what will help a girl to survive and get her genes into the next generation the generation after that's what almost all of evolution is based on right so in that sense that's what what would make sense is value and more technically what would make sense is what would have been the case three thousand four thousand years ago before we had a lot of technology so the things that would have worked in the tribal society to get your genes in the next generation or value let's use that definition and let's look at these different things looks attractiveness is that a value yes because it's an indicator of health right if you have a symmetrical face if you your body and physique look good it means you've been healthy and actually when there was a lot of mortality and people died young that was very very important so looks do matter in that sense what about resources money that kind of stuff well the more resources money assets that you can control in the evolution environment in that tribal environments the more likely we are to survive the more we have to trade with others that's obviously going to be very very useful as well and then things like social alliances if you have people having your back people owing you favors people that are willing to work for you well that can obviously help you survive in that environment social aspect of like you know having friends having a lot that's very useful let's start with this last one though this this pickup centric one which is that like it's about giving a girl good experience pumping State pumping emotions that doesn't seem to relate directly to any kind of survivability or reproducibility so how is that actually a valuable valuable how would that actually work in game well it's kind of an oblique thing it represents social value obliquely so if you're good at interacting with people making them laugh making them have a positive experience that indicates social experience it indicates that you've been in social situations where you've taken risks in this work before so it implies social value or this idea of having other girls around you having girls like make you look good it's implying social value so it's not a direct survivability thing but it is a cue an indicator actually technically a way of tricking people as pickup would use it right a way of tricking or indicating social value whether or not you actually possess it so why do we have this phenomenon that guys who have wealth or status don't get girls why is it not you know a one-to-one correlation like that well there's two factors one is that it doesn't matter what you have it matters what you've conveyed to the girl and two is that there are a number of different factors and they kind of play off of each other so just having one factorize and what the girls looking for she's looking for the whole package why is it a lot of like guys that have money or have looks or whatever don't get girls it's because they don't put themselves in that situation right if you are a high status guy and you sit at home by yourself doing nothing well then how on earth are the girls supposed to know you're high status how are they supposed to meet you at cetera if we're not putting yourself out there and interacting that really isn't going to do too much for you all right so number one is that there has to be the proper action but number two is that you are these different factors that are playing off of each other so let's say that you're a rich guy and you have a Ferrari and your opener is hey what's up I have a Ferrari I'm very rich well you have conveyed that you know you have some level of wealth assuming the girl even believes you right yes if she even believes you you've conveyed that you have some kind of wealth but you've also conveyed that you're try hard and you're trying to impress her with it which indicates you don't think you're enough for other reasons it indicates that you have a scarcity of women and so you've conveyed that you're good in this one category of wealth but you've conveyed that you're bad in sort of the social categories you've conveyed that you're bad in terms of like how you're like acting with people you've conveyed that you're needy you've conveyed all these other things that are overtly bad and in general people are going to believe the worst about you more than they believe the best people will believe it's called honest signals right so if you are saying something positive about yourself you have a strong incentive to lie if you're something negative about you is being conveyed that's usually accurate and honest because why would you intentionally say or do something negative right so if you're conveying a few positive qualities a few negative qualities people are going to believe the negative qualities they may not quite believe the positive qualities okay so it matters not just that you have high-value traits it matters that you conveying them in a high-value way and the overall package matters someone's not looking for just the guy who's good looking and like lame on every other level not just the guy who's wealthy and lame on every other level also not just the guy who's like slept with a lot of girls but is lame on every other level right you want to be that total package and so a lot of people they think well why is it you know it's a disproof you know money doesn't matter because there are some rich people don't get girls no no money helps a lot but it's not the whole package looks don't matter because there's some good-looking guys and don't get girls no no looks help a lot but they're not the whole package game doesn't matter because you know if you have game but you don't have those other qualities you have trouble keeping girls around well no no that's just part of the story and it's certainly helping it's just not fit all be all and end all right so there's all these different factors but the question you'll probably be asking now if you're really thinking is okay Todd I understand that there's certain things that are valuable and I understand that not only do I have to have them I have to convey them but the question is how do I convey them what do I actually say to a girl moments a moment especially near when I first met her how do I convey that value to a girl and that's what we're gonna talk about now so now I want to address two paradoxes one is the paradox of the guy who has the things that should be materially of value yet doesn't get results the other one is the question of well let's say I'm not that rich or that good-looking how can I still get results does that mean I should just give up or is there a way and the real answer to both of these is it's not just how much value you have it's how much value can convey and the conveying is very key hence the advent of game right the idea of conveying the value you have and in some cases even conveying value you may not have or a value aspire to have etc but here's the idea okay just having a we're in something the girl can't experience that off of you but when you let the girl into your life when you let the girl share your experiences with you share your values with you share your information with you now she's having an experience now she's having a growth experience think of it this way if you're a typical viewer of this channel you've been alive for somewhere between 15 and 60 years and you probably have had a lot of life experiences at that time that you've learned from grown from there interesting stories all those kind of things if you go up and talk to her and say where are you from what do you do how old are you you're not sharing any of your personality with her you're not giving her any glimpse of any of that value that you have accumulated over the years of your life however if you tell her the stories that are meaningful to you you are giving her a life experience that she will never and would never have without you it is a unique one-of-a-kind experience that is going to enhance her life because in the same way that your most meaningful experiences have made your life better have taught you lessons it helped you navigate the world better they would do the exact same for her if you could share them with her so therefore the idea here is your value comes from your values your experiences your perspective when you are conveying that when you were giving a girl a glimpse of who you are who you've become what you've grown into in life when you're doing that you are sharing an offering value with her when you are asking her questions being very like boring and mundane and not opening up and not sharing you then you're not doing that so in a very real sense your value comes from your values and that's why and sometimes in game we say your whole job is to give a girl a glimpse of who you are now hopefully who you are is a high value person and that will help a lot but whether you're if your high value don't give her a glimpse into who you are your low value don't give a glimpse into who you are either way there's no way for her to go ahead and get attracted to you no way for it to actually go somewhere so you need to share yourself ideally share the best parts of yourself and so truly your value comes from your values and that's why things like just keep talking just like self-amused as much as I'm against like the self-amusement paradigm as a global idea of game there is value in it in the sense that when you're talking about the things that you find fascinating you find interesting you find intriguing one you're going to be talking more charismatic aliy - you're gonna be talking about things that are of value you're going to be conveying truly who you are okay so when you ask what is value you are you absolutely are and every single person's value is different right there are some people that have had you know things that like stories in the life experiences that are more like inherently survivability value like you know celebrity rich guy stuff like that yeah they have a little bit of advantage but regardless of what life experience you've had you do have valuable things to share also by the way the idea that you believe they're willing to they're worth sharing is very valuable the idea that you're willing to be a teacher and share and help the girl grow is a frame and a perspective that's a very valuable seeming one because people who are leaders did well in the evolutionary environment as well okay so what is value value is when you are conveying your best self when you are being you being your best conveying it and sharing that with the girl when you're denying the girl that experience you're denying her that value offer the final point I want to make you about value is that value is not absolute it's relative so I've already asked you what's more valuable at Diamonds or a glass of water you probably say the diamonds but if you're coming out of Sahara Desert you might just say the glass of water because it could save your life same is true for girls what's valuable to them will change based on the time in their life the different like things they've been taught all kinds of things like that this is something I call blueprint and this is why one guy made you really well with a certain type of girl really badly with another type of girl and that is why you know girls will have a boyfriend you look at him be like what what the why the but for their particular sort of idea of value that guy is valuable for them and that's completely fine as it is so as much as there is this general idea of what is a valuable male what is you know survival and replication value and all that kind of stuff and that is going to be pretty absolute like it's going to be very rare that like a girl will go for like a sickly seeming guy over a healthy statement guy or girl will go for a guy who's like struggling him barely make it versus a guy who can take care of himself and handle himself in life it'll be very rare to see that but that said there may be some girls that really like an ambitious capitalistic guy because of what they've been taught and where they're at in their life there may be other girls that would actually be turned off by that because they want to guide it to have other certain emotions or other certain ideas or or values because they think that will provide a better life experience for them they've just been taught morally that that is right similarly like with religion right certain girls want to have a particular religion certain guys one certain girls want to go to another particular religion and there's no absolute like this is the writer this is the wrong it's just what the girls growing up growing up with so don't think that like by going into me I'm a high value guy every girl should be attracted to me it doesn't work like that you have to actually pay attention to the girl you have to actually understand what she's looking for who she is what her life experience is and that's what's going to be a value to her so just to summarize what is about you it's anything that would have aided survival and reproduction in the evolution environment however just having it is not enough you have to also convey it and value how is it conveyed is conveyed through you giving the girl the experience of you ideally the experience of your best self the experience of the things that you can teach her help her grow and give her a better experience with as well and finally value is not absolute it's relative what's value to one girl may not be value to another girl shoot actually have to pay attention to the girl so that's it they answer the question what is valued so now when they say in game you need value you now know exactly what [Music]
Channel: Todd V Dating
Views: 129,988
Rating: 4.9244404 out of 5
Keywords: value, looks, status, money, game, what is, attraction, psychology, women, dating, sex, relationships, attract, high value, sexual, mating
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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