The 5 MAJOR Traits That Make You ATTRACTIVE

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hello sup it's Todd today I want to talk about something that is at the very core of your success with we can talk about tactics all day long but all the tactics in the world won't help you if you're not fundamentally an attractive person even if you're able to fake it with tactics for a while you will eventually be found out so how can you be more attractive here are the top 5 behavioral traits you can take on to be a more attractive man I'm actually like intrigued by you I'm Todd you are nice to meet you you have a very sort of elegant and yet I do what the I want kind of okay yes snakes are not menacing at all you know okay so hypothetically and this is not an offer to say I just met you all right we're taking this slow for all I know you know I'd wake up missing a kidney if I knew okay but hypothetically if we were to say okay we're gonna go to say JFK and we're gonna say we'll go up to like Delta that's my favorite one you can't disagree with me if you'd like but walk up there oh say want the next flight to anywhere that has two states next to each other that's it and then no bags will buy she wouldn't get there would you be like that sounds crazy fun or if you'd be like oh my god no all right here's money like shade of an answer Shane I would never do that if you called me a I am sad I say we're leaving at 9:30 but if you said you know whatever time in advance like we're gonna do this and like at the last second pick where we go that's fine like basically I wouldn't I won't drop my life you know I have to drop a hat it might be totally down with the unknown okay one of these days you wouldn't be the worst company for you know drinking some banter Oh make sure they call your assistant well in advance make sure it doesn't interfere with your skin act a like she's gonna bake now this is getting up at 4:45 tomorrow like if you do not catch her whatever like I just respect the fact you allow your assistant to refer to you as and like you know communications with others that's the show's character how do I reach her you your people or you would be fine but I'll see the first male trait I'm gonna mention may sound obvious to you at first but it's probably not what you think the name of this trait is attractiveness but I do not mean facial symmetry and looking like a model what I mean is that you are making the most of your looks and that you do have a look that conveys something about you so it's kind of funny as guys we look at girls and we think Oh Jeanette eclis attractive oh I like her right and that's a biological thing because you want a good vessel to you know have kids with all right it's a survival and reproduction kind of a thing for guys though physical attractiveness beyond just indicating general health doesn't really mean much so what is the attractiveness I'm talking about well I'm talking about being in good shape I'm talking about having a good haircut good style and being a look which indicates that you are somebody that you're successful that you're ambitious that you have status because those are the type of things that a girl's really looking for so she's looking for you to be attractive but she's mainly looking for you to be attractive as a sign of who you actually are as a man rather than as you just looking physically like a model okay so a lot of guys you know being attractive it means like getting in the gym and like growing a beard or it means like getting a good haircut and getting clothes that fits all right that's a bigger thing for attractiveness than just looking physically attractive in fact there are a lot of guys that look physically very good if they dress and gotta look together they maybe even could be a professional model or something like that but they look lame to girls because they look dorky have a bad haircut those kind of things so it's not about being physically good-looking in a genetic way it's about making the most of your appearance and having a look in fact if you go to a lot of times like the hottest clubs places like that if you look at the guys you'll see a lot of the guys are not even completely physically attractive but they will match up with the appearance they'll match up with the the social stereotype and the way of dressing in the way of looking and carrying themselves that you're looking for for that particular club also another thing is only some talk about carrying yourself posture is a huge part of how you look and how you move is a huge part of how you look so being physically fit in athletic having good posture assists lauching over and hunching all those things are gonna help okay so it's not just like you have to like be born with it or not you can make a ton of difference with your physical appearance I mean case in point me right when I was 18 years old I was actually a college athlete soon-to-be semi professional athlete but I was not physically that attracted women I didn't get a lot of compliments on my looks now I'm a middle-aged guy that's kind of like out of shape a little bit overweight whatever but I get lots of compliments why because better hair style better clothes I grew a beard which my face massively needs to have a baby face when I don't grow it things like that so attractiveness does not mean physical attractiveness it means your look not your looks the next highly attractive male trait is assertiveness the ability to ask for what you want the ability to go after what you want the ability to stand up for yourself now why would this be attractive makes sense in a small sort of you know small tribal society if you did stand up for yourself and it went well for you that means you have status it means that you are somebody within the tribe if when you ask for something you always got smacked down and told no you probably stopped asking for things very very quickly so it is an indicator of status also for the girl it is a convenience it's nice to be around a guy who's gonna go after once again nice to be around a guy who's gonna stand up and ask for things because that means as a girl you don't have to it fundamentally makes your life better make sure life easier and actually even in the modern day most men aside from even attractiveness with girls are fundamentally way way way too under sort of help most people are unassertive and who could probably do way better by being more assertive so this is just a good trait to adopt in general go after what you want take a risk we no longer live in a small tribal society we're asking for something and hearing no would affect your social status for the next ten years right now we live in a society of strangers most of the times we're asking for something from somebody it is a stranger and you're probably likely to just be giving it out of convenience all right so ask for what you want stand up for yourself make a firm decision all right when a girl asks you a question what kind of music do you like the actual answer doesn't matter but you hemming and hawing and trying to get the right answer looks really bad you're just having an answer looks much better be assertive trust yourself go after what you want stand up for yourself it's massively massively attractive massively useful especially in the modern day and age I think like biologically we are programmed to be less assertive than is ideal in the modern era so even aside from attractiveness with women please step up be more assertive it will probably help you in life as well the next very highly attractive male trait is assuredness and this may at first get confused with assertiveness the previous trait because they both do kind of correlate to confidence if you're confident you're likely to ask what you want also if you're confident you're likely to act in an insured man you're likely to assume that you're right likely to assume that you're attractive likely to assume the girl likes you those kinds of things but they are distinct for example you could have someone who's assured but not assertive maybe they are afraid to go walk up and talk to someone but if someone talks to them they can act confidently you can also someone who's assertive but not assured you can have the guy who walks up and starts saying stuff deprecating things and starts downplaying himself so they are not the same thing they are two distinct traits okay so what is a shirt assuredness is your belief that you are worth while your belief that you're a value your belief that you are right when you make decisions your belief that she is going to like you and if you don't believe it's how the hell is anybody else going to right I mean when you go in and start talking to someone you have a frame an idea of what is true about the world and you're trying to put that frame across to the other person and get them to buy into it if your frame itself is not helping you if your frame itself is not something that if true would lead to sex if it's not making you an attractive person well then you're just setting yourself up to fail so it's much better in general to take the assumption that you are right and you're attractive and people like you and the other side of the conversation can try and disprove it if they like but you may as well be at least on your own team in this case imagine going in and taking the opposite approach it's just self-sabotage it's just not going to work also if you look at why this is an attractive trait aside from just the conversational dynamics that creates look at it in terms of evolution if you were assured confident cocky in a tribal setting and didn't back it up you would be smacked down very quickly so the ability to act that way is an honest signal it's social proof that you've had a good life that you've had success in your life they've been popular and well-received throughout your life and therefore it is an attractive trait for that reason as well okay well the first three traits have been clearly high-value traits being attractive definitely high-value being assertive clearly high-value being assured definitely an indication of high value the next trait is actually arguably an indication of lower value and yet it can be attractive more specifically it can be a multiplier if you already have those other Plitt traits in place I wouldn't recommend it as a trait all into itself though because it's actually a mistake a lot of guys make to overuse this trait at the expense of others okay and this trait is attentiveness right being aware of what's going on with the girl paying attention remembering things participating very actively in the conversation in the relationship etc so a lot of guys lacking in value try and make up for it with this right they remember every little detail the conversation and to a girl who doesn't remember any of it cuz the girl wasn't high-value it just looks like creepy and needy right or it's like the you know the the stalker guy who it doesn't have the courage to approach the girl but knows every little detail of her life because he's been eavesdropping all our conversations that's just weird and creepy right or the friend who's like never ever expressed any manda woman Ness because he's afraid to but knows every little detail and like obsesses over the girl that's overly attentive without value that's all bad but if you are a high-value person if you are triggering and sparking attraction in a girl being attentive as well will massively magnify it and here's why girls have basically two reproductive strategies right one is sleep with the highest value guy no matter what the other is sleep with a guy who will stick around and help raise kids and the perfect mix is the high value guy that for some reason finds them special and cares about them and will stay around even though the girl doesn't deserve him and that's what you're doing if you are a high value guy and you're also attentive if you're also paying attention if you're also aware if you're also just doing a little to make her experience better also being attentive is going to help you in the sense of it is being present in the conversation and you know not in your head and all over the place not focused on what happened five minutes ago we're not focused on the agenda you have down the road and so it is gonna make you more charismatic more interesting all those kind of things as well but being attentive showing that whatever high-value have there is an avenue to the girl getting it showing that potentially there is something special between you and her will help you if and only if you are already a high-value guy if you're a low-value guy being attentive it will probably come off as creepy but that said it is a massive massive useful trait and it's something that a lot of guys aren't missing a lot of guys know how to be cocky but they don't know how to be real they don't know how to be genuine they don't know how to actually connect with a girl so if you have that as well it's going to put you on a whole nother sort of tier in terms of the girls getting attracted to you and really falling in love with you the fifth and final attractive male trait we're going to talk about is also one that can definitely be overdone and that works better in conjunction with other traits it is aliveness the willingness to take risk the willingness to do something crazy and the reason this can be taken too far I mean think about this if you hear class clown is that a positive or negative label not really entirely positive yeah it does stop some positives to it but it's not on the whole what you want but think about this say you're at a party and you know there's some people that want to go skinny-dipping and some people are like afraid to take their shirt off or afraid of getting you know in trouble with the police or some like that all right which guys are getting laid the ones that are taking their shirt off and skinny-dipping are the ones that are getting laid so first and foremost taking on this traits going to put you in a lot of good situations it's also the risk-taking mentality the risk-taking philosophy that attitude if that's present in your interactions it's going to lead to the girls taking a lot more risk with you which will lead to a lot more positive risks in your favor especially if you're doing pickup having one night stands those kind of things but just in general it is an attractive trait risk-taking is attractive because why it shows that when you've taken risks in the past it hasn't been punished you haven't been you know you're not dead from taking risks in a very real sense things like riding a motorcycle even worse riding motorcycle without a helmet is like dangerous and we're stupid but girls do get attracted to guys who do it because they've done this stupid thing and lived now I'm not encouraging you to go do risk death-defying risk-taking things and getting dead but I am saying there is a correlation all right so if you can't in small ways indicate you're willing to take risks that is going to proceed be perceived as a very positive thing so take a risk be a leader take a risk say something controversial all these things are going to massively help you and again if you're in that mentality of partying that's only gonna help you as well now again don't be crazy with it and don't be just the guy who becomes the dancing monkey the clown the entertainer you need to through these through these alive behaviors you want to be also conveying attractiveness assertiveness assuredness those core high value behaviors but again aliveness is going to really put you on the radar really get you noticed and really put you in a lot of great situations and again it is positive social proof because the fact you've taken risks and not died is very helpful so there's the complete list attractiveness assertiveness assuredness attentiveness and aliveness if you have this cocktail of five behaviors you are going to be absolutely irresistible to girls and even any one of them will massively help you with the one little asterisk that being too attentive without the others can be perceived as a little needy and low value but you know what even if you were a low value guy a low value attentive guy has a better chance than a low low value unattentive guy alright so adopt these traits see where you can weave them into your game weave them in your personality and this going to help you be attractive to girls not just on cold approach not just on social circle not just on line but in every single interaction you're ever gonna have with a female so use these adoptees and go reap the rewards [Music] [Music]
Channel: Todd V Dating
Views: 368,875
Rating: 4.8973145 out of 5
Keywords: attractive, traits, attraction, high value, man, masculine, alpha, attractiveness, assertiveness, assuredness, attentiveness, aliveness, five, qualities, women, dating, girls, sex
Id: n45zboegRqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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