"Evangelism" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Powerful)

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praise the Lord god bless you thank you this morning today for joining us here at First Baptist Church of Granard and I'm excited to have all of you join us wherever you are in the world I always give God praise for that thank you for tuning in I pray that got ministers to you I'm going to be ministering I'm actually gonna be teaching like a Bible study today looking at various passages to challenge us in our responsibilities and the call of God upon his heart to us that we have a burden and a responsibility to share the truth of his word with other people to share the love of Jesus Christ with the world I believe it's going to be a challenge to you and help you know what it is God has called you to do oh god we bless your name we worship your name we glorify your name we thank you thank you for your loving kindness and your tender mercies thank you for keeping us all week long and bringing us back here today father we pray for one another and in a sea for one another and pray for our brother sister called a name out before you lay their name at your altar and ask you to work a miracle in their life in the name of Jesus father we acknowledge and confess our sins and confess our transgressions we pray in the name of the Lord that you would have mercy upon us and I pray that you would work miracles God in the name of Jesus and solve problems and bring deliverance in the name of the Lord I'm praying for somebody to be saved today somebody to be delivered somebody to be restored somebody to be encouraged we're praying that when it's all said and done in the name of Jesus we get all of the glory in the honor that he would be exalted and he would be made real into somebody's life father we pray a hedge around this place that you bind every demonic and distract the spirit we pray for our brothers and sisters who join us through the internet around the world we pray for them today that your power would transcend location and accomplish in their lives what you desire now God annoyed this word and this message change our hearts and our minds influence us God to be in the sin of your will we pray this in the name of the Lord Jesus and give you thanks and praise in Jesus name Amen and [Applause] [Music] all right you can be seated I'm coming down on the floor [Applause] so I'd get in your face today is a Bible study day it's a topical message a lot of verses take good notes because I want to talk to you about something that the church has become laksa days achill about evangelism yeah I knew y'all wouldn't be excited about it if I had said prosperity oh if I had say a favor but you ought to get excited about evangelist I know you're not it's okay don't it's alright stay keep it quiet it's all right it's a burden on my heart I can't shake it I keep trying to go on to the next thing I've been teaching about it in Bible study but since y'all don't come to Bible study I'm bringing it to you look at your neighbors say you weren't at Bible study so I bought it the pastor bringing it to you so the people who've been to Bible study already heard me talk about this already see y'all heard the five people who say that they said scordia but the majority of our church has not and the reality is the heart of God is burdened that the church has lost its passion to win the loss to Jesus and lost people unsaved people unchurched people and going to hell and y'all are partying with them and talking with them and watching movies with them and never say anything about the Lord Jesus to them I was so proud of this young lady right here who when her schoolmates didn't show up at the flagpole she went and got him that's what I'm talking about right there to school your child to school you go to flowers you know they beat Suitland this weekend in the football game yeah they beat sue so I'm proud of you and I'm so grateful that you took a leadership role as a young lady and we repeated stand up look at all these heathens who won't do what you do look around thank you very much want you to see I want you to pray for them pray for them because this is our flagpole right here y'all don't like this kind of preacher so yesterday I did something I hate to do but I pushed past my resistance and did it something I didn't want to do but I did it I got invited to do it and I did it I didn't want to but I did it I went and did a Bible study for the Dallas Cowboys [Applause] oh it was tough it was tough didn't want to do it my flesh said don't do it but I had a charge to keeping a god to floor you know I wanted to my flesh said tell him to go lose tomorrow [Applause] that's my flesh said but I didn't I didn't let my flesh talk I stuck to the told him the truth and know what I told them how to give their prayers answered I didn't want to teach that lesson at him but that's what God told me to do I had to obey God you got obey God sometimes you got to do something you don't feel like doing I had to do it I didn't want to everybody was in their zekiel what's-his-name's equals in there and doc was in there now 42 of them up in there 42 or 53 they were in their cell or why I got the head it's a sign [Applause] why are they so many Dallas Cowboy fans here [Applause] disgusting [Applause] in the same way I had to push past my flesh to give truth to a team I despise hold on back up it's not really the team I despise it's the owner y'all forgive me I'm sorry let me I'm getting all track here but I was a Dallas Cowboy fan growing up bloody Cowboys then the new owner fired the legendary Tom Tom Lanza and the way he did it I just cannot cheer for the team while he's still on the team I can't do it yeah it's okay pray for me pray for me y'all know I had to take the number one Dallas fans there he is ain't supposed to do this here did taking pictures with dad [Applause] [Music] you're not supposed to ask them for pictures where you going intern I got seven points for you real quick and I since I'm on a limited time frame we got twenty minutes I'm gonna put two minutes on each one and I need you to get it okay I need you to get it and I'm gonna give it a Virts put the verse up there and you'll see it but take good notes here's number one number one here's point one we need to pray for people to be passionate about sharing the gospel we need to pray pray for laborers that's my first point pray for people to be passionate about the gospel we got people that are passionate about a lot of things you passionate about your multi-level but would they call it when you sell stuff and get people under under you to sell stuff and market what's it called multi-level marketing yeah you telling everybody about your marketing what what is it again network marketing you must be one of them you got a bunch of friends and always talking to you about it a major turnaround trying to get you to buy something then trying to recruit you in it to also sale and no you got to be and they trying to get you on Tuesday night will you in Bible study come to the accession right wouldn't question where that aggressive was sharing the gospel with people what I'm saying y'all know I'm time to pass up the First Baptist Church of Denmark so people always calling me trying to get me in something always try and get me to bring something to the people and I just got to the point where they say pass I need to meet with you I ask people now let me tell you something people asked me for a meeting I asked them what do you want to meet about you cannot have a meeting with me and don't tell me what you want to meet about because I'm tired of going into meetings and you come bringing out some multi-level marketing things than me I ain't going it's a waste of my time but what if Christians with that aggressive was praying when the last time you prayed for somebody that you know needed to be saved I asked you all a question y'all ain't answered wonder last time you brought somebody to church y'all not answering me y'all got people who are going to hell don't know Jesus just jacked up messed up lives we need to pray for God to raise up laborers go to the scripture go to mark go I'm sorry go to Matthew chapter 9 verse 37 and 38 let's see that real quick Matthew chapter 9 verse 37 and 38 then he said to his disciples is Jesus talking the harvest truly is plenteous harvest is plentiful they plenty unsaved people plenty eighty eighty three percent of Americans don't go to nobodies Church and have no walk of God eighty-three percent seventeen percent of Americans are engaged in the work of the church seventeen percent we're going in the wrong direction he says the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few the harvest is plentiful the laborers are few less verse 37 verse 38 says verse 30 says therefore pray the lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his vineyard into his harvest we need to pray that God raises up and puts passion in people's lives to want to share the gospel with people who are lost y'all got that here's number two and then we roll on number two Christ has called you somebody say you to be a Fisher of men it's called you you somebody say you you you now my father used to be a fisherman father might think he owned a boat look at Matthew 4:19 go to that real quick my father owned a boat here's what Jesus said to the disciples he said to them follow me and I will make you fishers of men I'm gonna make you a Fisher of men and here's what I learned about fishing I hated fishing I would go with my father that's why I mean what only went with him a few times because I didn't like fishing I liked hanging out with him but I didn't like fishing I didn't like putting the worm on the hook where I'm still squirming still alive you're cold but that's what they would you have to do and I hated it and then they they they studied where the fish would be what level the fish would likely be at how deep in the water they would be what type of water they would be it what kind of fish would be in this kind of area what kind of fish would be in this kind of water you know this is what they spent all the time studying the researching and that's what fishermen do God is saying we need to be fishers of men we need to study and find out where the sin is gonna be what's the best way to reach these centers you know what I'm trying to get y'all to do I'm trying to get you to get out of church and I'm trying to get you to go into community and go into the places where unsaved people are and share the gospel with them I know I know you're gonna take this and go to the club come on what my talk oh that's not this service that's y'all going to the kaepa range that's where y'all going where's its crowd going brother Craig they're not going to the to the club where do they go huh the lounges allow [Applause] what happens at the loungers they tell me they tell you okay go here brother Craig they socialized okay all right good you ain't never been oh you have been we need to go out to where they are we should we need to go find them and share y'all matter of fact you ain't have to go far some of them work on your jobs and some of them live in your neighborhood some of them live in the same house you live in [Applause] you have a burden and a responsibility to share truth with them to pray for them because if they die in that state they're going to hell if they're unsaved and they die in an unsafe condition without Jesus in their life they will spend the rest of eternity in hell and you need to understand once you die we can't get you into heaven once you die you can't get baptized you can't get saved you can't you can't get understand once you die you can't get people say once they die and so so God has called you to be a fishing man look at your neighbor so you talking about you here's number three and we were I'm rolling through this number three you cannot be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ Romans 1:16 you can't be ashamed I love this verse right here after I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes when a person believes the pilot gospel changes their life you know the wonderful thing God doesn't he doesn't make it hard he doesn't say you know you had to pay a lot of money and you gotta be baptized baptism don't save you didn't say you got to do all this stuff he says believe somebody say put your faith in the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and that he rose from the dead believe believe and repent those two things actually go together you got to be willing to turn away from the way you believe in your life you got to make those two things go together to give you to regenerate you but the key is some of you are afraid to talk to people because you are ashamed not other way Allah but I wanted to be clear I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus party I'm proud to be a Christian I mean I'm a bold Christian I'm a courageous Christian I'm not ashamed and I'm not afraid and I want to push you not to be ashamed or afraid to share the gospel when you have truth and you know somebody is only away down the road that's gonna mess up their life you gotta have the courage to speak truth to them if I'm sitting in my house and I look across the street and I see your house on fire and I see the rooms burning and I've seen the second floor burning and I know you in the bottom of law if I love you if I care about you I'm gonna do everything I can to run over and holler and scream and say get out of there come out of there your house is on fire fire fire because I care about them but some of you've never opened your mouth to anybody you're ashamed of the gospel you're afraid about what they might say about you I'm doing the best that I can do y'all hear me talking to you today [Applause] trying to push you it's a burden I can't get this monkey off my back I'll church night yeah baby it's not off yet when the eight o'clock service is packed and full then it might be off on my back when you got all your family members saved it might be off my back as long as you getting up and leaving your children at home it's on my back as long as you're going to work boo and you got co-workers that you ain't never opened your mouth to and told them about the love of God it's on my back but I'm gonna push and preach and I'm pushing and preaching to tell you you have a responsibility somebody look at your neighbor say you keep talking to you you can't be ashamed let's go to number three number four how many did I give y'all here's number four you must do the work of an evangelist the scripture says do the work of an evangelist now this is important second Timothy chapter four verse five do the work you must do the work I want you to get this the scripture says in 2nd Timothy 4 verse 5 be you watchful in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist fulfill your ministry get that down I like that verse you do the work of a ministry you fulfill your ministry you do the work of an evangelist see the problem with the church is we have relegated that assignment to the pastor and the ministers and we think it's not our role listen it's not my job it's not my responsibility to make Sheep the Shepherd can't make sheep sheep make Sheep [Applause] Shepard don't mess with the Shi nae it's supposed to be messing with the Sheep something wrong with the shepherd messing with the Sheep sheet makes sheep healthy sheep produce sheep my job is to keep you healthy amen and if you're healthy and growing and spiritual and godly and doing all the right things you'll make some sheep somebody on your roll ain't made no sheep look up and down and see if you can figure out who it is go ahead look up and down healthy she makes sheep healthy sheep makes you be spiritually healthy somebody this let me tell you what I mean by that if you're a healthy believer in the healthy disciple of Jesus you will attract unsaved people to you and they see the joy of the Lord and the peace of God that surpasses understanding over you when they see the love that you have for other people they will say I want what you have [Music] when they see you remaining calm when all hell has broken loose in your life and they know that everything is going backwards but you still come and you still got joy and they gonna say how you do that you can say Jesus helped me to be able to be like this when they say you have a joy that's unspeakable you got you you you you you you come to work joyful every day they see you got that joy they want that we live in a culture and in a world where people are depressed and sad and suicidal and when they see you got that joy they want what you have and your job is a baby to tell them you can have what I have my job is try to keep you healthy so you'd be that alright y'all got that so you you got to do the work of an evangelist somebody tell your neighbor do the work of an evangelist starting your own home start praying for the people in your household here's number how many did I give you on four kids number five I'm gonna read this to you go to second Corinthians five verse 20 here's what number five let's go ahead and put it up there now then we have we are ambassadors for Christ listen to this we are ambassadors for Christ I like this has though God were pleading through us we implore you on Christ's behalf be reconciled to God here's what that means that means we are go back go back go back go back go back to verse 20 stick stick with verse 20 go back to verse 20 back up yeah now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though God were pleading through us here's what that means that we are God's channels for him to plead to the world through us he's pleading God when God speaks the way God speaks is through you God uses your voice to plead to the loss and tell them you're his instrument you're his channel you're his conduit we are his arms and legs if the hungry people gonna be fed we gotta do it if there's gonna be help we have to do it if we're gonna if they want to hear the gospel we have to take it to them and I love that verses it says as though God is pleading through us God wants to plead his message to lost people through you look at your baby say through you look at him on the other side say through you so the point is God uses you to plead his cause God wants to use you you're the instrument of it to make it his number six my time is running now be prepared to give an answer of your hope be prepared be ready to give an answer for the hope that's in you that's number six of thing is that number six somebody say be prepared you must be prepared to be able to answer you're part of a church this is a church that majors on developing people y'all don't come to this church every day we're not preparing you for life we're teaching you everything we can we that's what we got 44 classrooms in this building 44 in the Merton in their ministry center because we major on developing people we here just when entertaining you eyeing up your hoop yeah I'm not beholding my ear yeah won't he do it mmm Moses stretched out his rock and the waters opened up on both side you don't hear me [Applause] I'm not entertaining you at this church we are teaching the Word of God to develop I am past the point of trying to get people to like me I don't care whether you like me you don't have to like me I don't need your approval I got here heaven saying Amen preacher old man they gotta like my choppers they give you the truth and my job is to prepare you now in acts 13 I'm sorry first Peter 3:15 I'm sorry first Peter 3:15 I'm gonna be late I'm going over time for a few moments but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear be able to tell them why you believe in God and that's what we try to do in our churches prepare you to be able to give an answer for the hope that lies within you now now what what for what reason John Jenkins do you put your trust in this whole wide in Acts chapter 13 this turn here real quick limit ators tell you this story real quick from acts 13 Paul and some of his disciples go into a synagogue one sabbath day they go into the synagogue one sabbath day and they see these visitors the priests see a visitor and the priest says we have some guests here what y'all like to say something Paul stands up you know years ago we used to ask the guests to say something in church we stop that I'm almost finished he said yeah yeah everything and then verse in chapter 13 Paul starts preaching and he preaches he preaches they asked him to say something he preached the sermon when he finished preaching in verse 44 and 45 don't had time to turn there but justice I'm telling you what it says what he preached was so good verse 42 through 44 was so good listen it is they asked him can you come back the next Sabbath and preach the same sermon I've been preaching a long time ain't nobody ever asked me to preach the same song and then verse 44 says the next week the next Sabbath listen to this almost the whole city came can you imagine almost everybody in the city came the next Sabbath to hear the word of God What did he say that made them come back it boils down to verse 38 and 39 yes and this is what why we have hope this is what I hope is here's where here's the reason for the hope that lies within us go ahead right there put it up on the screen there for this as it is let it be known to you brethren that through this man is preached to you the forgiveness of sins stick a pen right there here's what everybody needs I don't care where you from where you live everybody needs forgiveness of sins look at that person sitting next to you look at a mob all Apple they haven't done something they had no business doing look at her look at her rascal everybody in here do something everybody in here has missed the mark we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God we've all missed the mark and we have a responsibility to tell people though your sins be as scarlet come they can be whiter than snow this is the reason for the hope because we have failed and if and we have sinned and we've missed the mark and we've done some things and said some things and thought some things and went some places and had some behaviors and had some action and had some stuff in our heart that wasn't right we have done we have sinned and fallen short but the great news is we can't be forgiven and you can be forgiven this is why I have hope I need my sins forgiven that's why Jesus is important he White's our slate clean and guess what put the next verse up there not only does he forgive us go into the next verse verse 39 put verse 39 on the screen therefore and by him everyone who believes is justified from all things which you could not be justified by the law of Moses I feel a shout right there that means when God looks at you it's just as if you never did it [Applause] just the five when God looks at you it's just as if you didn't send y'all know people don't treat you like that they remember what you did they recall your past they bring up your failures but did Jesus we serve wipes the slate clean matter of fact the scripture says he he says your sins and iniquities I will remember no more [Applause] that's why we have a hope that's where that's where I hope rest and that promise from God that's such a great news I've been to plenty churches let me taste my you know I'm my life is church every day my life is church I've been involved in church since I was a teenager I've been into a lot of churches I've been into a lot of church who I just went in just to scope it out and I've been in churches and sat down sat through the service servers over left and nobody never said anything to me didn't say hello didn't say praise the Lord thank you for coming didn't say come sit down next to me did say nothing I went in sat down sat through the service service over got up nobody said nothing to me I've been allotted sure that's why we're gonna be a warm welcoming Church now we're going to be we are love people and we are we I've been to churches where they beat people over here tell me what things supposed to do you're supposed to do this you're in supposed to do that you ain't supposed to go here supposed to go there you ain't supposed to wear makeup woman ain't supposed to wear pants supposed to have a hat on your head they take this beat you up did you up beat you up all of those laws do's and don'ts then ain't never changed nobody first thing people need to know before you beat them over the head with what they're doing wrong they need to be forgiven they need to know that for them don't get into debates with people about where the Cain's wife come from I don't know where she came from I wasn't there it don't matter where she came from obviously if we believe the Bible he must have married his sister yeah if there's a bruh his Adam and Eve and they had Cain and Abel and then he found a wife if we believe that Aven evil the first people on the planet then he must have married his sister common sense duh hello [Laughter] how'd I get off on that I don't know [Laughter] okay let me close with this go to the next point last point seven point seven I'm finished I'm way over time I gotta hurry up you must we you must go to the hedges of Highways and compel and jot down Luke 15 verses 15 through 24 I'm now I might had time to read that passage but let me just tell you what it says a man threw a party sent his servants out to get to people who have been invited to the party to come and they all had excuses why they couldn't come to the party Luke 15 then he said to us then he said to his servants since the people I invited won't come he said go out to the hedges and the highways and find people and bring him in that's what this young lady did people who were invited didn't come so she went into the hedges and the highways the cafeteria and the hallways so proud of you why can't we hear more you in this church and she went and got her and that's what that verse says you got to go and get them to come go into the hedges in the highways listen let me be clear I'm closing I'm not asking you to go and get church people I'm not after getting people from one church to come and join this church I'm talking about people who don't go to church I'm talking about people who don't know Jesus I'm talking about people who are lost in their sin you know him did the drunks and the people get high and and some of them don't get drunk nor get high some of them just sinners they don't know the Lord there's some good people but they don't know Jesus we are commanded by God to go and compel them to come my push to you today because we've got a we should have hundreds of guests in this church every weekend Amen pastor alright thank you and by the way it ain't even about them come to this church we're Kingdom man you don't have to come to this church just get them saved and help them go to some church any time it's about the kingdom and I believe there's some people here today that need Jesus I believe that some people here today that need forgiveness of your sin wait where is you where you at come on down here and join me real quick just get on up and come down here somebody who's back slidden you need to rededicate just get up and come on down y'all I gotta stand just get up come on down here or maybe you're unsure you need assurance maybe you don't know whether you're saved or not you can have assurance just get on up come down here right now while the Bloods running woman your veins you have the activities of your limbs God spared your life you you could be you could be going to hell but God didn't rush people to you and he's giving you another chance get up out of your seat and come down here right now while the blood is running warm in your veins and say yes to the Lord go come we're gonna shout give God the praise give god the glory we're gonna give him a holler and a shout in the praise come right now come [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Lord give the Lord a shout for these souls [Music] the person behind you is a counselor they will take you in the back talk with you find out why you came and they're gonna minister to you amen somebody else coming come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] let me pray for your father thank you for these Souls today I pray that their faith would be extended to you they have a heart of repentance and I pray Almighty God that they would be filled with your power forgiven of their sins planted in your vineyard and used for your glory in Jesus name Amen [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 30,085
Rating: 4.8783998 out of 5
Keywords: Sheryl Brady, T. D. Jakes, Jasmin Sculark, Dr. Jazz, Joseph Prince, T.B. Joshua, Billy Graham, Bishop David Oyedepo, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Chris Oyakhilome, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, Evangelism, Bible Study, Awesome, Powerful, gospel, god, christianity, praise, gospel music, jesus, religion, messiah, bible, study
Id: M9JUYplhe28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 36sec (2556 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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