Jesus is The Life - Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke

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Association a few months ago we were honored to be in Jerusalem Israel yeah we had about a hundred and fifty many of you were in Jerusalem at the Empowered stand up stand up we want to say thank you you guys were also give our students a hand they were the best PR we could have is an amazing week 4500 people from 70 nations around the world at the Empowered 21 global congress and during that congress we took a moment on the last night to honor some fathers and mothers of the faith it was a very special moment people like Vincent sign and who serves on our board of trustees Jack Hayford Morris Sorel Oh Marilyn Hickey was a long-term chair of the Board of Regents here at oru and others and there was one gentleman that we planned on honoring that night who at the last minute could not be in Jerusalem with us so we thought about giving it to someone on his team who happens to be with him here tonight we said no let's wait for a more appropriate moment and we think tonight is the appropriate moment would you turn your eyes to the screen Reinhardt Bonnke was born and ordained in Germany but it was in Lesotho Africa that God placed a vision of the continent of Africa being washed in the precious blood of Jesus his tent meetings grew rapidly in 1984 he commissioned the world's largest tent soon it wasn't large enough to hold the since then citywide meetings of growth attracting crowds as large as 1.6 million people [Music] in the last 40 years Christ for all nations has helped through Said's in 91 countries around the world the total salvation decision count has exceeded 73 million souls [Music] my heart Buffy continues to lead evangelistic Crusades make inspirational films and hold fire conferences for church leaders this book is not here to condemn us God has given his word to save us for tireless service in Holy Spirit evangelism empower 21 is proud to present the lifetime Global Impact Award to Reinhard bunky ladies and gentlemen would you welcome Reinhard Bonnke this remains standing sure sure Reinhart it gives me great pleasure tonight that on behalf of spirit-filled Christians around the world and the empowered 21 global network to present you this award tonight this is the lifetime global impact award let me say to you this evening in this room without apology I would say the most fruitful evangelist and the history of Christianity is standing with us on this stage tonight Reinhardt we love you and remember we were in Jerusalem and for many years you have trumpeted the gospel around the world it's very fitting on our 50th anniversary our Jubilee moment to present you with this shofar and say keep on sounding the trumpet for Jesus amen ladies and gentlemen right our bucket just stay on your feet and Reinhart is going to preach until you are delivered tonight amen come on right heartbreak so much hallelujah amen amen amen thank you for this sofa I can only tell you one thing my gospel trumpet doesn't have a sticky valve amen you may be seated thank you so much thank you Thank You president but there will tend for this honor I feel deeply honored and I receive it in the name of the one who has said without me you can do nothing our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ because to him be all the glory and all the praise what a mighty God we serve a man can you ask some control to give me a little bit more monitor please because if I don't have my monitor I start shouting or Roberts University 51 years ago I met Oral Roberts in Germany the city of Frankfurt and they were talking about the university I just had graduated from college but I was asked if I wouldn't want to become a student at oru fifty-one years ago I declined because I was already on my way to Africa and I have no regrets because God has done mighty mighty mighty things congratulations oh are you and President Wilson and everyone here I I must say this is a very very special juncture in the history of who are you you know what came to my heart when I thought of this evening we see all the wonderful what shall I say buildings of oru the praying hands of Oral Roberts and that's all wonderful but actually I see something far greater and I think something much more valuable in some 133 we read of Aaron how he was anointed with oil and one day when I read it it struck me Aaron after having had this abundant anointing remember the oil was flowing down his head his beard his garments and right down to his feet I believe you he was so powerfully anointed that that anointing oil dropped on the ground when Aaron had gone back into his house or tent rather people afterwards saw his footsteps and said The Anointed of the Lord walked past year can you see the oil in those footsteps I see Oral Roberts anointed footsteps and I see a host of other footsteps of men and women that have come from here who went to the ends of the earth anointed powerfully and mightily by the Holy Spirit and may this be the highest price for our lives when I was a young men are I visited Westminster Abbey in London and I saw the tombstone of John Wesley I read the inscription and I never forgot it I read God buries his workers but his work carries on and here we are in Jesus name we carry on anointed by the Lord in Jesus name are you happy praise God praise God I'm honored to be here today to speak to you I love you all I love people I'm an evangelist you know that's what I have in common with Oral Roberts I preached the ABC of the gospel I don't apologize for that it doesn't mean that I don't know the XYZ I actually do buy when I preach the gospel I want to preach it to be understood by people who need to enter through the narrow gate into the kingdom of God amen and that's where the ABC has got to be preached praise be to God I just want to share my heart with you here tonight is that okay praise God the theme my theme right now is Jesus is alive let's shout together jesus is alive let me read from mark chapter 15 from verse 3 to 45 Joseph of Arimathea a prominent council member who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God coming and taking courage went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus Pilate marvelled that he was already dead and summoning the Centurion II asked him if he had been dead for some time and when he found out from the Centurion he granted the body of Jesus to Joseph Joseph was a secret believer he was a highly learned man from the place called Arimathea but when Jesus died that secret love broke open he went to Pilate a very bold move the Roman governor and asked for the body of Jesus for the purpose of barrier Pilate was surprised he couldn't believe that Jesus was already dead because I've read it in secular history books that sometimes it took two weeks for a person to die the death of crucifixion Jesus only hang six hours on the cross from 9 o'clock in the morning till 3 o'clock in the afternoon six hours after six hours hiyah tied God created the world in six days he saved us in six hours I thought I thought it all connects it all connects so Pilate thought this was this was a scam somebody wanted to get hold of Jesus and and and and then revive him and then all these sort of things I come to the point Pilate called a chief said turian and said you go to the cross and find out whether this Caesars is really dead that I think was the soldier who went there with this spear in the hand and thrust it into the side of Jesus blood and water flowed out separately we read a sure sign of death the Centurion went back and said yes governor Jesus is truly dead I am a witness now it comes when Pilate heard that Jesus was truly dead he smiled and he said Joseph with the compliments of Caesar in Rome here you have your Jesus for burial and suddenly it struck me why the pilot gives Jesus to Joseph he gave him because him knew that Jesus was dead Pilate was not afraid of it that Jesus because he knew it that Jesus is a useless Jesus a dead Jesus is a harmless Jesus it says Jesus could no more heal the sick and cast out demons and walk on the water and raise the dead it that Jesus would be absolutely neutralized and that's why he gave Jesus he gave Jesus to Joseph and I think the devil is doing the same today he gives Satechi it doesn't mind people to have a dead jesus or a dead church or a dead who knows what with the compliments of the Emperor here you have him well I've got good news for you jesus is alive [Applause] three days later he rose from the dead death could not keep its prey Jesus my Savior we sing that a wonderful song I heard that sing in the Royal Albert Hall when I preached there and I thought the British sang it so fantastically I thought I hear I heard the angels sing and heav'n echo up from the grave he arose with a mighty triumph or his Falls yes jesus is alive i years ago I befriended a shopkeeper I was this customer I think he was an Indian gentleman we talked I talked to him about Jesus and he talked to me about his religion again and again and one day he said to me I'm on my way on the pilgrimage I want to see the grave of the founder of my religion I said to him have a good look and when you come back tell me what you saw he went when he came back I saw he was so happy to see me he was glowing I said what did you see he said that brave was so beautiful oh it was thick with gold and silver and precious stones so beautiful he kept speaking about the beautiful grave of the founder of his religion suddenly the Holy Spirit spoke in my heart and you know what he said the most beautiful thing about the grave of Jesus is that it is empty jesus is alive keep your gold and keep your silver my Jesus is amen Terry lie and it will rot bury the truth and it will rise that is why the grave could not hold Jesus he is the way the truth and the life are you happy Oh hallelujah well let me say something foolish nobody has ever written a book to prove that Reinhard Bonnke is alive and I tell you why because living people tend to show up it's not necessary to prove anything and because jesus is alive he's showing up right here and right now he's here he's here to kiss for me to understand that for his man my prayer was oh lord please come be with me come into our midst and that's one day I woke up and I said I think only somebody not right in his head is asking for someone to please come who never left you Jesus is our life and Jesus is present yes if you can afford to shout hallelujah then do it now I love you I really do hallelujah thank you thank you praise God praise God praise God in April 1975 in Africa I had my first gospel crusade I rented a stadium for the first time because the Holy Spirit spoke to me I should rent the stadium I said Lord are you sure I said lord I always wanted to preach in the stadium but the people never came but if you say I am to preach in that stadium I will preach in that stadium for weeks later I arrived for my crusade I had fasted and prayed put the tiny little team together I called it Christ for all nations and then I said oh Lord I only have one church cooperating with 40 people I arrived the first meeting they where 100 I know for sure because I counted 10 times 100 if 100 are 100 no matter if how you count back to front or front to back they are 100 if you count the heads and not the fingers Samba finger Comtesse I was not happy only 100 people but I took my Bible and I started to preach I preached about 10 10 20 minutes when suddenly somebody over there started to cream scream I've just been healed another one another one another one I've just been in I thought that's funny I didn't even preach about healing and how come these people interrupt my sermon I learned my first lesson and the lesson is this one I believe oftentimes Jesus can't wait until we preachers are finished with our boring sermons he is alive and he exists to do miracles that night a blind woman received the sight and the crippled walked and a few days later the stadium was packed Jesus is a life he shows up he is here we don't celebrate religion we celebrate the living Jesus hallelujah he's alive I've been thinking of Mary Magdalene about it says she was the woman that was possessed by Seven Devils then she met Jesus and Jesus cussed them all out and it was and it was that Mary who was first at the grave read the story again and we read that she was trembling crying and I wonder why Mary was an intelligent woman and this is what structure if Jesus the Jesus who is my Savior and the Jesus who cast out all Seven Devils from me if this Jesus is dead it can only mean the devil's will come back to me that's why she trembled when suddenly she heard a voice she shot around because they work right Red Sea yes picked up this was my Jesus she cried and shouted I would say she shouted Jesus as long as you live no devil can come back to me as long as you live I remain a child of God nothing can separate me from his love until revelation Jesus opened his arms and said Behold I was dead but now I am alive forevermore that's true for all of us come on what do you say amen amen now my next point is this the church has too often trusted scholarship genius logic philosophy plus plus plus but Paul said and first Corinthians 1 first 27 that God has chosen the foolish things to confound the wise the Apostles did not reach a logic they preached the power of God the gospel is the power of God if you shoot a dead man with a gun of the gospel he becomes alive that is the power of the gospel amen I heard some preacher say god bless them I heard them say that we preachers have got to have got to be like lawyers in court we argue we argue the case of Jesus to get a verdict in favor of him what but that is human wisdom only that is human wisdom only Jesus needs no defending I tell you more you don't need to defend a lion just open its cage [Applause] [Music] jesus is alive no his repute is beyond any jury he is not the defendant he's not in the duck is going to be the judge of all the earth and we better get used to that say Amen well hear me out we are not called when it comes to preach the gospel we are not called to be lawyers attorneys or barristers we are called according to acts 1 verse 8 to be witnesses jesus said you are my witnesses do you hear me we are witnesses we are with this of his resurrection we are witnesses praise be to God praise be to God now let me go step further normally a witness just tells what he has seen or what he has experienced that's a witness he doesn't give speeches he doesn't debate he doesn't do anything but say what he has seen what he has experienced but sometimes it's slightly different for instance if somebody has been attacked by a sack and partly injured now the clock case is on there's the defendant here is the one who accuses him and what does he do he takes off his shirt he turns around and he says these scars were inflicted by the defendant in other words the witness becomes a living piece of evidence and I tell you living Jesus needs living witnesses I want to be a living piece of evidence that jesus is alive he is the savior of the world he's the healer of the sick he's here to break all bondage he breaks every chain even the chain in the brain what a mighty God we serve what a mighty God we serve can I tell you a little story I experiences myself I actually have already told it here and there but never here so you are all right I was invited to come on state television for a discussion they said experts were discussing religious questions I don't know how they came to me but they picked me and actually I'm someone who likes a good fight I a good fight and then one day I arrived there television house and there were other panel members I had never seen before there was the moderator I knew him who you were hardly on the air when a gentleman exactly opposite of me who told us that he was an atheist judged me he said to me preacher you preach the theists power in the blood of Jesus he said I said yes I do he said I don't believe it I said why don't you believe it he said the blood of Jesus is already 2000 years in this world yet the world today is rests than it was 2,000 years ago that's why I conclude there is no power in the blood of Jesus I said wait you know what's amazing my mind works some pictures I said mister there's also a lot of soap in this world yet many people are still dirty I said I would like to explain to you how soap works I said if I am dirty and I stand next to a piece of soap I am NOT automatically clean I said I'm not even automatically clean even if I should work in a soap factory if mister you wanna know what soap can do you've got to stretch out your hand take this soul then you will know what you can do and so we Sabrina's Jesus Oh I said it's not enough to know about soap or hear about the blood of Jesus or sing about the blood of Jesus but if you apply the blood of Jesus to your sinful life mister I said to him the next moment you will jump to your feet you will slow up your arms you will shout you will sing you will say this power wonder-working [Applause] hey the Atheist looked at me with big eyes he said to me bunky when you speak all life on TV he said when you speak I feel something is emanating from you he said I spoke with some other evangelists but I never felt that I said he said I thought what could the difference be between them and you and I think I have the answer he said the others were amateurs and you are a professional I said mister you are wrong again and now I come to my point here I said mister I tell you what I [Applause] I come from Germany and the German people say I am too noisy I shout too much you know what I told them I say when I see how Satan bangs people with chains with fierce with tears with depression oh and I see how he paints them with drug addiction and alcoholism and all those things I cannot like a cat I want I hope you realize thought I enjoy myself what an honor to preach the gospel what an honor what an honor now I must tell you the end of the story of my atheist after the show I went to the parking lot wanting to go home suddenly somebody tapped me from behind I looked around who was it my atheist and although we were all alone there on that huge parking lot he whispered into my ear punky will you pray for me Jesus is alive jesus is alive hallelujah quickly next thing a living Christ demands a living church you know we have got this picture of Jesus and the church he's the bridegroom we are the bride he is the head we are the body I heard somebody say he prefers the picture of Christ being the head and the we are the body because a bridegroom can still run away from the bride but the head not from the body I think there was a good observation he said I will never leave you I will never divorce you I'm with you always hallelujah hallelujah so if he is our living head you cannot put the living head on the cops how's this going to go somebody said to me I'm in a half the church what the living head would not be satisfied with that me is resurrection power and the powerful spirit flows through us all here we are in Jesus name living pieces of evidence I know that my redeemer lives deadness is sin I read about I read about those judge or it's masters are hanging in all these mostly traditional churches and over hundreds of years experts came to enhance the master's picture and they put the coat of varnish over it to protect it 100 years later another expert another coat of varnish and then yet another coat of varnish until all this masters looked so solemn so turkish and they thought that was the way the Masters had painted them and after they discovered that these were layers of varnish they stripped one layer after another and they came to the original painting which was I believe I believe that nowadays Christians suffer from layers and layers of unbelief that we painted over us so many theories and theologies of unbelief have has cheated us out of the simplicity which is in Christ let's put our trust in Jesus the original he is alive he's here and he works amen glory to God glory to God that is faith there is no comfort in unbelief actually I would go as far as saying unbelief is judgment as to comfort in unbelief absolutely not absolutely not Jesus said to that woman fear not only believe only believe I always thought at first the emphasis is unbelief suddenly I realized the emphasis as much only as it is unbelief believing is not complicated believing is receiving from Jesus jesus said only believe because everybody can believe we were all born with a measure of faith only if you are hungry only eat any problem if you're thirsty only drink if you're tired only sleep but not now and if you want to see the risen Christ in action he opens his arms and he says to you I did all for you you only believed come on I never finished that verse I never say lord help my unbelief you know I because my unbelief needs no head I want my unbelief to die I want my faith to live jesus is alive [Music] lifting Jesus 50 months a living church praise be to God I've got one more point are you sleepy okay just make sure a living Jesus also demands living ministries living ministries numbers chapter 7 verse 8 it's an Old Testament picture how the leaders of the 12 tribes or 11 tribes rebelled against Moses Moses well Aaron was the high priest chosen by Moses and they said this is family business we are in the same position we are leaders of a tribe each we want to have the privileged position that there are hairs and it was great great consternation Moses cried to God and this is what the Lord said I like that he said everyone leader of the tribe of all 12 tribes should come with the three branch a tree branch and put it in the tabernacle and everyone write their name on it was personalized I believe that branch was was a symbol of their ministry or our ministry personalized ministry your name is on your ministry my name is on my ministry we can't separate it we can't and the Lord said in the morning you will go into the tabernacle and then you will inspect those twelve branches and the one that has but it blossomed and best fruit check the name please Lana have chosen and when they did it they found of all 12 branches rods Aaron's was alive was full of life blossoms leaves fruit even fruit that solves the problem but here we are what do we desire a rod of gold golden ministry golden rod golden baton if I may say so silver tongue preaching that people say all partner ation well I'm not against gold and silver as I already said but let's face facts gold and silver are dead although they are beautiful I desire a ministry pulsating with the anointing of the Holy Spirit I desire a ministry where I see the power of God demonstrated I desire to be piece of evidence to the whole wide world that jesus is alive that he saves but he fills with the Holy Spirit amen hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of the Lord this is really well I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me here today the Lord has to give pass batons to you and now 75 years old I don't dye my hair if I wanted my hair white I would have to dye it white my wife dies and I keep on living sorry now what's the joke [Applause] but the truth is I said to her honey please wait for me she's waiting and waiting so she keeps dying and dying never mind she loves it anyway I have a wonderful wife the point is this I passed a baton of Christ for nations to Daniel kolenda he's here and God is using him as he used me it's it's it's a budding rod it's a budding rod it's not something that pleases people just the dead stuff Jesus is life and we must be alive our ministry our ministry must be alive like that atheist said he could feel something emanating rivers of living waters shall flow from our innermost being we have fruit we have blossoms we have lives we are planted by the river by the hand of God I pray that everybody gets that living button and runs with it and preaches the gospel every nun god operation one day will become dust but he who does the will of God abides forever I said to my father when I was just a teenager I had already the Holy Spirit my father says right now what do you want to do with your life my brother wanted to become a medical doctor he became a medical doctor the other scientists he became a scientist and suddenly I was confronted what do I want to do with my life and it struck me and it's true until today I said dad I want to do something with my hands that is eternal I want to build the kingdom of God no bombs can destroy it no time can just know it away God's kingdom is from everlasting to everlasting and in case there's another God's eternal Kingdom I want to carry that baton of the gospel from nation to nation to mission and I want my lips to preach the eternal gospel it's all eternal it's all timeless death can can do us no harm isn't that something fantastic isn't it something fantastic glory to God in Africa we kept records on how many people got saved since 1987 it was Vincent Simon who told us to start with making proper records from then until now 74 million people completed the decision card for salvation partook in our physically in our gospel Crusades isn't that fantastic hallelujah I say it this way 74 million less inhale 74 million you say to me do you really think they're all porn Akane no I can tell you but I tell you what as long as as it is written in the Bible whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved we are doing something right my prayer for our you is this that this university may become a fertile womb for the mixed Holy Spirit next generation of Holy Spirit evangelists that's what I believe may God help us to build his eternal Kingdom I believe also and this is what the Holy Spirit spoke to me and America will be saved I lived in Vero Beach in Florida tiny little place I read then it has 14 thousand inhabitants one day the Lord spoke to me and said I want you to have a crusade in Vero Beach I said the crusade I said Lord are you serious he said I'm very serious then okay okay I'm sorry I do whatever you say I don't doubt it in the meantime when the crusade came I had 5,000 people in every service in that tiny place It was as if somebody shot a flare into the night sky I saw all of America illuminated and I said I heard the Lord say America will be safe this is not this is not just something that is Cliff Lee said I believe it's God's program I want to identify with this program and I believe that is also the heart of the purpose of oru America shall be safe America will be safe when God told me that Africa will be saved by all missionary colleagues has had run out you're crazy you are crazy let's talk about Lisa - here we are now missionaries I said to them you talk about Lisa - I hear the Holy Spirit speak about Africa I know more what to make my own agenda for God I now join God's agenda and he said Africa's heavy save my branch that rod became alive I can read the gospel for nation to nation to nation over a period of 10 years 55 million people present in our meetings completed a decision card for salvation and rare referred to a cooperating church 55 in 10 years I was in Switzerland and I told them what God had done in Africa afterwards whose pastor Smith me and they said brother bunkie that is Africa this is Switzerland I said but you are contradicting Scripture they said which one I said John chapter 3 for 16 for God so loved the world now you Smiths have not to tell me whether Switzerland is part of that world and you know well as what as I said I said if God can save 55 million in Africa in 10 years he can save Switzerland one Saturday afternoon [Applause] don't [Music] let's not home in on the shiny stuff let's get that living rod in Jesus name and a lot spoke to me when I prayed in my hotel room this afternoon he said he is giving rods a lot to everyone your name is on it you will carry it as you go from nation to nation to nation to nation I dug out the trumpets that brought down the walls of Jericho I cleaned them up I repaired them and now I want to blow faiths from city to city from state to state from coast to coast America saved I've seen a boat eaten in Africa here's the same card right here he will do it through you this is my question right at the end who's here this evening who wants to say Lord I want that budding branch I write my name on it but you've got to give it to life you've got to fill it with life I want to go like a flame of fire burn through every barrier every devil set the captives free in Jesus name anyone who wants that rod that ministry or life the ministry of the holy spirit you want to lift it up to God then they want you to stand with me and lift it up symbolically with your hands uplifted to God in Jesus mighty name come on lift your hands up in Jesus mighty name hallelujah I want you to speak to him come on we know how to speak we all can say Lord here is my branch [Music] here is my rod I want more than shiny stuff I want that anointing that breaks the yoke I will run with this baton run with this branch and bring salvation to the nation's in Jesus name in Jesus name lord I pray that you may now touch all these branches that have been presented to you and they will go in the power of your might Oh Lord in the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name and if you mean it shout a mighty amen you may sit one more time I'm an evangelist I told you I don't apologize well I can't go like this you heard me what I said about the blood of Jesus that it washes us from all our sin but you need to stretch out your hand take it and apply it and you will leave this auditorium a new creature and I counted a great honor to pray for you with you because Jesus is here to do it let's close let's close our eyes let's bow our heads if somebody's here who says Oh Lord I desperately need to be washed from sin by the power of the blood of Jesus I want to stretch out my hand to you I lift it up to you and say Lord I now apply it to my own sinful life and you will go home a new creation in Christ Jesus if you do it please if you want cleansing from sin through the blood of Jesus Christ I would love to pray for you just raise your hand wherever you are thank you thank you thank you thank you praise God praise God I see on the balcony god bless you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you here to my right let Jesus see your hand stretch it out to get hold of the precious blood of Jesus thank you thank you thank you thank you blessed be the name of the Lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I would like it's just the way it is done I did it myself and I came to receive Jesus into my life and tonight it's your turn I want everyone to stand to their feet and those who really mean it that they want to be washed from sin by the precious blood of Jesus please come forward here I would like to pray with you right here right now please be so kind come down from the top come here forward please come god bless you god bless you god bless you praise God god bless you [Applause] come just come amen this day is your day of salvation praise God look at this look at this Jesus is here Jesus is here this power wonder-working power in the blood of the Lamb can we sing that [Music] blah [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you look at me please all that are here in front I want to congratulate you this is the greatest decision you've ever made in your life [Applause] to life and from the power of Satan to God which means you change territory you leave that old rotten world and enter into the kingdom of God new laws are there and Jesus is there and he said whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord we read in Romans shall be saved we will now call upon the name of the Lord Jesus in prayer and a moment something happens inside of you and you will know that Jesus has washed and cleansed you I want everybody to please close their eyes and repeat this prayer after me loud and clear and I want everybody to support those who prayed here in front and pray with all of your heart let's pray say dear Lord Jesus Christ I'm coming to you just as I am I've heard that you died for me I heard that you shed your blood for me I now reach out to you and ask you wash me with your precious blood from all my sins and break every chain in the name of Jesus I put my faith alone in you I believe with my heart when I speak with my mouth Jesus is now my Saviour he belongs to me in Jesus name Amen I bless you I bless you I bless you I bless you I bless you I bless you I bless you in Jesus name Lord fill them with the Holy Spirit I pray fill them with the Holy Spirit in Jesus mighty name let me pray for the sick if you're sick lift your hand Lord look at every hand and all these great needs some are at the door of death in the name of Jesus I rebuke the spirit of death I speak health and life to you and I thank you Jesus that you now heal from cancer you heal from dystrophy muscle dystrophy you heal from multiple sclerosis in the name of Jesus you shall rise up and walk Oh Lord I pray that your healing power come over everybody that is second and that every particle home-free healed saved rejoicing Lee I bless you in Jesus name Amen amen [Applause] I love you very much please continue to pray for me as well as I will pray for you and if God gets grace we'll meet somewhere in the world I get the feeling we will meet somewhere in the world hallelujah [Applause] give God praise again Reinhard Bonnke such a treasure to us and the kingdom of God I want to remind you tomorrow's chapel starts at 10:30 it's going to be a very special very special Chapel one of the highlights of the week as we commemorate our fiftieth anniversary and honor those who have gone before us and have built this university for the glory of God I'd be remiss tonight to have Daniel kolenda in the house and not bring him up here and say hello would you welcome him again this this actually is quite unusual that Reinhart and Daniel are on the same stage these days Daniel's doing a lot of work in Africa Reinhart is traveling across America preaching the gospel and I want to say tonight as president of this University Reinhard thank you for the example of passing the baton to a new generation of leader you've been exemplary in this it's amazing to me and Daniel thank you for stepping up and taking the baton we're going to see great things in this ministry in the days ahead the best is yet to come give God praise here tonight amen [Applause] Daniel since you're here in our 50th anniversary would you pray our closing prayer tonight and pray an anointing over this student body to go to the uttermost bounds of the earth take God's healing power and shine his light would you just sort of lift your hands again tonight receive this prayer and at the end of Daniels prayer you're dismissed for the evening there's a reception in the lobby enjoy the fellowship tonight Heavenly Father we come before you tonight gathered as your people standing here in your presence and Lord we thank you for the heritage we thank you for the last 50 years Lord we thank you for what you've done in this place and through the lives of so many people that have come through here but father it's not enough we're asking that you would pour out your spirit on another generation Lord that you would let your fire fall again Lord that you would fill us up that you would send us out Lord let this school become the incubation chamber for a whole new generation of holy spirit evangelists a living church living ministries serving a living Jesus as a living pieces of evidence Lord let that fire fall on us right now I pray in Jesus name more we stretch out our hands we take it by faith we receive that anointing we receive that Commission in Jesus name and everybody said a mighty [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Your Living Manna
Views: 137,243
Rating: 4.8264298 out of 5
Keywords: Malayalam, Christian, Sermon, Pentecostal, Malayalam Christian Songs, Malayalam christian messages, Malayalam Full Movie, Malayalam Christian Speech, Malayalam Christian Testimony, Kerala, India, India Pentecostal Church, Church of God, Assemblies of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Spiritual, yourlivingmanna, livingmanna, Manna Tv, Religion, Christ, Worship, Christianity, Inspirational, English, Tamil, Hindi, Pastor, Lord, Ministry, Word, youtube, TBN, Billy Graham, God
Id: FHYWecdaZhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 21sec (4881 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2016
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