Holy Spirit Features - Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke

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very much I blessed and honored to be here at the Eastern Conference Baron and Lisa are very very precious friends to me and my wife and the Ministry of Christ for Nations and I'm actually on my way to Singapore so I said I'm passing I'm passing through LA anyway and Here I am so praise the Lord amen [Music] [Applause] memory lane is something very wonderful we don't forget the wonderful things that the Lord has done and he is good I really enjoyed the worship here as well and the presence of the Lord this year and we we can drink from the fountain again and again and again blessed be the name of the Lord amen what God but I have seen God too has marked my whole life God wants to be known by what he does that's why we need to study his word and we discover one thing that he is faithful first and foremost he is faithful to himself it means he keeps his word he hope he keeps faith with his people but he keeps faithful and is faithful and that is also my testimony it is true the first 10 years of this new millennium we saw 55 million people complete a decision card for salvation and then were referred into the follow-up system because we do not just want a signature we want to make sure that these people are all deciphered and that they become strong in their faith and then also to what we are doing shining the light for Jesus and spreading the gospel 55 million people I already said it today at the lunch table when we are fellowship together past achievement and his sons and so on I said I told them a few years ago I was in Switzerland and I told about 2,000 pastors at a conference about the 55 million souls that got saved in Africa within 10 years and at the end of the service some Swiss POTUS passed us intercepted me and they said to me brother bonky that is Africa this is Switzerland as if I didn't know I said to them but you are miss you are contradicting Scripture they said with Scripture I said John 3 verse 16 for God so loved the world now useless people have to tell me whether Switzerland is part of the world of John 3:16 I said if God can say 55 million in Africa in 10 years he can save Switzerland one Saturday afternoon [Music] what about the Inland Empire [Applause] this is awesome we serve a mighty God we only keep records of the decisions made for Jesus in writing these approvable records provable records we only started rec recording in the year 87 till now and since 87 we already have been able to see 73 million souls a no wonderful this is our God this is our God I live in America as a matter of fact believe it or not I've become an American I didn't just pledge my allegiance I switched my allegiance to the grand old flag I love America God began to speak to me three years ago about America I was just focused on Africa that's what I had heard not say Africa shall be saved Africa shall be saved Africa Africa and then one day they in Florida where I live when I prayed the Holy Spirit began to speak and the Lord said I didn't send you to America just for America to be an offering plate for Africa I have sent you to America for America sake amazing things happened I could tell you many wonderful stories but I tell you what I have done I duck out the trumpets that brought down the walls of Jericho I [Applause] cleaned them up I repaired them and now I want to blow faith across America from city to city from state to state and from coast to coast America shall be say hallelujah Oh hallelujah you know my origin is Germany and my German friends even my best friends they say to me right now why do you shout so much when you bridge we are not deaf you know I told them this I said when I see how Satan top men's people when I see house Satan chains people with addictions and perversions beyond naming when I see how heat amends them I cannot per like at [Applause] I want to roll like a lion let America hear it Jesus Ames [Applause] Jesus Saves hallelujah amen I could tell you many wonderful things but I don't want to keep you here till midnight can I just say something about about a very special book if I may with your permission you know when I was a teenager but just 15 or so I studied the family tree of my family the bonky family we come from East Germany actually that's where my ancestors come from and I discovered to my amazement that the bunky family was a godless family and my father was a pastor I said dad how did God break into our family and this is the story in 1922 my grandfather was very very sick he has a disease the doctors couldn't diagnose he was sensitive to touch he screamed day and night pain pain pain there was no hope there was no help there was no faith there was nothing just tormented with pain I didn't know Jesus and then a miracle happened one day in that forested area of East Germany an American missionary got lost in the forest and came to our village and as as I think was customary with the early evangelists when they came to a new place the first question was is there anybody sick here and the people said yes here in the bonky house you only need to listen you hear that man scream that man's name was Louis Graf he walked into the house of my grandparents he swept away all the cobwebs off of their godlessness and preached the gospel and then he said the Holy Spirit has sent me for a demonstration of the power of God he walked to the he walked to the bed of my grandfather where he was lying writhing in pain crypt is hand commanded him to stand up in Jesus name and that movement a jolt of power rocked my grandfather he jumped out of bed totally healed that was 18 years before I was born but that day that man and that the house of my grandparents the Holy Spirit already threaded my needle and I'm still sewing hallelujah hallelujah I want to congratulate all missionaries and pastors and teachers and evangelists in Jesus name go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature now this is how my book starts it's called living a life of fire it's my autobiography but it's not the drive business here I tell you it starts off with this story I just told you if you want to shut off faith in your arm to read this it will knock you off your sofa and Amazing Grace we got the same book in Chinese not amazing hallelujah hallelujah well he is too much I think I rather leave it and come to the point but you can get it outside at the book table it's all what God wants to do what he has done and what he wants to do my heart is burning my heart is burning for Jesus every time I take a microphone I've said that so many times I only have one burning in my spirit I want hell empty and heaven full [Music] [Applause] [Music] hell was not made for man it was made for the devil and his angels never for people it was not made for people so I don't swear when I say to hell with the devil and to heaven with the people in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah glory to God well you let me still mention it before I start I haven't started yet I'm also on Facebook how many of you follow me on Facebook what how I'm blessed and if you don't start every day a message shot very shocked punchy message from the Word of God I have over three and a half million followers on my English Facebook and about a million on my Spanish and Portuguese so you will be blessed amen people ask me what happened when the big masses came to hear the gospel what brought that about and I cannot say it was a technique or it was something special or what all I can say is it it's not that I'm a better preacher than others i I don't think that for five minutes but I believe I was I was placed in such a way that God could use me it's the placement we don't need to flatter ourselves with all sorts of objectives you know the Holy Spirit places us and if we are faithful there and keep just chipping away one day it just snapped something broke and the floods just began to roll at first I said it's a wave of salvation but Kim kept rising and rising and said don't know it's not a wave it's a tide it's a tide and the tide is still rising we have the same God here for America we don't count our problems we count our blessings in Jesus name in Jesus name let me put a wreath here I want to speak about holy spirit features Acts chapter 2 when the day of Pentecost had fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting then they appeared to them divided tempest of fire and one sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance Wow I believe that the human heart was created like a fireplace earth we were created for the fire of God and for the power of God and on the day of Pentecost before the fire fell God sent a wind we read here a wind a mighty rushing wind I hate people today talk a lot about atmosphere some have told me they must they must have worship so that there is an atmosphere bless them is okay but the Bible doesn't speak about atmosphere as I taught you I come from Florida and I've been in a couple of hurricanes and one thing I can promise you when a hurricane blows and you are out on the street you have to hold on to dear life because otherwise you will fly away like a leaf from a tree and when a hurricane blows nobody speaks about them atmosphere there is no atmosphere there is a it's a mighty rushing wind and I tell you why God sent the wind first I think he sent the wind first to blow out all the ash and all the trash and then the fire fell hallelujah we need that power don't we we need that power in Jesus name hallelujah in Matthew 3:11 we read that John said John the Baptist said I indeed baptize you in water unto repentance let me read it to you I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he who is coming after me is mightier than I whose sandals I am not worthy to carry he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire now some people say that this is the fire of judgment but what that fire was we read an unsub tattoo it's not distraction it's not judgment that fire is benign it's a wonderful fire it is the fire of the Holy Spirit he will attach you with the Holy Spirit and with fire and they appear to them divided tongues as of fire and one sat upon each of them I will elaborate on that a little bit more just in a moment but this is to me very very important God doesn't send his fire to burn us up I don't want to be an asset for Jesus amen remember the Bush of Moses the bush burned but was not consumed when we burned for Jesus we will never have a burn out we burn on not burn out hallelujah and here comes one after another I'm sharing that with you because I believe the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential when it comes to winning the lost and in every other way in the church the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential I call the Holy Spirit the master evangelist because only he convicts of sin righteousness and judgment not the preacher he is doing that he is doing that hallelujah now let me read the game here is a connection I want to talk about this connection and they appear to them divided tongues as of fire and one set upon each of them it's right here on them one on each that's amazing and then the tongue of fire on their heads connected with the tongue of flesh and they began to speak in other languages as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance this is an amazing connection it is the connection it's that what we call a nineteen when our our fleshly tongue is connected with that Holy Spirit fire tongue then people will repent and miracles will happen and the Lord will be glorified nations will be saved in Jesus name God is not with his back to the wall he's not the charitable cause he is railing control he is sitting upon the throne of all throngs that is our God amen connected how often times have I experienced that and I was preaching and I suddenly felt that connection that connection that connection and the people told me afterwards you said this and you said that and you said the other I couldn't remember well I know what I said but I don't know what they heard because between me and the holy and and then the Holy Spirit you know these are connections I pray that everyone become hungry for the Holy Spirit the less holy spirit we have the more cake and coffee we need to keep the church going I'm not against cake and I'm not against coffee I like both all I'm saying is the Holy Spirit has no substitute nothing absolutely nothing we need him connection the tongue of fire that says here tongue of fire shut on them and then they began to speak so there was a connection praise God that does that does not mean that you should not study the Bible you know some people said to me I don't need a Bible school I just go and preach well but I would say stupidity is not an advantage go and learn as much as you can but not at the expense of losing your fire do you hear me we treasure the holy spirit above every thing else is a person the third person of the Trinity hallelujah now I've been thinking we're on the day of Pentecost we read that that the 120 we're speaking in new tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance very interesting I thought what myself if I had been there and the 100 the twenty would have all prayed in Hebrew I would have been extremely disappointed I would have said what a pity the Holy Spirit has only come for the Jews I happen to be German happened to be American but that wasn't the case thank God when the Holy Spirit fell they began to speak in the languages of the world to me it is the it shows the ultimate interest the ultimate proof of the Holy Spirit's ethnic interest all languages all tribes all the world all the world all peoples everywhere and thank God that's why we are here today I pray that we receive that fire in our soul and once it's there you cannot sit just still and say Amen Lord hallelujah if you try and sit on hot coals who won't sit still you won't sit still the ethnic interest of the Holy Spirit praise be to God I call Pentecost the incarnation of the holy spirit no no he didn't come like Jesus he wasn't born in Bethlehem but when the Holy Spirit fell on the day of Pentecost he left himself into the bodies of the 120 people and announced his arrival through their throats the wonderful hallelujah the Holy Spirit hasn't come to sit in to sit in a beautiful house we are assembled he is with us he goes with us he works with us he reveals Jesus through us it's it's an perfect arrangement we could never have thought it up this is God's wonderful and mighty plan it's a feature of the Holy Spirit and the Old Testament was different the Holy Spirit came on Sampson but the problem was he also jumped off again enough of on earth he he just came for certain certain times certain periods for certain things to do off that is all destined in a New Testament and the New Testament everything is different the comforter has come to abide [Applause] yes wrapped himself in our bodies and turned our bodies into this temple a temple is a house of prayer and the holy spirit keeps praying in every temple of his that's why God's people are praying people hallelujah the holy spirit jumped on Samson I've read once or twice do a jump is actually used there he jumped on and then he jumped off he jumped or he wrapped himself in I like that very much because that reminds me of a spacesuit you know can a man live on the moon the answer is yes and no no if it goes the way he is yes if he has a spacesuit because the spacesuit is the replica of Earth's atmosphere and if somebody is here who is gay who lives in in the most godless family in America when Jesus comes to him and the Holy Spirit come to him Holy Spirit erupts himself in that person and when he goes home he will never ever breathe the breath of hell [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but breathe the wonderful sewer holiness from the throne of God no matter where we go the Holy Spirit is with us and if he is if he is somewhere not he arrives when you arrive amen he arrives when we arrive blessed be the name of the Lord do you enjoy it now there are some people who say I am not worthy of the Holy Spirit I'm not so holy and that's why I don't deserve the Holy Spirit well let me tell you this if you deserved the holy spirit you would no more need the Holy Spirit I'm talking now to people who are washed in the blood of Jesus our weaknesses don't repel the Holy Spirit our weaknesses attract him [Music] Isaiah says he gives power to the faint and to those who have no might he increases strength so the power of the Holy Spirit is not just the supercharged for super Saenz it is given to those who need the power amen and that power is not given as a reward you don't get the Holy Spirit at the end of a marathon you get him at the beginning of the marathon so that you can run the marathon otherwise you can and I can but we will finish this race and we will serve our Lord and we will see America say I believe it with all of my heart what I saw God do in Africa has given me faith for America actually I have received incurable faith and I don't want to be cured say Amen hallelujah the Lord will lift you he is the lifter of your head all depressions will go the black cloud will disappear his glory cloud will come now here today in Jesus name worthiness I tell you one other thing the Holy Spirit has come for the best of us and for the worst of us for the strongest and for the weakest at the beginning of your Christian life he's available he's ready a man who shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon you jesus said in acts 1 verse 8 and the next chapter he already fulfilled his promise and keeps on fulfilling that wonderful promise of his hallelujah blessed be the name of the Lord oh yes may I please say it maybe some of you don't like it can I tell it anyway I hear all that talk about double anointing double anointing I want the double anointing I bless you I read the book of Acts again and again and again and you know what I read nowhere that when they came down from the Upper Room that any one of the 122 flames [Applause] God knew he couldn't give them to that the second one would kill them it's too much I was baptized into the Holy Spirit when I was a boy of 11 years of age I'm now 74 years of age I never needed the second anointing because the old one still does very very very well [Applause] are you happy I'm also happy oh yes oh yes I want a double anointing like Elijah from Elijah I think that's a bit out of context there you surely don't want that old piece of cloth must have been rotten by now but I do agree with the Allied Elijah anointing from Elijah but our enlight Elijah is Jesus it's Jesus that's New Testament that's New Testament The Purpose Driven Church is part of it but the Holy Spirit driven church this New Testament New Testament say hey man hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh one other thing you own another thing at our church my father was a pastor and that church we prayed for the baptism in the Holy Spirit maybe once or twice he here more or less mostly less another holy day has to come every drape was drawn every door and window locked they didn't want anybody to hear how we were praising the Lord in new tongues Wow I always wondered about that and then they said the Holy Spirit can only fall when we are in perfect unity because x2 says they were all of one Accord now our problem was system Myra she was always gossiping and always broke that one Accord so Holy Spirit couldn't fall one day I discovered something knocked me it knocked me it was John 14 416 I read it to you John 14 416 that is where Jesus is speaking and this is what he says he says 16 and I will pray the father and he will give you another helper the Holy Spirit that he the Holy Spirit may abide with you forever Jesus didn't say you will pray he said I will pray and the father always answers the prayer of his son and Jesus prayed for you that you may receive that Holy Spirit and when he comes he will abide with you forever and forever and in case there is another forever another forever [Applause] [Music] we have nothing to boast one feather less for our hat Jesus does it it is Jesus Jesus Jesus who sent the Holy Spirit to pray for us you're going to receive that powerful anointing that will abide with you forever forever and forever more and as you go into all the world wherever God has sent you and you will preach the gospel the earth will begin to shake and quake won't be an earthquake it will be a heaven quake on earth hallelujah [Applause] I saw him in in Nigeria in Lagos in one meeting I preached to 1 million 600 thousand people they said to me can you see the end of the crowd I was joking I said I can see the curvature of the earth that is what God can do the next day I got the count of the decision carts from that one meeting 1 million 95 thousand two hundred and seventy one it shook me it took me I suddenly realized that God can shrink time I didn't have as many people saved in the 10 years before and now in one meeting if God can save 1 million people in one service how long will it take to save America one year south one year we serve a mighty God hallelujah I believe it with all of my heart this is the God we serve and I pray that you may receive that flame if you haven't if you already have it you have got some explanations for what is what is happening to you say Amen let me quickly leave the 99 and then we come to that one lost sheep may hi I'm an evangelist had to won any soul I don't want to see any any soul lost we have sang it already so wonderful at the beginning Jesus saves the Rings and my spirit Jesus saves there is no other Savior there you can look where you want there is no other Savior when a philosopher has got toothache his philosophy will not have been but the dentist will and if a philosopher needs salvation his philosophy will not help him but his Savior and there's only one Savior and his name is Jesus Jesus Jesus you can go from religion - religion - religion - religion I say that respectfully but you will never find there anyone who died for the sins of the world at the cross of Qyburn [Applause] therefore only Jesus Saves because there is no other Savior there's none around there's nobody around the gospel is the good news of salvation the Bible uses the picture of the prison the prison of sin Jesus came to set the captives free he didn't just come to make the prison cell more comfortable and curable just bringing a softer mattress and giving the prison cell a new coat of paint pink he didn't just come to to bring a television set so that it could be bearable Jesus had no interest to improve the prison Jesus came to break that present lock that who holds you he will break it here tonight and you will be set free the gospel of the gospel of Jesus Christ is not reformation is not renovation is not declaration it is liberation liberation he has come to set the captives free free indeed this is how he emphasizes it and Jesus is here right now if you don't know Jesus as your Savior he wants to come into your heart and life and save you now backslider [Music] why can't you slide away from the devil for a change slide away from the devil and slide to Jesus he will still receive you he will receive you as his child and it's urgent it's urgent let me close for this I met a young man I said to him when are you going to get saved oh he was one of these smart ones he said to me look in my country life expectancy for men is 80 years and I am twenty I've got 60 years to think about it wasn't that smart suddenly the Holy Spirit touched my heart I will never forget that I said young man you are respected is wrong he said in what way I said you don't have 60 years the border to Eternity is never ahead of us it always runs next to life and it can be stepped over any time by old Omaha but this step to Jesus is the kingdom of God is also one step away and you will come into the kingdom of God right now and receive Jesus as your Savior with a peace of God forgiveness of sins and eternal life as the great price for you a new life will begin another young man said to me Punkie my life is like a scrambled egg can Jesus unscramble my life I said of course you can but he doesn't need to do so he just gives you a new one [Music] he calls you because he wants to give you a new life let's close our eyes in Jesus name Lord I want to thank you that you are here you are here you have not been knocking and hard store here tonight that pray for those who need you salvation to receive it now because you are mighty to say while all eyes are closed and we are the holy presence of God I'm asking who see you tonight you want Jesus to save you forgive your sins cleanse you from all your sins receive him as your Savior just raise your hand that I can see and pray for you come on just raise your hand wherever you are let Jesus see your hand don't be shy let Jesus see your hand praise God praise God praise God praise God praise God a man a man a man shall we all stand please I like those who should have raised their hands and have raised their hands please come forward we want to pray with you right now just come come by we sing just and you Jesus I belong to you you're the reason that I you're the reason that I breathe Jesus Irish really you Jesus I belong to you you're the reason that you're the reason that I come and bring keep coming Jesus I this day is your day of salvation come to Jesus we sing one more time just come Jesus even if you didn't raise your hand doesn't matter just come do you you're the reason that I live you're the reason Jesus I believe God bless you all here in front this is the most important decision in your whole life that you are making now because the determines your eternal destiny [Music] what a decision was the greatest day in my life when Jesus entered it as he will enter your life today and he will give you the gift of the Holy Spirit as well what must we do to be saved whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved we call upon the name of the Lord Jesus in prayer and the moment he will enter I want everyone to repeat this prayer after me in support of those who pray it here in front me pray with your whole heart I mean God doesn't so much watch your lips he watches your heart involve your whole heart say dear Lord Jesus Christ I have heard your word and come to you just as I am I am a sinner forgive me my sins you died for me on the cross you shed your precious blood and your precious blood will wash away all my sins just now by faith I receive my salvation I believe with my heart what I speak with my mouth Jesus Christ is my Savior I belong to Jesus and Jesus belongs to me amen [Applause] don't you see that young man over there he's a chief counselor they just would like to give you a piece of literature and a very beautiful Bible if we haven't got one and a short prayer just for a minute or two so I'm asking you just to follow him please just please hey you just heard that
Channel: Your Living Manna
Views: 187,621
Rating: 4.806798 out of 5
Keywords: Malayalam, Christian, Sermon, Pentecostal, Malayalam Christian Songs, Malayalam christian messages, Malayalam Full Movie, Malayalam Christian Speech, Malayalam Christian Testimony, Kerala, India, India Pentecostal Church, Church of God, Assemblies of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Spiritual, yourlivingmanna, livingmanna, Manna Tv, Religion, Christ, Worship, Christianity, Inspirational, English, Tamil, Hindi, Pastor, Lord, Ministry, Word, youtube, TBN, Billy Graham, God
Id: vCoKJDzi188
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 28sec (3868 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2017
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