Daniel Kolenda: The Power & Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

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I greet you tonight in the wonderful name of Jesus it's so wonderful to be back here in South Africa and I want you to know that I have been looking forward to this time for many many months and I believe that God is going to do something very special in this place tonight in Jesus name I'm believing for it as my brothers said have expectation I am in expectation even if you're not in expectation I tell people in our fire conferences many times you know they go for a couple of days and on the first day I look at everybody's faces and they don't know what to expect and I tell them even if you're not smiling I'm smiling because I know something you don't know yet and that is you are about to get hit with the power of the Holy Ghost and you will never be the same again in Jesus name I was told that we wanted to have a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit here tonight how many of you like that idea many times when I go to churches they they tell me what to preach about and sometimes I don't like that because sometimes quite frankly I don't know anything about the subject they want me to talk about but when someone asked me to preach about the Holy Ghost I have no problem with that that's right in my wheelhouse I'm an evangelist an evangelist preached about salvation about deliverance about healing about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that's all we think about day and night so if you're not interested in those topics I'm sorry tonight will not be for you I was speaking in a certain nation in West Africa I will mention the name because I want to go back there and as is typical in many places a deputy governor was sent by by the governor of the region to open our meeting with a speech you know politicians love big crowds so wherever there are crowds there are politicians and as is customary we allowed this politician to open the meeting and I remember he was droning on and on and on politicians are the most talented speakers in the world they can talk for an hour and never say one thing and I remember at the very end of the speech the part that I woke up and her accidentally heard he said I want to say thank you to evangelist kolenda and his team for coming to our country he said we are very happy because we believe that their prayers together with prayers from the mosques and temples are the answer for our nation and then he handed the microphone to me and I'm sorry to tell you that was a mistake because he may have been a politician but I am no diplomat and I said your excellency thank you so much for being here tonight and honoring us with your presence but I must respectfully disagree with you I said you see your excellency you are a deputy governor you represent the nation that we are in today I said I am also a deputy I am also a representative and I have been sent not by any president not by any Bishop not by any King I have been sent by the King above all Kings and the Lord above our Lords and your excellency you have to understand I am NOT here to join my prayers with the prayers from the mosques and the temples because we pray in a name that is above every other name we pray in a name which every knee must bow the name of Jesus everybody say Amen that's what we're about here tonight so you have a little taste if you don't like it you can leave I want to just say a big thank you to brother Bill Wilson to brother George wood for their leadership of this incredible movement called empowered 21 I believe that God has raised up this movement for this season in history how many of you know we need the power of the Holy Spirit moving through the earth today these are the days of the outpouring and I just want you to put your hands together for these men and for the entire global leadership council that's here we love you man brother Berger we love you we honor you in the Lord today I also see many wonderful evangelists here you know South Africa is rich in evangelists some of the greatest evangelists in the world are right here in this great land I would just love because I'm an evangelist myself I'm a little bit partial I want to recognize the Evangelist would you all just stand those of you that are evangelists here come on stand up don't be shy Francois come on stand up we love you guys we honor you in the Lord you're so welcome how many of you know we need evangelists some parts of the church they've forgotten all about the evangelists but I believe God is raising up evangelist again in our day I want to also recognize one more group and then as my brother said all protocol will be duly observed but our Christ for all nations team we have an office right here in in South Africa in fact this is where our very first office was many many years ago and evangelist bonky started Christ for all nations and so could I have Tia and Andre and Steve boysson and all of the Christ for all nations staff that are sitting there would you just stand can we put our hands together for them they're an amazing team praise the Lord the outpouring of the Holy Spirit I tell you what I believe when I look around this place tonight I I I don't know what you see maybe you see just a big beautiful sanctuary maybe you see comfortable chairs I'll tell you what I see I see places on the ground they see places in the seats where the Holy Spirit is going to encounter your life and change you forever I could take you to places right now in the world I'm talking about physical places buildings and I could take you inside and show you the spot on the carpet where my life was transformed and when I look around here tonight I see a spot right here where somebody's gonna be changed and right here somebody's gonna be changed and right here and right here and right here you will be branded with that fire and you will never be the same again in Jesus name we are Holy Spirit people this is what sets us apart this is what makes us different I was talking to some of my brothers earlier we're all evangelists and we were talking about evangelists around the world and you know there's some evangelists I don't know if you can even believe this but there are some evangelists that don't believe in the power of the Holy Ghost they don't believe in signs and wonders they don't believe in miracles I was called by one of these men a few months ago he he called me up he said I want to talk to you he said I need you to help me to understand how to heal sick and I said to this brother I said I didn't think you even believed in that he said well it's true but I'm about to go out into the nations holding evangelistic Crusades and I've realized that if I don't have miracles in my ministry I don't have a chance I said you're you're on the right track buddy but listen we need more than miracles we need the power behind those miracles which is the power of the Holy Spirit you need the power of the Holy Spirit I need the power of the Holy Spirit I'll be the first one to stand here and tell you without him I can do nothing I can't preach without him I can't pray without him I can't live without him I need his power in my life every day and this is what I'm praying you have a collision with a head-on collision tonight in Jesus name let's do this let's just bow our heads right now in prayer and I want I want you to just pray right now just in your own heart I want you to begin to pray right now just in faith say Lord do something in my life tonight Lord Jesus do something inside of me tonight do something in my ministry do something in my family Laure like a fire come down upon my life tonight Lord see me as a sacrifice laid upon your altar and send your fire I pray in Jesus name lord I thank you that this building tonight becomes an altar upon which the fire of God will fall in Jesus name and I thank you that not one man not one woman boy or girl will leave this place unhhhh singed unbranded untouched I thank you Lord that you'll touch each and every one in Jesus name and everybody said amen if I catch you sleeping in my meeting I'll throw a microphone at you I know some of you have been in meetings all day I want to preach from the book of Exodus chapter 3 if you have your Bibles go ahead and turn there if you don't have a Bible you can share with the person next to you I want to apologize in advance my voice is a little bit weary we've had meetings here for the empower 21 Congress all week and yesterday we launched an amazing new initiative called the global evangelist alliance and of course I was talking all day in that so my voice is a little bit hoarse but I'm gonna do my best to preach anyway and you know what even even if the preacher doesn't preach so well the Holy Ghost never fails and that's where my confidence is I discovered a long time ago even even when I was just starting to preach I had this experience where many many times after a meeting I would be in the altars praying for people or talking to people and they would say to me you know it's when you said that this particular thing that it really touched my life and I thought to myself I never said that and it happened so frequently I wondered what was going on and then one day I realized what was happening you see when you preach the gospel between the preacher and the hearer there is an interpreter and that interpreter is called the Holy Ghost and he takes what I'm saying and he modifies it and he customizes it for every individual hearer and so I'm praying tonight that you're going to hear exactly what you need to hear and that it will change your life in Jesus name before I forget I also want to just recognize brother Trevor Noah where is he who let what's that Sam yes good just yes Samson good to see you Trevor good to see you you lead worship for Ryan or bonky all those did I say Trevor Noah that's hilarious that's hilarious Trevor Samson I'm so sorry that's awesome I'm also a comedian but God bless you it's so good to hear your lead and worship again you got the a beautiful voice it makes all the rest of us jealous yes Exodus chapter 3 I'm gonna read about Moses and the burning bush here it might seem unusual to you that we're going to talk about the Holy Ghost out of the Old Testament but it's all the Word of God amen from Genesis to Revelation Exodus chapter 3 it says now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father-in-law the priest of Midian and he led the flock to the backside of the desert and came to the mountain of God even to Horeb and the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush and he looked and behold the bush burned with fire but the bush was not consumed and Musa Moses said I will now turn aside and see this great sight why the bush is not burnt and when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see God called to him out of the midst of the bush and said Moses Moses and he said here am i verse 10 come now therefore and I will send you to Pharaoh that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt and Moses said unto God Who am I that I should go into Pharaoh and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt and the Lord said certainly I will be with you and this will be a token unto you that I have sent you when you were brought forth the people out of Egypt you will serve God upon this mountain say Amen I want to make a couple of observations about this passage and then I'm going to begin to preach and we're gonna end tonight with a Holy Ghost mail a Holy Spirit chaos I hope you don't mind that and I know there's a lot of preachers in the room preachers get ready you're gonna have to help me tonight because we're gonna lay hands on everything that moves and I believe signs and wonders and miracles and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is going to happen but first we're gonna look here at the Word of God and I want to show you a couple of things from this passage that I noticed and I am I'm a man who loves the Holy Spirit and loves the outpouring of the Holy Spirit I tend to see these patterns all throughout Scripture and I want to show you a couple of these number one whenever God wants to do something in the earth whenever God has a plan whenever God has a strategy it always begins this way God looks for a man or for a woman through whom he can do his work God does not work without us he will not work without us ever since the Garden of Eden God made a covenant with man that we would be his agents his deputies here on the earth and whatever happens in the kingdom whatever happens from heaven goes through human vessels and can I tell you something just as a side note the devil can't do anything on his own either he only can work through people you know when Moses and Pharaoh met when they clashed it may have looked like the clashing of two human beings but it was really the power of heaven and the power of the devil clashing through those two men and each force depended on its man to complete its mission God always looks for a man or a woman ladies you're included in that I use a man in the global sense okay but before God uses a man he has to bring that man to the fire God saw Moses he said I'm gonna put my hand on you I'm gonna use you you're gonna be a deliverer but before God could send Moses to Pharaoh God had to send Moses to the fire and that's where Moses encountered the burning bush and I believe there are many of you here tonight that you've been called by God he is a great plan a great destiny for your life you know it you have dreams about it you have visions about it even now as I'm speaking you can sense your spirit being stirred but I want you to know something before God can use you to shake South Africa he's got to bring you to the fire and that's gonna happen tonight in Jesus name every one of you is gonna encounter that fire here's the second part and I think this is for somebody here tonight I want you to notice the location the geographical location where Moses was when he encountered the fire where he encountered the burning bush it doesn't say that Moses was sitting in a five-star hotel sipping lemonade and getting room service it doesn't say that Moses was lying you know Valley on a bed of lush green grass next to a cool brook of running water it says that Moses was in the desert everybody say the desert how many of you know the desert is a dry place the desert is a thirsty place the desert is a lonely place it's a difficult place but even worse than that the Bible says that Moses was not only in the desert it says that he was on the backside of the desert if the desert is a lonely place the backside of the desert is a very lonely place a very dry place a very uncomfortable place but it was in that place where Moses had his encounter with a fiery burning presence of God and I believe there's some of you sitting here tonight maybe you've been in a dry place maybe you've been walking through a wilderness maybe even a spiritual wilderness in your life and as you sit here listening to me right now you don't feel very good you don't feel very excited you don't feel very emotional and maybe you look at the one on your right and your left and you say well they can receive but I am NOT in a good position to receive I want you to understand something the dryer a piece of wood is the quicker it burns you may be dry tonight you may feel disqualified for one reason or another but I'm gonna prophesy to you in Jesus name you will leave this place soaked and saturated and burning with the presence of God in Jesus name say Amen now I also want you to notice the reason that Moses turned aside to see the bush this is a very important observation because people get this wrong all the time people think that Moses turned aside just because he saw a bush burning and that's not the truth I'm gonna show it to you in a moment I was watching a program on television I believe it was the Discovery Channel you have that here in South Africa and you know the the people that run Discovery Channel they must not be Christians because every time there's something on there about the Bible they're always out to disprove it and out to make Christians look stupid and so they have this program I was flipping through and I noticed they said that it was about the miracles of the Bible I thought well this is going to be interesting so I stopped him and watched and they said we are going to show you how the miracles in the Bible happened from a scientific perspective and we're going to prove that there are no supernatural miracles in the Bible I thought well now this is going to be interesting I decided I should probably watch and find out after all I'm an evangelist not believe in the supernatural I should probably know the scientific explanation and so the first story they said they were going to explain is the parting of the Red Sea how many of you think that's a pretty decent miracle I think so I've seen a lot of miracles I never saw a sea part I can promise you that one and a scientist came on and of course behind him on the wall behind his desk were many diplomas and degrees very very intelligent man and he said he said you see the parting of the Red Sea was not supernatural because we know of a place in the Red Sea where the water is only about six inches deep and he said if you know exactly where that place is it is possible that you could walk from one side of the Red Sea to the other in only six inches of water I was scratching my head as I listened to this I knew something wasn't right about what this man was saying but I couldn't quite put my finger on it have you ever felt that I knew something was wrong and then finally it occurred to me I said wait a minute if what this man is saying is true but the children of Israel walked across the Red Sea in six inches of water that now this man needs to explain an even greater miracle he needs to explain to me how it's possible that God managed to drown the entire Egyptian army in only six inches of water you know sometimes you have to go to college for a very long time before you can be so stupid or Roberts University is excluded and then the next scientist came out he said you see we are going to explain the burning bush that Moses encountered he said this was not supernatural he says there is a bush that grows in the wilderness and he gave the Latin name and I never forgot it for some strange reason to this day it's called the dict animus Albus Bush the dict animus Albus Bush he said this Bush grows in the wilderness and it has a very interesting characteristic it secretes a flammable oil from the leaves and he said when the bush gets very hot under the Desert Sun it will spontaneously burst into flames and he said this is what Moses saw it was just a dict animus Albus Bush it was a not supernatural and once again I was scratching my head there was something not right about what this man said but I couldn't quite figure it out and then I read the story again and I realized what it was you see the story doesn't say that Moses turned aside because he saw a burning bush I would like to remind that very smart scientist that Moses lived in the wilderness for 40 years I'm sure he has seen a lot more dick animus Albus bushes that that scientists ever saw and I'll bet you he even saw them burning before that's not what impressed him just a burning bush there was something different about this bush there was something interesting about this bush there was something supernatural about this bush and I'm gonna tell you what it is the bush wasn't just burning the bush kept on burning I imagine it happened something like this Moses is walking through the wilderness one day with his sheep and he looks over to the left-hand side and there he sees a dict animus albus bush it's on fire and he says to himself ah another one of those stupid bushes and he keeps walking but that evening as he was on his way home from the watering hole he looked to his right hand side in there he saw that Bush the same one he had seen earlier in the day and guess what it was still burning Moses thought to himself this has got to be the toughest Bush that God ever made and he kept walking the next week he was on his way back through that same path and he looked and he saw what appeared to be the same bush burning but Moses thought to himself that's impossible no bush can burn for a whole week no bush is that tough it must be that Bush's twin brother and he kept walking but that night as he was on his way home he looked and it was burning again he was still burning and by this time Moses was getting a little bit curious but still not curious enough I think he might have put a rock in the path or maybe he marked the spots somehow and he said next week when I come back this way I'll check and see what has happened to this bush and the next week when he came back to his great surprise the bush was still burning it kept burning and burning and burning and burning and finally one day Moses turned to his stinky sheep he said you guys need to wait right here I'm gonna turn aside and see what is going on with this bush let me tell you something my brothers and sisters how you can tell that the fire that you are about to receive tonight is the real deal it is the authentic genuine article you are not just gonna leave this place burning tonight but when you get back to your house you are still gonna be burning in Jesus name but it gets even better than that because you're gonna wake up tomorrow morning and you're gonna make a discovery 12 hours later you're still burning I remember when I was filled with the Holy Spirit as a teenager I was part of a revival that touched the world in those days and the presence of God was so wonderful and I remember those services were we would be up till 2 and 3 o'clock in the morning amazing amazing things happening as the Holy Spirit would sweep through but the thing that sticks in my mind is the day that I was filled with the Holy Spirit and when I woke up the next morning I looked in mirror and I went it's still here it's still in me it's still on me it wasn't just emotion it wasn't just a hi it's the real thing you're gonna receive it tonight in Jesus name what is today Thursday Sunday is coming how many of you are pastors all right pastors you better get ready because you may be Pentecostal you may be charismatic but Sunday when you stand in your pulpit something's gonna be different I believe that in Jesus name when you open your mouth when you begin to preach something is gonna come out that you didn't even know you had on the inside and your church people are gonna say what is that you smell that do you hear that this man he looks like our pastor he dresses like our pastor he sounds like our pastor but he has a fire we have never seen before wherever you go that heat is gonna be felt and you know what they're gonna give you a raise in Jesus name when I was a teenager and that whole experience happened to me I was probably rather unwise as teenagers are when they get really excited about things but I still remember some of the more senior mature believers in the church coming around me and patting me on the head condescendingly and saying don't worry young man one day you'll be normal like all of the rest of us and I remember looking at them and I didn't say it out loud but I thought inside is if you're normal I never want to be normal I want to burn for Jesus I never want to burn out I want to burn up I want to never want to be cold I never want to be comfortable I want to burn for Jesus and I have good news for you that was many years ago that's more than 25 years ago and I have good news for you today I'm burning brighter than I was burning back then 25 years from now I'll be burning brighter than right now one day when I walk down the streets of gold I'm gonna be burning and burning for eternity because I'm not talking about the fire of enthusiasm or emotionalism I'm talking about the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name I tell you it's a shame that our Pentecostal denominations have lost that fire many of them talk about it like it's some kind of a relic from a bygone era something that belongs in a museum the fire was never intended to burn out the fire was never intended just to give us good stories and memorable testimonies it was meant to be an ongoing living experience of the people of God and those of you that have the stories but you don't have the fire tonight is your night and I'll tell you something else those of you that speak in tongues but you don't have any power you need the fire of the Holy Ghost Jesus said when the Holy Ghost comes upon you you will receive power I grew up in the Pentecostal church I heard a lot of people that could speak in tongues but they had no other evidence of the power of the Holy Ghost in their life my friend we need to become uncomfortable again when we realize that there's something missing in our lives we need to get out our faces and say God do it again burn in us again ignite a whole new generation here in Africa and across the world in Jesus name because I'll tell you right now what Africa needs what America needs what Europe needs with South America and Asia and every nation of the world needs is not better sermons it's not more beautiful church buildings it is the fire of the Holy Ghost say Amen now I'm not I'm not sure how many times Moses walked past that bush before he turned aside the Bible doesn't say maybe it was 10 times maybe 20 times I don't know but there's one thing that I do know the Holy Spirit God burning in that bush she didn't shout to Moses as he walked past he didn't say hey Moses come over here I have something I want to tell you the Bible said that the Lord spoke to Moses only after he had turned aside to see and you know what I believe my friends I believe that there are many of you the Holy Spirit has been waiting for you to turn aside some of you for years some of you for decades he's been waiting and waiting and you've been waiting for him but he's been waiting for you and you keep waiting for him but he's waiting on you and I want to tell you something he's got more time than you have the Holy Spirit can outlast anybody from eternity to eternity the Holy Spirit was waiting for Moses to turn aside and when Moses turned aside God spoke to him people say to me all the time they say preacher why don't I hear the voice of God why don't I hear God speaking and I think that most of the time the explanation is very simple it's just that we're not listening it's that we haven't turned aside we're so busy you know who's the most guilty of this is pastors its preachers you know why we don't turn aside we're so busy tending to our flock of sheep we're leading them to the water but we forgot to drink ourselves pastor let me tell you something preacher let me tell you something the best thing you can do for your flock the best thing you can do for your sheep is to turn your back on them and to face the burning bush and to receive an encounter of the presence of God because without it you have nothing to give to them anyways I tell you what your church people are longing for they're longing for the living evidence of the experience of the Holy Spirit in their midst and if you don't have it you won't be able to lead them into it we need the fire of the Holy Ghost and the sad thing is many of the preachers in this room say this is old news I heard this sermon when I was 15 and I spoke in tongues and I don't need this anymore and the sad reality is you need it most of all without the Holy Spirit we are without his fire we're wasting our time the only thing of value to God is what he does himself and he does it through men and women who are burning with the fire of God some of you say well why isn't God using me I love the way evangelist monkey explained that to someone one time this lady said why isn't God using me he uses other Christians why'd it doesn't use me right I said well it's like this let's say you have two stoves in your kitchen and you want to make for yourself a cup of tea one of the stoves is hot and the other one is cold which one would you use it's very simple you want the holy spirit to use you get on fire God will use you automatically you don't even have to pray for it you don't even need to fast for 40 days you get set on fire by the Holy Ghost and you won't be able to keep God from using you he'll use you every day say Amen is this okay some of you looking at me like a deer in the headlights I was told I was preaching at Pentecostals that's okay actually some of the greatest meetings were in places where nobody was filled with the Holy Spirit those are my favorites I don't know how many bushes there were in the wilderness I'm sure there were hundreds dict animus Albus bushes maybe there were thousands I don't know but there's one thing I can tell you there's only one bush in that wilderness that had the attention of Moses there was only one bush that was distinguished from all of the other bushes there was only one bush that rose up and stood head and shoulders above the rest and it was the bush burning with the presence of God most of those bushes are dead and gone nobody ever knew they existed and nobody ever cared but there's one Bush we still talk about today and it's the bush that caught the fire of gods and preachers and men and women and children of God let me tell you something if you want to be is it distinguished if you want to be set apart from the rest get the fire of the Holy Ghost it will set you apart from everyone else you know I I I spend a lot of time in Africa speaking to pastors we have fire conferences in every city where we go and those fire conferences are attended by primarily pastors and so I've seen a lot of different things here on this amazing gigantic continent and actually they're not so different from things that we see everywhere else in the world one of the things that is very very normal preachers won't admit it but it's true every preacher wants to be distinguished every preacher wants to be recognized everyone wants to be set apart from the rest you might not admit it but you're just lying to yourself nobody wants to be just another face in the crowd everybody wants to make an impact everybody wants to make a difference everybody wants to change the world you get into the ministry because you want to make an impact so I've seen people try all kinds of interesting strategies one preacher says well I know what I'll do I'll write a book then everyone will know that I'm a great man of God I hate to burst your bubble but if you're a dry boring preacher and you write a book it's gonna be a dry boring book and nobody's gonna read it another preacher says well I'll start a television show listen if you're a dry boring preacher you're gonna have a dry boring show and nobody's gonna watch it another preacher says well I'll marry the most beautiful wife and then people will know I'm blessed you can't do that I already did it I won the competition you might as well just retire you say well I'll Drive the most expensive car I'll wear the most expensive suit of clothes and then people will know that I am prosperous and I'm blessed you say I'll build the biggest most beautiful cathedral in the whole city and then every time people will drive by they'll know that I'm the greatest preacher in town my friend can I help you can I help you to save a lot of time and wasted energy and wasted money none of those things will set you apart the pack there is only one thing that makes a difference get the fire of the Holy Ghost people won't be able to ignore you anymore I tell you what when a church is burning everybody knows everybody pays attention it's in the front page of the newspaper get your ministry set on fire and everybody in town will know say Amen I've noticed this disturbing trend in the charismatic world that in order to seem respectable in order to seem sane and rational the charismatic sand Pentecostals they begin to water down who they are and where they came from compromising to make the world and the unbelieving part of the church comfortable and they think that this is the strategy to build big churches and to attract big crowds and to make people like them I'm telling you it's the wrong strategy we were born in the fire and nothing but the fire is going to do in our myths you might be able to build a big church without it but without it you have nothing without it you are nothing jesus said this without me you can do nothing I want you to notice what he what he did not say he did not say without me you cannot do anything that would be a different claim actually there are many things we can do without him we can live without him we can preach without him we can build churches and ministries without him in fact there's an old story of a pastor from the underground Church in China coming to the United States and getting a tour of some of the greatest churches in America and at the end of the trip of the tour they said to him what is your impression he said the number one thing that has amazed me is I found it amazing how much Americans can do without the power of the Holy Spirit may that never be said of us South Africa may it never be said of our churches ASM they had never be said of our denominations Assemblies of God Church of God may never be said of our movements that we have found a way to move forward without him without him we can do nothing all those things we do amount to nothing at the end say Amen and I'm telling you this is what the world is longing for I mentioned earlier about evangelists that think they don't need the power of the Holy Spirit we were in one country in southern Africa I won't say which one again you notice I'm very cautious and this other evangelist who's a friend of mine he was coming to the same city a month before a crusade on the same field this man does not believe in miracles he does not believe in the power of the Holy Spirit but he preaches he's a good preacher much better than me and there in that meeting there largest meeting was 1,500 people I heard the news and it worried me because I thought well for us for our ministry 1,500 would be very very small I prayed I said lord help us help us help us we pulled up to the field and I was nervous of what I find when we pulled onto the field do you know when we arrived at the field the first night there were 80,000 people and I promise you it's not because I'm a better preacher it's because of one thing people want the power of God they want an experience of the Holy Spirit they're hungry for an encounter with the presence don't just preach out him you better practice what you preach you better better demonstrate what you are proclaiming that's what we are it says of Jesus that all these things he began to do and to teach he did it first and then he taught it I went to a class when I was in business school it was a class on entrepreneurship the professor stood up on the first day and he said I've never started a business but I'm going to teach you how to do it this is how most of us are in the church world we we say well I've never seen a miracle but I'm gonna teach you how to pray for the sick let me tell you is my friend the thing that makes us different has holy spirit people as we don't just have the book we've entered into the book and we live the book and we eat the book and we demonstrate the book that's what makes us different may it always be I'm gonna close I could say so much more about this and most of what I would say would get me in trouble so I'm just gonna stop but I'm gonna say this the Holy Spirit distinguishes us and I will never apologize for that distinction I will never apologize for that distinction I have found that has trends and as fads come and go there's one thing that keeps coming back around and there's one thing that never goes away it's the power of the Holy Spirit he is always evergreen and he will always be in style and I'm sticking with the Holy Ghost no matter what everybody else does when I was a boy I told you I was raised in the Pentecostal church and some of you think oh yeah I know what that is a lot of you have no idea what I'm talking about I'm talking about the old fashioned Pentecostals anybody anybody here ever seen those ones where the grandmas put their hair up in a bun and they wore their dresses all the way to the ground back then those Pentecostals the funny ones that's what I was raised it and they used to call us holy rollers you know that terminology in South Africa holy rollers I remember people driving past my house I still have this memory of people shouting up their window when we were in our front porch getting ready to go into church on Sunday morning and they shouted at us there's the holy rollers we were known all over town and people say why did they call you holy rollers does anybody know it's because in the meetings they used to actually roll on the ground sometimes they'd roll from one side of the church to the other and then back again I'm serious I was just a little boy I was like five or six years old and the grandmas they had their hair in a bun and their hair was very very long it was like down to here and then they rolled it off in a bun and it sat right here like a little donut on top of their head and then grandma would fall on the ground and start rolling and that donut would come unwrapped rolled and grandma's hair would be spinning like a helicopter blade and I would sit there as a little boy and laugh grandma I had no idea what it was all about and then as I got older people began to question me they say why how are you Pentecostal so strange why do you shout when you pray and preach why do you dance when you sing why do you fall on the ground and roll around like crazy people I said well you know some people don't know what to say to that I always thought it was a very easy thing to explain I said we'll imagine it's like this let's say you leave the building tonight and you're on your way home and as you walk down the street you encounter someone who is on fire I'm not talking about spiritual fire now okay I'm talking about normal fire they're burning alive flames are leaping off their bodies skin is dripping off of their arms how do you think that person is going to interact with you are they going to say hello sir hello ma'am a fine evening we're having tonight I wonder you may have noticed it's a bit hot I seem to have set myself on fire I wonder if you'd be so kind to call the fire department does that have burning people act yes or no of course not sometimes burning people get a little bit loud sometimes burning people get a little bit animated sometimes burning people get a little bit excited sometimes they jump sometimes they dance sometimes they roll and my friend when you get the fire of the Holy Ghost you will be undignified to say Amen I tell you dignity is not a fruit of the Spirit but joy is a fruit of the Spirit and the fire of the Holy Ghost some of you are gonna find out tonight what Holy Roller holy rollin is all about in Jesus name I pray everyone if you would lose something tonight you'd lose your dignity in Jesus name David said I'll be even more undignified than this in the name of Jesus stand with me you will discover that those very polished reserved dignified polite church people they jump on their feet and they lose their minds over somebody kicking around a ball made out of pigskin and this is what I've discovered everybody burns everybody burns some people burn for football some people burn for money some people burn for sex some people burn for popularity some people burn for their career the difference between them and us is we burn for something that matters we spurn for something that will never pass away we burn with the fire of the holy spirits and that fire is gonna burn in this place tonight come on lift your hands all over this place begin to pray right now open your mouths don't hesitate don't wait let it out Lord we need your fire in this place come on begin to cry out for it we need your fire Oh God [Music] without you we are bankrupt without you we have nothing and we can do nothing but we need your fire we need your glory we need the manifestation of your presence without it we can live we can't preach we can't pray for send your fire send your fire let's send it on our children send it on our grandchildren send it on the next generation Lord to let us ever walk away from that burning bush we'll let it consume our eyes let it consume our ministries burning us I pray Oh God burning us I pray Oh God come on come on open your mouth sleep burn in me Holy Ghost [Music] show [Music] but we repent for being ashamed of this fire we repent Oh God and we return to you set us ablaze I cannot pray but I thank you that Pentecost Sunday all across our churches that fire of the Holy Ghost will fall that you'll set our denominations a plays again with the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name in Jesus aim in Jesus aim [Music] so pretty much [Music] soldiery about satara Vassa sure come on a few if you pray in tongues don't be ashamed of it right now open your mouth I begin to pray you get to pray in the Holy Ghost let it out let it out let the neighbors hear don't worry so very powerful well [Music] Viroqua [Music] but I could soon [Music] power of the Holy Ghost economy the power of the Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Ghost Gouri [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tomasa listen you don't have to wait until Pentecost Sunday to have Pentecost on the day of Pentecost it says in Acts chapter 2 when the day of Pentecost had fully come they were together in one place I tell you my friend tonight your day of Pentecost has fully gone this is your moment [Music] let me tell you what I feel in my heart there are some of you here tonight you have not yet received the baptism into the Holy Ghost if that's you we're gonna pray for you tonight and the fires gonna fall lift your hand if you're one of those you've not yet received the baptism into the Holy Ghost wherever you are lift your hands okay now that means everybody whose hand is not raised has got it already so I want you to surround those people whose hands are raised right now come on surround them and lay your hands on them when people are out around you and put their hands on you you can drop your hands until then keep it up in the air so we can see where you are I have a brother back here gather around him and lay your hands on it come on pastors help me begin to pray right now release that power into their life right now be filled with the Holy Ghost [Music] receiving Jesus a fire of the Holy Ghost fire of the Holy Ghost [Music] filled with the Holy Ghost [Music] we filled with the Holy Ghost [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] I [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] here's what I want us to do right now those of you that are pastors lift your hands come on put your hands on the pastors pastors put your hands on each other even come on we need our churches full again with the glory of God come on just begin to pray for that pastor they get a pray for his church begin to pray for his ministry that God would send a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our churches again Lord if we've been ashamed I thank you that from today in Jesus name in Jesus name where we turn to you again let your power let your glory fall in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus a fire of the Holy Ghost what I think you for signs and wonders I think if we're miracles I think if we're healing Jesus aim glory glory jesus said cheers listen [Music] fire [Music] well thank you for your glory thinking for your glory thank you for your glory thinking for your glory [Music] I want you to understand something this thing is highly contagious it will follow you from this place back to your church I remember in the revival years ago a couple million people visited from all over the world and sometimes they weren't very happy about what was going on I remember there was one pastor sat there with his arms folded the whole time he didn't like anything that he saw he didn't believe in any of it he went back to his church that next Sunday and he stood up in the pulpit he said I went to the revival I saw it for myself and he said nothing happened and when he moved his hand like this the power of God fell on the congregation from left to right people began to fall on the ground weeping speaking in tongues slain in the spirit he didn't even know he had caught something and I pray in Jesus name that wherever you go from this day forward that you would carry a flame a contagious flame that everywhere you go the fire of God would burn the signs and wonders and miracles would follow the preaching of the gospel the demons would be cast out that miracles will happen but salvation will flow like a river and the revival will break out across this great land though we pray for South Africa Lord let a revival begin here in this nation that will burn from south to north engulfing this entire continent in a mighty Holy Spirit flame in the name of Jesus and everybody said there's one more thing we're gonna do it's time for some miracles yes does anybody need healing in their body let me see those that need healing wonderful something amazing is gonna happen here right now is that okay some of you have never seen a miracle happen before you're about to witness it right before your eyes and this is what I felt in my heart that we were supposed to do here you know some places I've gone I heard afterwards in the newspaper or I heard from critics they said that I manipulated people and that they had a placebo effect because of my preaching or something I don't even know how to do such a thing I didn't even know that was possible but here's what I feel in my heart that some of you God is going to use you in such a way even tonight you'll never be able to deny that it was him and you'll know that it was nothing but his glory in his power so this is what we're gonna do forgive me I know many of you are senior pastors many of you are great leaders but if you would humble yourselves for a moment the Holy Spirit will teach you something I'll tell you what none of us should ever grow to the place where we can't learn and in the kingdom of God can I tell you how growing looks it always points down in the natural we grow up in the kingdom we grow down [Music] one great evangelist said to me he said Daniel God doesn't use grownups he can't trust them he only uses children so I want you just to indulge me for a minute okay because tonight I want to do something I want to teach you how to heal the sick and I'm gonna teach you to do what I have seen results in incredible miracles all over the world including people being raised from the dead creative miracles body parts growing all of these things people just asked me today how do you do it I'm gonna show you okay but here's the first thing I need you to understand it is not about me and it is not about you some people think this is the way I thought for many many years as a young man I thought that healing and miracles I thought they were the pinnacle of the mountain of spiritual performance but if you were good enough for long enough if you prayed if you fasted if you learned enough theology and pneumatology and you'd spent enough years in Bible School and you learned all the right words to say and all the right techniques that finally at the very end you would reach this point where you could see miracles that's what I thought I was told growing up they said if you pray for somebody and they don't get healed don't blame the sick person it's not their fault and don't blame God it's not his fault they said blame yourself it's your fault well you know what happens in a culture like that in the church culture nobody wants to pray for the sick because nobody wants it to be their fault if they don't get healed so everybody just puts their hands in their pockets and pretends like that's somebody else's job that's for Reinhardt Bonnke when I was a in Bible School in that revival with amazing things happening all around us make amazing manifestations of the Holy Spirit one thing that I wasn't seeing was healing and I wondered why I thought well maybe I haven't prayed enough you got to understand in those days I was praying for 4 to 6 hours a day I was in classes early in the morning for hours and then in the evenings I went to revival services for hours we would get out of service at 3 o'clock in the morning we'd be back in class by 8 o'clock the next day we did this for years it was almost humanly impossible for us have to have been more devoted and I was in the prayer Chapel one day I'd been praying for I don't know two three hours and I noticed the lady that walked in with the brace on her leg and I felt you know maybe maybe today it will happen after all I have been praying a lot lately I've been living very holy lately I have been in Bible College for a couple of years now maybe it's time I walked over to this lady and I said ma'am can I pray for you and she said sure go ahead and I knelt down and I put my hand on her brace and I begin to pray and pray and pray and I used every sophisticated religious word I could think of I quoted every healing scripture that I could think of I said all the right things and then when I was done after about 10 minutes I opened my eyes and I looked at her and she was staring at me just staring at me and I'll never forget the words she said she said young man are you willing to pay the price some of you are clapping don't be so quick I walked out of that room and I was frustrated I was discouraged I said God what do you want from me I have paid every price I know how to pray I've laid down my life I pray I fast I live holy I study your word I've devoted myself to your presence what more can I give and I was frustrated like that for several years until I discovered the answer I'm gonna share the answer with you and hopefully save you a few years of frustration I began traveling with Reinhard Bonnke and I don't know what I expected in the beginning I'd never seen miracles like that until I began to work with Reinhard and I don't know what I was expecting I think I was expecting something that looked like it came out of a Disney movie like Jafar from Aladdin conjuring up some miracle healing dust or something and what amazed me was not how spectacular it was what amazed me was how easy it was how ordinary ordinary it was he wasn't a guru floating levitating on the top of a mountain somewhere he was just a man who trusted God and believed his word and I said wait a minute I could do that Reinhard said to me Daniel I want you to go out on the on the stage in front of I don't know how many people were there that first time hundreds of thousands and he said you're gonna pray for the sick and I said right what if what if I pray for the sick and no one gets healed he said to me Daniel if you pray for nine people and none of them get healed pray for the tenth one as though every one of them had been healed because your experience does not change the Word of God so I prayed didn't know what to prayer didn't know how to pray but I prayed miracles started happening miracles the likes of which I had never seen before people jumping out of wheelchairs blind eyes opening nobody was more surprised than me and I had this revelation I suddenly realized this is way bigger than me and I realized something all that stuff I had learned was a bunch of garbage you see the reason that that looked that lady looked at me and said have you paid the price if she had never understood the gospel if I could pay the price for you to be healed that would mean I had to supplement something that Jesus did on the cross and I cannot add to anything that he did when he bled and he died he paid all the price everything was paid when Jesus hung his head and died he didn't say Lord most of it is finished didn't say almost finished he didn't say Lord I did my best he said it is finished the price is paid and I'm beginning to go back through all the things I learned and I realized how stupid they were listen if I have to take the blame when somebody doesn't get healed then I should get to take the credit when they do get healed don't you think that's fair but if I don't get to take the credit when they do get healed I refuse to take the blame if they don't get healed I've just decided I am NOT the healer Jesus is the healer I'm gonna do what he told me to do I'm gonna trust him with the rest and you know I found when I under hitched my ego from the locomotive of God's glory miracles started happening all over the place some of you think that miracles are God's vindication of your ministry that's wrong miracles say nothing about how God is pleased with you nothing about that you could be in sin tonight and still see miracles because those two things are not connected some people think they need to live a holy life so they can see miracles a holy life is important the Bible says without holiness no man will see God but you don't earn miracles by being holy that's not how it works I remember Ryan Hurd was on a show with with a author who had written a book about fasting and of course Reinhard is known for great healing miracles so the author said to Ryan and he said Ryan tell us about your powerful life of fasting and of course Ryan hurt fast he prays but he wanted to make a point to this man and he said sir I have to be honest with you I found the power switch on a different wall [Music] and I'll tell you the wall the power switches on it's the wall of faith it's the wall of trust Jesus said there will there'll be some that come to him on that last day and say Lord Lord didn't we cast out demons and do many mighty works in your name and he'll look at them and say I don't even know who you are you see the miracles in their ministry were not God's authentication of the quality of what they were saying or doing or living they were simply the result of faith in the finished work of Jesus that's where miracles come from Paul said I am afraid that you've been robbed of the simplicity that's in Christ this thing is so easy the thing that you need to learn is that you need to unlearn all the things that you've learned everything you think you know about miracles and healing and the Holy Ghost just throw it in the garbage Pentecostals are the worst of this we've written so many books about the Holy Spirit that we think that he has to abide by our rules he doesn't care about your stupid book somebody said you know what I decided in my church I'm gonna let God out of the box I said I have news for you buddy God was never in your stupid box the only one in that box is you and you might as well come on out because it's better out here so this is what we're gonna do I'm gonna stop talking and I'm going to show you something amazing miracles are about to happen all over this place by the hundreds and it's gonna be so easy it's gonna be so easy that you're gonna be surprised how surprised you are so this is how we're gonna do this I'm gonna ask everybody who needs a healing in their body to lift their hand right now if you need a healing just lift your hand okay now keep your hand up until I tell you to put it down okay if you need healing in your body lift your hand now I want every person in this room to find someone whose hand is raised and just team up with them don't pray for them yet don't even talk to them yet just kind of partner up with them and try to find someone who he didn't come with tonight maybe even someone you don't know those are my favorite kinds find somebody new a new face a new person and just team up with them but don't pray yet I need to teach you how to do this it's very specific what I'm gonna teach you okay now even if you have your hand raised you can partner with somebody else who has their hand raised because God is not going to use you because you are the picture of perfect health he's gonna use you because he's the healer and you're his servant once you have a partner put your hand down okay so I'm gonna look at those whose hands are still up and I'm gonna send people to you so if your hand is up that means you do not yet have a partner you have a partner there sir okay YouTube partner together okay you two guys partner together somebody I see some hands here in the dark make sure that everybody has a partner and once you have a partner put your hand down you two ladies they're both of your hands are up your partner's okay somebody needs to come here to this young man in the front come on so don't be shy I'm gonna show you how to do this it's gonna be really easy somebody partner with this young man okay that was the first step now we're gonna get a little more complicated are you ready this is highly technical so listen carefully I want everyone to locate their right hand got it good good good this is a good group I know this is gonna go well can tell already okay I just don't use it yet just look at it that's it that's what God's gonna use if you don't have a right hand you can use your left that's okay all right now don't do anything yet but I want you to look at your partner and locate the space on their head between their nose and their hairline that's called a forehead don't touch it just look at it some people have a very large landing strip it goes all the way back okay now I want you to take that right hand don't pray I want you to take the right hand and just put it right on that forehead okay you guys are doing really well so far you follow instructions very well yes you can put your hands on each other's forehead that's fine now do not pray for this person I'm gonna tell you how to do this okay I do not want you to begin to pray and tell God about their problem God knows all about their problem I want you to tell their problem about God you are deputized by heaven you are an ambassador of Christ he has given you the authority as his child over sickness and disease every serpent of Restore pian every power of the devil I want you to take that authority right now I want you to speak to the sickness and that brother that sisters body and command it to get out right now in Jesus name say be healed in the name of Jesus tillage to get out get out in Jesus name pain go in the name of Jesus cancer go in the name of Jesus sickness go in the name of Jesus be healed be healed be healed in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus be healed [Music] okay stop stop stop Shh stop praying I cut you can put your hands down I cut you short because I don't want you to think it's your prayer that heals people it's not about how good you pray or how long you pray it's Jesus but there's one more thing I want you to do don't ever just pray for somebody and then turn around and walk away you need to engage your faith and I tell you how you're gonna do that look at that person you just prayed for and asked them to test themselves whatever was wrong tell them to check some to see if that pain is still there some to see if they can move their arm now if they can move their back they can move their leg if they were in a wheelchair I'll tell them to get up and walk in Jesus name Faneuil um tell them to check for that long whatever it was they couldn't do tell them to do it now do it in Jesus name you'll make an amazing discovery all over this place miracles miracles whoo [Music] [Applause] all right now those of you that just now experienced a miracle wave both hands over your head at me I want to see where you are look around you right now look at this hundreds hundreds of miracles okay stop stop put your hands down everybody's getting so excited it's like now everybody's waving okay only the people that received the evidence of your miracle that means something physically literally changed I don't mean you hope you were healed you wish you were healed you're speaking in faith I mean something literally just changed in your body and you're healed wave both hands only those people wave your hands I want everybody to look around it this literally hundreds of people have just now been healed just now listen if I hold on hold on getting excited if I brought all these people on the platform it would take hours to interview them I've had times in stadiums where so many people were healed they lined the entire length of the stadium several times over because Jesus is the healer I didn't lay hands on one of these people it's all Jesus and he used you because you're his now listen sometimes when you pray for somebody they don't get healed that happens to all of us I've had it happen to me on the stage with 500,000 people watching it's a weird feeling so maybe you're wondering what do I do if I pray for somebody and they don't get healed I'm gonna tell you the secret are you ready you pray again that's it you pray again sometimes the most amazing miracles that I've seen didn't happen the first time or even the second time sometimes it happened the third time I pray and I just said I'm gonna go for this until the devil gives up I told you you can outlast the Holy Spirit but you can't outlast the devil because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world and so hold on we're gonna we're gonna rejoice in a minute but for those that still need a healing lift your hand and we're gonna pray for you one more time all right there's not too many anymore lay your hands on those that are close by and pray for them conduit right now thank you Lord in Jesus name be healed in the name of Jesus all sickness get out all infirmity go in the name of Jesus we take authority over you you're not welcome in this body be healed right now in the name of Jesus be healed in Jesus name now test yourself test yourself right now those of you that were just prayed for test yourself you'll make an amazing discovery Jesus has touched you how many of you were just healed on that second prayer let me see both hands where are you those of you that were healed the second time around look at this isn't this wonderful this is this wonderful I tell you I believe and I think this is prophetic listen to me I believe a revival of healing is coming into South Africa the move of the Holy Spirit began on this continent with a wave of healing and I believe that that wave has made it's made its rounds and it's coming back around again and it's gonna cover this place but the second time it comes it's gonna be bigger and it's going to be stronger and it's gonna be faster and it's gonna be deeper than it ever was before lift your hands right now Lord I thank you for a revival of healing that begins right here tonight in Jesus name right here in Johannesburg but I thank you for signs and wonders and miracles thank you that you're poor [Music] twice when you gave to Charlie twice what you did black a hundred years ago do it Lord pressed down shaken together and running over in the name of Jesus I pray and everybody shout [Music]
Channel: Empowered21 Africa
Views: 203,477
Rating: 4.8584666 out of 5
Keywords: Holy Spirit, Bible, God, Christian, Christianity, Spirit, Spiritual, Spirit-Empowered, Lord, Jesus, Christ, Jesus Christ, Messiah, Holy Ghost, Empowered, Empowered21, Jerusalem, Jerusalem2020
Id: v-oIPg6oA08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 23sec (4883 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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