What is a Brush Gun?

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alright guys welcome back this is Eric here with Iraq veteran 8888 today we're going to be answering the question what is a brush gun I know that term gets thrown around a heck of a lot everybody's like yeah I'm gonna go grab my brush gun and go getting the deer Woods and go after Bambi or whatever that's all good and fine I think the common conventional wisdom that's accepted about brush guns is that they have to be 45 70 or 440 for Marlin or some big lever-action caliber that can punch through the brush and get on to the other side of the brush and get you a humane kill when you're in the deer woods you know there's been a lot of stories that have floated around over the years I'm sure you've heard some of them where guys sitting in the deer stand shoots at a deer this 270 or is 308 or whatever high-velocity Spitzer bullet he's using shoots at a deer through a little bit of brush the bullet veers off misses the deer costs him a trophy of a lifetime because as a he didn't have a brush gun okay so is there any fact to that is there really validity to the whole brush gun myth we're going to try to solve that for you today we're going to start out with a 22 and then work our way up to the 45 70 which many consider to be the ultimate brush rifle and you know I to fall into that type of stigma growing up I was always taught that if you were going to hunt in thick brush you want to use a heavy bullet with a flat nose something moving slow heavy thumping on through that brush and not caring that it's there and getting to the deer I've always been taught that but is there any truth to it so let's find out this particular rifles of Henry 4570 all-weather this is one of the new guns that Henry put out this year can't wait to shoot this one but we've got a couple other classics we're going to show off as well let's start out with 22 work our way up basically all we're going to do is put a piece of steel on the other side of some brush and we're going to shoot through the brush and see if our accuracy is thrown off let's do it alright first gun we're gonna use we've got a Ruger m77 22 it's an all-weather we're gonna fire some CCI mini mags through this brush right here we got about 15 yards of brush in front of this so this is a not that you would hunt deer with the 22 but we're not advocating that however we're using this as a base just to give us an idea if these 22s are going to get thrown all by all the branches and limbs so we're going to be shooting through a bunch of thick stuff right here and I'm going to try to try to find a pretty consistent point of aim and just try to launch them through this brush at our target on the other side I mean it is very tough to see okay well guys that right there is what we like to call a result this gun right here will drive tax at 25 yards so I know the gun is not off or anything like that it's not my shooting I had a consistent point of aim only one round hit the target it tumbled and then we've got two strikes and the board to the left here where the rounds deflected and they actually tumbled into the board so that tells us that yes privet hedge and brush will cause a 22 long rifle to deflect to stabilize and ultimately you won't hit your target so there might be a little bit of truth to this whole brush gun myth of course I knew that maybe a little bit going into this and we're only at 22 but let's keep going now we're gonna hit it with five five six let's do it alright that was a pretty interesting result with the 22 long-rifle we're gonna step up to five five six out of an 18-inch DMR we're gonna run just 55 grain real basic stuff I'm not trying to get too extensive on the testing of different types of ammo we just want to try this 55 as a baseline just to see what will happen so again I'm gonna try to get through there it's hard to see it's like one might have missed pretty interesting result there with the 5 5 6 granite it's 55 grain if you're running something a little bit heavier maybe it would carry through a little bit better but that's a really awesome results out of an 18-inch barrel I mean I'm only 15 yards away so you know the guns you just literally stack them all in one hole at 50 yards or 100 yards I mean a good accurate AR not in this case we have one round hit close to center one of them hit low and then one of them almost two feet from my point of aim at key holding the top of the target so the round that you heard it didn't hit the key hole through the top of the target so that right there if you've got a deer on the other side and you're in the deer woods and you're and you're shooting through some brush with a high-powered rifle that's high velocity Spitzer bullet yeah there's some truth to that it looks like your bullets are going to deflect I tell you what we're going to test a myth actually two different myths in one video in Vietnam a lot of the troops preferred the m14 to the m16 because of that very reason closed in jungle fighting they're worried about bullets tearing off and everything they like that 308 because it could punch through that that jungle brush a little bit better so I'll tell you what I don't have an m14 but I do have a BM 59 let's break it out and shoot a little bit of a jungle scenario at the target with 308 let's do it alright we're going to move up to the BM 59 awesome rifle we're going to shoot some m80 ball this is EQI a MIDI ball pretty standard stuff we are 50 yards away that's one thing I wanted to mention so we are a little bit distance away but we have about 15 16 yards worth of brush in that in that distance as well so I just want to clarify that alright BM 59 going for it through the brush jungle style do it sounds like we got some hits there let's have a look before I reveal what happened all right let me just say that if it were the jungles of Vietnam and a jungle fight I would rather have a 30 Cal over a two to three five five six any day of the week trust me but the 308 stumble to through the brush we got one hit right there on the edge of the Gong another bullet missed the gong however it did stabilize and it pierced the board backing board but one of the rounds tumbled key hold into the side of our two-by-four that's holding our steel plate up and then lumber it on through the backside of the board so there's still they've still got a lot of power even though they're their key holding but you're not going to get any kind of accuracy through brush if you're expecting and again the vein of this video being if you're a hunter and you're trying to kill like a piece of game that's on the other side of the brush are you firing a humane shot to try to take that shot with a certain rifle through the brush that's what we're trying to prove an answer to that is do not shoot through brush with a 308 because you can see it's all over the place and it's tumbling that's not going to provide a humane kill so I think we can prove that high-velocity rifle cartridges can generally in a spitzer design tumble but what what happens when you start getting into more of the flat nose and things like that so I tell you what let's punch through with the old trusty 35 which is a generally accepted brush gun and see what happens all right guys stepping up to a classic lever gun this is a 1951 Marlin 336 oh yeah 35 Remington buddy that's where it's at this is a well worn and well used and well-loved 35 Remington hunting rifle this rifle literally tells the story of the bushes it was carried through in the time that it was hunted with from the time it was made and that this is the quintessential in the woods type rifle when you talk about a 35 but will it live up to that's a 200 grain soft point I'm going to try to get me a consistent point of aim through the brush here and we're just going to poke through and and see what happens nice old original 35 here we go that last one I don't think it deflected guys I think I just missed barely to the left of the gong I think what this proves though if you can see it you can probably hit it with a rifle like this but let's not get too excited yet let's go see if any of those bullets tumbled all right so what we proved here is that the 35 if you can see it you can kill it so definitely no problem there I mean I'm shooting at a target that's very difficult to see despite being painted white so if that puts anything in perspective just how thick this brush really is there's no way that I mean as long as you can see it you can kill it those two rounds right they're stabilized hit just fine and then just to the left of the Gong and a nice little triangulation here on the left once I got a consistent point of aim through the trees we found that all of those bullets would have been a humane kill provided you could see that the area on the deer that you needed to shoot you know it's about a 8 to 10 inch circle on a deer that you've got to hit to get it right in the boiler room and put that deer down humanely and quickly okay and we can see that the 35 is no mystery it's been doing it for years all three bullet stabilized it didn't really affect accuracy that much it's not like you know like the high-velocity cartridges that seem like we have one hit real high one hit real low the accuracy suffered in this case we didn't really see any kind of harm to the accuracy not that we can really see it 50 yards now in the brush you're not going to be taking a shot at a deer for over 50 yards anyway but I tell you what this proves it pretty well but let's step up to the 444 Marlin and then on to the mighty Henry 45 70 let's do it right moving up to 444 Marlin this is a in 1972 Marlin 336 that my grandpa Balt knew in 72 444 is basically this is a 240 grain bullet on a but stomping charge of powder so imagine a 44 mag on steroids basically an elongated 44 magnums all it is a lot of folks over the years have kind of grown more fond of the forty five seventy compared to the 440 for Marlin it's a caliber that's really kind of fell to the wayside a little bit but we are going to shoot it give it a little try here see how we do let's see Boyd is tough to see through that brush you think that I would cheat a little bit but we're really just kind of winging it and the Sun is popping out on me and it's going to be really hard to see what I'm shooting at but I'm going to try you ready well you know that freakin piece of privet has got cut in half that's exactly what we're looking for let me grab that piece of privet and let's look at it another ed Mecca scrap dissed them that's okay alright guys that was exciting that 4:44 pushing on through the brush and doing this job we pretty much know from hunting with this cartridge for years what it's capable of doing but it's nice to kind of document it and really show what can really happen we got two hits on the steel one hit went over off onto the board over here to the left but it barely missed and I think it was just my point of aim shifting a little bit once I got those two shots where I wanted them pretty much centered it up no problem and that one round went through and busted a big old piece of privet heads right there so that shows that the realm went through the privet hedge and still carried through to hit the target which is so awesome I'm so happy to see that but I tell you what this is what everybody's been waiting for word let's repaint everything get back and hit this steel with some 4570 let's do it alright we're breaking out the the pop of the brush the Henry 4570 all-weather 350 grain flat point Horner gee I think you guys can see where this is going and let's give it a try no resistance that privets just go you know I don't know if that pruvit knows what to think let's go have a look I can't possibly think of a better result than that all three of those rounds landed right in there we had one that hit just off the side of the gong right there so despite the fact that one missed the gong that could have just been me you know being a little funky on the sides or whatever but if you can see it you can kill it with a 45 70 in the brush we saw one of the rounds impacted another piece of privet in the same location that the 444 did those rounds carried right through and did their job so that is just so awesome I think what it really proves is velocity when you're talking the velocity game and you're running like a high-velocity rifle cartridge like a 308 or 270 that's a popular hunting cartridge anything like that you know that velocity does funky things when that spits are bullet hits a branch or something it's gonna find that kind of path of least resistance and it's just going to go wherever the branches tell it to and that is going to upset the flight path of that bullet and it's going to cause it to dis stabilize and it's just not going to be accurate with that large frontal bearing surface on those on a lot of these lever gun calibers you see that it tends to just really push the branches on through it just basically shoots right through them and it continues on a straight flight path to impact the target so yes there is a such thing as a brush gun and yes everybody should have one if you hunt in the thick stuff for Bambi you need a 45 70 lever-action rifle or some type of 45 70 you can get in there and really lay down the law in the deer woods and tell you what is a little bonus I've been hunting with a little Schneider calvary carbine in a 577 Schneider big ol honkin 560 grain 58 caliber flatpoint bullet just for fun academic purposes let's see how the little 58 Schneider would hold up in the deer woods on the same test just for fun let's do it okay without boring you guys we're gonna try something kind of silly here we're going to take shots with the 577 Schneider this is a special little round that I cooked up I'm not going to go into too many details at the moment but it uses a 560 grain thompson/center maxi hunter projectile big ol honkin cast bullet we're going to launch something through the brush here see how well the little workhorse holds up this gun was produced in 1875 I'm going to be deer hunting with this this weekend I'm not going to shoot through any thick brush if I can help it but just for fun that sounded like a a nice loud clang there three four three baby haha let's go see what happened well guys I think I've got the little Snyder figured out in terms of what to do with this thing in the deer woods I did not expect to hit this gong at all much less stack three of them within 5 inches of each other at 50 yards through 15 yards of heavy privet it just goes to show this bull is only moving a thousand feet per second so it's awfully slow but you heard and you saw that carrying energy that that bullet possesses very very humane kill on a deer you know like we said in the past a 30 Cal yeah it expands but a 58 baby it doesn't shrink ah all right well get yourself a brush gun and go get in the woods and have some fun with Bambi have a good one thanks for watching
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 3,076,951
Rating: 4.8737292 out of 5
Keywords: brush gun, henry rifles, henry rifle, henry lever action, lever action, 35 Remington, 444 Marlin, 45/70, marlin, marlin 336, .35 remington, .444 marlin, iraqveteran8888, iv8888, gun myth, henry 45/70, henry .45/70, big bore
Id: P5dve7vAY9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2016
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