Winchester Model 94 .30-30 (Pre 64)

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hey he cocked 45 here loading one of my favorite styles of rifle yes lever gun and she's loaded 30 30 ah didn't think he'd ever see one here did you at the compound I've had 30 30s before I promise but I feel almost unamerican that I am so long getting another one for you and for me and if you know anything about lever guns you probably already know what this baby is yes I really feel unpatriotic for not having a model 94 on winchester 94 for a long time I mean I should be ashamed of myself I totally agree with you because this rifle is loaded of course you just saw me put rounds in it in the tube at least that's all it is as much Americana as anything any folks overseas in other countries you know what I'm talking about too don't you the winchester model 94 originally called the well it was called model 94 of course 1918 94 but it was chambered for a couple of the rounds didn't come out initially as the 3030 but when he did the 3030 quote-unquote was the 30 WCF Winchester center fire so you see these old rifles really old ones and he'll say thirty WCF on the barrel and if you're like me when I was younger and I'd see one of those over well what's a thirty wcup you know I knew thirty thirty but what's that you know of course same thing and we'll talk about that but the 1894 Winchester is is iconic it has it's been around since about the 1894 really it has and has been chambered in the 30 WCF for the 3030 for a long time since about 1895 so two iconic things in my hand right now winchester model 94 and the 3030 cartridge so let's take a few shots here for again oh let's just go on over there and try it read plea if we come close to it if I can see these sights good under I knew it was gonna happen looks like I knew that one was going to hit it okay let's take out a two-liter while we're here like that black brown whatever it is whoa that's it let's try the other one wow it's like shooting up 45 70 miles will take out the let's try that little pot there on top of the tombstone if we can pop him shook him up a little bit we'll get him later I guess I was holding too low alright so anyway that's the 94 if you're familiar with lever guns and you just not had a 94 you know they're little different you know the looks like the insides fall out when you open it up and it was designed that way so that the receiver can be shorter and still chamber a longer cartridge when you know without adding to the length of the receiver so that's the way it works and you get your bolted comes up in the back or block locks the bolt in place model 94 it's been around a while there's been about what is it six or seven mean of a made you know so it's not a new kid on the block or anything it was originally you know made and chambered for black powder cartridges the 3855 the 30 to 40 and I've not owned anything in those calibers I'm familiar with especially the 3855 almost bought something in that once and you know I think the original loading smokeless was 160 grain bullet almost 2,000 feet per second so that's pretty spiffy for the time and it gets the job done you know any time the thing goes back in history goes a long way these things again like it's an iconic rifle they've been presented to presidents you know like was it 27 I think the Calvin Coolidge she got the millionth copy Truman and 48 got the month a million and a half coffee something like that and then when they got up to two million level Eisenhower's president I think 53 so you know they just been with so much history associated with the model 94 that you know just tons of it and give you I think I think I'm correct this was the first commercial rifle chambered for a smokeless cartridge you know the 30 30 or the 30 WCF whereas the first military rifle in the US was the 3040 Krag that would smokeless as well and that was just a couple three years before this but this was the first commercial rifle chambered designed particularly 95 I believe I'm not sure in the first year it came out I think it was a 95 that they changed the steel to where it would handle you know easily the smokeless powder and then it was chambered for the 30 WCF and the rest is history if you know anything about hunting or about hunting rifles you know probably quite a bit about the 3030 more than I do I've had a couple in fact there were 94 but they were newer newer 94 the split key more rounds in that smaller gamming but and I got a little bit ammo even 3030 started fire it really is I had a commemorative model it was Canadian Centennial I picked up once had it for a little while and you know as far as a lot of shooting I tend to shoot the pistol caliber lever guns more than anything and so I know I trade it for something and it was a post 64 model which we'll talk about and wasn't quite as desirable anyway wasn't a collector speed well they considered the collectors it was you know there's a lot of commemorative 30 30s in winchester model 94 and a man they commemorate everything here was a Buffalo Bill you name it and a lot of them were made since 1964 that's five or six but that's enough and I just trade those for something else this one is a pre 64 and for those of you who know what that means you know what that means we'll talk about that a little bit let's shoot something Oh cinder block John set up a cinder block let's take a couple shots at that thing I haven't really messed with the sights and they seem to be pretty much on I'm not 100% sure but nice I love that dust so we let's put them all on it I try to like I said try to go in more it's fun chewing up cinder blocks with rifle rounds q cute now those are a few okey 150 grain yeah bullets I've got a few PMC I've had ran forever since when I used to have a 3030 see there's proof I've had these forever those 170 grain 3030 and just hung on to those the PMC found a few boxes this recently so we'll have a little bit to shoot it now 364 oh boy what does that mean well Winchester in 1964 made some changes to this classic rifle it was getting expensive for them to manufacture and they wanted to keep it inexpensive for hunters because I mean this is a Knockaround gun man if you're into guns and hunting it all back any time in the 20th century almost you probably had one of these and it's just a very very common rifle and well they wanted to keep it that way and so they cut costs you know all of this one this one is 1958 by the way vintage 1958 and it's mine I found it recently I decided I needed a winchester Model 94 and I wanted a pre 64 model if I got one again well the the barrel bands are all machine you know steel the the receiver you know steel it's forged and everything the whole nine yards the carrier the elevator just just everything you know like they used to make things well Winchester went and changed that and they used alloys and different things on all these parts and to make matters work nothing wrong with alloy necessarily I think about some of the great guns out there they'd have alloy receivers you know whether it's a Sig or a Benelli shotgun a Mossberg you know a lot of people would swear by those including myself so nothing wrong necessarily with that except even to make matters worse the first go-round on it I don't know how many years it was two or three years some of the early want some of you may know more about them and I do not only did they change the material some kind of alloy and weird plating and all that but they they didn't hold the bluing or the color very well so not only are the alloy they got away from the steel but they look like crap to put them I'll place some but I've seen some of those they just don't look good I don't know if they were more prone to breakage some other actually what I have read is that the new ones if you buy one today or you bought one in 64 or 1970 they actually functionally are just fine and they work fine especially today if you buy one that was post 64 you'll get it for a lot better price than these these things they start out at six or seven hundred basically real junker going on up to thousand two thousand dollars if they're like in pristine condition possibly so you do have to go you do have to pay to get one that's all steel one of the old ones they are collectors items basically it's too bad isn't it but the newest work from what I read just fine the ones I had worked fine too but they went and messed it up a lot of people think I mean I've even before I knew what people were talking about does I've been in the gun community a long time I hear people that knew about these things and you know being somebody with somebody a gun show friend of mine uh is that a pre 64 I got to hearing that pre 64 in post 64 phrase I'm talking about with it must be some significance to that friend of mine what what's the deal with the pre and post 64 yeah so I remember him telling me a little bit about that at one point and it definitely it should they changed them okay so they work fine the new ones as I understand but these old ones are nice and I decided I was going to have one and just have one I'm not going to be a collect or anything I just go ahead and get a pre 64 model and I found a nice one in Franklin not too long ago so again the 3030 so much history with it that that cartridge is considered I guess still so today even at least over the years it has taken more game big North American game big game than any other cartridge the 3030 and there's some disagreements I think with the history the 3030 in terms of whether or not have started out as black powder and all this kind of thing it because it's right there on the the cusp of the edge of the end of the black powder era era in the beginning of the smokeless powder the best I can tell and figure is that it it was the first smokeless round for you know this gun you know Winchester developed it people will load black powder in it sometimes you'll see some black powder loadings but it was never commercially offered as a black powder round it was a smokeless round okay and so that is part of the reason for the confusion maybe and also I read don't know if it's true I wasn't there at the time because I was born in about 1905 after that but that Winchester called this cartridge the 30 WCF and when Marlin came out with a gun chambered in it they didn't necessarily like the idea of putting 30 yo Winchester Center fire on there guns yeah and so they started calling it to 3030 and that's the black powder designation for around yo the 30 caliber and 30 grains of powder like a forty five seventy 45 caliber and 70 grains of black powder so that makes it sound like a black powder cartridge so you got all those things wrapped up into it and and also read that it was loaded when it came out with 30 grains of powder but it was DuPont smokeless powder so it's somewhat accurate I guess but it was a smokeless round from the beginning okay smokeless all right a little more history than you want to know there may be but it's a very popular cartridge I've got to be careful on this pot if you love the one hit that steel that's close try that other pot again think I was low alright smoke game 3030 got a little power let's try that block again over there a cinder block I like seeing fumble a little bit my wish is just a man right oh let's get this to later right here sticking his head out hmm it's nice tonight and let's get this one while we're at it wow really it's hard I'm gonna put one on the red plate again I'm not going to pop that melon yet all right I'm really pleased with it because I with my old eyes well it's not really old eyes it's my little bit of a stigmatism I have a hard time with the old standard size but that the eye could see it okay it's got a nice dot there it's not crystal clear but it's it's I can see it well enough to enjoy shooting it like I say the whole bottom drops out of here and I used to not like that too much but you know one thing that makes it more acceptable is when I remember who designed this yeah want to take a guess hmm yeah right John Browning yeah that'd be a pretty good guess on almost any gun wouldn't that uh that's popular and works yeah John Bryan designed this thing and if he likes it and he thought it would work well Who am I - Who am I not to like it so it works these things everywhere John Browning's another one of his creations the lever gun pretty cool 3030 is a nice cartridge ballistically you hear people talk about it's similar to the 76 2 by 39 you know the 8k round SKS round it's very similar to that in in ballistics and I guess actually it's yet it's the a.k round as compared with this more than the other way around but they're very similar yeah they hit hard they hit hard that's why it's such a popular deer round now you notice the the nose on these is flat y-you all know that don't you because you're putting it in a tubular magazine and you have rounds I've talked about this before but we can never be too safe you have rounds in that tube just like that and the end of this one's against that primer and with recoil going on okay so you need a flat nose cartridge now there are some rounds made with the little rubber tips LEvolution lever revolution is recall I've got some of this for 45 70 I need to pick up something for this we do a chapter two on I'll get some of those and show you and they may step up the the game a little bit because they don't have to be a flat point so that we're something the hotter and faster so it takes the 30-32 a new level with those if you need it to go to a new level let me ran that Leon I discovered with this the old method of not putting the excuse me the the first round in all the way works better whereas with a lot of my lever guns it doesn't really matter just like that and leave the head out a little bit and push it on in the next round but it looks please let me do it like that okay this is something special isn't there about a lever gun I mean it's just so cool and again these old 364 models you don't have the safety on here and crossbolt safeties or anything like that so I like that this is the more of the traditional gun why not take my ears off okay so I can hear you off you said something to me you make fun of me okay well I want to run out targets here let's take this a couple more shots well that was smart i jacked out a live round and let's put a Nolan on the red play here let's take out mr. watermelon here see if it will blow it that's that watermelon has been around a while now but not anymore thirty thirty did it man but L still haven't have any other pots or anything here so let's put a hole in that at a propane tank sitting although I see another cinderblock let's back up and he has a piece that cinderblock that black piece right here close yeah little too close to be shooting it probably you only live once okay 30 30 is a nice round it it kicks a little bit but it's not very significant at all it's not and it has some punch that's why it's such a good good deer rifle it it will get the job done and who am I to say whether it will or not I've not used it on deer but millions of people have successfully and like it you know these things in Marlin and Winchester and other guns are everywhere you know in the shops one advantage to of course the Marlins you can put a scope right on top of it and you can do that with these but you have to get a side mount do some things with it you know you wear everything opens up on the top you know it it's a different proposition then you know my Marlin lever guns I've got peach sights sitting here and all that you can do all that with these guns it just takes a different kind of setup and I'm not going to do it with this I I just like to to leave it like it is it's a beautiful gun winchester 94 so much history again they changed them in 64 that's a big year if you're shopping for them keep that in mind and you have to decide make that decision early on how much you want to spend because if you go back before 64 it's going to be maybe double you know what you want to spend for one if you just want to gush your bang around with and there's not a more historic gun hardly out there that's been in continuous use for that long Winchester made them from what 94 up through I think nineteen to 80s early 80s and then us repeating arms made them up until about 2006 and I believe they're still being made by Japanese firm so the thing just won't die it's just too popular and it works just a really really sweet firearm many of you watching this have these I guarantee you that that's not a tough guess to make is it you've got them and you know more about them you've shot them more than I have but I love labor guns I just would love lever guns almost of any kind and again why with the firearms I have I don't have a preset I did not have a pre 64 Winchester 94 I again I apologize I really am so sorry I really am I apologize to you I apologize to myself hope you all will forgive me for that oversight for all this time I am really glad to have one and we will get it out again I guarantee a really really sweet rifle john browning thanks guy life is good
Channel: hickok45
Views: 3,315,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Winchester, Winchester 94, .30-30, Model 94, levergun, lever gun, Lever action, leveraction, carbine, 1894 Winchester, John Browning, U.S. Repeating Arms, 1894, tubular magazine, Marlin, Pre 64, Pre-64
Id: ZJnisSrfdDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2013
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