Top 5 Utilitarian Guns

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welcome back to everybody this is Eric and Chad here Iraq veteran 8088 today we've got another five guns video for you today we're going to be talking about the top five most utilitarian guns now the way that I personally define utility is one expense gun being price low enough to where if something happens to it or if you drop it down a well or something random you're not going to go home crime too bad because you don't have a lot of money in the gun to the condition of the gun needs to be in either so crummy of a condition that you don't care if it gets in any worse condition or to the finish on the gun needs to be impervious to anything you can throw at it that's one of my criteria and then also another criteria I think is important to consider in a utilitarian gun is what your intended use is for and how well it fits that particular use so obviously if you're hunting a nice simple rifle or if you're going to shotgun stuff a nice simple shotgun simplicity I think is important too utility there's just certain guns that you happen to pick up and you go wow that's handy or hey this is a this fits a wide variety of different roles and only have to buy one gun so I think utility lends itself to a wide range of uses with all of the before-mentioned things kind of being taken into account I think so I mean with utility comes usefulness so I mean a gun that's going to be used for a specific purpose or you know a wide range of purposes that you can get out of one gun really speaking of you know the most utilitarian gun probably on the table would be a 12-gauge shotgun I magically the thing is I'm going to go a little bit out of wood right now but okay I mean just a good single single shot shotgun like this little savage here we put this gun through hell yes this particular gun is actually one of the shotguns that we use to test like okay have you ever loaded some pure hand loader have you ever loaded up a random round of ammo and go I don't know if I want to test this out through one of my good guns so like everybody has a random single shot shotgun laying around for those what-if moments I can't tell you how many times somebody tried twisting a cut show for the first time they're like oh well I'm not about to shoot this through my satori or anything but give me that little single shot you know a partner or whatever the heck it is and then we're going to try it through that so single shot shotguns have a ton of utility I mean and also the cost you know you can generally pick up a little single shot shotgun at a pawn shop for about a hundred bucks and that's a great little shotgun just to have in the truck for pest control snakes or if you want to put a slug in it shoot a deer it's just a great little utility gun yeah this one will except for in shells but I've got a I've got a nation are at the house that I paid like 130 dollars for that's got a camo stock on there and everything the long barrel and it's set up for three and a half magnums I mean so that's really a really cheap like turkey gun or just any any kind of hunting gun you can do just about anything you want to with that you can shoot shot out if you can shoot slugs out of it I mean it just has a simple bead on the front you can kill just about anything you need to to survive or eat or whatever just going on with 130 dollar gun so really where the utility comes out of a gun like this is not only the simplicity but the cost it's a great gun that no gun is disposable but for a hundred bucks if it gets stolen out of your truck or if it gets I don't know less than a deer blind and rests up because you forgot it or something you're not going to go home crying go oh man my damn nice gun so this is something that kind of fits that niche though some people are like that they buy a nice gun that they want to take hunting whatever and they do every now and again but then they buy warm that's just real cheap that they can just beat up on whatever and not really worry about where some people buy a really nice hunting rifle and don't realize oh man it's going to get dings on its going to get rust on it and then they just can't they can't stand to take their fantasy ground you know but kind of going back here we've got a little 22 pump action here from Henry I love pump action 22s labor action 22s they're just so much fun and Henry actually has a neat model of this gun out now this one actually has a 20 inch octagonal barrel you know full length magazine tube and everything you know just standard Buckhorn sights a nice finish nice wood and these are fairly reasonably priced right around the four hundred dollar mark similar like the browning BL RS the will be LR 22s or BL 22s yeah Henry actually has one of these out now that's got a short magazine too with the full-length barrel that's threaded for a suppressor you want talk about ultimate utility I mean there you go you know quiet shots can go out kill squirrels you can do pest controls you Crow's whatever you need to do to get rid of little pest critters and stuff like that on your property and to do it easily I mean these are my skills the nice thing about this gun and one thing I was looking at for utility is I think that a 22 that's truly utilitarian should be able to take shorts wands or long right below this gun will feed anything you can put in the magazine which is really really cool because it gives you the flexibility let's say that all you have is a box of shorts well if you have a Ruger 10/22 now don't get me wrong I love Ruger 10/22 s and I have several of them but Ruger 10/22 s have to have a specific ammo to be able to operate once while they didn't make the cut in this video is because of the ammo compatibility I mean like probably one of my favorite guns that I have a homeless pump-action 22 is actually an old Sears & Roebuck it's like a gallery gun clone that belonged to my grandfather the things got rusty patina over at the woods like dark as it can be an oil soaked but I mean it runs everything you put through it it's a handy gun you can you can take out and go squirrel hunting if you want it's no big deal I can't tell you how many crows he killed in the cornfield with that particular gun it's just nuts I want to honor it alright so this rifle here made the cut because I want to tell this a little basic story uh this little Ruger m77 mark 2 all-weather right here I've had this gun since the day I turned 18 and I remember going into the shop and looking at different guns and I wanted an AR okay and back then it was is a little bit different by an AR s it just wasn't as many options out there as they're now so they were low price I mean they were low price so you know and at the time I couldn't really afford an AR but I wanted a gun that could fire two to three because I wanted I just loved the cartridge and I've been exposed to it and I really liked it and so I opted for this particular rifle so I think utilitarian wise a bolt-action rifle is a great thing to have laying around even if it's unlike this is in two to three but whether you go with like a little 308 or 243 270 whatever caliber you choose it can be used so latarian for you and speaking of utility I think that when you're looking at a hunting situation you think about alright if you're a hunter think about the last 10 years or the last 15 years and then think about all the animals that you've killed and then think about what you use to kill those particular animals I probably shot more deer and more little critters and all different kind of things I mean every single deer that I've shot with this gun is either a neck shot or a head shot it's so accurate and it's just a great little rifle that just has been a really good companion and I've become a really big fan of the m77 mark ii all-weather rifle I'm a believer in this gun with the boat paddle stock this one shoots good and I haven't changed the thing on it since the day I've had it and the important thing to consider about utility again weather proof you know this is a stainless gun and back then when I bought this gonna pay for nine bucks for it now you're not going to touch them no for that now I thought but I remember paying $400 for this gun and I felt like I got a great deal and it turns out hey I did in it and it's utility gun so don't be afraid to scope out some of those alternative bolt actions that you might be to like I don't know you know Oh everybody says I have to buy a Remington or everybody says I have to buy this don't fit into that stigma if you want to go buy a Ruger American or Savage axis any of those like you know three or four hundred dollar bolt actions are perfectly utilitarian and will will serve you just fine they will and the stainless steel action barrel and all the components really make a big difference especially on a utilitarian gun because they won't corrode you know you take it out in the field whatever you leave it wet it's not going to rust up in your truck over the next week or whatever the case is well these are these stainless guns are also Ruger made these and a bunch of different calibers they also made a little 22 bolt action that takes Ruger 10/22 magazines of ISM so for some of you that might be an option although don't expect them to be cheap now they've definitely gone up in price I haven't gone down at all but you're talking about calibers you know I think one of the most utilitarian calibers out there would be something like 270 it's a long action caliber but there's a wide range of bullet weights are available for you can take that one rifle like an M 77 and 270 and you could run light weight pills for varmints small critters stuff like that but you can get all the way up into like real heavy pills for longer range shots at bigger game so you know two to three maybe not really the case on like the bigger game might not be the best choice but something in a utilitarian caliber too you know there might be another video concept I agree and I think that you know without going too far out on a limb here I believe another gun that could have occupied this spot could just is easily event like a 30-30 lever-action we were discussing that earlier I felt that this fit a little bit more into the mix because you definitely get more range out of the bolt action like this and you would out of a 30 30 30 30 you are a little bit limited on your range now granted with some of the bullet selections that are out there you can shoot a 30-30 far and there's probably plenty of rednecks out there there going well my 3030 going utilitarian gun I need and that's fine if that's that's your thing man go for it ain't nothing wrong with a 3030 though so um handguns hmm take one guess what hand guns on the table hmm yeah well lock yeah I mean we get a lot of grief from people there's people like oh well you guys all you like is Glocks and everything like that and don't get me wrong you know Glocks are the Honda Civic of guns they're utilitarian attack they have relatively tough finishes on them especially if you get in like the gen 3 even for the older guns they are reasonably priced they can be had used one of our criteria for this obviously is the fact that you can get police trading blocks that are very reasonably priced so if you're just a farmer who's checking the fence line twice a week walking around you just want a handgun in case it I don't know motorcycle gang of bears come pulling up on you or something you got a utilitarian gun that that if you play your cards right you can get for a really respectable amount of money I've and their toughest now you know I'm out paid you know four hundred bucks for trade ng Seventeen's before like old Jim threes that have had a lot of wears leather on that I've seen them for 350 now but right around 400 bucks I mean they can be found I mean there's a lot of other options out there for like a good striker fire gun you know now that are in a good price point but to me still Glock it's kind of at the top of that now now there are a lot of Smith and Wesson M&P --nz that are coming out on the on the used market that are coming out of police trade up to a lot of a lot of apartments very 45s and 40s and things like that but occasionally you'll see a nine floating around so utility here's the thing there are many guns that could occupy this space we're not saying you got to buy a Glock 19 but if I could only choose one strike afire handgun to walk around with and I was all I was limited to one I have to say I'd probably just have to opt for a good 19 be done with it because it's a proven design it works well I do love my MPs now so it's a hard decision but the bottom line is utility comes out of necessity as well so if you put an MEP in your hand and you like the way it feels who gives a crap what I say about it a lot by the NT buy what you want so and it also again is an expense kind of thing so if it's a police trade-in and it's a killer deal go for it there's nothing wrong with that at all remember utility means hey this guns already beat up you know yeah I don't care if it gets more beat up because it's already got 5 years a holster where were some cop carried it for five years and never shot it that's my thing too with like the Glocks I've never had a Gen three gun ever light rust up on me or anything crazy like that I mean they can just be carried in and out day day in day out left in the truck left out in the weather whatever the case is I mean right house parties taking spray little wd-40 online my dad would say and just go back to business you know yeah you'll I mean so moving down the line to a slot number five you know we already talked about a break action 12-gauge shotgun but I do strongly feel that the Remington 870 or let's just say pump action shotgun of your choice but Remington 870 needs to fill one of these slot sights I think because this is a very utilitarian gun can fit a wide variety of different roles obviously where the utility lives for me in this particular gun this is one of my house shotguns so if I'm going to investigate a bump of the night I got my surefire fore end and it's not a big old crazy bright one it's a really really like older model that's not really bright at all it's just bright enough where you can just see what's going on in your house it doesn't have to you know light up like the moon's in your house or anything like that but the cool thing about a 12-gauge shotgun they they will generally feed just about anything you can throw an especially a pump I mean single shots pump actions you can generally run any sort of ammo you want to add it including cut shells I mean that's a coldly utilitarian round right there if you want to talk about utility agree 12-gauge in general is just a very utilitarian type of and we're using that we're looking in times until terrible theory take a shot every time you hear me say you tell your drinking game it's a handy it's a handy caliber to have because there's so much different options with with 12-gauge you've got birdshot and slug to buckshot things that we've covered in many other videos and also something about this particular gun I bought this shotgun at a pawn shop all rusted to heck him back and had a just healthy coat of rust all over it I took it and degreased it sanded a little bit sprayed it with some dirt coat and now guess what the gun was a rust bucket now it's impervious because I directed it and everything's good to go and it's a great little house gun to just sit in the corner and I don't have a ton of money in it I scored it for a ridiculous good amount of money so sometimes guys don't be scared to look for those deals they're out there yep you've got a little bit of work into it and make it your own you know but well I think the wild card yeah I see it on the table you know we're going to say it yeah I mean a Mosin all right I mean yep Mosin so the thing is all right so based on our criteria that we chose for the utilitarian gun video the Mosin fits those criteria it's inexpensive it's still decent quality and of course you know the gun you're buying because you're picking out the gun so if you want a beater by a beater who gets a crap it's a powerful rifle that fires a very powerful cartridge that you can get relatively inexpensive it'll kill deer it'll kill anything on this continent for sure with no problems with proper shot placement and it's one of those things that if you're just wanting an inexpensive bolt-action rifle it's a great little bolt-action but there are other guns that could obviously occupy the space it doesn't have to be a Mosin you could go let's say you're bumming around at a pawn shop and you come across a I don't know a sport Erised Oh three or how about ever one that I see all the time if you want to talk about sport Erised like military surplus firearm is a british 303 a British Enfield I mean I see those sport rides all the time you know the number one more threes yeah I mean they're good guns I mean my grandfather I can't tell you how many deer he killed with a sport or you know 303 and I used to humble that thing when I was younger too I mean my dad will carry your Remington 742 and thirty-aught-six and I'd have a iron sided 303 and then they and three saying you know going that's right you know and you know you can in Georgia pretty much anything within about a hundred yards I mean iron sights are good enough military rifles tend to lend themselves well for a wide variety of different applications I mean for one in the inexpensive part is definitely nice I mean if you can go in a pawn shop or something you can score you a reasonably priced porter I mean I know there's a lot of us out there like I'm a collector and I love military rifles so much and I hate to see a sport Erised rifle but I will buy sporter if it's something that where I see some potential in the gun itself and I go hey yeah maybe I could drop a little scope on this and it's just a great little utility well rifle the first head and 39 that you ever bought was a it was a sport Erised in 39 and you went online and found the stock replacement stock and everything for and that's one that we actually did in that old true oil video the gun stock refinishing video that's running you know and that gun turned out nice well there's a few different people out there some people will buy a gun and go oh this is a blah blah blah holy crap I have to restore it and that's fine like they're saving it they say or whatever and that's fine you can do that too but then some of us go hey this is a this is obviously a good value I mean where are you going to buy a gun for 150 bucks that fires basically a 30 oxygen level cartridge that with plenty of power that can kill anything on the continent you're standing on I mean you're not going to buy any gun for 150 bucks that fits those criteria so don't the point is for the wild card don't overlook military surplus as being a viable option for a utilitarian gun that you can throw in the truck and you're good to go yep for sure I think that pretty much covers it guys I mean the guns on the table pretty much just represent different categories of utilitarian type firearms and you know there it is you know if you want something simple and robust and something that will do the job that's intended and in you know lever action or pump action 22 single-shot or pump action 12 gauges a good bolt-action center fire rifle a good polymer frame striker fired gun even if you don't go with a Glock you can still go with like if you're not the kind of person who's wanting to carry for self-defense yep this spot could be occupied by like a little 22 rifle or something like that or a UH or even just a little 22 target pistol or something along those so and good military surplus is definitely not something to overlook even if it is for two eyes if it's you know what you want for a hunting application instead of staying going with like a 35 Remington lever-action or a 30 30 or something like that like an old Marlin I mean a good surplus rifle will do the job that's right I mean well guys hopefully enjoyed this video we really enjoy making these types of videos because it kind of gets the gets us thinking a little bit about you know different things and we do have more of these videos on the way some really interesting ones I think you're going to like so thank you very much for watching and thank you for the support we'll catch you next time take care guys [Music] you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 1,323,964
Rating: 4.8797894 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, top 5, best 5, best guns, utilitarian, useful guns, top 5 guns, 5 guns, five guns
Id: wRuWeBIDxJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2017
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