What Real and Serious Story Did You Believe Was a Prank?

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what real and serious story event did you believe was a prank because it's the 1st of april our family dog was hit by a car on the 1st of april my dad saw it happen and came inside to tell us i instantly started crying and my brother didn't believe him my dad kept telling him to stop and to shut up cause he was laughing and saying no way this is the worst i'm so sorry that happened to you my brother got mugged quite a few years ago when my friends told me i thought for sure it was an april fool's joke then my brother walked into the room and he had a black eye turns out it wasn't a joke the mugging itself was in fact a prank i was serving on my condo's board as president as the last president had resigned due to the dysfunctional nature of the board i managed to get to 18 months and decided i'd had enough the real estate market in my area was good so i arranged to have my property listed for sale starting on the 1st of april i send out a message to the board at 9 00 am on the 1st of april telling them i'd listed my suite for sale nobody replied either because they're oblivious or they thought it was a joke i sent another message 10 days later saying it was sold then they were paying attention the wording is amusing i managed to get 18 months it sounds like you were in jail my long-term girlfriend broke up with me on april 1st not only did i initially think it was a joke but then all my friends thought it was a joke and i went a full week plus of nobody being supportive because they all thought i committed hard to the bit oof that sounds like it sucked my parents were in the process of adopting a son and had the final court hearing on the 1st of april i had spent the night at a friend's house and they dropped me off after the hearing my dad sat me down on his lap which was already odd because i was 11. he and my mom then explained that after a year the boy decided he no longer wanted to live with us and was not coming back i seriously looked at their faces for several minutes trying to see any sign of a joke but they kept reassuring me it was serious i then saw my dad cry for the first time in my entire life i didn't see that again for another four years when he and my mom almost got divorced the process had been really hard on everyone he was the same age as me and years of abuse and trauma had really hurt him he had behavioral issues and tried to attack my mom on a few occasions he and i had a hard time getting along as well but as trying as it was we all loved him fiercely occasionally he'll start a new facebook and try to hit us up for money it hurts my mom every time because he'll say it's for bus fare or for an apartment near a new job and she wants to believe him but it's an impossible situation i'm so sorry today at work our internet connection broke down initially i thought it was a prank but in retrospect i doubt a large company would cut off an entire floor of employees from work for 1.5 hours especially considering we're the it help desk when i was 22 i had dropped a mayo jar and jumped hoping to avoid the glass shards but i landed right on glass and ended up at here with stitches fast forward a week and my legs hurt so dang bad that when i went to my pcp to have my stitches removed i decided to tell her how much pain i was in she took one look at my leg and sent me to the air my husband had to call my mom on april fool's day to tell her i was being admitted to the hospital with a life-threatening dvt and that i would be hospitalized for at least a week my mom of course didn't believe him since i was 22 an athlete and very active she kept telling him that his prank was dumb my doctor had to call my mom to get her to believe the situation lol when i was a teenager my favorite local radio station baltimore dc area abruptly aired nothing but spanish language programming on the first of april the day before and for years leading up to that it was an alternative rock station i assumed it was an elaborate april fool's joke as it was one of the areas most popular stations too much to my chagrin i discovered the next day that it was not a joke and the station i listened to was gone 99.1 just earlier someone posted a niscredit asking if people's moms enjoyed mother's day a bunch of people were laughing about how they were tricked including myself but it was actually mother's day yesterday in the uk i googled it because i thought this comment was one big bait turns out it's true i never thought two large completely different holidays would be so close together my now fiance said after three months of dating that she was ready for sex the significance being it was her first time and she was very scared about it for the longest time she texted me at 10 p.m saying she was ready and wanted to come over and between my work schedule and knowing she was someone who went to bed early i thought i was getting punked i got my butt dreamed for that one for a while i'm glad she was willing to return the favor my friend is born on the 1st of april he was telling me that when his mom's water broke his dad didn't actually believe her and thought she just spilt water on the ground my birthday's today too my dad was at work and didn't believe my mom was in labor he finally called the hospital and they confirmed she was admitted to be fair it was also my due date and my mom's family had been teasing him about this as an april fool's joke so mitch hedberg's death was announced on the 1st of april even though he passed on the 29th of march and i thought he was pranking his fans r.i.p man i was going to say mitch hedberg i saw the bump on adult swim saying he passed away but it was april fool's day so i didn't know what to believe my boss was a well-known joker in a company where we made april fool's pranks in art he announced a well-liked colleague was leaving after the fact my boss told me he should have waited one more day before sending the email announcement as most people still didn't believe that the colleague was leaving my 17 year old friend telling me she got engaged while she was visiting overseas we were still in high school kept saying i'm not falling for it it's april fool's i'm not falling for it even though she showed the ring didn't believe until she showed me the 1000 pictures of the engagement when i was in third grade my dad woke my sister and me up saying our dog finally had her puppies we woke up all excited only to find out we'd been tricked cut to eight hours later as i'm getting off the bus my dad comes running out of the house saying the dog had her puppies dad you already tried that this morning i said turns out he was serious the second time the dog really did have her puppies best april fool's day ever probably the online game nation states on the 1st of april 2008 site owner max barry replaced the site's united nations function with the world assembly mentioning that they had gotten a cease and desist order from the actual united nations to stop using the name turns out that the c d order was real and the wa has existed ever since hot dang i actually remember that one my mom has been sober for nine years but she announced her sobriety on the first of april no one believed her happy soberversary mom five years ago today my wife and i went to an ultrasound where they told us she was carrying twins we were in shock but at least we could see the ultrasound the phone calls to our family later that day were a bit tricky one time my dad's girlfriend started drinking water and used the fake choke on me she was on the ground rolling in laughter and as a result started actually choking for a few seconds a very small span of time the words path of exile battle royale sounded like the stupidest thing i had heard all day at the end of those seconds my brain flipped to wait that would be really cool and only then did i get linked to the trailer i saw the trailer and thought it was funny hours later i logged in this just happened today my aunt texted me and a bunch of others in a group chat and sent us a photo of a little girl saying she was officially a grandma because her son just learned he had a three-year-old daughter you almost had me there i responded soon after she insisted it was true but i knew she was joking the others were eating it up though remarking on how cute she was good prank too because the girl kinda looks like him but photoshop exists and my cousin is pretty crafty nope it's true apparently she texted me privately and said she forgot it was april fool's day they just met the girl nine days ago she sent me photographic proof of them together holy crap my dad called to tell me he had just won the reader's digest sweepstakes two months later we were all in the company headquarters watching my parents accept a comically oversized novelty check for the first installment it paid out over 30 years lol this is the best one on here because it's a good surprise years and years ago i tried breaking up with my girlfriend on the 1st of april took me quite some time to convince her it wasn't a horrible joke i had been unhappy with the relationship for a month or two and something that day just set me off i thought now's as good as time as any turns out that april fool's day isn't as good as time as any april fool's is on the author and the best day to ask a person to a date because you can just say that it was a joke when they say no our family cat had a two-faced kitten one head two faces two mouths two noses kinda two one stroke two eyes my dad called my mom and told us on our way home i figured it was an april fool's joke sure enough a crazy two-faced cat was there when we got home weird coincidence chris eccleston leaving doctor who after one season i think it was the way that it was worded that threw me off like he was afraid people were going to make fun of him for it or something then the bbc had to apologize for making that claim because they didn't consult with him and they weren't even supposed to reveal that he was leaving yet so sad i'm a new whovian and did not know he was so sad about it or that his fans found out in such a sudden and sad way when i was 15 my brother's best friend stopped by on the 31st of march because he was headed to the other side of the state for a few weeks we hung out and he went home the next morning people were ringing our phone off the hook when i answered they said our friend was dead i said april fools and hung up this went on for a couple hours until finally someone knocked on the door and had us turn on the news the friend's house was on the news and they were saying our friend was in fact dead three years later his mother won her case against the local police office they murdered her son in his sleep his roommate was a drug dealer when they raided the house they claimed they entered his room and he pulled a gun on them and they shot him the autopsy report showed six bullets in his back one in his calf and one in the back of his head we are not sure why they shot a sleeping man but he did have a gun but it was fully loaded with one still in the chamber one the 1st of april a few years ago my wife woke up on with belle's palsy half of her face was partially paralyzed and dropping due to an infection it took me way longer than it should have to believe her that she wasn't totally faking it as a prank i played it off until she cried not my proudest moment that would take some skill to purposely make half your face drop when my son was a baby my mom and dad would sometimes care for him when my husband and i were at work mom calls me on the 1st of april when my son took his first steps at her house at 11.5 months old didn't believe her till i got there to pick him up life hasn't been the same since then he's 38 now but i will never forget his little self wobbling up to me as i walk through the door this is the stuff that i came here for tell him ridic says hi one of my old super cynical co-workers is well known for vague booking or writing cryptic facebook statuses and not responding to inquiring comments she casually posted on april fool's day of status along the lines of already tired of being pregnant the comments were 100 oh yeah right you are not pregnant and she was pee that nobody believed her even when she was reassuring them it was true pop that baby right out a few months later here we go again sigh my roommate and i were making the rounds around the internet looking for what each site and game company was posting for april fools when we find the hearthstone announcement trailer on blizzard the haha digital card game based on warcraft comma this has a lot of production value for a prank yep my buddy received a text from the best friend of her boyfriend that he wanted to break up with her took us way too long to figure out he was being serious so not only did he choose to break up with her he had his best friend do it for him through text on april fool's day i'd have gone through with it even if it were a joke first year of uni i was training parker with friends in the gym we decided to take the training outside but one of us had to get his bike which was locked near the main building of uni so we waited for him in front of the gym when he came back he told us there was a lot of police around the building and the road next to it was blocked there was a suicide the building is very tall of course nobody believed him and he even had a weird look on his face which convinced me that he was lying no matter how many times he denied it next day i heard it from a third party turns out there really was a suicide kind of the other way around i was admitted to the hospital the 31st of march i was in no condition to use a phone this was more than 10 years ago so my friends were not all married to their smartphones and not everyone was on all social media i was supposed to be at a band rehearsal i don't know exactly what happened but a band member got the message that i'm in hospital from my sister but only a day later on the 1st of april so he was trying to figure out my plans for the week we had school holidays at that time and tell people i would not show up and they should try to call me or check back with my family if they could visit me instead because i might be in op or not be awake if people just step by but yeah april fools he had to write everyone again the next day because the majority of my friends thought it was a bad joke accidentally hatched five chickens last week don't ask why how told dad he thought i was joking i wasn't he wasn't impressed today i thought our supplier was pranking me when she said that the three months of programming i just spent trying to fix their crap was going to have to be redone because they changed their policies i'm still waiting for that april's full message my family served me with a restraining order on the 1st of april last year i didn't believe what i was seeing even as the cop handed the papers to me makes you hate this day twice as strong my sister once fell down the stairs on the 1st of april and when my mom came home from work she didn't believe us and thought it was a prank sister ended up going to the hospital a day or two later cause she was still hurting turned out she had a broken collarbone i broke two bones in my arm on the first of april 1998 my mom didn't believe me and made me wait until my dad got home he's an md to check if it was actually broken it was they then rushed me to the air also my dog died unexpectedly on friday i posted about it last night on facebook apparently a lot of people think it's a joke that nurmagomedov vs ferguson very highly anticipated and maybe cursed ufc fight was cancelled due to ferguson tripping over cables in a tv studio and injuring his knee the week of the fight goof can three when i was 13 years old i went to the mall on the 1st of april and started my first ever period i was so furious because i thought my sister might have pranked me at first but decided that would have been an unreasonable joke even for her she did have fun laughing at me about it though my grandfather dropped dead of a heart attack seconds after strolling past his doctor in the hospital and exchanging pleasantries i was very young and had a lot of difficulty understanding what was going on especially since all my friends at school were pulling little pranks haven't celebrated april fools since then it just doesn't feel right when i was in college i was living in a fraternity house they had been doing some repairs to the roof but had put down a tarp in case it rained i don't know what went wrong but the night of the 31st of march the entire house was leaking being in college we shot a video of ourselves using buckets and pool noodles to funnel the water away from our beds and sent it to the alumni who owned the house as hey this is funny but also can someone fix this but didn't even realize the email went out early morning on the 1st of april they couldn't decide if it was real or not despite video evidence of water pouring from the roof less serious than some of the others on this list but rick and morty season 3 premiered on the 1st of april two years ago now i thought it was a joke since it wasn't supposed to air for months still my best friend was desperately calling me to make sure i knew it was airing early and not a joke that's a good memory you just reminded me of an acquaintance announced she was pregnant on facebook we rolled our eyes then she kept posting about it and we realized she was dead serious she definitely did it on purpose the ultimate april fool's prank real commitment to the bit she made a whole person for that joke gave birth and everything classic obligatory not me but so my mom's birthday is the first of april and on her 40th birthday all of her friends threw her a surprise party at a very nice restaurant about halfway through dinner my mom and dad stand up to make an announcement she was pregnant no one believed them but 19 years later here i am that's a long pregnancy in elementary school after the red sox won the world series in 2004 our teachers thought it would be a good joke to pretend that one of the red sox players jason veratech would come to our school to show us the trophy and meet us they had us all write fake letters to the red sox explaining why they should choose our school to visit the week before keep in mind we were in fourth maybe fifth grade well one of my classmates won so on the 1st of april all of our grade went outside to wait for him to show up while the rest of the school and all the other grades knew about this ahead of time we saw a carpool in it was an old beat-up car so we had some suspicions and our high school gym teacher got out with a catcher's mask on and yelled april fools while the rest of the school watched from inside safe to stay i'm still very salty about this as we were all pretty upset that is beyond cruel if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 15,970
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Keywords: not a joke, dead serious, serious, serious story, serious news, not a prank, sounds made up, sounds fake, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: mS1GZj6Rnz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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