I Opened a $666 DARK-WEB BOX & FOUND THIS..

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all right i'm back from my p.o box i have another dark web mystery box over here it's an amazon box that i have weirdly enough but it's not that heavy i'm gonna do what i always do before i get the video started i'm gonna go ahead and show you guys the sides of the box that's the top of the box ladies and gentlemen subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already put on the notification bell to be notified whenever i upload a new video and smash that like button without any further hesitation let's go ahead and get this video started so i know the people that really enjoy my videos actually miss that intro but we're gonna go ahead and get this video started by removing my shipping label so i was using the wrong microphone and i had to just switch to the main microphone that's on me right now but the box hasn't been opened yet still haven't oh here we go we're about to get the first look inside this dark web mystery box now it's important to note that there is a battery thing over here so maybe there's going to be some electronics in here who knows go ahead and get this video started oh bubble wrap oh my god all right me talking to you guys right now this is all after i recorded the unboxing and i can tell you right now that i'm still pretty shaken up by the experience it's the most messed up mystery box that i've ever received i think i'm gonna get some nightmares for the next coming weeks months years i didn't think it's something i'd ever seen in my life but i have seen it and i unboxed it after seeing what i saw i'm not the same person anymore but anyways stay tuned for the rest of the video the flaps i do this a lot but i'm gonna go ahead and remove the flaps off the mystery box because they're gonna be in my way and to be honest there's a lot going on here so i'm gonna go ahead and cut to the scene with the flaps taken off so i got the flaps taken off of the package here and i'm gonna go ahead and show you guys what's on here real quick this one says dark red i don't know what the heck that is ds on the bottom a c a clock or a compass this one here oh i thought it said 56 on that side of the flap but here it says that's the bitcoin logo that says tor and we have the anonymous mask the guy folks mask the younger audience know it as the anonymous mask that says what f-i-n-g thing with a bunch of hearts around it what the hell and this one here says mystery that looks like a screw that says romania on it interesting so let's go ahead and see what's inside the mystery box the first thing we're gonna take out oh my god boxing gloves what it says turkey on it oh what armenia turkey and armenia boxing gloves does that mean like turkey and armenia are going to get into like a oh to be honest i live in canada i don't find much value in this but maybe somebody in my comment section is going to find value in this so if you're from armenia and you want something in my comment section i basically hand out all these items that i get from my dark web mystery boxes so just tell me some constructive criticism in the comment section down below make sure you like the video and subscribe to the channel just to be on the fair side but if you guys want any of these items from the dark web mystery box just let me know in the comment section let me know some constructive criticism i'm going to take this and put this to my left in case anybody wants it the next item that we're going to be pulling out of the box what the hell oh oh no it's a we have a voodoo doll ladies oh that's a creepy one oh my god ladies and gentlemen what we have here is a red eyed voodoo doll the mouth is pretty creepy too it's got needles on the hand guy needles on the chest area the neck area the right leg there's nothing on the back side but the back side is is black and the front side is white this is a nice voodoo doll i'm gonna take this and actually i'm gonna take this and put this to my left side over here if anybody wants a voodoo doll i don't know if giving out a voodoo doll is a good idea but let me know if you want it it's kind of nice putting it to my left the next item that we're gonna be pulling out of the mystery box what the freaking blanket bro there's something inside here oh okay okay so whoa oh this is a baby blanket it's an actual blankie bro oh man this is that's not good this doesn't leave any good implication uh i don't i hate pulling stuff like this out of the mystery box it smells kind of weird to be honest it's a little damp oh my god that's not good um yeah this is going straight into the trash putting it to my right side this was wrapped inside it's a little styrofoam what oh we got like a little wine cork here why is it smells so weird ladies and gentlemen we have a little wine cork glass minecraft this is kind of nice i'm just wondering what kind of freaking bottle is going to fit this inside there the house like a wine cork right yeah and i i don't know maybe oh oh you can kind of see it's like a telescope type of thing like binocular type of thing with the i don't know i kind of like it it's kind of it's heavy it's glass it's kind of nice i'm going to take it and put it to my left side the next item oh my god wow we're almost on the mystery box there's another box inside here it's important to note so i'm going to open this relatively later but oh it smells actually horrible inside there jesus the next item that we're gonna be pulling out of the mystery box it has a picture of mary on it it's kind of ripped up it's liquid oh my god this is a bad idea don't do this don't what it's like one of those roll-on things oh it's a this is a fragrance it smells quite nice actually what [Music] oh that actually smells quite nice putting this to my left side it's a holy fragrance the next item that we're gonna be pulling out of the mystery box is um oh we have a few dice inside here so here's the thing every time i get diced from the dark web mystery box i do this dice game where i think of a random number and i roll the dice if i get the number in one try then you guys have to leave a comment and you have to like the video but here's the problem there's four dice right now and there's no way in hell i'm gonna get this number in one try i'll try it i'll i'll ask for a 13. and if i roll a 13 you guys have to like the video and comment on the video if i roll something close to a 13 then you guys have to at least leave me a comment you know what i mean so 13. lucky number 13 baby 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 3 4 9 10 11 12 13. bro you have to leave me a like in a comment for that yo you have to leave me a like in a comment for that uncut uncut take a look into that next item that we're gonna be pulling out of the mystery box my goodness is going to be a box should i just go through it what the hell is this what the hell is this oh i'm so hyped for rolling those numbers we just okay so a lot of stuff just came out of the mystery box right now we have a face mask here with a hole in the middle of the face mask that's weird oh oh what the hell is the point of this i thought you were supposed to block cover what the hell is the point of this uh but we're gonna take this and put this to the right and we have another item that we have here this is a whip it's an indiana jones whip bro it's actually not that bad quality how the hell do you use this okay so oh i just hit my camera oh that's sick [Music] yo we have an indiana jones whip how did indiana jones do the [Music] so this just damaged my wall oh my god this is actually quite this is actually quite it's a leather whip maybe you shouldn't be requesting this in the comment section if you guys want something from the handout because it's a whip this has a bad history behind it i'm pretty sure it's just a bullwhip though right so we're gonna take it and put it to the left side oh we had a paper over here what the hell is this oh she's fire who's that says 666 666 666 what who is this let me know in the comment section if you guys know who this is picture of somebody inside the box so this bulletproof vest is so uncomfortable to wear but we also we have more stuff oh what the hell is that what's that what the hell is this there's a bitcoin inside there that's a playing card a bunch of letters what is happening yo can you guys there's letters on here bro there's letters on the glass [Music] oh it says b i t w o v x c w y d p that's what okay that says duckduckgo on it a bunch of letters inside there oh no oh that looks like the oh the armenian flag it's the armenian flag here we got an armenian flag there's nothing written on it just ripped up you have a jester card here it says fact on it you have a playing card here the jester card we're gonna take it and put it to the garbage and look look you see what i mean there's writing on there do you guys see that what does that say [Music] bro it okay i don't know here's the problem i'm trying to like i actually can't oh my god bro do you guys see you see anything on here oh okay that's a lot better oh my god on the screen i'm using a little gopro screen i can see little letters here in my actual eye like looking at the glass i can't see a thing but when i'm looking at the gopro i look bro my eyes can't see nothing and on the gopro i can see stuff but the screen's so small i can't even see what that says i'm probably gonna have to take a look in editing the bitcoin collectible if you guys want this let me know in the comment section a bunch of letters here let's take out the letters and see what we're gonna oh my god i suck at scrabble bro i'm the worst scrabble player t f n another n an i an i and e and i i don't know you guys are gonna have to let me know in the comment section there's people that are really good at scrabble so just please let me know in the comment section i know my audience is like amazing at scrabble me i used to lose all the games i scrabble there's a couple oh my god bro what the hell is that there's something pink inside this box here and i don't know if you guys can see it with oh my god bro it looks it smells absolutely atrocious what the hell is this oh this was awful what is this [Music] bro there's so much glass inside this box i'm surprised none of it's broken we had that thing as glass this thing is glass that's glass this thing is glass too i guess we're gonna take i don't know man take this and put this to the left i don't know what any of these things are so next item that we have is this box here and you know me oh my god oh my god this is another whole freaking mystery box in and of its own what the hell what we have here is a oh it's a knife oh it's a it's a dagger look at this oh that looks sick i just want to show you guys with this camera over here yo it's like a small little dagger it's literally like something jack sparrow would hold my god that's badass little leather pouch it came in it's pretty cool we have oh this is the thing that people use to drink uh their their booze i don't know the name of it it starts with f it's on the tip of my tongue and it starts with an f but it's full of something oh bro what the [ __ ] is that what [Music] oh my god what is inside here [Music] oh what the hell is inside here oh [Music] bro what the [ __ ] [Music] oh that's what the hell was that that's literally the second item that i pulled out of this mini box over here and that just messed me up what the hell was that oh it smells what is this oh this is torch on it a bunch of letters again oh my god i don't even want to continue this mystery box right now that just messed me up but we have more letters oh my god i hate scrabble pieces oh we have a got a baby's bib god you're freaking kidding me the blanket the bib they match they're both damp man what the hell let's take out these letters and see what we're gonna spell so there's some letters are red and this one here says what jump scare jump scare goods okay this one here says torch and the one that says torch has slay oh slay you see bro i'm telling you i'm the best scrabble player on the planet slay you see let's take this put this to the side and then the one that says jump scare it's n e x oh oh oh next uh next link lip or oh so what i got from what i got from this is a next lip or ola or you guys can actually see the letters i'll put them all together maybe i don't know maybe that spells two words maybe this spells one word you guys you guys can let me know in the comment section like i said i'm not the best gravel player i'd actually if i was the detective the person who caused all the damage the person who caused the crimes would get away because i'm not good at solving these things put them to the side we had a paper inside here as well what the bitcoin address what [Music] oh hey hi how's it going editor notes here so i just wanted to quickly tell you that everything that happens from this point onwards in the video is going to be quite confusing so i actually need you guys to put on your detective caps because i have absolutely no idea what the heck is going on in this point of the video but let's go ahead and take a look at it take it don't worry bro it's a load and verify qr code and a private spend key what the bro we have a bitcoin wall in here i'm gonna be blurring out the addresses because that's it's a horrible idea whatever i first have to see how much bitcoins on here bro what if there's like a grand on here what if there's like 20 grand on here what's up take it don't worry it literally says on it take it don't worry with a smiley face if you guys don't know what a bitcoin paper wallet is it's basically a wallet made out of paper and people load bitcoin onto it this wallet could be extremely valuable right now or it could just be a practical joke but here's the problem what's the catch it's not extremely traceable like a credit card transaction but bitcoin is traceable it's kind of hard to trace a bitcoin transaction but it is possible to trace a bitcoin transaction i know how to trace a bitcoin transaction that's why i'm worried about taking this because you know why why reveal my personal identity they don't have my address they have my po box address so the next thing we're going to be pulling out of the oh my god there's a hard drive oh a hard drive hey you guys stick around till later on in the video i'm going to be plugging this in at the end of the video and but dark web hard drives never leads to anything good uh this one here it's blank and it doesn't have any storage information on it but the next thing we're going to be pulling out of the mystery box we got this thing bro there's so much stuff should i just dump everything out onto the table no oh we have binoculars oh oh this is badass here's the thing i always say this every time i get a pair of binoculars i say the same thing every single time bird watchers allowed to have this hunters allowed to have this normal people are not allowed to have this what are you doing with a pair of binoculars like imagine you're anywhere you can be anywhere on the planet you can be walking your dog in the park middle of the day and you see somebody with binoculars staring in your direction that's a little creepy fam if you're a bird watcher if you're a hunter you could get a pair of binoculars it's not bad it's not there's no stigma behind that but if you're just walking around with a pair of binoculars what the hell is the point of this this is going straight to the trash unless you guys want it somebody in the comment section wants it let's say you're a bird watcher we have what the hell is this what is this [Music] what is this so we pulled out this little green stick over here beside it in that little box there was a pink stick as well it says mirror ruby merubi on it my merubi what is that what is that what is this it's a freaking teaser oh is that actually oh oh it's actually on fire we have a green and pink mini taser here bro what the does that actually i've never been tased before i've never been tased for should i do it should i do oh why is it going towards my hand why is it going towards my hand bro you guys have to see this what the hell oh that's a small taser i don't even think this would just do anything oh my god oh my god that's pretty badass two of these tasers we have a cosmo taser and a wanda taser oh my god we have more stuff inside here what is all this [ __ ] let's just take it okay okay okay a bullet just fell out what is this what is this so the first thing inside this pile here is whatever the heck this is we have little green we have little orange yellowish rocks if anybody knows what this is just let me know in the comment section it looks like kind of an elisa substance so i'm not going to be showing too much of it put it to the left we have wow these are heavy oh this is actually majority of the weight of the mystery box we have this thing over here what is this what is this what is this another it has a hole in the middle what the hell is the point of this oh okay oh it smells bad oh it smells awful ew it was also sweaty oh my god uh do we have a guy bro oh my god that's freaking sick bro first of all i'm scared of clowns i'm absolutely petrified of clowns but we have a clown action figure i didn't even think clown action figures existed i thought they were just wwe wrestlers and gi joes and oh my god we have a freaking penny or something that's pennywise that's not pennywise it's just a clown oh that's sick this is badass if you guys want it let me know in the comment section i'm not gonna keep it because to be honest this is just going to give me a bad dream i'm not even capping this will actually ruin my life i had a bad experience when i was five years old with clowns so got a pair of keys here looks like these are these are these are shot cookies these are shackle keys 100 shackle keys what is this these are bullets two bullets here put that to the left [Music] what is this [Music] okay this oh sh this is going straight into the trash there is a substance inside here i don't know if you guys can oh my god oh that's not good yeah that's this is going straight into the trash this was inside the mystery box i don't know what the substance inside here is but you guys know that white pepper is anything that's white paper is not good especially if it's inside a vinyl bro what the hell got a ring here oh this is cool oh this is a cool pinky ring maybe it's not a ring i don't know no idea what the heck that is but i don't know this is for a woman or this is for men but it actually looks pretty it actually looks pretty lit on my finger i like it [Music] [Music] what so now i'm using my phone camera because the gopro is not really doing that much justice but the next thing we have [Music] i told you there were shackles these are handcuffs these are handcuffs what the hell oh my god these are these are heavy dude these are actually oh these are these are these are legit oh these are legit oh shh okay that was a bad idea that was my idea oh that was bad idea the keys on the other side oh my god that was a bad idea i'm stuck so i don't have the gopro on my head right now but i had to use my mouth to open it that was the hardest thing i've ever had to do i had to go into the mirror and look at it oh it was a nightmare oh my god handcuffs hang up i listen don't request this in the comment section because i don't even know if these are illegal to own are owning handcuffs well people use them in the bedroom right but these are heavy duty the ones that like they have in the bedroom they're like plastic bro this is serious i was stuck i was genuinely stuck in these i am going to be putting them to the left and oh we have what is this more dice are these more dies what oh i got more dice i got three more dice oh my god i'm rolling a seven oh one fell so oh my god oh my god so i got a two and a four that's six if i get a one right now that's gonna be a seven let's get this oh my god oh my god okay so i got a seven nil are you guys gonna like the video and comment again i know you can't like the video twice but if you guys didn't like the video and that happened two times make sure you put the thumbs up button man that's badass that's lucky i'm going to the casino tonight the next thing that we have here oh my god what's this we have a bracelet we have a silver bracelet is that a bracelet what is this why is your screws hi sorry for interrupting i just wanted to quickly tell you that today's video is sponsored by nobody i'm actually sponsoring this video myself if you guys enjoy what you're watching make sure you subscribe to the channel if you guys want to see more videos like this it's a really good way to tell me that you guys want to see more dark web content if you guys do subscribe to the channel and you like the video you don't have to place a comment if you don't want to but if you do just that then more of these dark web mystery boxes are going to start appearing to you in your home page and you're recommended i mean there's a lot of youtubers on the platform that try to sell you something when they say this video is sponsored by this video sponsored by but i just believe like i hate when that's the case i hate when youtubers are trying to sell me something but i do want to let you guys know that i'm sponsoring my own video and i would love to do this call to action to tell you guys to subscribe if you want to support crypto nwo or you want to see the uncensored footage from this video and all my other dark web mystery box videos then go ahead and follow me on patreon.comcryptonwo there's going to be a link in the description if you guys want to go ahead and support me on patreon if you don't want to you don't have to but something i really want you guys to do and help me out with is my instagram cloud go follow me on instagram k-r-y-p-t-o-n-w-o go ahead and up my clout on these platforms if you don't mind but anyways sorry for interrupting let's go ahead and get back to the video we have this thing oh is this what is what what is this oh what is this i don't know if you guys can see it but there's something inside there it's not coming out and a little piece of it came out what is that bro okay somebody's gonna have to let me know in the comment section what the hell i'm pulling out of this oh my god okay oh it smells really weird bro it smells really chemically what the what's this sun and moon there's a bunch of years on it what the hell 2020 2064 2030 what the bro this is one of the weirdest dark web mystery boxes i've ever gotten i don't know what the heck this is there's a bunch of years on it it says sun and moon i i i don't know i'll show you guys on this camera as well place year over month for 50-year calendar 2018-2067 how the hell does that even work 50-year calendar so what's gonna happen in 50 years we have this thing we have a paper here oh oh oh this paper here's oh it's oh it's coordinates with the onion logo from tor the tour browser the tour browser onion logo it's a dropped pin the coordinates are 34.804467 comma minus 92.846584 uh i don't know where the heck this is but you guys can let me know in the comment section if you guys live near this place or if you guys have been to this place ever but here's what i don't condone i don't condone going to this place after showing you the coordinates because like i said this is a dark web mystery box and typically the dark web is associated with very very very very malicious things so coordinates dark web box don't go to those coordinates this is going straight to the trash and we had this thing as well the hell is this oh my god bro okay that's going to be blur ah all this stuff's gonna be uncensored on patreon and the reason why i'm not uploading it onto youtube is because this is youtube we're trying to keep everything advertiser friendly so i have to blur out everything that's gonna make it problematic so if you guys wanna see the uncensored version there's gonna be the second link in my description it's gonna take you to my patreon page patreon.comcryptonwo you can go ahead and take a look at the uncensored footage because this is absolutely messed up but i'm gonna be getting close-up footage of all this stuff later on and we're putting it to the right side so indicating that it's going into the trash everything is done from this little mini box over here the box says box on it as if it couldn't have been any more clear there's the little bullets inside there i don't know what the heck was up with that we have more dice inside the mystery box here oh what the oh i don't wear any gloves where oh my god bro i literally set the gloves over there i set the gloves over there before i started filming put an l in the comments section for that say crypto l that's an l what the hell hey that rhymed bro that's so freaking bad i hate doing that okay but i do have my gloves on right now yeah that's that's an l in the comment section for me we have another we have another bib over here oh my god it says i love mom on the bib another baby's bib here i saved this item for last because it smells absolutely atrocious i don't even know if that's gonna need to be blurred out or anything these are the last items here we have a die i don't know what the heck that is we have two bullets and whatever the heck this is oh we have another bracelet with screws on it but other than that we have this item here ew what is this bro it says what it's pink s-a oh okay yo that smells so [ __ ] bad i don't even know if i have to blur i don't think i have to blur right oh my god there's worms in there oh what the is that oh what the [ __ ] is that so it's a bunch of pink very very pink like there's worms oh bro there's worms inside they're not moving oh my god they're not moving oh my god they're not moving oh that's [ __ ] up oh my god that smells awful and over here there's a big freaking lump like dude this is the size of my finger oh my god it's a finger [Music] oh bro what the [ __ ] me man oh my god this is going in the trash oh my god shhh [Music]
Channel: Crypto NWO
Views: 789,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buying mystery box off dark web, buying things from the deep web, crypto nwo, dark web, dark web box, dark web mystery box, dark web mystery box gone wrong, dark web mystery box unboxing, deep web, deep web mystery box, goes wrong, mystery box, mystery box dark web, mystery box from dark web, mystery box off deep web, mystery box opening, mystery box unboxing, real dark web, real dark web box, scary dark web, scary unboxing, 666, $666 mystery box, $666 dark web box
Id: 53iI3sJkzow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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