What If You Only Eat Sugar For 60 Days Straight

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Wow bring a yard that's a lot of sweets we all crave ice cream every once in a while but geez your fridge is packed with nothing but sugary treats we think it's high time you learn a thing or two about how sugar affects the body specifically your brain if you ate nothing but sugary treats for 60 days straight hope you can maintain that sweet tooth because today we are serving you the facts of too much sugar humans love sugar no surprise right after all it's in everything our snacks or coughing power bars salad dressings soda even flavored waters can't escape this sweet little sweetener our brains just can't get enough of it see sugar in small portion amounts is actually really good for you glucose which is a simple sugar called a carbohydrate is what causes your pancreas to release insulin to your bloodstream this hormone is what tells your cells it's time to absorb the sugar from your blood and they in turn use it for energy it's even more important for your brain as glucose is used by the nerve cells in your gray matter to help them work without the good sugars in your bloodstream your brains cells wouldn't be able to process information any glucose that is left over goes right to your liver and muscles and is now stored as glycogen which can be used for energy at a later time sure seems like sugar ain't too bad huh well as with everything in life moderation is key and too much of a good thing can be a very bad thing as is the case with too much sugar eating sugar also releases the feel-good chemicals dopamine and serotonin in your brain and believe it or not your brain can become addicted to the good feelings they give you this is the same thing that happens to cocaine users your body craves that first high it received and then it will always be striving to get back to that wonderful feeling but it never really is as good the second third or fourth time and your body will just keep craving those sweets but the causes of cravings are not just chemical your emotions can play a part in your sugar cravings as humans do seek out the pleasure sugar gives them if they are in a bad mood pregnancy can also cause sugar cravings which scientists believe happen due to shifting hormones which can affect taste and smell receptors ah but now we get to the really not fun facts one recent study showed that sugar can actually be worse for you than salt it was found that participants whose diet was 10 to 25% added sugars had a 30% increase in their chances to die from cardiovascular disease on top of that if you eat more than 25% your risk has now tripled the most common added sugar in those processed foods you love so much is high-fructose corn syrup and while this stuff may make your food taste fantastic it's arguably the worst kind of added sugar out there a study from the University of Utah had signed 'test feeding high fructose corn syrup to mice they saw a reduction in the mices fertility and lifespan it's scary stuff brain yarn so what would happen if you traded out all other foods with just sugar how would your body fare after 60 days of nothing but sweets candies of donuts and all the ice cream you could eat well this sudden intake of only sugar would hit your body pretty hard and pretty fast the first thing you would likely notice is your skin no longer has that healthy glow studies show that over time an overabundance of sugar in your diet will cause your skin to lose its elasticity which manifests as wrinkles and sagging your mood would also be dramatically affected and we're not just talking that crash you would feel after each meal all that sugar can cause feelings of anxiety and over time lead to depression also all this overload would cause your body to release too much insulin this can lead to serious conditions like hypoglycemia or insulin resistance which is when your body can't absorb the glucose fast enough which results in it building up in your bloodstream and liver this can lead to pre-diabetes and then diabetes this is exactly what happened to writer and documentarian Damon gamoo who decided to eat 40 teaspoons of sugar a day for 60 days he made sure to have nutritionists and doctors keep a close eye on him during his experiment and the results of his new diet were shocking Damon gained 5 pounds in the first 12 days and then went on to show signs of fatty her disease in the first eighteen days when it was all said and done he had gained 19 pounds had pre type-2 diabetes and his waist had gained an extra four inches if you want to know the full story of Damon's journey be sure to check out his documentary aptly titled that sugar film well that's the facts brainy yard too much sugar really ain't that sweet the solution we say to keep an eye on your processed foods intake and an extra close eye on those foods you wouldn't think have sugars by being responsible you can wolf down that pint of Ben and Jerry's who love so much every once in a while [Music]
Channel: Brainiac
Views: 336,975
Rating: 4.8943896 out of 5
Keywords: Brainiac, sugar, snacks, treats, added sugar, diabetes, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, cookies, candy, insulin, blood stream, sugar rush, sweet and low, extra, brainiard, amination, animated story, cartoon, sweets, what if you only eat sugar, how much sugar, dessert, sugar diet
Id: 4dgywW93FGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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