What Happens If You Eat A Tube Of Toothpaste

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we've all seen the commercials nine out of ten dentists recommend you brush your teeth with toothpaste however what these dentists don't recommend is eating a whole tube of toothpaste which is exactly what you've just done well just thirty minutes ago you were happy healthy with a million dollar crest smile now you're being rushed to the hospital with stomach pains convulsions and are on the verge of a heart attack and you still don't understand what went wrong how can something designed to be put in your mouth every day be so deadly to eat and why do they make toothpaste in such delicious flavors if you're not supposed to eat it at all well these are all good questions toothpaste as we know it has been a staple product in the modern household since as early as 1873 throughout human history dental diseases in tooth decay have become surprisingly common and have had devastating effects on human health seriously dental disease has even been considered a u.s. national emergency toothpaste provides a vital defense against such problems bud despite its widespread positive health effects and potentially life-saving properties people were initially quite reluctant to get up in the morning and actually brush their teeth that's why toothpaste companies like Colgate decided to make toothpaste foamy and minty the foam makes us feel like the paste is actually doing something to kill germs while the usually minty flavor feels clean and fresh the combination of these two factors quickly made tooth brushing a staple morning habit for millions however this tasty little miracle paste has a dark component to it that when swallowed in large quantities can cause serious health problems see the vital ingredient in toothpaste is fluoride which is everywhere it's found naturally in soil water and a variety of foods and has played a vital role in improving human dental health over the years as it strengthens and reinforces your teeth it's so effective at improving dental strength that it's even artificially added to drinking water mouth washes and yes toothpaste while there are only trace amounts of fluoride in drinking water mouth washes and toothpastes tend to have a lot more since you know they're not meant to be swallowed now we all do get a little goofy now and then and it's not a big deal swallowing a mouthful of toothpaste accidentally is typically fine people do it pretty often and the worst it usually leads do is a little tummy trouble swallowing a lot of toothpaste can be a really really bad thing though ingesting a tube of fluoride based toothpaste or a bottle of mouthwash can cause intense there are non-toxic fluoride free toothpaste out there too and while they are safer you probably shouldn't go around eating tubes of those for fun either you'll end up with a bad stomach ache but fortunately that's about it now if you're an adult and you've made it this far in life without eating an entire tube of toothpaste chances are you aren't gonna fall victim to this at any point soon however kids as we all know are kind of dumb I need more questionable things than toothpaste all the time also it doesn't help that children's toothpaste comes in all sorts of crazy flavors like bubble gum and chocolate making it more likely for a child to chow down so if you walk into the bathroom and find your kid with an empty tube of toothpaste and a big foamy smile what exactly should you do next an ounce of preparedness is worth a pound of cure so one of the best things you can do is check out the first aid in poisoning preparedness videos on brainiacs youtube channel right here however assuming you've done that the first line of defense for any potential poisoning incident is to make them drink a ton of water and/or milk these liquid should help dilute the poison and in the case of milk have slowed down their digestive process buying you precious time to seek medical help next you'll want to call a poison control center stat make sure you tell them exactly how much toothpaste you were your child ate so that they're able to accurately counsel you on next steps toothpaste poisoning is serious enough that if you did eat a whole tube the chances are high that you'll end up going to the emergency room there you'll be given an activated charcoal to stop the poison from being further absorbed into your body and calcium is an antidote to reverse all the ill effects a particularly bad case of toothpaste poisoning may lead emergency staff to take drastic measures like inserting an oxygen pump directly into your lungs they'll also give you an x-ray pump your stomach and try a bunch of other tests and give you a lot of fluids to flush out your system although the effects of fluoride can be grave given prompt medical attention you should be able to make a full recovery we quickly in fact we here at Brainiac strongly supports brushing and flossing quote us on that as we mentioned earlier fluoride is perfectly safe in small quantities so there's really no need to abandon your favorite mouthwash or a freak out if you accidentally swallow a bit of toothpaste however if you have kids make sure you brush with them so they establish safe brushing habits and ensure they don't succumb to their natural instinct to follow up dinner with a minty fresh dessert that's all for now brainiacs don't forget to Like and subscribe we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Brainiac
Views: 543,777
Rating: 4.8307042 out of 5
Keywords: Toothpaste, Mouthwash, Fluoride, Poisoning, Conspiracy, Dentists, Health, Toxic, Flossing, Poison Control, First Aid, Antidote, how to brush your teeth, poison your body, fluoride in water, swallow toothpaste, mouthwash
Id: u-035LCUYYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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