What Happens If You Eat 100 Carolina Reaper Peppers

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Frank's hot red sauce?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TexxsTroy 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/tehbau5 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/glutenfreeSoyFree 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
sweat drips down your forehead your tongue feels like it's on fire you know you shouldn't have another bite but something compels you to eat more of that spicy chili made with the hottest pepper in the world that Carolina Reaper so you do and the cycle of heat continues but this begs the question why do we like spicy food so much what is actually happening when we eat those super peppers and also what would happen if we overloaded our senses and ate oh say 100 Carolina Reapers let's first talk about what makes these devilishly spicy peppers so hot because as you probably guessed there's no actual heat being produced here so why does it feel like your tongue is on fire these peppers belong to the capsicum genus which is a strain of pepper that has been around for thousands of years and has become a staple of many dishes around the world the actual chemical compound that causes the spicy sensation is called capsaicin it will cause a burning sensation to any skin or mucous membrane that it comes in contact with and when it's in your mouth it bypasses your taste buds and bam it connects to your pain receptors fun fact this means that spicy is not actually a taste it is just a sensation of pain the pain receptors in your mouth are responsible for sensing heat as well so when the electrical signal reaches your brain you feel like your mouth is on fire but no actual temperature change has occurred but your body will react the same way to spicy food as it would if you had just eaten something that was incredibly heat hot you sweat produce saliva and mucus your breathing intensifies and you may even coffee or sneeze these are all natural reactions to your body trying to cool down your mouth though it isn't hot but it also is trying to flush out your system to get rid of the oh so irritating capsaicin some spicy particles may have even gotten up your nose that's why many people sneeze and tear up as well but before you think this sounds like it must be terrible for you to eat well studies show it isn't even though there was a burning sensation in your mouth eating extreme spices won't hurt the insides of your stomach or intestines in fact it has been shown that spicy may help with digestion a moderate amount of spicy food in your diet speeds up your metabolism and also speeds up your digestion because of the increased production of gastric mucous once the spicy hits your intestines things are sped up even further and this is why many people may experience diarrhea after eating a lot of spicy food uncomfortable yes permanent damage nope so why do we eat spicy if it affects us in such seemingly adverse ways after your mouth feels the pain an increased amount of adrenaline and dopamine is produced in the body humans love the pleasurable feeling of dopamine so that's why we continue to eat the spice and endure the pain psychologists have seen that spicy food are sought out by thrill-seekers too for the same reason that they seek out extreme sports or over-the-top adventure they love that adrenaline feeling and hey spicy food is just another venue for them to get it but let's get back to the question at hand what would happen if you ate a lot of these super peppers and none of that light weight stuff how about we go all-in with the hottest pepper in the world the Carolina Reaper what would happen if you ate say 100 of these little dudes first let's put the spice of the Reaper in perspective it has a Scoville level of 1.5 to 2 million which on the scale of spicy is insane for perspective jalapenos have ass coastal level of 2500 to 8800 in at 220 thousand to 350,000 SCO's film you heard that right the Reaper is about 8 times hotter than a habanero truth is you probably wouldn't even get to 100 peppers if you had a pre-existing condition like acid reflux a stomach ulcer or gallbladder issues you definitely wouldn't make it due to the pain and cramps you would endure but to the rest of those insane pepper eaters out there at some point your body would do all it could to get that pepper out of your system you would most likely experience vomiting and may even pass out but die not so much but you would feel awful but that doesn't mean eating even one reaper shouldn't be taken seriously a 34 year old man was rushed to the ER after he had continuing pain days later after eating a Carolina Reaper at a pepper eating contest he started dry heaving and experienced extreme pain in his neck and head he was rushed to the hospital when the pain wouldn't stop and the doctor said he was experiencing thunderclap headaches which are caused by the sudden narrowing of the major blood vessels the brain normally this happens when someone has an adverse reaction to medicine or has done illicit drugs like cocaine but this man didn't fit the bill of either of those circumstances so doctors concluded it was the pepper that did it he recovered but learned a valuable lesson don't take eating the Reaper lightly so to all you Daredevils of the world we hope this sheds some light on the science behind what is going on when you chomp down on spicy peppers and hey if you don't really like spicy don't fret if you want to join the club believe it or not you can build a tolerance so go for it brainiacs start small with a dab of Frank's hot red sauce and you'll be Wolfen down 100 Carolina Reapers in no time if you don't pass out first [Music] you
Channel: Brainiac
Views: 418,745
Rating: 4.9007173 out of 5
Keywords: Brainiac, spicy, heat, food, jalapeno, habanero, carolina reaper, insane, hot, hot foods, hottest sauce in the world, how to grow carolina reaper, hottest pepper in the world, hot suace, spicy pepper, what does spicy food do to your body
Id: khGkhamVg-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 31sec (331 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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