What If You ONLY Eat Chips For 10 Years Straight

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did you know that in 2019 35.2 2 million Americans reported to having consumed 16 bags or more of potato chips or that days before a major snowstorm hit in Canada the first aisle to be completely empty was none other than the chips there's no mistake that the world loves their crispy salty and highly addictive potatoes in a bag but what if all you ate was this and nothing else we're talking about sour cream and onion for breakfast barbecue for lunch salt and vinegar for dinner well brainiacs if you keep those nutritional habits up for years you may go blind or worse in today's video we talked about chips and the world's favorite way to consume them with two hands straight out of the bag plus we investigate two cases in which a potato chip haven't lured two teenage boys into a doctor's office but only one came out alive but before we get into it where did potato chips come from in the first place well the story goes that in 1852 George Crewe a chef at the moons lakehouse restaurant in Saratoga Springs New York had an unsatisfied customer who claimed crew-served soggy french fries after dish was sent back to the kitchen crew finally cut paper-thin potatoes fried them and serve them with a fussy customer and the rest as they say is history these days we don't have to upset a grumpy chef to get our hands on some of these bad boys original lays the most popular chip brand and flavor are readily available everywhere and it's a good thing too because they happen to be a great source of vitamin C but unfortunately the health benefits stop right there fried potatoes such as fries or chips are really not a good source of minerals nutrients or vitamins like at all notably there are no traces of vitamin A b12 calcium or Omega threes not to mention chips contain a great deal of sodium and trans fats unsurprisingly researchers have discovered a relationship between cereal chip feeders and a number of health problems including increased blood pressure stroke heart liver and kidney failure but don't let us be the sole bearer of bad news take the British 17 year old known as da in the medical world who ate a diet exclusively of potato chips french fries white bread and on occasion a slice of ham to round things out claiming to be a fussy eater you think the teenager did not diversify his diet to fruits and vegetables because he enjoyed nothing other than these beige foods after about 10 years of this diet the boy reported to a doctor that his field of vision had started to go dark he was officially diagnosed with anemia and a vitamin deficiency it got so bad that the boy started to lose minerals from his bones which was shocking to doctors for a boy his age luckily for da he did not go completely blind just legally blind hooray because he's retained his peripheral vision he manages to get around but doctors have concluded he will never be able to drive yikes and then there's the 20 year old male who went to the doctor's office with flu-like symptoms he also reported an uncolored diet of he guessed it chips the young man reported chronic fatigue to which the doctor diagnosed him of cirrhosis of the liver which is a fancy medical way of saying his organ was completely shot as a result he developed autoimmune hepatitis and passed away at just 20 years old our research shows that the young man did not eat only chips before he died but it was the majority of his daily diet part of the reason why we see two young men suffering serious health problems due to this staple junk food could have to do with their addictive nature an experiment done with mice found that an only chipped diet taps into the reward system of the brain which encourages us to eat more and more chips other researchers have found that chips trigger and release the dopamine in our brain which controls our pleasure center so if you take into consideration these studies as well as it's salty and crunchy goodness there's no surprise that chips are wildly addictive so whether you call them crisps yes we're looking at you posh British folks or chips there's no mistaking that this junk food staple makes the world go round but it wasn't always this way we have a potato-chip fun fact coming your way open wide when the u.s. entered the Second World War potato chips were officially declared a non-essential food so production was put on halt immediately but crowd protests convinced the war production board to back down and thanks to these potato chip loving Patriots this staple junk food was able to be sold in stores across the country and still is to this day god bless america so whether or not you're a Czech diehard lover we would recommend for good measure just for kicks to maintain a healthy and balanced diet preferably with other colored foods and no green spinach flavored chips don't count until next time brainiacs [Music]
Channel: Brainiac
Views: 465,219
Rating: 4.8970122 out of 5
Keywords: Potato chips, crisps, chips, death by potato chips, blindness by potato chips, chronic fatigue, America’s favorite snack, brainiac
Id: -xN4_sc1a24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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