How Long Can You Actually Go Without Showering?

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every year a transformation occurs and new monsters around the planet there everyone on the streets in your schools have you seen your office lately some are leads to these infestations they eat large quantities of food grow up to a foot taller and grow hair in strange places but the smell oh my gosh the smell that's the worst of it the name of this monster teenager co-op placements make them unavoidable with changing bodies they don't know how to take care of themselves and until they discover do Doran's they can be smelled from miles away is this an exaggeration maybe but a new teenager just might not have figured out a shower a day keeps the stink away so how long is too long between showers some say to shower every single day some say every two days some say twice a week is fine and some some say not to shower at all there are people out there who simply did not shower but what exactly happens to the body if you are to just stop showering today for the rest of your life you want to try this experiment well first how often does an average person shower some shower every morning before heading to the office others wash their hair every night before bed some shower every two days every three days maybe that's pushing it but it's not outside the norm some dermatologists claimed humans shower too much but here's the thing by showering so much you're creating more damage than good yeah your body is currently and as always covered in bacteria but most of it is actually good bacteria washing it away all the time creates an imbalance in the skin now don't get me wrong if you workout every day or do a job like picking up garbage in Florida you should shower off that sweat on the daily in fact now I think is a great time to hit that like button if you think it's normal to shower every day and be sure to subscribe for more facts like how experts recommend showering once or twice a week so if showering every day isn't all that necessary why don't we just cut it out altogether well here's what would happen if you stopped caring about personal hygiene any avid camper would know that without soap soon enough body odors are destined to occur it's natural you sweat release oil and grease and some areas on the body just don't get enough air anyone within a 10-foot radius would be in the danger zone and if you work in an office well your co-workers won't be very happy let's think about all those spots on your body where you produce the most oils under your armpits behind your ears on your face well now that you haven't showered for a month wart like growths are now growing in those bonuses and maybe more not only that but the cut you got last week from trying to be a real-life fruit ninja hasn't been cleaned and now you have an infection from all the dirt getting into the wound you're covered in acne dandruff rashes yeast infections and crusts delightful a body left unwashed basically reverts back to medieval times if you're not careful you could bring back the plague well maybe not that but in medieval times it was considered shameful to sit naked in hot water it was thought to make it easier for the devil to enter the body although we've gotta say the smell of not having a shower for a year is in no way heavenly either but there were no showers in medieval times just baths and even then a lot of people still remained clean despite this so a new experiment stopped showering but find ways to remain clean if there's dirt on the skin it can be scraped or washed away with your fingernails and saliva if you were stuck in the wild this would be the best way to keep clean let's go even further back the medieval times ancient Romans cleaned with oils and a long metal stick to scrape away grime as long as you avoid the buildup Dirt you're practicing healthy hygiene now these methods won't leave you smelling like a summer rose or a mango coconut shampoo but at least you won't spread the plague to your co-workers I think it's time we go to the experts dr. John fielder is an Australian hygienist his life is hygiene so does he take a shower every day no he washes with river water and exfoliates with sand Fielder claims that using soaps and shampoos gets rid of the body's natural oils which help against lice and helps the skin absorb vitamin E maybe it's time to think about ditching that shower think about how much money you could save on water and how much time with all that extra time you could become a chess champion or learn to fly a plane or climb Mount Everest or you know sleep an extra 10 minutes in the morning some companies are even climbing aboard the shower lists rain one company called mother dirt sells a mist spray this live probiotic spray will restore the body's natural oils and bacteria it restores moisture to the skin as well the company even claims you won't need products like deodorant or moisturizers they say that 100 years ago the body had an ammonia oxidizing bacteria that would protect the skin absorbing sweat and dirt but this legendary bacteria has been wiped from human existence due to soap it's said to be the reason more and more folks are developing allergies so wait I'm not supposed to be sneezing every spring because a flower grows a flower that has existed alongside human beings for as long as they've been on the earth hmm I guess that kind of checks out all right showering is out natural body oils are let's ask ammu for some tips this man holds the current longest-running streak for no showers hasn't showered in 60 years the man eats rotten porcupine carcasses ok cuts his hair by burning it with fire now that just sounds unsafe and he smokes a lot ok I take it back just talking about this guy makes my skin crawl has his own lifestyle but doesn't seem to be following the healthy cleansing process is outlined by natural dermatologists so it hasn't really been proven that these switches from showering to not showering really work considering no one seems to have gone without a shower for more than a couple of years and we can't all follow the way but maybe showering a bit less is good for everyone a study in the UK proved that citizens use 150 litres of water each day on showering flushing and general bathroom duties yeah I know I said duty and that's not even counting embedded water embedded water is a term to describe all the water that has been used so that an average person can go about their day this means all the water used to grow the vegetables and meat you eat to grow the cotton in the clothes you wear even a piece of paper uses water paper comes from trees and trees need water to grow we use so much water every day on top of the direct 150 litres there's about 3,000 litres of embedded water used in our daily lives by showering less or taking shorter showers cus come on guys the shower is not where you should be going into your deep thinking we are helping reduce water shortages food shortages and helping maintain ecosystems the OL natural lifestyle makes you a hero so let's take this experiment even further how about you stop brushing your teeth as well if you save water you save money on toothpaste and you save 2 minutes every morning and every night sure not brushing away the dirt that can get into your bloodstream may cause pneumonia staph infections and even heart attacks but there's got to be benefits just like how there are benefits to not showering right No after 24 hours the bacteria in your mouth will have feasted on all the left BAM you have gum disease dentists recommend brushing at least once a day to avoid gum disease and at least twice a day to avoid cavities not brushing your teeth is just something you can't get around seven hundred to a thousand types of bacteria live in the human mouth scientists claim that things like toilet seats and polls in the subway are actually cleaner than our mouths don't go licking subway polls though just brush your teeth every day so the mouth needs to be cleaned but what about the hands sure they touch a lot of things on the daily but there's no way they have as many germs as the mouth that is kind of true actually studies suggest that using too much hand sanitizer and over washing your hands can weaken the immune system it's another reason more people are developing allergies over washing can also dry out your skin and make it crack well no more hand washing will save so much time and your hands will be smooth and soft but not washing your hands can lead to more colds however on the plus side you're strengthening your immune system really do but then again it's easier to spread food poisoning the substances produced by the body when it undergoes food poisoning can contain up to one trillion germs this means it can be spread easily and quickly you're inevitably infecting everyone around you and just the smallest touch near the eye will give you a bad case of pinkeye did you think only children can get that no way get ready to wear an eyepatch you're also unknowingly spreading germs that a small child still developing their immune system could pick up Wow only a real jerk would do that all right let's bring back the hand-washing but how about hair we touched on it a bit but hair is often washed in the shower once the natural oils are restored you'll never have dry hair again it'll also have this great shine like you've been in a shampoo commercial with Fabio however on the other hand soon enough all the dirt dust and dry skin will build up your head will get itchy and your scalpel first and for any of you long haired folks out there who wear your hair in a ponytail too long imagine that pain but every day after six months your hair follicles could get clogged and your hair could stop growing or worse fall out completely well then you'd have no hair to wash or not wash at all but you can wash your hair without actually washing your hair it's why things like dry shampoo exist it comes in a powder form and spraying it on will help absorb excess oils so you can survive without washing your hair but it's not pleasant what about the face you know what many people call the moneymaker if we're washing the body too much then we're probably washing the face too much some people have pretty extensive skincare routines when it comes to the face like regular micro needling micro needling involves giving tiny punctures to the skin with sterile needles to cause a deeper layer of skin to rebuild well not washing your face does have the same effects as not showering your oils will return to a natural balance this can reduce acne plus over washing can lead to dry and irritated skin but a buildup of dirt can lead to infections and can age your face faster and who wants to look 60 years old when they're actually 30 all in all hygiene is a personal and almost unexamined whole thing considering all the germs we've talked about that are invisible to us and unless you're camping alone on a faraway island where no one can smell you a shower is probably something you want to stay consistent with it doesn't have to be every day in fact dermatologists and eco scientists would prefer you to shower less but you should shower enough to not offend your coworkers the air is for all of us don't contaminate it [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Brainiac
Views: 971,833
Rating: 4.8413005 out of 5
Keywords: What if you never showered again, what happens to your body if you never shower again, never shower, hygeine, personal hygiene, shower, bath, body, educational animation, animated, animation, infographics, brainiac, dirt, dirty, smelly, smell, healthy lifestyle, no shower for a year, health, rashes, bacteria, sweat, too much sweat
Id: RxaLrUDVAq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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