What if you LOST Every Minigame in Mario Party Superstars?

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so the other day i got one of the most interesting comments i've ever seen all this talk about beating the master cpus in mario party but what if i try to lose to the easiest difficulty cpus instead well you don't have to wonder anymore because that is exactly what i did i did it today we play every single mini game in mario party superstars versus the easy cpus with a requirement that we must lose in order to move on how quickly can we beat all 100 mini games wait how quickly can we lose in all 100 mini games that's what that's what i meant to say let's go mushroom mix up here we go yoshi yeah first one down all right now guys go off and die please okay okay dark tall dark and crispy i'm out get me out of here i can't say i've ever played on easy oh look at them they're actually doing pretty well look at me couldn't be more out of the picture oh waluigi taking the w who are you guys rooting for dk waluigi rosalina i can tell you right now i'm not gonna be winning okay so i'm hugging left side of the screen here the 2v2 ones and stuff are gonna be interesting because we need to root against our teammate like right now we're winning even though i'm throwing as hard as possible dk dk didn't get that oh wait it's not over waluigi we need you we literally won are you kidding me you gotta you have to lose in every game look at dk dude dk always looks so funny in this mini oh look at me i just avoided every coin that skill right there that's legit skill the real skill a lot of times we play oh can we beat masters in this masters in that the real skill is can you lose against easy that's what it's really about here okay nice all right we won i mean wait we lost we lost we lost hey guys how many i'm feeling like there's zero there's zero out here can i just do like a million how many can you get up to i assume it's 99 it's 99. dk put 15 and waluigi put 32 rosalinda here's one where um should i just keep die what how did you already die waluigi how i think i'm just gonna try to die i hope i don't spawn on a coin or something rosalina has one coin dude this is bad we could be this could be a wall this could be a wall mini game because we have two dudes on our team that are trying dk would just ran at a piece of candy for like we're actually doing pretty well this is great we won first try money belts baby i mean we lost we lost we lost okay we're chilling i'm not i'm not i'm not feeling this one dude you know how i do feel like being up though you know what i do feel like beat him this is so graphic stop it why is it so close i just don't get it oh i'm just boxing her out dude i i think i legitimately have to try to uh i think i do have to hit her to to win can't ground pound this is a riot they're fighting each other dude get out look why are we just trying to punch the car this is half a fun funny challenge to just like play but also half of it is just watching and observing the easy computers because i've never i said i've never played on easy before part of me like really wishes that you could play all computers are we literally winning right now what is happening were you guys watching what okay i really actually need to seriously i need to hit her from behind so i don't hit the meatball and i'm i do not want to do this one again dude dude are you we actually won they i i don't have words i don't have words i don't get how she's so much better they're all in the same difficulty you know what it is it's probably rubber banding i think they realize that i'm just bad the game's like this dude's the worst so we're gonna boost rosalinda's stats what if i don't fight her look at that she just assassinated that meatball that's not good look at them i don't know how i don't know how to lose i'm doing my best they have iframes after you punch them so you only punch them every few seconds i just get out of the car and immediately strike her it feels so wrong hey it's what you gotta do what you gotta do to lose i didn't realize they were actually gonna rubber band the computers they're fighting each other i mean what are you hooligans doing over there what are you actually doing i'm gonna start over there's no point what if i what if i can lock her in the corner what if i can keep running under her and she bounces on my hold on hold on now we got something going here look at this look at that she's still striking it i mean it's rare for her to jump oh my god you when she jumps that's a golden opportunity oh and i just punched her to this oh my oh look at these blocks this is some serious gameplay right now i think i figured it out the problem is they're gonna they're gonna probably do awful over there on the right we're making progress here get out of here yes oh dude i thought we were gonna get walled on this mini game this is big they're punching the car better have insurance on that toad i wonder what our toad's thinking all right we should be good dude come on guys you can do it bless up dude how many the timer the timer showed up i think that what is that three minutes can you imagine if the timer showed up and we tied okay it's a duel okay this one actually hold on hold on we have to focus oh dang this one i have a feeling this is gonna be close i mean he's hitting everyone so far he is hitting boost panels though and we are not which is big solid solid performance there by yoshi good job and there it goes okay this one one of those straightforward ones don't pop your head out stay inside the hole for 30 seconds it's slot car derby three two one i mean everybody spun out look at how slow they're going what is that oh my goodness here i go off the line what what just happened i've never even seen that in my in my what i got launched off the track that happen if you're if you fall too far behind if you get lapped they run you over that is absolutely wild the more you know with red falcon as he tries to lose against easy cpus guys straight heated all right here we go yeah so just no strawberries for you no strawberry for you for the fans i'll give you one piece of cake you know i'll give you two piece of cake oh never mind okay bumper balloon cars let me just back it up and show my rear just it's just it's right for the taking come on now you know you want to you know you want to nobody's going to go for it don't worry i think we'll be fine all right they're not that bad tick-tock hop everybody how are we going to win this one oh wallowing he's a gamer i was almost afraid that he was gonna bail all right okay all right nice love this one leaf leap i will leap one leaf i will leave two leaf one leaf two leaf three leaf four leaf i was gonna try to get it but that would be too much we're gonna try to get the number that would be too many numbers okay i almost didn't get last there frick this mini game dude brick it that's what i say all right all right all right tk baby come on now oh my god he just did a full rotation and went back to the start what was that about i don't think the start is where you want to go buddy i believe there's like a three minute timer is there a timer i don't know but just please dk oh okay later skater they're just running at the walls dude can i go backwards what happens if i they actually legit don't let you go backwards like i can only turn so far you can't do a 360. so if you were wondering if you could go backwards and interfere with people the answer is no bombs away i gotta run off okay who's gonna win well they're actually lasting good for a minute dude oh catch you letter i'm doing nothing let's see if i get a letter by doing nothing rosalina still doesn't have one okay i need to run away because in the rare case that i do get a letter and tie with somebody i mean i guess that would probably still count as last i'm good i'm just gonna be in this corner over here all right oh geez okay oh my goodness um um i like that two goombas that's huge i might first try this no dk got one dk got one i can't start over i'm trying to press start oh my oh my god i actually got third place i thought two was good i was ready to take that deal i was thrilled i don't know what to do this is bad i've had so many in here the whole time come on oh i got three i don't know dude i think i got three again sorry i didn't realize that i was blacking out oh baby perfect zero that reminded me about bumper balloon cars we're gonna do that last that's gonna be the last one i'm going for last place i have to get last place i mean i don't know can i hello can i be that counts the 1v3s you just have to lose because that's last place all right we're good that's that's good here's the question here's what everybody wants to know if you do nothing will we lose or do i have to try to hit meteors i don't know i actually don't know i think we'll lose oh no it seems like she's trying to hit him now remember the rubber banding effect if they know you're bad i swear the the ai knows and they try to start losing but it's not gonna be enough the do nothing yoshi challenge we're gonna lose fine by me okay this is good no he's gonna eat me though that said don't don't eat me don't eat me i don't need to be respawning on coins maybe i should just try to get eaten maybe i want to get it i think that might be the strategy you got to eat me like groceries if i come to this if if i if i'm sitting here every time i doubt i'm gonna get a coin all right i'm over here now we still won oh my i'm doing the same strategy right now we're doing well we're doing really well we have one oh no no we got more oh i gotta be careful uh-oh this is bad we have to go with what's randomly assigned to us obviously i would have loved to be the one player in this one actually i don't know though if i was the one player i think i would have had trouble oh i'm an idiot we're good we're totally fine all three have to be on it i think i would have been concerned if i was the one there actually having them three line that up can you imagine i'm taking my pitch here you guys everybody needs to just hit one please waluigi buddy eyes on the ball be the ball come on now you got this yeah waluigi all right you guys bet on who who's gonna win here's another one where oh i have a good idea look at me look at me i'm just cornering her yeah that's right rosalina go up go up yup yup yup all right okay that wasn't yeah eats a pizza eats eats a pizza eats i'm not hungry i already ate dude dk is munching right now he's munching oh i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go corner get me crawling around dude oh that don't don't look at this that's graphic that's graphic falc centipede you can't don't look at that i think we lost good okay good good good good oh no here we go this is obviously a massive one this could be a huge wall it could be we i don't i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know we're already remember it's last place it's you gotta be last so we're already i mean we're already probably i need to pick my color you're right you're absolutely right no why luigi's gonna pick his color no he picked my color that's that that's against the rules oh it resets though doesn't it no no i mean at least we're still alive right no i'll let it play out i think it's good that i'm going first though am i going to go first every time that might be massive because theoretically if i went first every time yeah see here's the deal so we already just we already just got third at least third in this no we're not going first every time dang it then i could have just reset hard reset for the loss we'll be all right we're fine fine we'll get this we'll get this it's like a one in four chance right i don't think easy unless they rig the rng in my favor which would suck they might i don't know let's go we got first come on yes yes let's go let's go we gotta play it out we gotta play it up we we did it fine with me all we need is her to get to the end that's it just go to the end oh rose oh brother oh brother [Music] oh look at her yeah she's she's pushing the limits here she's feeling the pressure [Music] bro bro no bro bro bro bro bro bro this is not good this might be wall central dude remember what i said remember the rules needs to be fourth so we have to have everybody use their flashlight please bros and linda oh lordy this is just falc's normal performance all right okay that is how i normally play the game i always just wait too long and then i get blasted i doubt there's like i'm sure we'll get lucky one time and they'll all use it how long that's going to take i don't know dk dk look at this waluigi get out of town brother come on now come on rosalina yes the triple flash let's go that wasn't that bad you guys that wasn't that bad what the what what is this what's happening i've never done this my life i'm i'm doing okay right now i don't know if i need to hold b i'm in jail all right yeah okay oh okay so my gut is telling me to stay alive until the end and then throw but i mean just try to yeah i just want to try to all right all right we're good we're in a corner here come on now dk brother dk all you got to do is move left yes that's good hit me i'm staying still he literally oh my god we can do this we can do this we can do this dk this isn't mario party 2. you don't get coins for hitting uh hey you know what they could be equally as bad on the other end you know sometimes you forget they're equally as terrible like they go into the arrows all right nice nice nice good okay here's another potential tough one 1v3s are tough when you're the one because you can just your your teammates can just absolutely sweep for you i'm thinking next i'm thinking we're not gonna win this one let's see maybe we will maybe we will if we do win this one or i'm thinking we are gonna i don't even know how to talk i'm thinking we are gonna win this one yeah that's true that's true okay so a little stratego here i'm gonna stay alive maybe the rubber banding will like be like oh he's alive you know we shouldn't go for as many coins because last time they did really well i die i don't know maybe i'm gonna stay alive i almost just got a bag falling on my head but i'm hugging the outside as much as i possibly can please no bags please no stop it all right that actually worked we lost yay here we go yeah big big plays good to see you now this mini game is tough um because i mean even if someone's doing nothing you can easily win if i remember correctly i did like a luigi does nothing challenge i'm pretty sure we won this mini game if we didn't win it was very very close so i don't know oh you know what you know what these are the things you gotta be thinking about falcon you gotta you gotta corner her yup yup there it is baby there it is hey we got two oh geez here's another slobber knocker we're gonna do nothing do nothing and then you get caught in the spotlight you get all nervous and you run away there i am see i'm like ah now it all comes down to linda just sniping them oh oh okay we got this right i mean she just needs to get she's got two turns i don't expect her to get it here but this is a 50 50. are they gonna rig the rng in my favor because i'm a little timmy the game thinks i'm a littlest of timmy's they're gonna maybe give me the win i don't know they call her look out linda she looking out let's find out house house oh she's going for the stump oh my god all right round number two we're hoping to get at least one here maybe maybe more okay well luigi okay here we go 1v1 scenario once again dk is so good at losing this entire time dk's pr are you even better than me at losing and i'm trying to lose oh he goes for the win there though he goes for the win okay now dude that was the one i don't even know how to process i thought i was gonna be fine i was gonna throw in the last round but she actually guessed the one i was in completely ruined wait once again we're in a 1v1 with dk 50 50. apparently there's no rigging it please please just send me home oh there we go all right okay so that worked i was trying to stay alive to help the rubber banding i was gonna throw at the end didn't even have to throw she guessed mine all right okay so for this one i should just be chilling right this bubble's gonna pop oh no am i gonna tie for third wait what happens here i don't know if there are placements for like how far you make it dude dude dude oh no it's a tie it's a tag oh no this is probably the worst mini game in the whole in the whole game i'm just throwing it out there right now i'm gonna do my best to play my best and put pressure on the computer look at how slow he's moving dude please waluigi please buddy please okay he's playing well playing well i'm gonna play conservative so i stay alive computers are actually cracked at this mini game it's so much harder as a human being come on come on waluigi i should tie for last it should still be a tie for fourth no yes yes okay what's what does it look like here we all got second i feel like what can i do about that one i feel like we have to make an exception right like i don't see any other way also technically the first time we got fourth so that might even count because that's what i said the rules are you have to get fourth so i mean i feel like either one of those we're just gonna we're gonna run it i mean there's two different ways we we made it efficient we got fourth and then we got someone to win and then we feel like we're we're out of the gate on that one and we won pushy penguins river raiders it's random what we're assigned we gotta sign the one and our job is literally to avoid the coins it should be we should be able to lose this one first try they already have six which is really good come on now let's get a clean zero yeah baby yeah how about that they got 23 to get zero uh yes dizzy dancing yeah this is this is bad i feel like this is not good dude none of them are gonna get it come on guys come on wait i think i actually want them to i think i want them to um is this all fourth are we going by the all fourth rule this is all fourth right i guess it didn't even show it on that one we got did we all get fourth are we good can we move on we're moving on this one i think we'll be okay as long as waluigi hits his stones he is he's actually sniping all right okay keep it up buddy keep it up nice dude waluigi's a tank on this one what a lot better than i thought okay dungeon duos this one should be pretty straightforward just don't move right i mean we just need that other team to finish before like the timer the theoretical timer comes up and and ends it for them we're moving that's right i'm making the crazy decision to move uh oh what's gonna happen here hey waluigi buddy we're gonna we're gonna win this right we're gonna win this buddy oh look at him go he's performing it seems like when you're playing a team game with easy computers they're not like as bad as they normally are it seems like they actually try to do well for you which kind of makes sense luigi's happy he gets to play we get to play why don't we do wait no i don't want to go through this even if we get to the hot air balloon he might like even if i don't do anything i almost made a grave mistake there because he could just do it on his own we would have we would have won we would have won all right we're chilling we're chilling we're actually putting in work i feel like i've done worse than two minutes on this one and they're gonna be sub two minutes i don't know what that tells you but oh okay this one is not free at all this one takes skill i'm gonna try to go for the middle the middle seam seems good because they come from the left and right here we don't want to get hit by hammers that's gonna bring us down low and potentially give us some coins we just want to stay middle top middle top dude i'm getting no stop getting pushed into stuff stop it oh my god i almost got that bag oh they did well wow all right what goes up i believe it's cool look at everybody everybody just took like two seconds in the beginning just take it all in who's gonna win guess who's gonna win who'd you better what were the gambling odds i'm gonna go for waluigi on this one he's he's long and and slender slender and tender oh they're all getting domed by the waluigi oh oh can i run off i can nice good job falcon killed that one wow that was so fast okay here we go olympic snowboarder falcon snow world i'm just i'm chilling what am i doing what is it called like an ollie when you do not when you just go up and do nothing that was me right there oh skip for time save skip for it 990 1080 cool this is this music is so jazzy dude this is the best track in the game i don't know maybe what i don't get about this mini game is anytime i play with a computer it seems like nothing matters and it's only my inputs i kind of want to get flattened let's go yeah flattened oh eat me smoosh me smoosh me go ahead go ahead do it what are they doing i thought they weren't gonna do it for a second pokey pummel it's time to mash and then not mash he's gonna win he's gonna win oh dk in a turn of events okay okay no no no no no stop it stop it stop it look at them they're just having fun sledding dude they got their feet up they're having a good time i'm just hold i'm holding b all right good kill me kill me first please please i'm out here shoot me i gotta back up i literally backed up into linda's shot i had to no no stop stop stop hit me linda yes yes that was actually really close i feel like if i didn't do that i almost almost didn't lose nice love this one i'm lactose intolerant get me out of here here's the question of the day which scoop of ice cream in this mini game is your favorite if you had to pick one they all look so good i mean the graphics are so good in this game actually they're underrated and the ice cream oh just oh oh my god it's the ball game it's time to lose ball game here's what i think you need to do you just need to stack your balls on top of each other and then if they become like a big formation you lose how is dk already losing oh you just press a oh oh you just spin me and they all come flooding out oh my god nice good job dk good good job buddy tetris but round oh i need to fall off all right good good good good buffer balls someone probably will they're missing each other and you just okay no coins which is usually what i do in this mini game anyway we just need them to get coins all right linda's in linda's got the trunk got junk in the trunk we just need waluigi and dk to perform dk's just holding his hand back the whole time he hasn't he hasn't done anything with it come on dk buddy dk no that's no no something tells me that we're not gonna lose we're gonna tie to lose yes waluigi you're a beast you're a beast waluigi good job buddy you did it you got a bag all right dk you your turn now release oh no oh oh he's going oh he's going short look at him oh oh oh he's going back oh oh no he's going short dude do something man come on i'm telling you dk's better than me at this challenge their timing their timings not only is their timing awful but they're only throwing out like two hands the whole game oh that might be good okay waluigi if you get that back in time dk please buddy just do a little quick shorty a little shorty little quickie just throw okay update we're doing well waluigi got a bag dk got a bag dk's first coinage this entire time all we need is linda who's been doing well oh she got a shorty just a little quickie there it is baby let's go here comes your boy though oh come on all right cares little for coins where banana all right here comes face lift now is the standard bowser fate you know what let me let me go worse i'm gonna go even worse than the standard bowser face i'm gonna go in opposite directions oh yeah look at his eyebrows they can't even see us you can't see you can't look at the space that's great oh that's classic okay what are you guys doing over there all right i got 21 points try at home try to get lower than 21. all right we got this one right yeah okay oh they're oh they're kind of popping off though oh [Laughter] everyone hit the crossbar oh brother okay okay okay okay they're doing little dribblers all right three more guys three more you got 10 seconds oh i just got hit in the crotch dude we're gonna we're gonna win one more please ah i wonder if i do this repeatedly if that helps like if it gets to me and rolls under maybe i don't know i don't think that helps at all i got confidence in them this time i mean look at them they're kind of popping off i probably shouldn't open my mouth because i'm going to jinx it there's three left 12 seconds two left 10 seconds one left eight seconds bang that's it i'm done you guys think i did all right on that one crazy cutters what is rosalinda doing she drew a straight line through his face what is hat what what oh this is slops dude what is going i mean waluigi's actually kind of money dude go waluigi though i mean i i mean that's pretty good like what is lin oh my goodness i got four i honestly was hoping to get zero pretty sure you can get like zero or one on on on that okay and i'm done do you see yoshi's face he was so bummed man poor yoshi 2085 is the final score for waluigi this is another do-nothing challenge we need everybody to get coins though and it seems like that's happening except rosalina except rosalina [Music] yay she got a coin here we go let's go all right we need everybody to get coins though all right good job good job everybody good job all right all right we're moving on bouncing trounce i'm gonna bounce and trounce myself off the edge tk is just gonna do the same because you're just dk's just having a time out here wait hold on did you guys watch that everybody fell off there's nobody on here to celebrate it seemed for sure like rosalina was gonna win and she threw her body into the into the space where i just i don't even know okay watch this everybody this is gonna be a big moment here we're gonna try to get the absolute minimum score if i hug the top here instead of just normally going straight i'm pretty sure i might be able to get zero i don't know though look at that it's cutting into the top i could transition to the bottom here but i'm gonna stay strong this is actually a big moment might be a zero percent for the fans look at that straight line we got a zero yes i'm gonna try to just stay neutral the whole time i don't know i mean i could try to look in different directions than they're looking i don't know what to do here i'm gonna say just neutral might be good enough though all right we're good and this one i never even get this minigame when have we gotten this like once or twice to be fair it's not that good so i'm okay with it and they're just gonna wipe the floor with us and get a big inflatable bowser and he's gonna pop we'll get it look at him go look at it he's gonna bop hurry up the timer is gonna run out okay there you go okay this is an interesting one gotta follow the fourth place rule so i have to get this i have to get this first one problem is since they're on easy they might bail me out and specifically get themselves out which at this point i feel like i'm already free i don't think it'll take that many tries this one is losable we need two twos here dk's gonna bail me out and give me a one so my brain is so stuck in the mindset of trying to win i don't know dude this is why are there so many grapes all right this is good this is good this is good this is good this is good okay as long as he doesn't hit a one nice nice there we go good games oh my goodness shell soccer just score on us please i don't know how i feel about this one why do i feel like waluigi might just randomly clutch it i mean here i am in the corner t-posing we're already winning dude oh my okay better strategy better strategy better strategy can i do own goals is that a thing i can do i don't even trust dk to score i don't trust either of them to score no it only goes in the other direction i scored i scored from full court full field i'm pretty sure yep it legit only goes in the other direction guys come on steal it i gotta can i check waluigi so he doesn't get involved pass it waluigi pass it pass it i mean i would love him to pass it to me and then i go over here watch this this is big there still is some strategy guys please come on now no oh rosa oh my goodness okay okay let's go i'm inside of dk take it take it take it take it take it block off waluigi oh my goodness dude i tried to get in front of the shelf all right we gotta try again we need a fresh game here fresh game take the ball give it to them here give it to here you go here you go all right block off luigi somehow nice dk good job buddy two goals you did it i tried to get in front of that i couldn't i'm trying my best to block them you can only do so much oh dk what a huge strike are you kidding me that was the greatest thing i've ever seen it's not easy dk showing up for the first time tonight what a legend oh my god snowball summit see you later guys i'm a head out uh-oh nope nope no mashing no mashing stop it dk stop it i don't want to go i'm not ready now i'm gonna hold like back does that break i think that does oh my god we came to a complete stop that's amazing i had no idea that was possible we are at a complete stop i was gonna say like we could just fall off the edge which but what's what's what's a step up from that not going anywhere literally not even moving so all we need them to do is finish and not fall off which i think is a might be a tough ask let's find out they're doing okay so far look at that teamwork right there wow all right i don't think you can fall off anymore can you can you still fall off oh no oh look at those lines though they killed it are you kidding wow all right okay good game okay i'm in the hole baby let's go all right guys come on you gotta fall through the swiss cheese all right good game right there kill me kill me kill me kill me waluigi is popping off well luigi's gonna go huge again assassination from waluigi all right yeah we could rock a little right let's rock a little bit for the faints oh i spun out oh this is intense look at me go all right i'm just chilling i'm chilling waluigi yet again is a champion yeah no cherries for you the question is are they going to get any cherries it should be pretty oh my god waluigi just coughed it up in the middle did you see i didn't even know that was possible he just dropped it oh no guys come on now oh no it's a slobber knocker oh i mean i'm on the other end but it doesn't matter it just won't catch any it really really just comes down to these two the hooligans at the bottom oh come on waluigi oh what the heck did you see that that was legendary it went in by the way it went in case you're wondering and we're moving on to the next mini game tackle takedown i'm just gonna try to push my teammates away i'm blocking i'm a lead blocker i'm blocking huge that was big uh oh this mini game is slopps dude we already scored one oh no oh no nice nice goal goal goal oh i didn't mean to do that nice no come on now two to two gold comes down to this dk i mean here's what i could do i could try to avoid it on purpose instead of just sitting in one spot or try to hit it back all right well there you go there's one dude you guys moved oh man waluigi's going hard wait do we have to connect do we have to touch tips in order for it to count i think we do i don't think he can do it by himself we do we legitimately do and they already have one we're gonna win we're gonna win goomba spotting i'm seeing a lot of goombas i don't know i don't know about you guys i'm really hoping we get more than 99 here i don't know why but it's just something that i want no 99.99 i definitely put in like 250 inputs at least all right 39 and once again waluigi's a beast oh no oh no all right i have to serve it no this is good this is actually really good it's volleyball you got to have two people with volleyball oh i got it i got it oh joking dude what i love the ones when it gets served to me oh i got this one i got oh no where's this shell it went over my head okay it's okay we can recover all right good good dude they are moving and grooving oh okay never mind oh get me out of here okay now don't throw any bags my way or anything i wanna believe that oh dude this is like the most i can go i want to believe that waluigi just copies my inputs so we should be able to just chill here i mean we got two coins they have nine so far they've got a bag i think we're gonna be all right oh geez i totally forgot this mini game exists i love i actually love this mini game but she's going to take a tumble over here she's right there i think she's taking it slow all right there we go book squirm look at this yoshi just shrink all right how long are they gonna last that's the question everybody wants to know five all right cocky for one minute here we go this is gonna be big this is actually gonna be oh dk what a legend okay all right all right all right that's actually huge i was i thought it was gonna take forever for them to score they scored right away i'm just taking the puck i'm just taking the puck and i'm going on a little i'm skating with it oh he's gonna go for it oh oh oh all right well uh that was that was really efficient i gotta say shout out to dk dk gretzky this one's interesting i need to get killed first i don't know how we make that happen here but let's make it happen let's make it happen why do i feel like it's not gonna be that easy this is just so slops they're all over the place oh dk got hit but i got hit too playing the game come on now their accuracy is just i mean oh dk snipe me come on now one more take me out nope nope stop targeting rosalinda oh oh that almost hit me that grazed my tail come on guys come on no deacon got blasted please come on don't hit dk don't hit stop it stop it rosalina's down to one stop why would the world down to one well we just gotta hit come on take your boy out please i want to i volunteer oh my god that almost hit him but then it got it got it got blocked by the blaster this is so slops oh i got struck let's go absolutely legendary okay all right all right now it's dk versus rosa there's only 26 seconds left this is one of those ones where you can play for about three minutes and then they put a timer on the screen i think you can go for about three minutes rosalina wins it okay a little tipsy turny i'm just gonna get that many squares so i don't know what happens when the timer's up i did they just give you credit for whoever gets the most amount of squares that's all i got for squares i got how many four okay i got fourth i got four confirmed i got fourth cause i got less squares how do i fall off can i fall off if you actually mass mash hard enough oh no no you know what i don't think the computer's gonna let me fall off they fell off dude oh oh we're literally gonna win oh oh what's happening right now what's happening to our little train cart thing what is going on hello we are not making any progress we are confirmed making zero progress i mean at this point we can't can't lose so what we really need is for them to not fall off that's really the determining factor here and i'm i'm really nervous that they they might just fall off like every time come on guys wait everybody's all eyes on rosa and uh and uh luigi here all eyes on them just gotta have an efficient oh no oh good job good job just gotta have an efficient turn here they made it further that time i mean i wonder like here's what i'm gonna try to do i'm gonna try to keep up with them play fairly efficiently and then just break at the end and maybe that'll inspire them to play a little better and not fall off nope that that's not what it did that didn't do anything that did not do it guys oh i fell off i fell off so okay what happens here because you know they're probably gonna fall off but we fell off first do we lose because of that maybe they won't fall off maybe they won't maybe they won't fall off there it is baby i thought that one was gonna be i thought that was gonna be hard bang there it is coconut conch uh oh oh no we have to get last on this one so everybody's got a hit this is similar to the chain chomp nightlight fright everybody's got to hit the green [Music] oh that was close i almost made it on everybody's got to hit the green here i could skip i probably should skip i want to watch though how does that even happen all right skip come on dk nice nice dk's on the green please waluigi don't please yup all right first try all right this one we're chilling on this one we're chilling rosalina dk all running down the end rosalina low battery oh my water just spilled how do i lose this one oh can i just not can i just not okay cool good stuff everyone good stuff good game this is just a bomb in your face right away or you know what actually just we're just chilling we're just gonna get eaten it's the main theme of this challenge here just try to get eaten it's really all about well selena can she take it to the house though i don't think she can i think she still wins though right it's a tie oh i don't know i don't know what the rule constitutes on that one what are we calling on that i guess we'll just try it again somebody finish come on now you can do it i believe yeah there's no way anyone's gonna finish i definitely got fourth though there's no doubt in my mind that we got fourth i just don't know if it's gonna happen my dudes i would be down to play this out but i just one of those ones like linda like i don't even know if it's gonna happen ever oh oh oh she's swimming look at her go she's due for a bomb though yep yeah and she was doing too well they had to like set her back a bit go oh this one should be free right this one should be free he's steering i'm flapping there's no way are they really gonna make this close i'm not flapping at all how are we even moving by what rules of physics are we moving right now the wind the wind is pushing us okay i i want to believe we're fine here we're looking pretty good all right we lost okay this one this one is crazy actually because if you do nothing it's actually good you actually i gotta believe you actually have to play this mini game and play it in a reverse in a way that you don't score anything i'm actually doing okay so far the problem is the thwomp might throw some crazy stuff in the mix we're doing well we're doing well right now we're doing well let's go that was the most puzzle i've ever done in this in this mini game that was the most thought my brain cell was working hard there you have to avoid the wetness we need to be dry as possible get out get away from me stop it i mean we should be fine in this one if they just simply if we avoid it entirely and they simply get oh no no no no no no no no no okay i want to say we're fine moment of truth here oh we got a small little baby plant all right nobody else hit it we're good oh oh oh she's gonna take a swim in the lava please waluigi throw this is not good i feel like he's gonna clutch it oh he didn't clutch it let's go i wanna believe this one's fine just do nothing and maybe run into some urchins ow no i spilled oh i'm taking some spills here who's gonna take it tk's kind of on a roll right now i feel like he's been winning a lot of games waluigi got it messy memory are we going to get fourth place is everybody going to get at least one thing right you know what i didn't even look i did not even look at where things were supposed to go so i can't give you a live commentary on that we're just gonna hope can you take them off the shelf oh wait no you can't put them down though you can't place them down but i can i can take one off the shelf oh i could move it maybe oh my god great idea that is an amazing idea i didn't even know you could do that i just never something i would never think to ever do i'm gonna get one point right i got one point dude we would have tied rosalina that was a gamer move here we go i don't even know what this minigame is called but we're the skateboard dude and it's already over all right so we've got speed hockey wait hold on i want to hide myself at the bottom and we're just going to score anyway this is this video's wild i'm trying so hard to oh my god it's got so much momentum oh nice strike from waluigi oh come on what i want to be the goalie i'm the goalie that's what i wanted that was big okay now i feel like that the goal is wide oh my god now that the goal is wide open i feel like we have a better chance of losing oh no that's that's oh that's curtains dude there's just no way there's just no way he moved away from it it was right no dude rosalina did not carry that they threw they completely threw i'm not giving rosalina any credit nice nice nice all right that's important good start oh please guys please no please guys guys he's trying to hit it in the goal guys guys guys guys guys guys nice nice nice two two two two come on my new strategy is instead of just sitting at the bottom i'm actually going to try to like move around it and who knows who knows if they even do anything it's a simple strategy but it could be effective just go wherever the the ball isn't nice wait no i scored no i don't want that wait i'm trying to lose i'm trying to block her nice okay all right i'm blocking her i'm trying to i'm doing things now and it's not it's not enough it's just not enough no no no no no please guys please please guys please no [Music] oh yeah baby that's it right there let's go this is a fast forward moment this is a fast forward moment with music come on no no no oh rosalina let's go you're good you're sick you're sick not sick enough apparently i'm still holding out help though i'm still i still got a little bit of still got a little oh come on one time oh she's sneaky with it oh that was sick rosalina's sick okay final mini game that we have to get in fourth place last time i got second and for some reason i thought it was last but this time we did it we got last it's over time time losing every mini game in mario party superstars versus the easiest cpus there it is
Channel: RedFalcon
Views: 1,467,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, tried to lose, lose, minigames, all minigames, all 100 minigames, every minigame, mario party, minigame, redfalcon, red falcon, mario, luigi, yoshi, peach, daisy, 4 player, cpu, master, easy, gaming, entertainment, comedy, nintendo, switch
Id: UZ-NQv6nCsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 8sec (2468 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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