Can you LOSE Every Minigame in Super Mario Party?

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is it actually possible to lose in every single minigame of super mario party well i put that to the test and decided to try to lose every minigame as fast as humanly possible and of course we have to set the difficulties of the computers to as easy as they can get you're gonna be amazed at what actually happens okay how do we how do we lose this one how do we lose this one we got the squad goomba is holding the freaking net with his mouth okay so i wanna implement a rule actually real quick you have to participate in every mini game here we go i have to okay oh no okay i got five c is losing we're moving on we won i mean we lost but you know what i mean this is the one with the toads and the establishments dude the toad agency what do you think they're doing what do you think that what what are you ready bang i did it he's dead dude the dry bones is dead again the computers are on the lowest possible difficulty now the problem is even though they're on the lowest possible difficulty when they're playing on your team they like to try really hard to try to make up for your little timminess because they think your little nephew timmy's playing all right i gotta participate i did a little participation there you got a nice little sculpture here winner oh oh oh no oh no no no okay so it's a speed run so i'm gonna go as fast as possible but i also i need c rank we need c ranks i'm having an uh oh i spilled i'm taking a tomball look at dry bones he's upset i'm gonna say right now because we need to finish the mini game but we also need to get a c rank this is this this could be tough dude we might have to restart go bowser goomba buddy you can do it no oh we got c okay we're good we're moving on all right i have to participate in every mini game so here we go here's the here's my shot i got one okay prayers prayers everybody prayers okay we lost we lost let's go let's go i'm just gonna pick this one up oh shenanigans dude is that bad dude i freaking won dude i won we go again oh that's a lightbulb oh look i got a little baby there we go there we go that's how you lose okay all right i got to participate here we go you ready for this oh i didn't get one belt don't choke dude okay i got two dust bunnies dude they're shoving me into dust i might be winning right now i'm not gonna lie they're actually pretty good for for the worst difficulty yay we lost i actually don't know how to play this mini game did i tell you as a story about the one time i did the video where was like all bastard cpus every i played this game for like an hour and a half my arm was sore the next day i didn't i don't know how to do this oh dry dude he just whiffed he's whiffing there we go okay all right all right all right 20 seconds get bowser bowser he's freaking huge come on oh what that was on his arm it was at his claw dry bones buddy buddy you gotta lean your shot a little bit bro ready no ready no just kill bowser please how about i block him oh is this huge strategy or you're missing he's missing oh my god oh headshot let's go let's go look at the heart bang let's go i was just asserting my dominance and now i'm gonna sit back drive what are you doing why did i why did i win that first round he's looking in the oh my god oh my god oh dry guy popped off dude oh this is the one where you punch people to get in front of the camera oh there's your boy okay all right now we chill now we chill we're on the board we've participated this gate this mini game is like four million times better than what is it flash forward or whatever put that on the gram let's go okay these mini games are gonna be interesting the ones where they they let you have your buddies with you and so you you kind of have a fairly minimal impact on whether you win or not i'm already going to lose i'm are no nice me and yoshi all right all right it's all going to come down to this final round oh my goodness no no that's not losing diddy kong's a champion what do you mean team shy guy wins wait i want to be running with it i think that's the strategy bang oh yes for cyan one little mario brother what could go wrong all we needed to do is either mario to die or oh that was actually close your boy was coming through let's go we lost all right we're moving on moving on moving on how do you play this one oh your boy's sick okay we got one of them sometimes i'm so in the groove that i just forget i'm getting wrecked can i push dry bones into somebody bro how do we win oh my god no oh you got to do the high five okay i'm right here pop me pop me dk you won't do it i don't know why i'm singling out dk okay oh i told you he'd do it don't wake the wiggler i'm gonna i'm gonna not touch him i'm going not no pets yeah yeah i know how to play a game wait i have to participate okay hold on i need to have the least amount of pets them's the rules come on let's go dude give me two here give me two give me two dry dry fourth is if you wake wiggle it okay i'm gonna wake him oh i'm waking him guys there's a plan okay trust the process here oh oh oh he gets mad i told you you don't give him any pets dude bang or chat bang or chat dance along i got nice dude apple i missed it i don't even know the timing for this what did i just get is that an orange i got three for that i want to spill all the glasses oh there they go falcon what are you doing you're making a mess you're causing a ruckus all the thwomps oh no so we obviously want to not move any of the ores good job good job everybody we need to get c rank so we might actually get yes good orangey we got the baseball ah minus one oh what if we kissed in this yarn game dude i am on top of him right now if i circle can i strangle him oh that might be some after hour stuff all right don't show this don't show this dude we're getting it nuts it started off very cute and romantic and then it got violent i actually wasn't even looking can i push them away see see it's five right so drive oh oh see now i'm at five and now the ai's like oh he's on five he's gonna oh we're gonna hold on was it five or was it six i actually don't know what if they threw like a vegetable in there it was like all right now we're gonna lose can i just like get in one of these creases here and just like chill it puts you on one oh whoa whoa whoa okay rattling bro stop picking no get out get out of here like you're gonna pick blooper okay okay okay okay okay give me the players i'm adam oh oh i'm just blocking for you guys i'm i'm i'm a lineman dang get out of here remember the cards i'm picking a diamond everybody loves the c right now all right this is big last turn there's a square oh i love squares my favorite playing card is the ace of squares i think they keep slowing it down for me because i'm a little timothy all right we gotta see all right coin mini game get the least amount of coins of anybody they're probably just gonna spawn on me but as long as i keep electrocuting myself should be okay goomba is getting the bag right now this one need to punch each other can i punch my oh i can no way i can punch my teammate get bodied dude he's gonna punch me back what if we pick a fight okay i actually oh i think i got bowser nice dude this is great all right go ahead and hit me hit peach nobody look nobody look i'm exposing peach no i swear to god hit her hit her you have my permission hit her please come on do it you won't do it bro they are not hitting her hit her hey i mean are we still gonna win hey we still won i mean we still lost oh oh oh i just oh oh i just oh i just think it's oh why is it not oh almost bro look at them how they just like slowly move the most intense minigame of all time oh they got one that might be some pro strategies oh we got nothing we got absolutely nothing i'm going to run it ooh shiny light this squad i got mario luigi and peach oh peach now you're gonna get it now you're gonna get it peach wait hold on hold on peach now you're gonna peach now you're gonna get oh peach now you're gonna ah there she goes this is on my i'm on my moth falcon right now oh the light ah it's so good it's worth it this is red falcon and i'm submitting my run for the the most amount of bananas slipped on in in the mini game with the bananas here we go one two three this the world record strategy for this minigame is you want to go towards the center because there's a lot of bananas in the lowest amount of uh surfaced area you really just want to you want to find one of these veins right here and just go bang bang bam i already lost count that's how good this run is you've never seen anyone slip on more bananas in that mini game pull it together it's like um it's like that tug of war minigame from superstars except you don't burn a hole in your palm no we're losing oh i did participate i moved it bro i'm shambles right now dude i knew this would happen there's like there's this there's like a mental lapse moment where like you're just so out of it that you your default is to go back to like trying it happened a few times last time i did one of these runs with superstars every like 25 mini games you'll just like randomly try to win congrats thanks dude oh professional professional professional all right there's no way we don't lose this time i'll even go for a two i don't care i don't i'm cool with it too i feel like we're we're in a good enough position oh yeah oh yeah all right let's go goomba looking at it taking forever to get it too oh i got so nervous i didn't want to do all right that's fine it's fine it's fine they got one piece left dude the pancake mini game i take pancake okay i took pancake i'm gonna have one i have one fluffy pancake i'm grabbing the freaking honey syrup stuff this is a big one oh no no too many nuts two minutes okay oh fair amount of nuts okay not a little nuts not many nuts decent amount nuts oh little amount of nuts small nuts dude we're doing pretty good oh a lot of nuts oh not that many not that many medium amount medium amount all right i i feel like we're oh oh we're blocking off bowser dude we're but oh oh he's in the corner he's successfully in the corner oh oh oh wait actually i kind of want him to finish i don't know why i'm doing that little nuts little nuts little nuts we're on team little nuts put juggling your nuts over there and put them in place jeez man all right whoa look at how few nuts what perfect game an absolute perfect game are you kidding so this mini game i don't know what to do did you just do nothing are we gonna are we gonna win i'm pretty sure if i recall correctly when he did the do nothing challenge we got like s rank even though i didn't do anything so i don't know what i'm supposed to do there's literally wait a minute wait a minute we got c first try we got c where there was one candle that was not lit okay how do i push the penguins away from dude i feel like we're doing really well i'm playing goalie get out of here you little rascals dude i keep pushing them in get out of here you little nasties what am i doing no i'm doing better than i thought oh look at this look at this no dude this is this is this is a this is a reduced bat we're gonna we're not gonna get this oh there's one penguin bro i have a bad feeling that this like even if i'm in this upper left-hand corner here i still feel like they're gonna get them all in before the timer's up i could try to mess with them back here but if i mess with them near the goal i'm only really gonna help them i feel like now remember all the penguins have to be in so as long as we can like get one can we trap like one in the corner it's hard because look at them they have so much momentum they push me there's nothing i can do look there's one boy sliding over here i just like keep him in the corner okay all right all right all right look at this squad back here yo we actually might be killing it right now all right that that indeed was the strategy as long as there's one penguin up there all right we gotta put his eyeballs down and his and his mouth yeah good job goomba goomba's putting him on the corner oh no ku but no no no no too good too good too good oh eyeballs i think they go on his chin chin up what if that was us mouth hair mouth forehead what are we gonna get what percentage are we gonna get no we got zero this is the cream pie mini game i i guess i'm i'm kind of participating i'll throw one though i'll throw one watch out i'm waiting until the last possible moment all right there you go i'm throwing it oh i got him in the tail they still won here we go [Music] oh and the dry guy takes another one look at goomba dude he's face planning oh oh i forgot i forgot i forgot oh here we go ready and oh oh no no no oh no oh no pep rally oh this is a squad right here boo goomba and bowser who's missing uh urchin oh no he's not oh oh i totally meant to oh no oh who's missing william mario oh it was william the whole time peoples the peoples are there blooper what are you doing blooper look at me i'm doing i'm matching the dance moves [Music] this is just dance mario party edition i almost just oh okay here we go oh i jumped into it all right let's go i mean let's suck let's suck let's suck let's come on guys dude dude donkey kong needs to go hard at the bottom i feel like he's not going to though i'm scared why do i feel like waluigi's a savage at this game oh oh this could be a wall uh oh uh oh uh oh oh oh oh there's always the strategy of staying alive maybe the cpus are like oh he's staying alive okay then i'ma head out so they head out and then i die at the end put it into my own power see look at this i'm gonna die yes let's go oh i had the world record day one world record in this minigame and then someone from japan stole it from me like always okay here we go we're going hard dude my meat cube is gonna be so well done because we're not even gonna move at all we're just gonna get it burnt on this side is this the strategy i don't know but i'm pretty sure i mean i don't think i don't think it matters i'm just trying to i'm just trying to accelerate that maybe put a little pressure on the other competitors go goomba goombah slops over there dude look at that movement look at him he's gonna it's gonna fall off the pan should i eat the meat oh i'll eat the meat are you ready you eat the meat oh no oh no no no no what if it goes on the side that okay we're good it's still mine's still raw hey what up what up uh what up spikes what up spike brothers they're mining diamonds for the fans let's get planted mining away in this minecraft world so beautiful i'm running that net dude bowser wins bowser's got rhythm dude i got six okay go ahead chomp me or do we do the strategy where we stay alive and then everybody else heads out and then we just die strategically at the end goomba stay with me i'm trying to block him into oh oh baby big moves let's go you gotta wonder how many more mini games remain we're playing at random so we actually have no idea but as soon as we see a repeat we will know dude are we gonna oh this is bad this is bad stop it stop it there's no way we can see on this one what's the score for c is it even possible i have to participate what if i just do like a little bit of wind dry bones has got to go hard on this one oh no he went so hard no no no no no did they move the balloons i could have sworn they were not there this is possible oh my get me out of here no no no we crave it dude go weak sauce on it pons oh geez oh my god it's right ball oh no you know what no stop as per usual as per usual they always give us i'm gonna hear this song in my nightmares dude dry bones just got so wet on that one holy sh flow away dry bones blow away we're out we're moving on we're gonna come back to it that's that's that's what we've determined all right this one also not free i believe you need to get all the demons in the square and depending on how fast you can do it this one actually should be free because all you need to do is block one of them so i just need to hold one up here i think nobody take this from me you can't even see that's how good i'm doing at this mini game where am i going not on bowser all right everybody miss stop it did we win okay we're playing badminton instead of a shuttle [ __ ] it's a shuttle bomb how do i mess them up oh i did we just just blew up on us i'm blocking him i think we might win no no no we're all oh no we didn't lose i mean we died we're dead on the freaking court but that doesn't get it's a tie it's not good enough get out of here dry bones stop trying to play the game dry bones is the biggest gamer right now and he's just he's preventing us i'm losing goomba's pretty good at losing there's literally nothing i can do dude they're just warping to the thing come on okay can i eat myself away or what if i yeet my team over the edge all right i'm out see you later i have faith in cyan team we got this look at goombas going hard yes let's go cyan oh we got the one on this one let's go look at them over there taking turns socking them and bopping them ready one two three go i did it i did one of them all right good game everybody frick this mini game dude i don't even want to take the lid off the lid the lid the lid oh they're just gushing out now can i do it upside down no there's dude i'm going to win i i can't win this mini game for the life of me when i try to win but i'm going to try to lose i'm going to win dude dry bones got it goomba got it bowser's throwing a fit over there the oh oh he's got the cube all right good job bowser all right it's fuzzy's flight school we're gonna run into the [ __ ] hey fuzzy buddy oh they're fuzzies they're our friends oh fuzzies friends oh i just want to say i got third is that real i think i failed to hit one of the fuzzies i'm pretty sure i failed to hit one of the fuzzies fuzzy buddy oh fuzzy buddy oh [ __ ] fuzzy high five oh it's over all right how do we oh oh dry bonds just got oh oh oh what if we kissed at the bottom of the oh i like how spike buddies is that easy spike buddy all right all right all right all right all right what is the best way to stink grab some packages how many packages can i grab at one time two packages what about three packages make it look like i'm doing work like i'm on the clock right now getting paid except i'm not delivering anything are we gonna win drop the packages off on the other side is that a legal maneuver no wait no no i can't cause if i go down i almost made a critical error there no all right we got it this time this is this time's huge we're delivering for for for gum corp all right goom corp over here so you're not you can't deliver them to him but if you stand like right next to him i assume he's gonna just take it nice he took it okay all right let's do let's grab some more packages for him oh he's gonna oh we need to get that one okay i'll get this one nice nice nice take it from me yeah yeah the toads are so excited to deliver the packages we almost lost are we almost one are we okay we lost this one's about the rangs dude no this is not good this might be an anti-c moment what's the minimum this is bad this is there's no way there's just no way can we go for b at least are we going to get a well you got to go into this asking the question is it possible to lose every mini game super effort no it's not possible because freaking home on the rang is just fixed it's going to get a 69 oh 78 i'm gonna all right we're going to take a we're going to take a and move on here we go this is a banger bank all right we did it why does goomba look like he wants to kill the monty moles let's go for let's go for a coin let's see if we can find a coin look at the shy guy just waddling around what's this one five come on dry buddy dry buddy dude oh i can hit a pokey pokey come here buddy yes okay fourth place at the buzzer i'm gonna use the strategy where i try and then i just freaking die at the end so we're gonna pass we're gonna pass and then at the end we'll try to i don't i don't think it matters i mean we'll see it's oh okay we're doing pretty well so far i'll just i'll just blow up i'll just blow up all right here we go it's a 2v4 situation but we have little timmy plot armor the game does not want us to lose of course so i have a bad feeling oh wait a minute oh wait a minute we need dry to have a huge moment here come on dry buddy come on dry buddy freaking freaking dude i definitely would like to be in the game at the end that would be nice got dry we got goom we got bows all the big players are in on it yoshi i just eliminated my boy goomba so that's fine it's me it's me and and dry and not and not dry it's over right it's over for like five seconds i was thinking of how to win and i realized it's literally over we did it i would like no popcorn you know what you guys want a piece you want a piece all right i'll go get you a piece i'll get you a piece for the fans i would like one piece thank you should i get hit by one of the meteors dude goomba has zero popcorn he's got one corn we all tied for what is that does that count as a second place i think we gotta do that again i don't think that counts as the last i'm gonna get one piece of popcorn and then get hit by a meteor i need to avoid getting them oh next one nice bowser got zero okay i got a couple and then i got meteored i still have one oh the meteor doesn't oh it only takes so many away it's all good right here bang all right all right get me out of it no i got one oh bang okay i mean they got so many this round all right this mini game actually an immense amount of skill here remember the have to participate rules so i have to pick one of these things nice so it actually behooves me to move quickly here and pick one of the worst this one's nah which one stinks this one stinks oh your boy again let's go i'm usually not good at this game but i guess in reverse i guess i'm always just bad i guess in reverse it still applies i mean that one is just a small boy oh no we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good i mean that one looks small come on now big big big i my head hurts i think we're okay i think we actually are automatically okay dude i freaking won that one it's okay it's okay we did so poorly leading up to it i'm going backwards i didn't know you could do that i'm gonna find a wild pokemon i'm so deep in this grass i don't know what i'm doing at this point actually i'm kind of trying to go forward and i can't we're off to a hot start here dude dry bones what are you doing brother there we go you got the sub one minute ding or derby dude all these balls are in the plate i'm not playing dude we did the do nothing was when i i'm not playing hold on i gotta swing at one of them all right i'll hit one for the fans you guys want to hit you wanna here we go oh i swung out of my shoes on that one i didn't even hit a single one i still participated all right this one's about magnets any magnet fans out here any big magnet fans wanna get one oh no i got two all right i'll drop them in why not okay how do i throw this in all ways possible if i swing it once it counts okay there we go i participated having one hammer disabled is huge except dry bones doesn't know that i'm disabled you just yeah see yeah it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay i just need to swing it once okay i almost just killed him there that was really close you see now he's on edge dry bones you got this you're solid no what are you doing dry bones two seconds one second dub i'm gonna hit the top bang i should not have even oh whoa did you see that cube make a comeback that was an underdog story right there i thought he was dead for sure i don't know goomba's kind of goon but what are you doing okay all right we just got one q button all right i'll hit one block for the fans i have confidence in my losing abilities here i'm trying to go over to the left and hit goomba's blocks i don't think i can do it that would be cool if you could see look how goomba goomba what are you aiming at look how goomba starts with such a significant lead and then he starts shooting it into thin air come on google one block baby goomba what are you um i'm gonna pop a blood vessel i'm not hitting one block for the fans i repeat both times i've hit one block for the fans i'm not hitting one block okay there we go all right i hit that one for the fans i still i'm still holding up on my hitting one for the fans people are seeing that saying that he can't even see over the cannon which is kind of a valid argument we gotta take him out we have to take him out dude so at this part when you're like oh is it possible to lose every mini game no look at that okay we lost there you go this one's not free because you know dry bones is gonna be really good at it but if we can somehow block him look at him he's just like skirt we can block him off here all right maybe he's not gonna be that good what happens if i take the pastrami the gaba ghoul and i give it to him and they're like nope what if i do that does it screw it up no they don't even let you give it they don't even let you give it to them see dry bones put in work okay so it's kind of a tie ball game right now look at how nice those buns look in the oven they said a double stacker over there okay well we almost tied it up all right nice give it up i like this me this one's good this one's good we can definitely lose this one hi toad everybody wave to toad oh now he's upset all right i'll give you guys a little bit of spike action nice i got one point one point let's go dude look at how big his schnoz is we are so close up i don't think we can win by doing this schnoz action there it is they're playing the game on the switch say what now look it they're playing the the the what's what's the name of that one where you fit it the perfect fit what are you talking about i never even knew that i thought there were i thought there was one there's at least one okay it's me and goomba so this one is super throwable because you need to have cooperation on both ends i'm gonna say it's orange and apple it's that one oh we did it losers can i go backwards can i fall off i can't lose any more money i'm already bankrupt you can't take away money that doesn't exist i have one coin no never mind i don't have one coin anymore oh no i spilled all right i'll take one coin that should be good that should be enough all right so the goal follow dry bones every movement every move he makes every step he takes you gotta be watching him all right i think we're losing all right we're losers i already have to pee i don't need this visual all right who's gonna pee the furthest i'm like a 16 pump uh jump soaker croak except we're playing the dry guy all right i'm gonna shoot i i wanted to shoot one for the fans shoot one for the fans and then run off the problem is you can't run off you have to get shot off you literally have to get i'm all right now shoot me shoot me me shoot me how did that hit it this is the hardest game to lose i'm over here i'm exposed goomba launched let's go participation participation we're going left oh we got blocked everybody got blocked every one hello one everybody what actually though like no actually though like what is what the i'm trying to participate on every rap i've just been on every round i'm trying to make this as as as difficult as possible for me drive bones bro you're going for the least amount of coins it's not like i can out game him and go right or something because then i would get those coins i don't want to get coins it's literally every time fry guy and shotguy are just banging bodies at the top left of this freaking mini game will he go up one last time he didn't we lost we got the fewest amount of coins and we moved every single turn how about that where's he going where's he going where's he going where's he going where's he going you got him you got him you got him i got him oh you already know your boys on this oh super super mario strikers for the nintendo switch here we go here's some early leaked leaked footage look at him go no no i'm trying to get an own goal oh i just gave that one up that was poor defense on my part poor defense make sure you guys skip past this part if you if you don't want spoilers on the new mario strikers game dry bonds dry okay we've got two remaining mini games two remaining mini games two remaining mini games the bob-omb badmintons and they're just gonna score on us all right we have one mini game left we're back at the balloon experience better than ever we're first i feel like that's not good though bowser stinks bowser's bad at this we don't have dry bones at the top though we don't have dry bones at the top hold on all right no no no i'm blowing i'm blowing i'm blowing i'm blowing oh no dry bones is sick though look at dry bones getting all those balloons oh goomba you stink why would you do that okay okay here comes bowser oh bowser with a finesse though oh no oh no that's so many blow blow blow blow blow no this is no no no no no no no no all right we're doing it again all right all right you know what this is the run we're going for c rank i'm actually last something tells me i love that oh i shouldn't have got that bushel down there that's okay goomba's blowing got dry bones one of the power players oh no he's getting so many though so was bowser all right you know what but oh wait hold on every time we just blow hard let's go 89 dude i still feel like why do i feel like this is no no dry bones is this mini game no matter where he is he's just gonna make up for it the reason i wanted to be last is because i have a feeling that there they have they group the balloons more at the end but now that i look i get a good look at it doesn't really seem that way yes blow bowser hold on hold on everybody hold the phones oh you like that little finesse right there 14 on the first round hold everybody hold no no no no please please please please please no no see now they're all gonna be there though bowser blow blow bowser okay i almost moved by like when i said okay i moved it a little bit okay no stop it why they make it so free dude no if it's if it's any run ever it's this one and it's not even gonna be this one hold on hold on dry bones dry bones do a little give it a little touch wait hold on dry bones give it a little touch bowser give it a little touch dude we're still gonna lose bro we have 31 in the first round okay okay hold on what controllers okay hold on hold on bowser's right smack dab in the middle dude this is how we lose this is how we lose okay it's at 60. it's at 61. hold um get over there i don't know did i want to do that probably not bowser's going in kuma's not going in see rank on the balloon game there it is hold on chat don't pop off yet it's all comes down to bowser i literally have a dead joy con dead doing nothing everything else works it all comes down to bowser he's got 15 seconds he's whipping the rang as fast as he possibly can we're trying to lose every single mini game in super mario park getting a c rank in every single mini game super mario party this is it how many is a b it's like 25 maybe there it is let's go we're done time at 2 12 56 it's over
Channel: RedFalcon
Views: 629,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario party, minigames, losing, lose, every minigame, super mario party every minigame, super mario party all minigames, all minigames, mario party, nintendo, switch, redfalcon, gaming, entertainment, comedy, smp, mario, party, minigame
Id: -o9Y--h0OZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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