What if you could Equip EVERY Accessory at Once in Terraria?

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so as most you know accessories are pretty good in terraria normally the game limits you to five accessory slots in normal mode and then of course seven and master but what if there was no limit to how many accessories you could equipped what if you could equipped every single accessory at the same time in terraria and that is exactly what we're gonna be checking out with the help of the too many accessories mod real quick we're gonna do a little bit of a demonstration on how this mod works so right here we have a lucky horseshoe and we have the total inventory accessory enabler uh we're gonna drop into this bit and we're going to die there i forgot i wasn't full on health but yes we are taking fall damage that is what we need to know but then of course if we equipped the total inventory accessory enabler um and try it again we um we're fine we don't die alright so that is a lot of accessory slots but we're only just getting started so where things get really crazy is when we start talking about the chest accessory enabler now as the name implies this allows chests to be used as accessory slots um effectively giving you an infinite amount of accessories which is exactly what we need to um have all the accessories in the game all right so we've got a lot of effects going on right now and to be honest not all of them are useful uh think of the guide to plant fiber cordage and flower boots so there's quite a few in here that we probably won't notice and even if we do they don't really do much for us and then there's also duplicate effects right anc shield everything that goes into that they're doing the same thing for the most part barring like an extra couple defense so it doesn't do a whole lot but uh that's where we introduce reforges this whole chest it's full of warding uh we've got menacing we've got quick which didn't really work i'll get into why in a bit and then violence and of course lucky so yeah uh reforges are good we're going to get started with some testing there's a lot of things i want to try out and maybe things you might not expect that would be very useful with this mod beyond just being a mod where you can like mess around with these crazy insane stats uh but yeah let's uh get right into it okay so i should probably mention uh the elephant in the room here which of course is our disgusting defense stat of 335. uh keep in mind this number is a fraction of what it could be we only have one chest of warding accessories oh this is the menacing one we only have one just awarding accessories uh we can have all five of these with warding but i feel like a one chest is plenty enough in terms of reforges uh 335 defense will be just fine so what we're gonna do is we're going to compare how much damage we take to how much you can in vanilla terry where you completely optimize your defense which of course we did in our how tinky can you get video we are fighting moonlord expert mode this is also extra mode and the laser was doing 48 damage when it's all said and done every single precaution taken to minimize that number um now yeah we're gonna try it out with every accessory equipped in the game and see how much that number differs once again this is only one chest full of boarding accessories we're not even gonna use buffs this is just a fraction this is just a tiny fraction of uh what we could be doing uh yeah here we go here's moonlord our friends okay and we just gotta wait for a laser and it should be right about now it should open up there it is so oh that was 37. that was 37. uh again without buffs i don't even think we had all three beetles either oh wait hold on 27 that one did 27 damage all right so uh yeah we've established that you can get pretty tanky with all those accessories obviously the warning helps out a lot and uh but yeah there's still a lot of damage reduction now what we're gonna do real quick is test out the regen aspect of having every accessory on now this one i'm not sure what the difference is gonna be like because there's not a ton of accessories that actually contribute to how much you regen but uh we have this bit of death again as you recall we did this sort of the same thing in our regeneration is broken video that i made again about a year ago uh we're gonna test this out side by side so right now we have every single accessory on and we're going to test it out against the vanilla set with only the six accessory slots um so yeah we're going to get right into it all right so right away uh you can't really notice a difference and it's going to remain like that pretty much throughout the whole health bar um near the end you'll be able to see that the every accessory is slightly in head but uh not quite what uh probably most you were expecting right here we see not even a second difference between how long it takes to get the full all right so um yeah on paper those uh differences there's barely any right less than a second of uh difference with that regen but where it really is uh interesting is because we have all the accessories on right now we don't have to sacrifice everything in the tanky video we can barely move we have no movement the regen no knockback community uh we basically can only i just have regen but with this we can we can move we can we still have the defense i believe we have got 270 defense right now um and we saw that crazy regen so we get all of these things at once um and that's what makes us so good it's like not just this one specific build it's literally everything as we see we got moonlord here again and just to demonstrate we saw the crazy defense we saw the damage reduction and uh we we can't really be touched yeah we uh we heal that back right away so yeah uh the regen is really nice to have combined with everything um kind of kind of broken for sure okay so uh finally to round things off here we have the fitted bag knocks i i think it's probably not but you know close enough um so here is what the uh it's 60 base damage without anything right um and here's what it looks like without any of the violent accessories and here's what it looks like uh with um so yeah i i think we uh say we capped that out that's without a reforge on it by the way we're up to 270 melee damage at the moment um and i'm sure you've all seen the uh i'm sure you've all seen the the kill plantar in like five seconds right uh with this thing internal armor and all of that um now we're gonna we're gonna try that as well here we're gonna spawn a plantar here and um we're gonna kill it there we go so yeah we have a huge boost under damage with everything and uh we can just shred things we get a healthy amount of dps for sure um so yeah and again we have the tank side of things and then we have this damage all at the same time plus the movement it's kind of insane so that's about everything to do with the reforgers now just to finish things off here uh there's like one utility that i think at least i know i will be using a lot um because you know it's kind of fun to mess around with these crazy stats but realistically you're probably not going to be using this all that much in a regular playthrough with every accessory but this mod actually is very helpful for a few different things so first off kind of the obvious one is building stuff so building accessories you can just keep these in a chest and have the uh total accessory i guess you only need the chest accessory enabler um you put that on right and basically you never have to switch any of your accessories out to buildings and have all those extra uh kind of quality of life options for all you builders out there now i rarely ever fish to be honest but uh this is good for anyone that enjoys doing that and that doesn't really play with alchemist npc mod and then there's even things like the discount card and the coin ring well more so this kind of card less so these two but hey if you really want to then you can add those two and of course the guide voodoo doll because sometimes you just don't want to have to switch your accessories around to uh murder the guide right so um yeah it's uh i think it's actually a cool thing to have just in anyone's playthrough but beyond just having these crazy stats which are possible it's like the most vanilla way to get um the insane stats if that makes sense like without having to download extra mods for new items and all that sort of thing um so yeah that's gonna do it for today's video guys thank you all for watching um we're getting so close to 200 000 subscribers so if you've been watching a couple videos and you've been enjoying them then i'd appreciate it if you would subscribe uh sorry i've been gone for so long my goal is gonna be one video a week now i've been doing one every month if i'm lucky uh but the goal is one every week so bear with me i'm gonna get back into the groove of things and start doing this we're probably gonna start up a new playthrough soon so look out for that and of course more challenges coming up but anyways that's gonna be it for today guys thank you for watching i'll see you all in the next one you
Channel: Gungnir
Views: 1,704,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gungnir, terraria, Mods, Terraria accessories, Accessory, Accessory mod, tmodloader, What if you could Equip EVERY Accessory at Once in Terraria?
Id: kWC82yVoAZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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