Health Regeneration is BROKEN in Terraria!

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how's it going to run today we are checking out just how crazy regeneration can get if you just max it out completely and go full regen so we're gonna be testing it out on moon Lord but first we have to check out some different ways to increase our region and also talk about how the mechanics work aside from the usual buffs that increase your life regen like campfires heart lanterns and those things there are ways there are three factors that indirectly influence how much regen you will have these include whether or not the player is moving the time since the player was last hit and the health capacity so if the player is not moving then you get extra regen than if the player was the longer it's been since you were last hit to a maximum of 60 seconds the more regen you will be getting and finally the higher your cap the more regen you will have so all of these three factors will directly influence your regen in addition to those separate buffs that I mentioned okay there's three armor sets that will increase your regen so the first of which is the good old crimson armor the other armor set is the platy of armor now unlike the crimson armor this set bonus is not passive you have to wait till you hit an enemy and then it will occur for five seconds and finally the third one is the Squire helmet and the pahala breastplate of obviously this isn't an armor set but these two armor pieces directly upgrade your regeneration and it's kind of a good thing that it's not a set bonus because it gives us room to use whatever leggings we want for defense okay so in order to test all of this I've made a pit when I fall down this hole I'm gonna take 390 damage so the reason why we are doing this is because we need to wait 60 seconds for our regen to stop scaling and if you recall our regeneration is scaling because the time since we were last it is obviously increasing which will increase our region and this caps at 60 seconds so after 60 seconds our region will be at a fixed rate and at that point we can see exactly how much extra regen we get from each armor set now before we do that we have to establish a baseline of how much regen are we getting once we hit 60 seconds and once it's stopped scaling so let's take a look at exactly on which we gained in five seconds okay so I'm gonna put the exact extra health that I get on screen for all of this but the only important thing here is to see what what number is the highest basically after these tests so we're gonna we're gonna equip the crimson armor after five seconds we're gonna see how much life we have and then compare that to the other sets so as you can see we are at 243 life so next up we're gonna try the Palladium on now this one's a little tricky because we have to hit an enemy once we hit 200 life and I should have equipped the armor set earlier because I kind of failed this and started it a little bit later we're going to account for that in the final results so we're gonna subtract 4 because it started at 200 4 instead of 200 so the final result is 245 we subtract the 4 because we started a little late rather and we get 2 into 41 so if we compare that to what we got on the crimson armor set which is 243 it's actually slightly worse ever so slightly worse than the Crimson armors so last up we're gonna take a look at the viola breastplate and the Squire helmet and see how they fare when compared to these two arm sets immediately we are gaining so much life and we finish at 287 I'm gonna keep those rolling because just to show you how quickly we can get the full life keep in mind all these tests we're done without campfires without heart lanterns without honey without all of those extra buffs and accessories that we can now add in order to increase this so now that we know which Armour set is the best in which armor to use we're going to move on to some accessories now first up we're gonna be doing this normal mode and then we'll talk about extra mode after just so you know which is why the shiny stone is not here but as you see there are quite a few accessories that we can use to increase our regen first up is the band of regeneration initiative that we also the charm of myths even though they were they are upgrades of each other you could still use both and utilize the effects so same case with the moon stone the celestial stone in the Susu shell they will all continue their effects I'm gonna put the exact values regen per second on screen that it will add to our loadout so this is how much we get from each accessory so all of this together is about 4.5 or in fact it's 4.5 regeneration per second that we're adding to our build in addition to accessories there are a few more ways we can increase our reach in of course we have the campfire and the heart lantern that we can add to this campfire creases our reach in by 0.5 and also boosts our healing rate to 1.1 again all of the little nitty-gritty details don't matter too much because we're just gonna see how much region we can get if you do want to learn more about the exact formula and stuff you can feel free to read up on that on this wiki but I think most people are here just to see how insane our region can get and what we can do with it so next up we have some honey that gives us another one for regeneration per second the regeneration potion of course another 2 per second the dryads blessing which is another 3 regeneration per second now there's actually also a weapon that we can use it's called the Life Drain basically what it does is it increases your regeneration by 2.5 per second while it's attacking enemies now next up we're gonna test it just as we did in the how tanky can you get video against Moon Lord we're gonna see just how insane all this region is okay so we have replaced the moon stone with the cross necklace to increase our iframes and because if the reason why we did this is because waller and honey we come to we become the merfolk and that means that we don't get those busts from the werewolf basically what I'm doing is said is using cross necklace and hopefully we can gain back some of that lost regen by having more immunity frames it'll give our region a chance to start snowballing okay here's Moon Lords so I'm actually just going to see I'm not gonna use the Life Drain in fact I just want to see if we could straight up afk farm moon Lord so we're gonna we're gonna wait we're gonna watch see what happens this is like this is big here how much damage do we take ok 85 that's not a ton and we regen quite a bit of that quite quickly I'm just realizing now that the dried isn't actually doing the dried splicing so I need to put an enemy down there so we should have more regen than this but yeah we're just kind of tanking everything so even without the Dryad right we are still fine so I think what we could do and by the way I'm grappled to the ground right now which is why I'm not moving so that keeps our you know that keeps our region as high as it can be because we're not moving so here we have another laser coming in I'm thinking though once I actually think once the eyes pop out we're gonna start taking a lot more damage so we'll see but yeah I just want to let the game do its thing and see if it's possible to afk moon Lord farm because I think that's pretty interesting I've never tried to stack reach n like this I just didn't even think it would be that good and this is without shiny stone I don't know how effective that'll be but I'll get I'll get into that later on and once we go into extra mode this is still a normal mode obviously so yeah but uh this the dragons doing this thing we haven't dipped below 500 I don't think and yeah it's it's pretty good I don't see any signs of us losing too much help here keep in mind you could do this same exact thing with a pre moon Lord weapon because we don't actually have anything on actually we might have solar leggings yes okay we do have solar leggings but I believe that Valhalla grieves or whatever they're called but that leggings actually the same of defense so you can have this exact same loadout pre moon Lord which is pretty huge because you can literally just sit here use any sort of summon that can attack their walls and just kill milord in fact you could even put this setup and there's mueller's you could put this setup in the air and then you wouldn't have to worry about things attacking your walls too so like you can just straight up for our moon Lord like this afk and I guess if you technically if you had an auto clicker and like a bunch of summons I think you could get away with quite a few of these now the one the one thing I'm worried about though is once the life force in the region go away if you're if you're playing modded though then you can use unlimited versions of these debuffs and then that problem goes away so yeah you can just straight-up afk farm Oh Lord that's how Oh P regen is in this game okay now this wouldn't really be a regen video if we didn't talk about some debuffs so we're gonna do just that and take a look at poison well first poison and maybe the on fire debuff we just want to see if we can sustain these debuffs with the amount of region that we have so we're gonna do that right now before we're getting into the expert mode fight okay it's night time now so we actually also have in addition to the honey because we can just quickly grab it here and take that honey then we go down here and yeah we have like a solid amount of region even while we have the on fire debuff which is crazy so now let's try the poison debuff we're gonna set up a dart trap step on it see what happens okay right by that torch here we have a dart trap set up our pressure plate is right here now what we're gonna do is step on it and we took one damage and we're healing we will not deal any damage to us we are just full of so that's pretty cool so if you actually look at the formulas there's a way that everything interacts with each other and the D buffs if we have both on we do start losing health not very quickly though actually I wait I wait that was oh I see okay so the time since we last got hit was playing a factor there so if it's like it's pretty interesting so if we take a dart trap we have the poison we're not taking damage then if you see we quickly dunk in the lava we're taking damage its slows and then it starts to gain so as the time since we were last hit increases so does a regen so then we start to completely tank these different debuff which is really cool so we have both of those active at the same time also yeah as you can see while we're moving which is another an interesting thing to point out while we're moving we're losing health I know if we're stay still then it stops and it starts to rise so that is really cool that just puts all of the different mechanics that I talked about together we're gonna get into a expert moon Lord fight here and see how that works so hopefully we can manage to afk it in Ex remote so let's take a look okay so we're in expert mode I use the demon art we have the shiny stone equipped now I should have mentioned that I have everything rewarding to help us tank as much as possible we are using all warding gear there's a life force there's everything we need here we go this is expert moon Lord let's see what happens let's see how this goes okay immediately right off the bat we're taking a lot more damage but our regen is keeping up so far it's gonna get quite scary I don't think we're gonna be able to do it without any sort of protection from that laser because yeah that just did like 220 damage but our starter strip drinking staff is doing work it's yeah I don't even think we'll be able to get to the eyes popping out it doesn't seem like it so what we're gonna do instead is we're probably going to put a layer of blocks above us to block that laser and I think if we do that we should have enough region okay while we wait for mundo to kill me here I just want to quickly point out that nebula armor technically has more region than the current setup we have on now not by a lot but by decent amount but that requires you to move and be actively damaging and all that and because we were just wanting to sit still and afk farm we're gonna stick with this setup but keep that in mind the mule armor technically and give you more region than what we are currently using I've really thought we were gonna take through this for some reason I don't know why but I really did but that doesn't mean we're out of the fight I still want to figure out we can do this without even touching any like controls okay so fix all of our problems not only is the Dryad not below us so she won't get targeted by those eyeballs in that second phase once we open the core or I guess once we take on eyeball but also I moved the blood zombie all the way down like here like way down that the maximum range to where it would trigger the drives blessing so what this means is it should always be active unless she gets hit and because of her position it should only be these eyeballs hitting her so what this means is we should have done a really good amount of regen and should be able to afk this boss now so a lot of setup but potentially worth it and of course yeah start as regen staff is not getting distracted at all it's going much quicker this is this is good we're like I'm minute in and it's already taken out pretty much all the eyeballs oh god no it's going for it no come back okay I guess it's not always I mean it's much better than before it would be like six minutes in is around this point before when it was getting distracted but now it's it's good it's just straight okay come on come on it's always to the left hand it always is the left hand it's gonna heal up come on yeah just take out it take it up take it up take it out yes core core time no no take out the core damage go for the core what are you doing oh my god it just doesn't even register it it doesn't even know it's there Stars dragon staff come on buddy come on you're better than this you're better than this oh my god this is gonna take a while but I think we have enough tank to go through it so if we do this I should just speed it up okay that does require a click though so we'll see if this gets close if this gets close then it might not be a of cable but if we stay above 300 I would say around 300 then we should be okay which we are staying above 300 so I think you could actually afk this boss which is what I've put a lot of time into this and I'm glad I finally have done it I think I think all of these hearts coming in all the region that we have the drives not getting hit over there which is exactly what we want and the start of Dragon Sabbath isn't being an idiot because we target it so we're good I think we should have this we should have this and I'm really excited I'm really excited to see this okay probably have five more seconds before this thing goes down a little over but yeah let's get the point yeah this is totally 100 percent able to be done afk it just would take a while because you wouldn't really be able to target the core so I guess if you really optimized the position of these blood zombies then you would be good well yeah that is Moon Lord afk with our insane regen capabilities so I'm really excited that we were able to do that yeah I think that that's gonna be it for today's video if you guys enjoyed be sure to leave a like if you want to see similar things to our similar video to this I also do one called as I said before how tanky can you get in Terraria definitely go check that out it's a really good video if you have not seen it already I am starting to stream on Twitch now so if you want to see me do play different games it'll be terraria and then other games as well I think I'm currently I'm doing a 1 sparking only run we're gonna see how far we can get so if you're interested in taking a look at some of that then be sure to check out the only in the description and follow me on Twitch and I think that's everything so with that being said thank you all so much watching this video I'll see you all in the next one [Music]
Channel: Gungnir
Views: 2,544,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gungnir, terraria, Mods, Solar armor terraria, OP terraria, Max Regeneration Terraria, Regeneration terraria, Life crystal, health terraria, life terraria, Regen is broken terraria, best regen build terraria, regen build, afk moon lord, How to beat moon lord, valhalla knight armor
Id: ksTXvCW69YM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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