What If Greece Was A Pokemon Region?

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I'd assume that the Pokedollar payouts for beating trainers would be pretty low because of the economy.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Ah_The_Old_Reddit- 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2016 🗫︎ replies

Damn, Greece would make for an amazing region!

Additionally, the fan made trainers on the thumbnail look perfect for such a region!

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/hi_im_d4ve 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2016 🗫︎ replies

[insert obligatory 7.8 meme here]

[insert obligatory "no money" joke here]

On a more serious note, I'd love seeing my home country being the basis of a Pokemon region!

I think I'm not biased when saying this has a lot of potential!

And there are so many things he didn't even mention!

We could have the evil team's scientist (like Xavier for Team Flare) be based off of one of many Greek mathematicians, physicists etc., like Pythagoras.

The Pandora's Box Pokemon could have an open and a closed form, with it being a Dark/Steel and a Dark/Ghost-type respectively.

A minor Legendary trio could also be based off of the three Fates in Greek mythology. Funny, since they actually are supposed to possess more power than any god, but whatever.

Also, there's Chronos, so a perfect time (eh? eh?) for Primal Dialga (and thus, necessarily, Palkia).

Obviously there's much more, but this is enough of an essay already.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Dragon_Fang 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2016 🗫︎ replies

Well, they wouldn't be able to afford pokéballs..

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2016 🗫︎ replies

I totally want a region based on Greece!!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ilimitz3 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2016 🗫︎ replies

Do forgive me if this video has been shared here already.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheHellblazer 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2016 🗫︎ replies

my dream is a region based on greece, and i'm surprised it didn't happen yet.

loved it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/hannabic 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2016 🗫︎ replies

This is too perfect. 8 gym leaders + E4 = 12 Olympian gods. Love it. Want it. Make it now. I want my Gen 8 dragon eeveelution.

Edit: Or flying, if you want a gryffon.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SeraCross 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2016 🗫︎ replies

the water starter would be a loan shark and the "boss" of the legendary trio would be known as the tax evasion pokemon.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Idoma_Sas_Ptolemy 📅︎︎ Jul 15 2016 🗫︎ replies
last year per keeper Toby and I made a fairly interesting kind of video we took the country of England and tried to come up with what it might be like as a Pokemon region this included cities and locations potential plot points of Mythology historico John and of course brand-new Pokemon that would be in this hypothetical England based region well today I wanted to do something similar to that although instead of talking about England and the UK again I wanted to talk about a different country that I think would make an awesome Pokemon region hold on to your chitin because today we're going to be taking a look at the seaside country of Greece and what it might be like as a Pokemon region first things first though there's a couple quick things to talk about before we get started number one this is this video is not meant to be speculation for a legitimate new pokemon region people will probably see this video at different times if you're watching this in like five years than the next pokemon game is coming out just know that this video is something that made for fun and isn't meant to be a theory or speculation about a new Pokemon games region the second thing is that for a lot of the places in Greece I have no idea how to pronounce them Google can only help me so much so please forgive any mispronounce words or places is probably going to be quite a few in this video also one last thing but there's kind of a lot to go through in this video so fair warning that it might be on the longer side I tried to cut some parts of the video down a little bit so I unfortunately won't be able to share every idea I have for this hypothetical region but hopefully you'll still be able to get a general picture if what I'm envisioning this region would be like okay without further ado let's jump right in and take a look at what Greece might be like as a Pokemon region so before actually sitting down and making this video I found that I didn't really know too much about Greece my only exposure to Greek culture was the Disney film Hercules and a middle-school literature class that focused on the Greek gods and ancient writings needless to say I didn't really know much despite my lack of knowledge about the country though I still found what little I did learn to be pretty interesting and piqued my interest to know more after doing some research on both the mythology of the country as well as the modern era I found that Greece is actually a very interesting place and it's a prime candidate to be a good pokémon region one of the big reasons I feel this way is because the country has very diverse geography and animal life in it which would translate well into a region in the Pokemon world it has many mountainous areas plains of fields forests seaside areas in there some places where it snows to because of all this variety and landscapes the bond you'd find in this region would be pretty varied as well I imagine you'd find Pokemon likes kiddo gogoat teddiursa Ursaring and riolu in the mountainous areas ocean and water routes without Pokemon such as Tortugas scrub seal Baskin and duck let's plains and forests would have to den a bunnelby zoo batán oi bad Deerling Stantler and chinks that could be caught and snow areas can a bear Takes whine of snore rod and della burned now obviously this is just a small handful of Pokemon that might be found in this region but many of the ones I just listed are actually based on real-life animals that live in these areas in Greece another big thing about Greece's landscape is that there are tons of ancient ruins and structures scattered throughout it and I think that word every Pokemon region these remnants of the past would make exploring this region really fun and adventurous I'll talk a little more about specific ruins that could be included later but in general if many of these rats had ancient buildings or constructs you could discover with perhaps ancient pokémon inhabiting them it would make this region stand out quite a lot while also being fairly faithful to real-life Greece's many ruins what switch over to the towns and locations of this region now and most Pokemon games the players starting town is always pretty small the village of Iraq Zeus and Greece will make a pretty nice starting town I feel like it's technically a small community with a few other villages part of it but even then there are quiet and smaller towns and if the starting town was based on this general area it would fit him well alongside other starting towns going to the east of Iraq says you run into the city of Tripoli which will make for a fairly standard second town in a trenders journey it's not necessarily the biggest city in Greece but it's in no way considered small there's a few neat things in this town like a Cathedral in a train station but overall it's just a normal Greek city and I think the every Pokemon Regent always needs some standard towns for the player to visit just south of Tripoli is a city of Sparta in real life this is a modern city that has the ruins of the ancient city of Sparta there as well while town based off of the modern city could work and be pretty cool I think that instead having the old ruins of Sparta P the primary feature of this location would be a little more interesting to explore it's one of the more well known room locations in Greece and they could expand them in-game and make it so you can find all sorts of ancient items and Pokemon here again no better place for finding bronzer maybe go lads all right going north now we run into the capital of Greece which this region would obviously have to have a city based off of Athens which is by far the largest city in all of Greece would definitely be this region's lumiose and that it would be a giant city for the player to run around and explore aside from being such a huge city in real life Athens is very unique in that it combines both the ancient past and modern eras of Greece together in real life the Acropolis as well as ruins around it are in the center of the city with more modern and recent buildings in the surrounding area well I haven't never been to Athens just from an outsider's impression it's kind of cool to see these two different eras of life converging together and I would love to see a polka wants to be based off of it and all the ideas that could come from it maybe the Acropolis is where the region's legendary could reside or perhaps could be home to the city's Gym Leader going northwest of Athens who would eventually run into the mountainous town of Delphi which would make for a great Pokemon location Delphi is sort of similar to Sparta in that it's actually the site of a bunch of ancient ruins as well as being a modern town - unlike Sparta however I think that the city based off of Delphi should have both the modern city aspect to it as well as the Delphi theater ruins which are the prominent roots associated with the town well we're not quite jumping into the story section yeah I think there could totally be some in-game lore and myths about how in the ancient past delphox used to reside in to the theater and tell people the future Dell Fox's name is inspired by the Oracle of Delphi of ancient Greece so it'd be cool to put in a reference to that maybe somebody in the ruins could also give you a fete akin to going north of Delphi you would encounter a few notable areas as you move north across the region the first is Larissa which is another fairly large Greek city that has many ruins a river is located by some fairly large mountains if you go Western Larissa you'd run into the monasteries of meteora what's your monasteries built on top of mountains I can totally imagine a mountain theme throughout with buildings based on these monasteries being places you could reach and scale - all right let's address the 7.8 sized elephant in the room even though Greece has pretty diverse geography in cities it's still located right next to the ocean and has a ton of islands and island cities that are considered part of it I know that many people are sort of hesitant when it comes to water routes or oceans and Pokemon games and to be honest we feel that way too but a lot of the Greek islands are significant and interesting enough I think they would have to be included even if they would come with some pretty long water routes an interest of time I won't go into all the different islands and island towns I'd like to see but some of the highlights include the hot springs of Pollock nito's the island of Samos which in ancient times had a lot of vineyards which can make for a neat place to visit and a potential area gym leader could be and the island of Crete II or Creed I'm not quite sure how to pronounce it which is big enough that it could actually have two towns on either side of it shifting away from locations for a second and I hate to break up the flow of the video like this but there's really no natural way for me to bring this up I want to quickly talk about what this reach inside activity could be ever since generation 3 most Pokemon games have included the site activity the players could choose to do we fact contests in Hoenn encino the Pokemon Musical and polka star studios and Unova and the polka flan and Johto is engaging side activities the player could choose to participate in alongside earning gym badges considering that this region is based off of Greece one of the biggest events in the world the Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece I think the mini game for this region should be the Pokemon world's equivalent of the Olympics going back to the site activities I mentioned before I think that the Polka flan is a good basis for what I'm imagining an Olympic Games based site activity would be like you and your Pokemon would compete in a variety of different athletic games and challenges together things like the racing and flag capturing minigames from the polka on would fit in well and they could also add in some modern Olympic activities like the long jump or weightlifting as well as some traditional ancient Greek sports like the discus throw - it would essentially boil down to being an improved Polka flan but in my opinion it will fit this region's aesthetic extremely well ok let's jump back into the locations really quickly now because there's one more place on the mainland of Greece that I want to talk about if you go just a little bit south of Thessaloniki in roughly this area you'll run into a mountain known as Mount Olympus Mount Olympus is such a prominent part of Greek mythology being that's where the gods are said to reside that a Greek based region would almost have to include it actually think it could be a really neat place for the region's pokemon league to be with the Elite Four at the top and victory row would be the actual mountain which players would have to climb in order to reach them this is actually a perfect segue into talking about the story and characters of this region starting with the elite foreign gym leaders I think will be awesome that these notable trainers of the region all be based off of the Greek gods in Greek mythology there's 12 different gods and goddesses referred to as the twelve Olympians that are considered to be the major deities and rule over many of the forces of the world and I think it would be kind of symbolic in a way if the gym leaders and the lead forum members were based on and represented these gods I've actually come up with some ideas on what God sees powerful trainers would be based off of and what typing they could each specialize in so regarding the gym leaders there could be a grass-type leader based off of Demeter goddess of agriculture a fairy type leader based off of Aphrodite goddess of love and beauty a steel type based off of a Festus god of metalwork and crafting a flying gym leader based off of Hermes god of traveling and also aware of the stylish winged shoes a fighting gym leader that's a double battle against gym leaders based on Ares and Athena who are both deities of war and strategy a fire gym based on Apollo who isn't necessarily associated with fire but is a God of light and symbolizes the Sun a rock type gym based on Hestia goddess of the hearth and family because those things need to be rock-solid in life and a poison-type leader based on Dionysus god of wine and madness in terms of the Elite Four I'm thinking the Zeus Poseidon Hades and Hera would be the four main trainers having electric water dart slash ghosts in normal type Pokemon respectively I was half tempted to put fire for Hades because you know but I feel like in general either dark or ghost type fit his legitimate mythological counterpart a little better honestly just taking a step back it's kind of surprising how well Greek gods fit into being pokemon trainers and for what it's worth I think it would be a neat theme to have throughout the region and could possibly tie into a potential story which I'll detail in a second first things first though you're probably wondering if the gym leader is gonna leave for our based on Greek gods then what about the champion well I thought about this for a while and well it would be cool to have maybe another character based on a god or perhaps even a Greek Titan be the champion I think will be more in line with Greek myths if the champion was based on a Greek hero now this is getting into potential story and plot points the region could touch on but in my opinion your rival this theoretical region should be based off of a Greek hero like Perseus Achilles Odysseus or even Jason all of these people were just mortals but rather various stories mean adventures they grew stronger and got more competent and I think that would be a perfect concept to parallel with arrival in this region maybe a rival could start out immature and naive maybe from the jerk but throughout his journey he could get more serious and mature and eventually work his way into the champion position it would be a great way to acknowledge classic Greek story so also making a major theme from them fit into a Pokemon Regent story as far as just the general plot and story of this region would go there is a lot of different myths and legends out there that could be touched upon for a story like there's so many Greek myths out there that could be used as a basis for the plot that I have no idea where to even start what idea I have that originates from the Greek mythos is maybe the main antagonist of the region could be a character based on Cronus one of the ancient Titans of Greece the Titans and Greek mythology of the divine beings that came before the twelve Olympians they aren't the oldest gods in the Greek mythos that honor goes to the primordial deities but they did precede the Olympians and a lot of them are actually the parents of the twelve if you can believe it if I'm understanding the myths about Cronus read he actually rose up and overthrew his father Uranus who was the ruler of the universe at this point Cronus and the other Titans began the rule of Greece in what was called the Golden Age unfortunately things weren't at ease for Cronus as his father for size downfall from his own children eventually a war erupted between the Titans and the Olympians named the Titan o makki where the Olympians were victorious and the Titans were dethroned sorry to go into a history lesson there but I think the story for this region could take some inspiration from this classic Greek myth the evil team could be based on the mythological Titans led by a Cronus inspired character and perhaps their goal could be to either take over the region or maybe try and at least take over the Elite Four which will be run by the Olympian based trainers I think one way to really make this story more engaging is for the evil team to have a history with the gym leaders in Elite Four like the myth about the Titans being rulers before the Olympians overthrew them perhaps the leaders of this evil team were the original elite four members of this region in the past and the current gym leaders in the league for have banded together to overthrow them and now original elite four members are back for their revenge it's kind of a pseudo extension to the Greek myth in a way but I could see it making for an interesting story if you throw in an idea about the Titans using to reach an alleged area to try and accomplish their goal you have a perfect Pokemon story created speaking of legendary Pokemon I think we should shift our focus one last time and talk about one of the biggest parts of any new Pokemon region which is the brand new Pokemon that would be created and set loose upon the land we already talked about what older Pokemon could be found in this region but now we can discuss all the new monsters that might fit in with a greek-inspired locale starting with just common Pokemon you'd find all over the region one animal that would fit this region well if it became a Pokemon is the wild boar which Greece's no now have quite a few of I know we've had pig and boar Pokemon in the past such as M boar grumpig and even piloswine to an extent but a bored Pokemon that doesn't become bipedal or a wrestler would be kind of nice to see Mamoswine sort of counts but I'd really like to see a full-on wild boar Pokemon and all the ideas they could come up with for it an electric or fire typing or even the combination of both those types would fit the wild nature of this Pokemon and they could really do some cool things with it to try and sell the Greek feeling another anime I've always wanted to get the Pokemon treatment is a dolphin and considering that it is one of Greece's national animals I think this region would be the perfect opportunity to include one as of right now we don't know the entire Pokemon Sun and Moon pokedex as those games have released yet so who knows there might be a dolphin Pokemon awaiting us but if there isn't then I think a Greek region would be an amazing opportunity to add one to the games in terms of the actual Pokemon itself I wouldn't really want it to be too complex of a design but I think they could still do some cool things with it while keeping it relatively basic and simple I personally seen as having a typing like water psychic or water fairy based on how dolphins are you sure you portrayed is very fun and playful and you could also have the ability prankster as well just to further emphasize dolphins nature in real life well last idea I have for just a regular Pokemon you'd find around the region it's a Pokemon based off of Pandora's Box I know that many people don't like Pokemon based on inanimate objects but this hypothetical Pokemon based on the jar or box the Pandora opened which contained all of the evils of the world could be kind of cool if done right I mean one more inspiration than the box continued the worlds evil do you really need to make a Pokemon in my mind I'm envisioning this creature is the dark or dark ghost type is essentially just a large sinister chest or they could make the actual Pokemon like a spirit type creature or something that inhabits the chest and you see it occasionally during attacks regardless every reaching that sort of an inanimate object pokemon and this pandora boxx pokemon could be the Greek region's version okay to finish off this video I want to talk about brand new legendary Pokemon that could be found here Greece is home to so many myths so many legends and so many monsters that the possibilities for legendary Pokemon is well within the hundreds they could have a Cyclops legendary a Minotaur a centaur and the ideas just don't ever stop with an endless amount of possibilities here are two legendary Pokemon that I thought of for this region my idea is to be honest probably aren't the most creative or cool for this region so by all means feel free to comment with your ideas on some cool Greek legendary Pokemon that you think would be cooler or a fit better okay so the first idea I have is a Pokemon based on horse automatons that the god Hephaestus is said to have made generally in mythology if a God makes something that's usually pretty special and considering that in one myth a Festus made essentially a steel robot horse I think that would be a cool legendary to have there's very few man-made pokemon out there and having the legendary Pokemon that would pretty much be a robot horse might be kind of cool to see you can also get an uncommon typing like steel fire to set it apart from other horse Pokemon that are out there the other legendary idea I have is a Griffon the Griffon is referencing shown a lot throughout Greece's mythology and surprisingly we haven't had a Pokemon based on one yet they could do some cool things with its typing like maybe make it ground flying to reference the fact that it's a combination of both a land and sky animal and give it an ability to reference maybe it's flying typing like Errol ate or something like that I really can't think of any brand new abilities for it but regardless I think a Griffon Pokemon would be really cool to see and those are just two of my ideas regarding sort of the legendary Pokemon a Greek reaching could have but obviously there are tons of ideas out there I think a Mynah tart could be a cool legendary and also maybe something like the Hydra - there's just so much potential for a bunch of legendary Pokemon that this region could have anyways this has been a look at what I think a Greek based Pokemon region could be like personally I think a region based on green could be really engaging and fun to explore if it was able to have a focus on both the modern-day aspects of Greece as well as the ancient past in ruins and if this region also did some cool things with the story and had some awesome new Pokemon in it I would absolutely love this region anyways what do you think did I miss any cool areas or places in Greece do you have better ideas for new Pokemon it legendaries for this region feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below thanks for watching you guys and I will catch you later
Channel: Mr Buddy
Views: 830,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Greece, England, UK, Mr Buddy, Pokemon Region, Hypothetical Pokemon Region, Pokemon Ideas, Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola
Id: AUiOH6Bnim8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2016
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