I Turned Every Planet Into A Star - Universe Sandbox

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today we're going to turn every single planet into a star along with a bunch of other things that you guys suggested if you'd like to leave a suggestion put it down in the comments below or join the Discord server hello everybody my name is Calvin welcome back to Universe Sandbox we got a suggestion to turn every planet into a star um so I was thinking about how to do this and I think the best way is going to be to do a new simulation and start by putting the sun in and we're gonna need to make the Sun a lot bigger because if we don't make it big enough the sun will be pulled by the planets because we're gonna have to make the planets bigger so let's just take the Sun and make it like a lot bigger like as big as we can really I mean I don't know how big we can make it yeah that'll probably work 30 000 Suns inside of this sun and let's start with Mercury so let's pull up Mercury oh here's the old Sun for comparison the sun to new Sun Mercury here we'll put it about right here and we need to turn mercury into a star so I think it should be pretty easy all we should really need to do is just make it big enough right I think so because if you make it big enough it'll turn into a gas giant and then from there it'll turn into a star yes okay Mercury is now a star orbiting the Sun so let's do Venus now and since Venus is like really hot let's make Venus a really hot star so once again we're just gonna make it big enough to become a star and okay it's now technically a star and then we're gonna go to temperature and just like make it really hot that's like it super super super super hot I don't even know how hot that is uh over a million degrees Kelvin so there's Venus now Mercury and Venus Venus is a super hot star then we're gonna do earth okay so for Earth we'll put it oh I guess we're putting it here immediately Earth got destroyed burned up okay we're gonna try this again we're gonna have to do it while it's paused so let's put Earth here because if we unpause it this star Venus melts anything like if we turn on the habitable rings so here's the Sun and here's the Sun's habitable ring and because we made Venus so hot Venus's habitable ring is all the way out here which is kind of crazy so while it's paused we're gonna have to make earth a uh star you can see how bright it is too whoa so let's make it really big until it turns into gas giant and then again it'll turn into a star um let's make it a green star oh I accidentally did that I guess it has um whatever that is now like an accretion disc type thing because Earth's the best let's make earth a green star which is not realistic but we're gonna do it anyway um we want it to be a little bit hotter so we can actually like see on it there we go okay Earth Earth as a star looks like that okay now from Mars we need Mars to be a red star so let's take Mars and if we just play it oh yeah see if we just play for one little bit it completely melts this the face of it because of Venus melting everything okay now Mars is a star and we're gonna want it to be hot red oh look at that that's like a beautiful red color for Mars okay Jupiter now put Jupiter out here Jupiter is already pretty big so it's not even gonna take that much to turn it into a star there we go it's already a star Saturn let's give Saturn its rings still so we'll make Saturn a star and then we're gonna add its rings on it too you can see the blueness of the surface that's still from Venus that's the Venus is light we made it so hot there goes Saturn as we start and then let's add Saturn's rings to it Perfect Look at that I bet if we played something will happen to them oh they actually look not too bad okay Saturn has a star with its rings let's add Uranus and we're gonna make it that blue color for Uranus okay Uranus is blue like this like this light blue so we're gonna try to copy that on this star we'll make it a star and then go to visuals and change it to that light blue color it like wants to be green but what if I don't want you to be green it won't let me because it's trying to mix it with the the red I guess it'll have to be like a Greener color or unless we do that that kind of looks cool actually okay there's Uranus and let's add Uranus's rings okay there we go put Uranus's rings on here there we go okay Uranus is a star it's like a dark star I kind of like it and the last planet Neptune let's just make this one big boom and since Neptune is like super cold let's just leave it a dark star because why not and just because I feel bad we'll make Pluto a star too don't even worry everybody loves Pluto boom there's Pluto is still getting light out here from Venus that's crazy boom Pluto let's make Pluto shine brighter than any of the other ones because we love Pluto okay Pluto is now the brightest one in the entire system alright so here's every single planet as a star now and if you'd like this system the link will be in the description to download it all right now we got a suggestion to place a black hole in our system uh so yeah let's do it let's put a which black hole should we put we can put okay Sagittarius A is the black hole at the center of the Milky Way and it doesn't look that big like it is very big but it doesn't look super huge even though it is a super massive black hole so let's pause time put it right in the middle next to the Sun so the sun's actually inside it right now um but you can still kind of see it and let's just play okay let's set it to I don't know one hour every second and see how fast it eats everything go that's one hour every second so that's pretty quick I okay late let's see how fast this is moving thirty percent the speed of light okay what about like Pluto let's see how fast we can get Pluto to go beat up time I wonder if the game will let stuff go faster than light because Pluto right now is going right before it goes in how fast is it going about twenty percent the speed of light once things are about to go in is when they're going the fastest so let's get something that like is about to go in right here 25 the speed of light so it looks like they're not getting stuff to go the speed of light just pretty close to it so yeah uh pretty quickly it eats everything so that's what happens if you put Sagittarius A in the solar system all right we got another suggestion to combine the Earth and the moon so we're going to launch the moon into Earth and see what happens slow down time here okay so here's the Earth and here's the moon so let's just set the velocity of the Moon to zero and then see if it crashes into Earth feed zero I don't know if it will oh it looks like it's coming oh it totally will okay so this is what would happen if the Moon just suddenly lost all of its speed it would crash into the earth oh it's coming it's gonna hit Africa okay come in right into Africa oh that's pretty big boom okay bunch of rock particles launch out and the entire Earth gets covered in this giant shock wave looks like it would burn every single person so everyone would die you would die and speed up time and a lot of these rocks are gonna come back down and crash again causing even more destruction this is all like dust clouds and gas okay so that's what happens if you combine the Earth and the moon let's see how Earth ends up after all this so it looks like we got new continents there's a super continent Pangea here type thing and then a smaller continent right here um and let's wait for it to cool down like a good amount and let's see its chance of life after this 85 you can see it's still going up so it would probably kill all life but then new life would develop after and we would have no moon so that'd mean no Tides all right that's what happens if we combine the Moon and the Earth vexster96 from my Discord says explode a black hole let's actually okay we're gonna turn the sun into a black hole and then explode it so if we lock the mass but then turn the radius down enough we're gonna crush it into a black hole okay sun is now black hole with the same mass as it had before so the planets will actually stay in orbit but they won't have any more Heating and okay now we're gonna go to tools and explode let's slow down time because it's going it's going pretty quick and we're just gonna click on it and it will explode oh go supernova Supernova going out extends throughout the entire solar system it looks like it's gonna go yeah completely engulfs the solar system all the planets burn to death all of the inner planets are already dead Pluto survives though Pluto somehow let's speed up time and see how Pluto ends up so all of these planets are going to turn into rogue planets there's gonna be no nothing holding them so they're all just gonna fly out in their own directions and be completely alone in the universe Pluto will just freeze over and it looks like it does survive though Alex's thing says give Earth more moons okay so let's go to the Earth and if we want to give it more moons what we can actually do is add a ring and do a moon sphere Moon sphere right here so this will add let's pause it moons all the way around over a hundred moons I don't even see 150 maybe I don't see any above that so let's unpause time now and see what's gonna happen this is a lot of moons for the Earth oh it looks like it's going okay right now um it looks like some are gonna crash into each other let's see oh they're gonna all like condense into the same plane oh that's not good crash tons of them just crashed bunch of them hit the earth the earth is dead let's see what happens Earth gets hit bombarded by all these moons looks like some of them are going to go into orbit some of them Escape so let's turn on the orbit lines and we'll see how look at these orbits so a lot of them actually are still in orbit and earth looks like it will survive after a long time [Music] um with again new continents oh it looks like it got spun so fast that the centrifugal force pushed the water to this ring state so it's going to be like desert at the top and bottom and then all the water is going to be at the equator that's pretty cool seek says can you make life on Venus let's try it okay here's Venus um so the thing with Venus is it is just super super thick atmosphere that it burns anything so let's start by making the atmosphere not as thick so we're going to turn down this atmosphere layers just to one because Earth's only at one and then also make the atmosphere not as thick so you can actually start to see the surface and then we're gonna add some water to it [Music] perfect and add some vegetation too like that perfect okay Venus and let's check its habitability rating and yes that gives us 85.9 chance of Life on Venus so V Venus would definitely have a good chance of developing life now epic gamer says make the planet j1407b super Saturn so if you didn't see my space engine video um I went to this planet in space engine and it has the biggest rings in the universe that we've discovered so let's make it so let's start by searching j1407 and this will give us the star this is the actual star and here is the planet um so let's put the planet I don't know a good ways from the star and the planet is actually so massive that it starts to heat itself up so I'm just gonna pause it so it doesn't do that so to make it have its rings we're going to start by putting this ring here and then let's adjust it so the Rings actually go out 180 million kilometers so we're gonna switch this to kilometers and we're gonna type 180 million 180 zero zero zero zero zero zero here we go let's add the Rings boom okay it's starting to lag but here's how big the Rings are which is crazy oh it's like five frames per second this is how big the Rings are let's play and see what happens how fast can we run it oh we can't run the simulation fast at all but there we go that's j1407b in Universe Sandbox that's how big the Rings are we got a suggestion to make Pluto orbit the Moon I don't know if that's possible but let's try it alright so here's the moon orbiting Earth and we're gonna try to make Pluto orbit this we might have to make it really small okay here's Pluto you can see that they're pretty close in size the Moon is actually slightly bigger so let's add this here and if we just play Let's see what happens oh no way does it work it looks like it's pulling Earth a little bit but Pluto is now orbiting the Moon and this is surprisingly way more stable than I thought it was gonna be like you can see the moon's orbit is getting altered by Pluto um enacting tidal forces on it but this kind of works this works way better than I thought it would let's just speed up time really fast and see what happens eventually is this gonna work forever this is fast as it'll let me run the simulation but it's been going for a couple years now and it seems like it works so that's that was a good suggestion I didn't think it would work username taken says get rid of all of Earth's water then hit it with a meteor containing all of Earth's water that's a good one okay so step one to this plan we're going to take off all of Earth's water oh Earth is now completely dry let's actually even get rid of the ice too okay Earth has zero water now and then we're going to get an asteroid launch it at the Earth and then adjust this asteroid to have the same mass as the entirety of Earth's oceans so you can see Earth's ocean Mass right here so we're gonna set it to one okay this has the same mass as Earth's ocean and then we need to set it to 100 water so this is all of Earth's water in one single ball right here so let's crash it into the Earth and see what's gonna happen see if it'll replenish the water you can see some of the water is getting ejected and pulled by the Earth it looks like but we'll see what happens here [Music] crash okay crash into it you can see the water starting to come onto the surface some fragments coming down okay now let's just speed up the time and wait for it to cool down and see how it looks no way did it work okay it's been about a year I think since the crash let's see how it looks um it looks like the water is uneven and there's not enough to cover the whole planet it looks like half of it's flooded and half of it is still dry um so let's actually go into the settings and click settle water saddle water and oh my gosh it looks like it works it works pretty well all of the vegetation's dead because we killed everything but look at that the water almost perfectly re-went exactly where it was so let's re-add vegetation and you wouldn't even be able to tell you I could say this is normal Earth and you would believe me that's crazy that was a great suggestion all right thank you guys so much for watching this video leave your suggestions for more things to do in the comments below thank you to my patreon board you guys are awesome thank you for watching I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Space Chip
Views: 615,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: space chip, space, space facts, outer space, SC, universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2
Id: -7hl2mduWro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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