DO NOT Blow Up Cube World! | Solar Smash

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solar smash is back on the channel and once again i have a giant post-it note filled with crazy things you guys asked me to do well actually the post-it note's not really that giant what is going on tfg squad my name is brandon and welcome back to solar smash the game got an update recently and i'm checking out everything so the first thing you guys told me to do was go to planet smash and actually go over to mars now i'm gonna be trying some crazy theories that you guys told me some of them might not be real but i'm gonna try them anyway so the first thing you guys told me to do was freeze mars and then i'll get a secret planet i don't know what that secret planet's gonna be i don't even know if it's real but we're gonna give it a shot so if i go over to the freeze ray we're gonna make the freeze ray a big old-fashioned five out of five and i'm just gonna start freezing mars mars isn't that warm anyway it can handle it and there okay now mars is a completely frozen circular popsicle yes that's exactly what mars is i'm pretty sure i've made that joke before but i think it's funny so i'm gonna say it again now you guys told me reset the planet and nothing happened i don't know if that guy was wrong or you guys are trolling with me but the next one definitely will work so you might have noticed if you watched my last solar smash video that i haven't gotten all of the secret planets now i'm pretty sure that i know what the missing one is but i haven't unlocked it yet somehow you guys told me i need to go to snowman world and i need to wait let me look at my post-it note because i already forgot oh yeah i have to blow it up with the planetary destroying laser man so let's go over here let's go no that's the wrong one brandon no that's the wrong one brandon no that's the wrong one brandon there it is okay three two one we're gonna aim right for frosty the snowman's face we're gonna speed things up because i've got the patience of an ant three a two a one and this should unlock the new world it it didn't unlock the new world it in fact it did nothing oh maybe i have to reset the planet reset it literally did nothing wait hold on a silly second am i doing things wrong you guys told me that was going to unlock the new world oh listen to the sound that solar smash makes just to rub it in my face that that didn't work you ready unbelievable okay funny story i went back to the comment and um yeah you guys weren't lying to me i just did everything wrong so what i have to do i have to fire the planetary destroying laser man and then i have to reset the planet right before it explodes so like when it gets all you know red and fiery and scary that's when i have to reset it and that should unlock the last secret world that i haven't unlocked come on man you're blowing up a snowman it's not that hard anybody can do it and three a two a one is that red enough oh man i feel like that's right enough let's do it reset the planet go yeah we got it okay so we've seen this planet before this is gingerbread world but if i go down to the secret worlds now i have unlocked all eight secret worlds if you guys missed block world that's the one that i unlocked last video by the way at the end of the video you guys told me how to take the uh the the solar smash lightsaber and throw it at planet earth so yeah i'm gonna be doing that later in the video but really quickly i don't know if this one's gonna work either but you guys told me if you freeze the gingerbread man something fancy happens i again i'm trusting you guys a few moments later okay i frozen the entire gingerbread man does he kind of look scarier than he already did yes does he kind of look like now he has white frosting all over his body yes will it give me a secret planet uh probably not but let's reset the planet and find out nope nope literally nothing okay let's move on to the next things on the post-it note these get crazy guys okay so like i mentioned this is the brand new secret world it's called cube world it's basically minecraft meets solar smash it's awesome but one thing i didn't do i didn't blow up the entire planet now you guys told me if you take the planetary destroying laser man which is the why do i keep losing him he's my favorite weapon and i can never remember where he is let's fire him right at the planet and apparently when it blows up instead of like vaporizing it turns into a bunch of cubes well you know what let's just watch and find out so let's speed things up because once again i've got the patience of a squirrel three oh i didn't do this last time i didn't do this whoa oh that is awesome it literally turned into minecraft lava blocks that is so awesome the planet just completely vaporized into minecraft lava blocks they also kind of look like minecraft tnt blocks which is a whole different story okay that was awesome but you guys told me to go over to system smash i did explore this last video but i didn't i didn't do it justice so the first thing you guys told me to do was if i spawn the planet where did it go where's the planet uh no not that one this one i could make this thing massive so last time i tried to make it big and i just failed miserably this time let's pause the simulation let's put it right next to the sun let's go to custom planet and i don't know how big i can go i'm just gonna go nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine and hit okay okay so i can do ten thousand there and then this one once again i'm gonna go nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine enter okay i could go 125 000. wow okay so basically the weight is as big as it can get and the diameter how big the planet is is as big as it can get we're going to make it uh a good old-fashioned frustrated gamer purple that's kind of pink brandon once again that's pink we're gonna make it more purple there we go beautiful and we're gonna make this one also frustrated gamer purple this one's just gonna be a purple planet and we're gonna make it a gas giant because i think it looks awesome now let's say play oh wow planet tfg is um it's large it's fairly large it is like almost well it's not half the size of the sun but it's pretty big look at look at mercury over there all the way on the right you can see the little ant size speck yeah this is my planet okay so now if i zoom out and i hit play what exactly is gonna happen to this planet like is it just gonna orbit around the sun oh no nope oh no it looks like it's going right towards the sun slow down planet tfg no okay it didn't even explode into minecraft cubes that was just really sad to see next on the exploratory bucket list you guys told me that i can actually fire so let's say i go to like pluto for example and hit enter okay beautiful now i can fight brandon go to pluto where's the lasers wait i definitely i saw this earlier ah here it is i don't know where it was okay so there's a heat and a and a freeze ray now i could make this thing a 10 out of 10 which is two times stronger than it is in regular solar smash so first things first let's just um i don't know let's make this as hot as it gets and let's just blow up pluto to start what happened what oh oh no is this pluto oh no i blew up pluto oh i blew up pluto yeah that's a that's a small problem that would be a small problem oh that's actually awesome wait a second i gotta try this again so let's go to like i don't know good old-fashioned neptune and if i do the same thing whoa it's like a planetary destroying laser man but even stronger hold on a second wait can i do this to the sun can i wait can i do this to the sun i want to see if i can do this to the sun yeah heat 10 out of 10. let's go over to the sun and let's zoom out a little bit because i feel like this might explode pretty fairly big whoa oh so when you hit the sun with the heat ray it just grows into a giant blue massive star wait what happens if i hit it with the sh with the freeze right freeze right 10 out of 10 it shrinks wow that is really cool you can see the remnants of pluto and neptune by the way yeah they're just littering the solar system it's almost like a uh it's almost like an asteroid belt but on fire okay last thing in system smash and then we're going back to planet smash for the grand finale you guys said that if i spawn in two black holes next to the sun something cool happens now i thought i tried this before but maybe not whoa oh you guys weren't kidding you guys weren't kidding whoa look at this so it's it's it's consuming the sun and it's also consuming the asteroid belt wow and then it just blew up oh my gosh the entire solar system is imploding in on the black hole that is the coolest thing in the world and look at that all of the planets have exploded too wow that was actually super cool you know who i haven't paid enough attention to in this video good old-fashioned planet earth well we're about to change that because i am going to launch a a solar smash lightsaber right in the face of planet earth because that's what i like to do so let's go over to the brand new weapon which is right here now you guys said that i can go to target mode and i could launch these bad boys so let's give it a shot three two one go oh my gosh how did i not know that was a thing i can oh this is awesome how did i not know that i could launch endless amounts of lightsabers in solar smash i am completely vaporizing planet earth right now with hundreds of lightsabers you can just see them uh going off in the distance that is amazing okay um planet earth kind of looks like one of those uh dinosaur skeletons that you see in a museum and you know what both of them have in common they're both dead hit that subscribe button and check out my other youtube channel it's called tfg vlogs and i will see all of you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 858,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solar smash, solar smash gameplay, solar smash game, solar smash update, solar smash update 2022, solar smash update secret planet, the frustrated gamer solar smash, the frustrated gamer solar smash 2, the frustrated gamer solar smash new update, solar smash lightsaber, solar smash new, new solar smash, Do not blow up Cube world, solar smash 1.8, the frustrated gamer, solar smash cube world, cube world
Id: gyLH0fIVb_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2022
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