Realistically Creating the Solar System in Universe Sandbox 2

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hello and welcome back to universe an box two and today we're going to be satiated that hunger that all of you had for creating a solar system but not a me solar system we're going to be creating our own solar system realistically although I'm going to skip around a bit and there's a lot of different models for this we're gonna use the disk accretion model but along with the disk instability model because nothing is perfect but we're gonna do our best but pretty much the model starts with matter and we need to get matter from somewhere so we assume that very very very very long ago billions of years ago we add a star I don't care this star is not massive enough for what I want to do we need a much more massive star yeah ten Suns that's gonna work you ice Katya we're going to use you and we're going to explode you so that's the first thing we need a star to go supernova and you know we'll do this by increasing your mass that way we get more mass and we get a nice explosion so supernova a supernova is when a star is unable to continue nuclear fusion and so it collapses on itself creating a massive explosion looks like this is going to take too long so let's just use the tool explode boom Wow this is moving quite slowly oh no it's not moving slowly it's just that you I study is just so a ginormous that it looks like it's moving slowly so the destruction of this star is going to end with a supernova which is all of these gases that are flying out and we see that the star itself disappears and this gas is left over this is going to be the nebula that our solar system starts in so all of this material although it does have quite a bit of velocity and it's spreading out in all directions gravity is going to kick in and we're just gonna murder the remnant of us Eddie and we're gonna wait until this become so diverse that it's invisible because we are unable to actually build stuff in here because there is quite a bit of a heat and anything I try to do is going to well die because of the amount of pee so after the supernova does a good job cooling down a bit and after a bit of time we have all the material still here and we're going to say yes we have all of this material from the star that just exploded all this material spread all over the place and so now we are starting with a ton of free gases and material now the question is how do we get from that to our solar system so first we're going to start out with the most massive part of the solar system because it is what starts forming first because well it once the things start condensing together there's more mass and when there's more mass that mass can attract more mass and so it's kind of a feedback loop and it's just going to continue but we need to give it something to start on so once that I just threw some hydrogen down but this game won't let me just turn that into a story I need to start with something so the formation of the Sun we're going to represent the very small particles starting with the size of an asteroid because at this point it's just things basically colliding with each other and sticking together with gravity well gravity doesn't even play a major part right here for the beginning with atoms and molecules it's more of the stronger forces but then as the massive builds up grab these starts to take the lead but we are gonna start at the size of an asteroid because of the scheme's limitations and then we are going to simulate the material coming over because we're gonna just put this at what one kilometer per second ah-ha all these materials are going to come towards it because while it is the most massive objects in the area because it's the most massive object in the area it's going to be able to pull the most in so as you can see it is increasing in size as the mass hits it we're going to do this and there we go as the Sun absorbs more particles it becomes more massive and as it becomes more massive it has a larger gravitational pull which let's say kept more particles and at this point it is getting close to the size of the moon now the Sun is getting a lot of mass now and soon we're going to see the real result of that mass you're gonna see any second now the temperature of the Sun is going to start to rise and this is because the amount of mass and the gravity crushing the mass into the center is causing the center of the planet to heat up because the Sun is currently just Asha and there it is so now we're at 2,000 degrees we're seeing the Sun is beginning to gain heat because of its mass and this is a very important stage the heat needs to go up quite a bit higher though so we're gonna start doing at 10 or us at a time Oh whoopsies we have to get the mass of the Sun up to a feasible level now we're at 2,400 degrees and if I speed things up you'll see that it's actually expanding and it's getting it's glowing it's getting very very hot because of the core being compressed so hot it's a pushing heat out which is causing it to expand but it's not done yet it may be hot but it's not nearly as bright nor hot as it's going to be in a few seconds so if we give it just a little bit more material we're going to see that the surface temperature is going to go up quite a bit but not as fast as I want it to so we're just going to add now looks at a Jupiter with each particle that's gonna do it and then once the temperature hits a certain point we're going to see nuclear fusion begin in the center of the Sun the temperature is now high enough that the protons from the hydrogen are leaving their electrons and flying into each other at very high speed causing them to merge letting out heat and that he is causing it to go even faster and yeah this is the beginning of a star and then as we add more and more mass the star is going to expand and because it's hydrogen it's gonna get more stable because it'll be able to hold itself more and hydrogen is the best fuel for a start to use for efficiency and any second now we're going to see it hit the mass of the Sun so let's just set this to the mass of the Sun however it's going to take quite a bit of time for this to calm down it's a very very young star so it's it's kind of in its moody ears it's going to take a little bit for it to stop all the solar flares and craziness so we'll keep the young Sun there and now let's go on to the next stage okay so now we've got the Sun which has formed from all of these materials flying together through different forces in accreting into well a star now there's also planets and let's get into that so first the gas giants like Jupiter formed actually very similarly to the Sun so instead of repeating that I'm just going to plop them down because I am such a cheater I'm going to yeah this isn't going to be perfect Lee placed out but I'm going to fix it in each stage when I need to Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune and there's our gas giants so the gas giants were like the Sun but they didn't get nearly enough mass to become a star Jupiter was the closest but not quite enough by the time they got to planet hood there wasn't enough material left over for them to reach star hood because the Sun had gobbled most of it out but now there's something very special going on slightly closer to the Sun and that is the rocky planets so after these billions of years or millions and millions and millions of years we have gone by so far with the Sun in such form we now have to worry about the rocky planets and we're going to do earth for this example so if we plop a random rock down here these rocks formed just like anything else from all that material coalescing in compressing together also little objects from other solar systems and just passing through space that were caught by the Sun but the main point is that we just have a rock here and this is the slightly more fun planet to make because there are a lot of explosions because when two rocks at each other they don't just kind of merge together like guests as they they smash into each other so Earth is now going to begin to form how exciting and how earth is going to form is through a lot of collisions lots of small asteroids smacking into each other over time getting attracted to each other through gravity they're going to rip each other apart suck each other in to each other and slowly form something larger although they're kind of ignoring each other right now jeez now let's pull this into another simulation okay so here we have young earth very young earth practically non-existent earth and we're going to throw some mass at it and we're gonna watch as over time as it gets more mass it becomes more capable of sucking in more mass the little objects are being pulled in at greater speeds and we just hit a very important part of Earth's formation so at what master we're very small so let's do in terms of the moon at zero point zero zero zero zero nine moons that's a number that doesn't actually have much significance but the point is that at this point there is enough mass on the earth that there is enough gravity acting on it that each side of the earth is being pulled in towards the center and it's going to make the earth start to form into a sphere now Earth isn't a perfect sphere it's an oblate spheroid meaning because of its spin the equator actually bulges out a little bit and the poles go in a little bit but we're ignoring that we're just gonna call it a sphere for now because it doesn't have spin right now we're gonna get into that later so Earth is going to gobble up a lot of material and now it looks pretty spherical um but we are at very very very small Earth is very small right now but as time goes on it's more capable of sucking in objects around it and now we can really see the size difference compared to these asteroids and at this point it's clear that with all the material left in that nebula caused by that supernova as long as there's a bit of raw material around it it is now big enough to suck in everything it needs and so it eats and it is and it eats eating is not the proper terminology but I'm going to say it because it sounds makes earth sound humanoid and everyone likes making things sound human there we go and now you know this is a little bit bigger than the objects earth would have ran into well I can throw this at it and it'll speed it up a bit so here we are earth is now large enough that the collisions are actually causing notable craters on the surface the amount of collisions is heating it up quite a bit it's it's three degrees higher than absolute zero guys pretty warm no it's not it's not big enough to retain much heat yet but we can see that it's temperature is going up now earth is becoming a planet very slowly but it is happening and I want to only hit the sides of Earth it would also hit the top of Earth and the bottom of Earth but I'm just doing this the simple way so earth is now gaining mass exponentially as it gets heavier it's able to attract more mass and can't you said nah yes I can okay so now we can really start speeding things up earth is now a tenth of the size of the moon look at that and as more and more and more collisions hit Earth as I said before the temperature is certainly going up and now we have young earth glowing very bright very angry earth it's even hot enough that it's letting some material off of itself we don't want that we do want it to be toasty and warm like Earth was well we don't want it too slowly murder itself with the heat so now I think it can handle yeah it's just gonna go down a few Mercury's now to get up to one earth well not one earth we're gonna get close but something happened to earth that was pretty special and this is an apply for the other terrestrial planets this is this is an earth thing this is earth story here I had this in a video making earth elastically but you know we're gonna go over it here too because we're doing earth for all the terrestrial planets so I'll go into depth here so at one point in object about the size of Mars actually collided with earth such a collision would have completely destroyed the planet but it was a grazing grazing shot it only hit the edge of earth and ripped past it which caused the collision to not be as destructive but it did a few things so first off because that was a little bit faster than I wanted it to be but the point still gets across um it spun earth part of it part of the importance of this is it gave earth uh pretty it definitely affected the spin of the earth so we're going to be using it to give earth that's been it didn't it wasn't the only factor that goes into Earth's spin but for us I think we actually did a good job how quickly are we spinning what is the rotational period three hours okay so 24 hours there we go close enough so now we have earth and a few other things that did it deposited a lot of material into the core of Earth and it let a lot of material fly out from the collision which then went on to form the moon so yes we've made the earth we've made the moon we've made all the great things and then over time Earth is going to cool down we not if things keep hitting it though this is a problem stop hitting earth you mean people we're mean asteroids asteroids have feelings too and then after sometime we're going to go to a temperature where liquid water can actually form and although there isn't enough liquid water on here if we move that slider up a little bit not that much not that little not that much Wow you want to actually like work come on come on I can make this beautiful oh come on why does it get rid of like everything L wants and then it puts it all back I just want to go slowly maybe I'm just way too impatient so here's me being patient and it doesn't look like I'm getting anything out there we are there you go we got some oceans and yay terrestrial planets so there we go that that's gonna do it because we have the Sun how the Sun formed and then we've got how the inner planets rocky planets plus Pluto what Pluto wasn't really a planet so Mercury Venus Earth and Mars formed in that way we just talked about and then we've got Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune and they all formed in a similar way to the Sun except it was far less mass and they all formed in a very nice disk and yes that's the best I can do with universe sandbox - I'm missing a lot but I'm gonna do the best I can with this game so congratulations guys I made a solar system and I made our own solar system and I did it somewhat scientifically accurately somewhat I said someone stop clicking that dislike button I said someone
Channel: Spike Viper
Views: 474,799
Rating: 4.7734976 out of 5
Keywords: Spike, Viper, Space, New, Video, Game, Videogame, Funny, Steam, PC, Mac, Linux, US2, Universe Sandbox 2, Creating, Solar System, Earth, Sun, Explosion, Collision, Simulation, How did, The solar System, Form, Formation, Explanation, Visual, Info, Experiment, when did
Id: Lxy2My9B47M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2017
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