I Removed All Water On Earth! | Solar Smash

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what is going on tfg squad my name is brandon and welcome back to solar smash so this is probably gonna be my last time playing solar smash until there's a big update with the game but i have like four or five more awesome ideas from you guys i wrote them on this post-it note and today i'm to try them out okay so the first thing i want to try out is so awesome basically i'm going to pause the game i'm going to go over to the moon i'm going to aim for let's go for idaho i'm going to uh i aimed for idaho but it's paused so the moon's not gonna come i'm gonna go on the exact opposite side what's that like is that australia maybe it's a little above australia i'm gonna click again boom now i'm gonna go over to my big laser i'm gonna make it as strong as it gets which i think is a five i'm gonna make it frustrated gamer purple and i'm gonna get rid of planet earth i am gonna completely remove planet earth and then i'm gonna re-play the game and i'm hoping that the two moons collide i didn't explain that very well but you guys get the idea a few moments later okay i just removed the earth and this actually looks really cool this wasn't the idea that i had but just look at this you can see kind of all the laser beams right here let me try to get rid of the last few pieces of the earth just in case it gets in the way of the moons okay let's put it in slow mo oh i hope the laser doesn't blow up the moons wait it's so dark i can't even see the sun oh there we go there we go okay so here's moon one and you could see moon two in the distance i really hope i did no i blew up the moon i accidentally blew up the moon let's try it again okay we're back to a moon on one side a moon on the other side and the purple glowing sparkles of amazingness okay they're getting closer they're getting closer you know what i'm gonna put into regular motion oh okay it wasn't a direct hit but they do collide and that opens up so many more things so let me refresh the world really quickly now i want to try basically the same thing but with the octopus okay wait this is so awesome so let me pause really quickly let me go to the octopus wait wait wait the octopus that sounds like a man that's 3 000 miles into space doesn't have a spacesuit and he's trying to call for help this is what he sounds like wait for it it is what he sounds like okay i am so excited about this so i'm gonna do the exact same thing except this time i'm gonna aim for oregon i'm going for oregon okay uh okay so there's the the creature thing and then let's go to the other side of oregon i i think it's gonna be right around australia let's click it uh okay so really quickly let me just let me just play it in slow motion we've got it we've got one monster where's the oh there's the other monster okay okay perfect let me pause let me pause brandon okay sweet let me take my lasers of awesomeness back out boom let's get rid of the earth and see what happens when these two octopus attack each other there are so many things you can do in this game if you guys have any ideas for what i should do in the next video definitely let me know in the comments but i'm so glad that i figured this out [Music] okay the earth is gone the octopus are ready to attack each other three two one uh go okay you know what we're gonna put this in regular speed oh my goodness gracious they're literally they're no oh i think they just blew each other up can i launch a snake if there's no earth i don't think i can launch the snake if nobody's alive um yeah everybody's dead oh apparently i can wait can i do another one let's aim for another one ah come on snake come on attack your your comrade friend there's a second one [Music] why are you guys just floating in space will you please attack each other no you're just gonna you're just gonna eat a random shard of the earth that was left okay you know let's speed this up they're not gonna attack each other are they no oh wait wait they're kind of close okay okay they they kind of bit each other in in the neck area that one's biting himself i think he's chasing his own tail like a dog although my cat has been chasing her tail recently it's very confusing okay one more thing i want to try with this and then i have another awesome idea let's pause again no oh my did i blow up the earth i am so bad at accidentally blowing up planet earth it's a it's a very bad trait i have let's go over to the orbital strike we're gonna go right for um colorado i think i might have blown up colorado before so anyone that lives in colorado i'm i'm sorry for blowing you up twice you just rebuilt from the last time okay so let's go colorado i think i clicked it i might have even clicked it twice that's okay uh now let's go to the other side of the world and let's click it you know what i'm gonna go twice just to make sure let's let's play it just to make sure it's working it's working it is definitely working wait is there one coming from the other side yes there is okay so the two orbital strikes are facing each other now i'm gonna do what i've been doing i'm gonna erase the earth with a pink beam of destruction and i'm gonna see what happens when two orbital strikes face each other i'm going with a green laser this time just to see what it looks like with all the sparkles it looks exactly the same as the pink one except now it's green i feel like i probably could have figured that one out okay that's fine though it actually looks pretty cool let's turn the simulation on in slow-mo at first let's get rid of all the green explosion thingymabobbers we've got these two orbital strikes you can kind of see them they're short they're sort of small let me try to zoom in on one of them there's one of them okay um i'm gonna name this one uh chimpanzee and and we've got this one is called um where's the other one where's the a there's another orbital strike here somewhere oh there it is i'm gonna name this one umberto so we've got chimpanzee and umberto and they're kind of aiming towards each other i don't know if they will blow up the earth if it's not there but i'm excited excited to find out let's un freeze it they're charging they're charging oh no way this is so cool i mean it didn't blow each other up because i can't aim correctly but that was awesome okay there is definitely more i can do with that but i have one other thing planned you guys told me to go over here and make my own planet but i have a special idea for a planet this is gonna be the official frustrated gamer planet of uh amazingness it's actually gonna be a very bad planet a planet that people probably won't be able to survive on you know why because i'm gonna really change things up here so i'm gonna change that i'm gonna turn the sun up water nothing i literally just removed all of the oceans on planet tfg there are there is literally not a drop of water left in this entire planet like you see this this is my water jug that i drink out of every day this is more water than there is in this entire planet that we're looking at right now and now i'm just gonna blow it up and see what happens whoa i actually just realized that the asteroid has been updated in this game it's probably been updated for a while and i just didn't know so sounds like a perfect thing to throw at an island with no water i guess it's not an island if it doesn't have water anyway we're gonna go to slow motion for now we're gonna go to the asteroid what do we have here whoa okay i don't even know what this is let's throw one asteroid normally just to compare it so that's a normal asteroid let's put it in regular speed that's a normal asteroid not that bad yes it probably killed millions of people but you know what it's not a big deal now let's go back to the asteroid so what do these two mean i assume this one on the bottom is how fast the asteroid is traveling let's try this one you ready hiya okay that is certainly faster that is certainly faster than the other one okay let's go over here wow okay it is like a fast ball if the fastball was traveling the speed of light and was as big as an asteroid now let's go back let's put this back down to regular speed we're gonna put this one back down to 10 now i want to see what this one is i assume this is gonna be like how big the asteroid is or how destructive it is okay so let's go over here i was gonna say we're gonna aim for the land but um yeah the entire planet's land because remember i got rid of the oceans okay let's go here so this is gonna be a big one but in regular speed oh that's a bigger asteroid oh that is a bigger asteroid and that begs the question what happens if we go here we make it as big as it gets and as fast as it gets so this is gonna be the biggest asteroid in the world traveling the speed of light here we go hold on to your butt cheeks the people of the tfg planet i don't think anyone's able to live there if there's not water but you know what in my imaginary world there's no oceans and there's billions of people alive and they're all subscribers of the tfg yeah wait that didn't oh oh oh okay i was gonna complain that it wasn't much of a difference um yeah now not only does planet tfg not have any oceans it's just a giant lava crater what if i throw a bunch of these giant ones right in the middle can i put a doughnut hole right through planet tfg i don't i've thrown like 20. let's go five more oh i can't throw any more which means yes i have turned planet tfg into a delicious glazed donut and by glazed doughnut i mean a fiery ball of destruction that if you tried to bite would probably melt your face off i'll take a dozen okay what happens if i take an orbital strike and shoot the planet that doesn't have an ocean i assume it's probably just going to explode like a normal planet but i'm just kind of playing around here because this is a lot of fun let's see maybe it's charging come on orbital strike i don't have all day oh this actually might not be as bad the ocean's my oh never mind no no i was gonna say maybe the oceans are bad and that's why the earth is blowing up uh no no uh planet tfg now looks like the sun and it's probably about to explode yeah rest in peace planet tfg you were alive for about 10 minutes rest in peace don't forget to subscribe to the channel and don't forget to check out my vlog channel tfg vlogs i have a new vlog every single week i just had a good one this past sunday so definitely check it out and subscribe there and i will see all of you in the next video what if i made a planet of all [Music] oceans
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 1,183,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solar smash, solar smash secrets, solar smash easter egg, solar smash game, solar smash gameplay, the frustrated gamer solar smash, universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2, the frustrated gamer universe sandbox, the frustrated gamer universe sandbox 2, solar smash update, universe simulator, universe simulator game, space simulator, space simulator game, solar smash black hole, solar smash blowing up the sun, the frustrated gamer
Id: XAXhaKY0e74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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