I Found A SECRET NEW PLANET! | Solar Smash

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so you guys told me that solar smash got another update i mean this is like the third update in two weeks let's do it what is going on tfg squad my name is brandon and welcome back to solar smash so like i said the game has been updated again if i go to planet smash and secret planets there's now a fourth planet so you guys actually told me how to unlock this planet but we're gonna save that for the end of the video you guys also told me about a bunch of other things i haven't done so first things first let's go to ghost world you guys said two really cool things about ghost world first thing apparently you can't freeze ghost world although i don't know if i believe you guys you might just be messing with me oh you guys were right okay so the if you guys haven't seen the brand new ice beam i can freeze anything jupiter saturn earth i could even freeze the sun but you can't freeze ghost world wow you guys were actually right it literally does nothing to the planet that is actually so cool okay if you guys want to see more solar smash on the channel don't forget to hit that like button and also subscribe to the channel right now okay next thing you guys told me to do on ghost world was go to the drill where's the darn drill here it is and you said if you drill through it it actually looks kind of cool so let's hit drill and then let's kind of look at it in spectator mode from the side i'm gonna zoom in a little bit okay so far it just looks like the planet's getting drilled and it looks very painful oh you could actually see it kind of traveling through the planet oh you know it would also probably be cool then if this looks cool i bet the snakes would look really cool because they kind of slither their way through the planet so let's do a snake there a snake there and you know what let's just move this into uh fast motion and spectator mode wait spectator mode spectator mode brandon oh that does look really cool oh that's so cool so there's like a bunch of little tunnels wow okay you guys have not disappointed me so far let's do more stuff the next one actually sounds really cool i don't know if anything's gonna happen but one of you guys said brandon throw the moon at earth and then spawn a black hole right at impact and apparently something really cool happens i'm gonna take your word for it where's the darn moon there we go i've played this game so many times and i still forget where the power-ups are so let's go moon and then right when it's about to hit black hole oh okay i don't know if i screwed it up whoa that actually does look really cool all the like moon particles kind of orbit around the black hole i don't know if that's what was supposed to happen or if that was just kind of a byproduct let's do it a little bit earlier this time so we got the moon let's go black hole right now okay whoa it's like a little tornado of debris okay that actually looked really really cool thanks for suggesting that on to the next cool thing okay we've had fun blowing up the ghost world and venus and all that good stuff but it's time to focus on what i do best blowing up the planet that we all live on planet earth okay so you guys told me to go to the missiles this is like maybe an easter egg maybe not i'm not exactly sure and then go to 77. so normally it's 66 if you want to fly the little spaceship thing but you guys said go to planet or go to 77 missiles and make it power five okay let's let's strengthen that all the way up and then the next thing you guys said i wrote this on my yellow post-it note as always you said hit the top and the bottom of the planet so do i like do this and then this uh i'm not sure what happens but i'm gonna take your word for it okay um oh uh well that actually looks kind of cool i'm a big fan of how this looks but i'm not exactly sure what it was supposed to do oh you know what this might actually be for the brand new secret world so you guys probably know already the brand new secret world white right here i think it's a donut planet so you guys said brandon you have to create a flat earth first and then if you put a hole through the flat earth you can get a donut although if i'm looking at this planet right now it just kinda looks like a donut but let's do it the old-fashioned way if the old-fashioned way doesn't work i'll go back to the missiles what i just did but this is how i normally make planet earth flat i usually hit it with a laser on the top hit it with a laser on the bottom you could actually see the earth's atmosphere in the area that i've already destroyed which is kind of awesome looking okay let's flatten this planet reset it turn it into the flat world and then hopefully make a giant planetary-sized donut actually sounds kind of delicious okay this seems pretty pancake flat to me but sometimes it takes a couple tries let's reset the planet end nope i did not get the flat planet well you know what i'm just gonna cheat although i i guess it's not really cheating because i already unlocked it let's go straight to the flat planet there okay oh no i already literally put a hole on the side of it now the donut secret's not gonna work whoa oh this is another thing you guys told me that the flat earth got updated so now you can actually see the sun and the moon like above the planet so you know what no offense if you think the earth is flat but you're most likely wrong i think the earth is a sphere but the people that actually think the earth is flat think that this is what it looks like they think that the sun and the moon are like about the same size and they just kind of hover over planet earth going around and around in a circle i guess that would be the only thing that would kind of make sense so let's speed things up a little bit yeah so this is what they think it looks like the moon and the sun just kind of go around each other wait a second so if you're a flat earther how would you explain a lunar eclipse like when the sun and the moon are in the same exact spot in the sky that wouldn't make sense according to their flat earth theory okay i reset the flat earth so we're good to go now you guys told me basically put a hole right through the middle of the planet and then reset it and i should unlock the brand new planet i think this should work so let's take out the fire laser let's make it a big old-fashioned five out of five and let's make it um we're gonna make it yellow this time i don't think i've ever gone with a yellow laser it's basically gonna be like the sun is shooting a laser in the middle of the flat earth let's just do this okay three two one wait what if sorry i'm getting distracted can you blow up the sun during flat earth wait oh that's so cool it almost looks like a firework in the sky wait can i blow up the moon now oh no what up sorry no no moon moon come back i didn't mean to do that oh no oh i completely lost the moon i completely lost the moon you can see it floating all the way on the left side it's it's gone now it's absolutely gone and i like how when you destroy the sun it's no longer bright that's actually really really cool okay let's reset this one more time and try to get the giant donut here we go flat earth let's go all the way to the top let's go to the planetary destroying laser let's make it a five out of five and like we said we're gonna go with yellow three two one go okay now the question is how big of a hole do i need to make my doughnut like is that that seems like a donut sized hole whoa why is it looking weird like that okay i'm gonna reset this planet in three two one please tell me i got the donut please tell me i got the donut no i didn't get the donut let's try this again maybe i made the hole too small no that didn't work either what the heck am i doing wrong maybe i made the hole too big i don't know let's make it a little bit bigger this time okay that seems like a nice size donut hole actually it seems like really really big but you know what the smaller ones didn't work if this doesn't work i'm going to go back to doing like the 77 lasers that you guys told me to do in the beginning because that did actually kind of look like a donut okay uh there's those little specks in the middle i'm trying to get the last little spec little speck there we go okay this seems like a pretty good size let's reset it nope oh my gosh it's not working you know what let's go back to regular planet earth okay beautiful planet earth let's hit it with 77 lasers from the top and 77 lasers from the bottom let's do that all the way up to level five and beautiful okay so let's go to the north pole let's smack it and let's go to the south pole and let's smack it okay this actually looks really cool i mean it would be terrifying in real life if we were getting hit by what's 77 plus 77 that's like 154 lasers or 154 missiles all at the same time okay this can we stop blowing up planet earth i know i just shot you with like 154 missiles but can we stop blowing up thank you this looks donut shape to me this looks like a delicious glazed doughnut that you would get from krispy kreme let's reset the planet end it still didn't work okay i had to look it up so the guy that did it on youtube went down to 70. he did it on the top again and then the bottom just kind of like i did but then he did something else oh oh i'm sorry planet earth i'm really sorry about this i oh man actually i'm really not sorry i think it's actually really fun okay so once planet earth kind of oh you can see like all the little look at that you can see the missiles like orbiting in the middle okay i think everything has blown up now what he did was he took out the laser and he kind of flattened things a little bit so let's make it like a three that seems like a good amount of laser so he kind of flattened things a little bit to make it like more doughnut-shaped and then he reset the planet and it seemed to have worked okay i think this is kind of what he did i mean this does look more donut-shaped oh that little spot is sticking out i do not want that spot to be sticking out okay and is this okay maybe a little bit here at the bottom i'm trying to make this perfect guys because i'm trying to get this okay if that is not a donut then i don't know what is well i guess it's really not a donut it's planet earth that i blew up a bunch of times but here we go reset the planet go yes there we go achievement unlocked donuts so what if i fire something like missiles in the middle of the donut does it like screw with gravity does it can i can i even do that i don't even think i can shoot the donut with anything can i can i hit it with a i don't know a planetary destroying donut laser man oh i actually can do this i want to blow up a giant donut i want to see what happens when you blow up a giant donut is it all going to turn red yep it is now a oh it's now a bunch of rubble and if we go to the secret planets i now have all four secret planets unlocked guys i'm gonna end the video there don't forget to hit that subscriber button and check out my other youtube channel it's called tfg vlogs go over to that youtube channel and subscribe right now and i will see all of you in the next video
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 1,650,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solar smash, solar smash update, the frustrated gamer solar smash, the frustrated gamer solar smash new update, solar smash donut, solar smash donut planet, solar smash donut earth, new solar smash update, I Found A Secret new planet in solar smash, solar smash secrets, solar smash secret planet, solar smash new planet, solar smash game, solar smash gameplay, solar smash 1.4.5, solar smash markiplier, space simulator, space simulator game, the frustrated gamer
Id: 5_LZqya6TBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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