I built EVERY Star Wars ARMY in LEGO...

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this is a stormtrooper and this is a Lego Stormtrooper and here's a stormtrooper Army and today I will build All Star Wars armies in Lego army building is what got me into Lego Star Wars and over the years I've been spending all my money on these Minifigures so let's build the first Army and at the end of this video I will host a massive giveaway so let's build these armies we're gonna start by building one of the most iconic Star Wars armies the Imperial Army so I already set up the Stormtroopers but there's many different Troopers so after emptying the bags I placed all the Minifigures over the course of two hours there's over 120 of the shore troopers from Rogue one which are great Minifigures but I don't think Lord Vader will ever be joining them in the battlefield now that every Trooper is in place it's time to set up some vehicles and one of the most well-known Vehicles has to be the Imperial TIE fighter unfortunately I only have the big version and two Thai Striker so I bought three of the smaller ones from 2022 and built them simultaneously to save some time I also got this new Thai bomber to destroy the rebel scum beforehand I also built many other sets like four Imperial hover tanks two atsds and atat some of these shuttles and even rebuilt the Death Star in less than 12 hours and if this video gets 10 000 likes I will drop it like Ned from Spider-Man we also can't forget Darth Vader's Castle which I rebuilt since I got it a little while ago for my parents my Imperial Army looks great but there's one thing missing I always thought it was weird that Lego never made any flags for the armies from Star Wars so I'll make them myself here's the Imperial flag and I think it turned out great it's even on an official Lego piece so that's much better than just fake Lego and if you were wondering where to get these flags you can purchase them from brickleyofficial.com there's a wide selection of flags from all the famous armies of Star Wars such as the Rebellion the Republic the first order and many more iconic banners to add to your armies so I recommend you check out my website brickleyofficial.com to get these banners now back to my Imperial Army it includes 551 Minifigures and a good amount of vehicles and I almost forgot to mention that my grandma Tarkin minifigure is randomly beheaded so I'll feature him in a different video The Empire needs some enemies to fight and who other than the rebels can do that for this Army I'm gonna make custom Rebel Troopers since I've been taking them apart to use for my load of the Rings build so I grabbed all the heads torsos and legs and now it's time to make some epic Troopers first up I made some indoor Soldiers with different faces custom blasters and one holding a thermal detonator next up I made an army to invade debates if scarif and finally some Hoth Troopers it's time to set up this Army So I placed all the Minifigures on a base plate and added some vehicles and a hot base finally I added the banners of the rebellion and now the Army is complete there's many different Troopers as well as the heroes from the original trilogy and Rogue one and everything adds up to over 90 Minifigures so back when I was a kid I saw a video from brick fault showcasing a collection of Astromech droids and ever since watching this I've been wanting to build my own Army so I'm going to build an army of these World dominating robots myself [Music] I've gotten many r2d2s over the past years of collecting Lego Star Wars sets as well as some other miscellaneous ones now this is a deadly Army but these aren't the droids you're looking for next up we're entering the prequel era and we'll build the adversary of the Republic a droid army I started by setting up my 2007 mtts and opened them up to set up my droids so I grabbed all the bags and equipped the droids with blasters because some of them are over 10 years old and need some support for their week back I set up four groups of 50 droids and had a couple of spare ones so I added these to the side of the Army on top of that I have a bunch of other droids I got super battle droids commando droids yanosian droids and the Sheep droids additionally I have these drivers with the blue torsos as well as a couple of commanders and finally some bodyguards surprisingly I also have too many droidikas and even the sniper versions The nope Scopes and Clone Troopers and afterwards I also added three of these Droid steps two blue ones and one brown one I also have not one but two of the corporate Droid Alliance tanks which are really cool next up I added three spider droids and a Hill fire Droid and now it's time to add some Vehicles so I grab my Droid carriers armored assault tanks this horrendous MTG from 2014 and and two Droid gun chips for aerial support I also have some leaders of the separatists such as Count Dooku Hoggle Django Fett and this expensive Jango Fett worth 180 dollars that's just insane and finally there's General Grievous and for him we need to add his speeder and the wheel bike but it was partially destroyed so I had to rebuild it and that's my entire droid army of 280 Minifigures and now they're ready to take on some nabooskum in episode 1 there's this funny battle between the droids and the gungun so I need to build a gungan army luckily some of my friends gifted me some sweet gungan Minifigures to build an army and I must say it looks pretty dope even though I don't have any vehicles to include for this Army anyway let's move on to some serious stuff another Army I've always been wanting to build is a Mandalorian Army but I only have a few of these Minifigures so I went on a spending spree and got some Mandalorian Battle Packs and only two of the packages arrived on time for this video so I built the Army and now it looks way better I also have this Mandalorian starfighter some banners and now the Army is complete this part of the video is going to be a little Annoying for some of you because the majority of people dislike the sequel Trilogy even so we're gonna build a first order Army and I want to recreate the scene from Starkiller base where we see the army of many different Troopers with a bunch of Tie fighters to the side so for this Army I have many backs filled with Minifigures to crush him resistance I really don't look forward to setting up this Army not kidding I have been placing Minifigures for over six hours and my hands are already broken and we've got a long way to go so I activated beast mode and quickly finished setting up the Army okay so it's almost 11 hours later and the Army looks insane and you haven't even seen my vehicle collection yet so I grabbed my Tie fighters and placed all 15 on the table next up I set up my ATM 6 Walker as well as a star destroyer from the first order but I sold three of both of them because I had to buy more clone troopers you know logic but now I kind of regret it even so my Army looks sick and I can't forget the snow Speeders which had so much screen time in the movie really Lego you had to make this into a set then there's this Abomination and it doesn't even deserve its name mentioned in this video [Music] this already looks much better than the original set in the movie we can also see these cool banners so I made these and now this actually looks like Starkiller base with an army of over 1800 first order troopers on top of all of this I built supreme leader snoke's throne room and added the man himself oh wait is this the wrong one then I also added a bunch of guards since he isn't really that well guarded in the movie and I don't want him to be cut in half again and I almost forgot to tell you that I built kylo Ren's TIE fighter just to do this we all know the resistance from the sequel Trilogy and personally I don't really get why Disney gave them a different name than Rebel scum but we're gonna build an army for them nonetheless I'm a big fan of the bad guys in Star Wars so therefore this Army isn't that big I have a couple of Troopers and commanders as well as the heroes of this movie seeing Heroes really reminds me of playing Star Wars Battlefront back in the day how time flies anyway I added some vehicles and a flag and now the Army looks great but it's still cringy for me to own a rose minifigure oh hell no man so for this Army we're gonna travel to Mexico because I have a plan to build our very own massive final order army with thousands of Star Destroyers and take over the Galaxy no just kidding I don't have that kind of money but let's build this Army so first of all I set up Emperor Palpatine and then I grabbed all of my Troopers and built a final order army with regular Troopers and strangely enough more jet Troopers lastly I added this TIE fighter and I also have a life hack to get as many as in the movie Step One buy a bag of nachos step two open to bag step three build a fleet of these Tie fighters yeah sometimes I don't get the designs from Star Wars before we move on to my final and favorite Army we'll take a look at some honorable mentions so in almost every Star Wars movie we can see Jedi and therefore we must build a Jedi Army so I set up all the Jedi I have and I must say that all the lightsabers are so satisfying to look at next step I build a Wookie army with some Chewbacca Minifigures and also a Jawa Army as well as some Tesco Raiders and I almost forgot to mention that I have a bunch of descent of Commando Troopers finally I built an Ewok Army and I definitely intend to grow this Army into next year but let's move on to the moment you've all been waiting for so all of you know that when it comes to clone army building I'm demand to hit up it's just so unfair that The Lego company itself holds the Guinness World Record for the biggest Lego Star Wars Army and I personally believe this record should be in the hands of the Lego Community itself so we're gonna take this record back into the hands of the Lego Community by building the biggest Lego Star Wars Clone Army ever now last time I set up my Clone Army without any vehicles and today I want to include all of them so we're gonna need a lot of space but last time I had to use an extra table luckily my garden is big enough for this massive Army so I grabbed all the bags and started placing the Minifigures now that all the Minifigures were placed on all of the base plates I could finally set up the Army then I started adding all the vehicles Azure Republic Gunship clone turbo tanks clone Walkers and even some Speeders the crazy thing is that these aren't even all the vehicles I own because I have a massive bag filled with cannons from the 501st Battle Pack looking at this Army now makes me think of 2020 when I only had around 150 clone troopers there's a total of 2430 clone troopers which is mind-blowing but this isn't even my entire Army since I just discovered a bag of 27 clone troopers still laying in my room so we have a total amount of 2457 clone troopers and together with all the YouTubers there's over 7 000 clone troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic so I hope you've enjoyed watching my addiction of buying too many plastic Minifigures but I feel a little bit selfish about spending so much money on this therefore I'm giving one of you lucky people a Lego ATT worth one hundred and forty dollars all you have to do to enter the giveaway is subscribe to Brickley on YouTube follow me on Instagram and join my Discord through the link in the description down below I will announce the winner of this giveaway in my Discord server so make sure you join I guess in the meantime I'm just gonna go and work on my next video so I'll see you there [Music] thank you
Channel: BrickLi
Views: 1,012,976
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Keywords: LEGO, lego, Lego review, Lego army review, lego set, lego sets, Lego star wars army, Lego star wars set, Lego star wars moc, Lego star wars clone army, Lego clone army, Lego droid army, Lego the lord of the rings, Lego collection, Lego army, lego minifigures, lego challenge, lego armies, lego army building, lego empire, lego imperial army, lego mandalorian army, lego mtt, lego kashyyyk, lego rebel army, lego resistance army, lego first order army, lego first order
Id: ejkuRvK7YXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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