WHAT IF Oatchi Was in SMASH 6

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smash ultimate is often referred to as a celebration of gaming due to its colossal roster with a whopping 89 playable characters fans been wondering how the next smash game is going to top that personally I think they're going to pull a Mortal Kombat and just reboot the whole series but for the sake of this video I'm going to assume every character from Ultimate makes it into smash 6 with smash ultimate being out for almost 5 years now I think it's time we start talking about who's going to be in the next game and I'd be lying if I said ultimate's roster is perfect some characters feel like cheesy ripoffs of others and some main Nintendo s are severely underrepresented The Legend of Zelda series hasn't gotten a new rep since brawl and most of those characters are based off of aaren of time granted it's a good game but it's 25 years old and it's a similar situation for the Kirby franchise which by the way was created by the same guy who made smash yet it's totally fine that we have nine Mario characters and eight Fire Emblem characters among these under represented franchises we have the Pikmin series and up until now it makes sense Pikman was never really Nintendo's star fr franchise before Pikmin 4 most people knew alar is that annoying guy from Smash with the big nose but after Four's release the Pikmin Series has made a lot more money and it's getting a lot more attention leading me to believe that we will get another Pikmin rep in Smash 6 the question is who there's a certain criteria a character should meet to make it into Smash and it really comes down to one thing popularity if you take a look at the roster each series is represented by their most well-known characters because let's be honest even though a character like 9volt from Wario Weare would have a cool ass move set while Luigi would be a better option due to how recognizable he is and the same goes for the Pikmin series I'm not going to put the plasma right in even if he'd have one of the coolest move sets in the entire roster in terms of characters all the captains would play relatively the same and I think characters like Louie Charlie and Shephard would fit better as alternate skins toar or maybe even Echo Fighters but that leaves us with the Pikmin the enemies and Ochi yeah yeah you guys read the title you already know who I'm going to talk about OG for smash 6 is almost inevitable at this point since Pikmin 4 is a silent protagonist there isn't really a main character other than alar Shephard and Colin are the next best thing and they get like a collective amount of 3 minutes of screen time tops so in my eyes Pikmin 4's real main character is Ochi and unlike alar I actually think oi would be a pretty fun character so let's get into his move [Music] set first neutral special oi will throw up Pikman wow what a surprise but unlike allar you won't need to manage a Pikmin at all instead oi will work similar to Kirby when he copies Omar's ability with the Press of just one button oi will pluck and throw a Pikmin forward the Pikmin type isn't random though it'll follow a simple order of Reds yellows Blues whites purples rocks ice all the existing Pikmin types in Ultimate will work exactly as they already do rocks will deal a hefty amount of knockback and have the shortest throw distance and Ice Pikmin will briefly slow down your opponent OG's side special will obviously be Rush working very similar to Ike's Quick Draw ogi will charge his side special and when released he'll go charging forward ramming through anything in his path you have the option to release it whenever but if you wait until it's fully charged the attack will have super armor oi's down special will be big Chomp he'll load up his jaw and when he Chomps down the enemy will take a massive amount of damage and be stunned for a lengthy period of time the downside is that this move has a very good amount of starup leg almost taking as long as warlock punch this move is very risky to use and in terms of competitive play useless but come on who who doesn't like these big funny moves and first off special I really had trouble coming up with this one Pikmin is a series with very little verticality so little it took them 20 years to add a jump button I'm I'm not joking so with minimal Source material to work with we got to get a little creative here or just copy what's already in the game OG's up special will be exactly like allars where he gets carried by a group of wing Pikman however since oji is visibly heavier than alar the wing Pikmin will have trouble carrying him and as they struggle oi will slowly descent down giving him a very good horizontal option but not so much vertical for all his Aerials ogi will have the help of his Pikmin but instead of rotating between types each move will consistently be used by the same Pikmin type except for his neutral since we don't see o Airborne too much in game I would mind giving him a basic Spin Attack as his n but onto the fun moves OG's upir will be similar to Joker's up tilt you know where he he spins the knife around except Ochi doesn't use a knife he'll use the yell Pikmin instead since Ys have the best throw height I think it's only fitting that they're used for the upper and yeah this move also has electric properties since back airs are usually the stronger hitting Aerials for oi's back air Rock will latch onto his tail and do a slow but Hefty swing I really can't compare this too much to any move already in the game but imagine meww and all Mar's back airs had a baby and this is what we get forward is supposed to be a good approaching tool so this move should come out relatively quick o will grab a Red Pikmin with his mouth and swing him forward making it a good spacing tool this move also has fire properties and for his Downer I'm thinking something similar to Mega Man's purple Pikmin will jump off oi's back falling faster and faster due to its sheer weight and you don't want to get hit by this cuz this move always spikes oi's tilts are pretty basic down tilt will be a carbon copy of alars where he does this little slide thing this move's pretty good for shield pokeing and can start up a few combos forward to will be a double Chomp just like piranha plants and at later percent it could be a pretty reliable kill option and for uptilt oi will do his jump Chomp like how he attacks enemies in Pikman 4 this move is functionally similar to iosaur up tilt and can serve as a good antier moving on to his smash attacks oi's forward smash will be mini rush just like a SBE he'll charge up his Rush except instead of going a far distance he'll do a short body check type motion not the fastest move in the game but it's pretty strong I know this one's kind of lazy but I really don't have much to work here guys OG's up smash will pretty much be like Bowsers where he does this little jump spin it'll have a strong upwards hit and a small downwards one too and for his down smash I'm actually going to take inspiration from Moss oi's counterpart I guess when fighting moss and Pik four she has a whistle ability where she'll hypnotize her Pikmin oi's down smash will be some sort of variation of this attack except instead of getting launched the target will go to sleep the catch is it only works on Grounded enemies like Jigglypuff sing in Pikmin 4 when ogi finishes his Rush he kind of skids across the ground and I think this would be perfect for his Dash attack function-wise I think it should bump the target upwards making a great combo tool setup and for his jab it'll work as a three hit combo two Chomps and a body check it's your standard run-of-the-mill Smash Bros jab but I think it's pretty fitting for Ochi and finishing off his move set we finally have his grabs and throws and I think there's only one correct option we can give oi in Pikmin 4 there's a specific upgrade called swallow where Ochi you know what let me just show you yeah so his pumm is going to be a straight ripoff of Yoshi but it just fits too well and the throws will be pretty basic too he'll just just spit the opponent out in whatever Direction you choose forward and back throw will be used for creating space up and down throw will be used for combo setups finishing off his move set we have his final smash which will be called infinite Rush a cut scene will play where we see every Pikmin type jumping onto his back o will start charging forward building up speed until he Rams into the enemy but it's not over yet the enemy will get sent flying with Pikmin latched on pummeling away finishing it off with oi ramming the target straight into the ground I'm not too big on cut scene Final Smashes but I think this would be pretty cool to watch before we get into his Aesthetics let's talk about his game data real quick I know canonically OG's only like 3 in which isn't small I'd call it more so average but despite his size I think he should be one of the heavier characters I'd give him a weight value of 105 sitting right in between Yoshi and banjo despite the fact that we never see allar jump in the Pikmin series he's got some hops in Ultimate so oi must rank somewhere above him I think giving him the same jump height as Donkey Kong would fit pretty well and it give him the same fall speed too for his run speed I'm going to give him the same properties as duck hunt painfully average not being too slow or fast and for his overall size I think he should share a similar hitbox to Ivysaur I know Ochi only has two legs but his overall shape is similar enough to a quadrip and iosaur is one of the few in the game stepping away from his game data let's finish things off with some Aesthetics I'm going to rip his taunt straight out of Pikmin 4 cuz they did a very good job of making this character feel alive oi's Upton will be the little jump bark he does when we first encounter him his sideon is taken from one of his Idol animations where he does this cute little sneeze and as he sneezes the Pikmin will do a little jump like they do in game and for his downt Ochi will lay down on the ground and the Pikmin will jump on his back the Pikmin typ will be randomly selected between any of the types except for purples cuz we don't want ochi's back to get blown out for his victory screen I'm only going to do one cuz I'm kind of getting lazy but he'll run around in a circle as Pikmin jump on his back and Rush towards the camera as seen in this animation over here winning loses instead of clapping like majority of the cast o will be shivering in fear cuz he probably just got beat up by a man with a sword and ending off this character concept we have his skins obviously his first appearance will be his normal skin and his second one will be his leaf tail just like his original appearance except he has a leaf on his tail his third Al will be referencing the ballb having a red body with white spots and I think this is very fitting cuz the ballb is probably the most popular Pikmin enemy and I think it needs a little bit more Spotlight and smash his fourth alt will just be a general blue skin just cuz I like the color blue and come on this this you can't tell me it doesn't look nice his fifth skin will be referenced to the ancient sire Hound the final boss of Pikmin 4 and his sixth and final colorway will be a reference to Moss following some sort of green color palette speaking of moss I think it's only fair she gets to shine a little bit so ochi's final two skins will actually be models of moss first up we have Moss's regular model and second up we have an orange colored Moss referencing Ochi I think I can now confidently say that oi belongs in Smash when I first started making this video I was a little unsure about it but as this concept kept getting bigger and bigger I really feel like Ochi actually deserves to be in the game also if you're a modder and somehow know how to add characters into smash I'll literally pay you to put Ochi in the game it'd be one of the coolest things I'd ever seen it I'd probably make a whole video showcasing the mod but with all that being said this was a very fun video to make and as you all know I love the Smash Brother series and I'd be interested in doing this type of thing again so if you want this to become a reoccurring series let me know in the comments who you'd want to see me put in Smash and please make the characters realistic I'm not going to put Jitters the bird in cuz like just just look at him but all seriousness tell me who you think would actually have a cool adaptation into smash I hope you enjoyed the video and I'll see you all next week
Channel: Raggins
Views: 31,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pikmin, Raggins, Pikmin 4, Pikmin 4 theory, Pikmin 3, pikmin 3 deluxe, Nintendo, Nintendo switch, Bulborb, bulbmin, Olimar, Umibozu, pikmin 4 funny, smash bros, pokemon, smash 6, pikmin ranking, pikmin tier list, pikmin final boss, pikmin meme, smash ultimate, mario, oatchi, pikmin smash, pikmin dog smash, pikmin dog, oatchi smash, oatchi smash 6, new smash character, smash ultimate fighter pass, smash dlc, smash ultimate deluxe, smash new fighter, smash bros new character
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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