The Mastermind Behind Everything (Pikmin Theory)

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for over the past decade people have been wondering about the secret entity pulling all the strings in every Pikmin game a mysterious Force playing with all our protagonists like chest pieces in an attempt to further their own goals while those goals are unclear it is pretty clear that PNF 404 is cursed causing every ship to crash land there there has to be something or someone orchestrating it all many believe that The Wraith Lake creatures have been the ones pulling the strings all along and that this enemy in particular has been along with us since the very beginning ever present and ever evolving this popular Theory better known as the umab bozu theory kind of got messed up with Pikmin 4 along with the rest of the timeline of course The Wraith creatures can still be crashing ships but it's less likely that it's constantly evolving but I'm not here to talk about that I'm here to talk about another entity even stronger and everpresent that is behind it all that's right I'm going to talk about Lou now I know what you're thinking Lou that loser you pulling my leg but uh let me cook and you might be surprised Louis is a foe in the Pikmin universe that has been the final boss not once but twice but everyone in the game plays it off as him being a troll and not actually being evil so for those who don't know Lou has been around since the beginning of Pikmin technically during the events of Pikmin one while Lou is not in the game while Amar is stranded Louie is on a mission to deliver golden ppic carrots and he ends up eating all of them placing the company into a massive debt upon amar's return to Haw Tate the start of the second game a souvenir that alar had collected is dropped and it bumps into Louie now Louie gives one of the weirdest Expressions I've ever seen it's like he knows what it is that or it's just a very strange confuzzled surprised look the president sees that this is worth money and sends both Lou and Amar back to PNF 404 to collect money upon entering PNF 44s atmosphere they have a rough Landing where Louie is ejected but quickly meets up withar again the rest of the Pikmin 2 game involves Lou andar collecting Treasures until they repay the debt however once they're finished paying off the debt alar leaves PNF 404 heading back to haate only he forgets Louie oddly enough though Louie appears to be very very happy in the nend scene credits where you can just see him enjoying himself while he's been left behind stranded definitely an odd reaction to being Cast Away the president then goes with Amar back to PNF 404 in order to help find Louie and when they finally do find him it's to discover Lou on top of the title and Dil they battle the Dil and then they leave the planet with Lou it's a constant debate whether or not Louie was controlling it or not but I'll cover this a little bit more later on Pikmin 3 events come around and they involve the president obtaining a new debt because he somehow lost all the profits made during the second game alar and Louie are again sent back to PNF 404 to make more cash this time though alar gets captured by by The plasm Wraith and Louis escapes wait wait wait wait wait The plasm Wraith I I swear I used to just call it the plasma wraith but no no it's actually the plasma wraith huh anyways I will mention that Louie escaped this encounter because he had a bad feeling which is interesting to say the least they've literally constantly been surrounded by very dangerous enemies where you should pretty much constantly feel uneasy why would all of a sudden he gets an overwhelming bad feeling unless he knew it was going to happen after Lou escapes he runs into the kopites and they bring him onto their ship where he then runs away and steals all of their food there is a clip in the Pikmin 3 Deluxe where Louie explains himself on how he thought he was kidnapped but that doesn't explain why he stole all the food Louie then gets recaptured by the cop heits only this time they tie him up from here Pikmin 3 has like two endings both of them involve the kopites defeating The plasm Wraith but in the main campaign's ending you can actually find a copy log saying that Lou is Left Behind again but in the side mission mode you can see alar leaving with Louie so it's a little unclear which one is truly Cannon and it's kind of up for discretion then we finally have Pikman 4 Pikman 4 has Louie as probably the biggest enemy compared to all the other games Pikman 4 is where you the rescue corpse go to PNF 404 in order to save Amar who has been stranded again you're also there to rescue a bunch of dumb people who came to the planet after hearing amar's SOS signal yeah they're dumb because they came to a dangerous planet not to save alar but to sightsee and every single last one of them ended up crashing Lou is also on the planet allegedly because the company sent him in order to look for allar you first see Lou and Pikman 4 during the credit scenes and he's wandering around the planet without a care in the world just like in the Pikmin 2 credits but during these events he meets up with moss and Moss appears to immediately recognize it I mean Moss didn't have the same reaction when seeing you or and the other cast more on that later continuing with the events of Pikman 4 you go around rescuing people and curing leaflings Amar is also cured because he died and was revived as a leaf man little side note explanation alar was able to repair his ship after sending out the SOS signal but Moss the space dog that he found on the planet snuck onto the ship and he had to go back because would die if they left the planet so when he was trying to land back on PNF 404 instead of escaping his life support ends up giving out so he actually dies while re-entering the atmosphere and the Pikmin and Moss actually end up Reviving him using the onion turning him into a leaf man back on to the main campaign of Pikmin 4 you eventually meet Louie only he is more of an opponent and olar tries to talk to Louie but just gets completely ignored which doesn't make any sense given that Lou's sole mission was allegedly to follow alar from here Lou just goes around doing everything leafling olar did the only difference is Lou is fully aware of what he was doing whereas alar was just trying to spread dandri because he was a leaf man I mean there are some night dialogues where Louie says he did all of this because back at work on Haw Tate alar told him to follow his lead which is super funny yes and it kind of explains Lou Shenanigans but it goes against what Lou's own notes say because in Lou's notes it says that he doesn't remember what alar looked like so then why would he know what a leafling Alamar looked like you can tell that these things just aren't really adding up in Louis story as the the main campaign progresses Louie continues to be Louie and he continues doing Shenanigans like having some coites held captive yeah there are some coites and you need to find them in order to cure your dog oi who ended up getting his tail lefifi just from being on the planet for too long one of the kopite captives Nelly who is able to cure Ochi does say that Louie looked after them while they were captives in his own unique Lou way but that doesn't mean that he treated them good by any means especially since all the kopites are mad at him so while you go around trying to stop Louie you end up chasing him into a secret cave where during the events of this cave you end up seeing him a few times and he tells you to leave him alone and he runs away on the final floor of the cave Louie fights you with intent to kill just like in Pikmin 2 after you defeat defeat him though you bring him back to the rescue corpse base again the kopites are mad at him and they want to have a word so yeah you can tell he didn't treat them good at all but at least he didn't injure or kill them while at the rescue corpse base you can talk to Louie and he says he wants to stay on PNF 404 you can also gu some quests from him but these aren't really relevant and that's the main story from all Pikmin games with Lou in them with a focus on the events that Lou did so now that everyone's caught up with everything Lou and what major events he's done how does this make Lou be the one behind everything well like I said there was a mastermind behind every major event that has occurred in the Pikmin series and that Mastermind is Louie you see Lou has been to PNF 404 and I'm not talking about in the games I'm saying Lou has been to PNF 404 before allamar did this means that Lou would be on PNF 404 before the events of Pikmin one to start Lou has an odd expression on his face when seeing alamar's treasure yeah remember when I mentioned that really back in the video it's almost as if Lou recognized items similar to this one additionally he immediately looks over to the ship like he knew the ship would appraised the item now this could just be coincidence in the animation but they could have had him do anything else why do this specifically I will also mention that the company going into debt is completely Lou's fault those two put together means that Louie knows the values of the treasures from PNF 404 and since he's a super class Glutton who just wants to eat everything who's to say that he didn't put the company in debt because he wanted to be sent to PNF 404 for a prolonged duration where there is so much to eat and he can further his other goals upon being left behind in the events of Pikmin 2 Louie eventually makes his way to the dream death now Lou being left behind is already super odd since he was never left behind that night before and on the day the debt happens to be paid off he gets left behind it's almost like he wanted to be left behind in order to enact his master plan again you see him while he's there stranded during the credits and he's not worried at all so what is this master plan that master plan is to use the Titan dweevil to take out Amar and the president the evidence points towards Louie being in control of the Titan dvil rather than it just being a coincidence and him being held captive this is for a few reasons the first of which is the ship refers to Louie as the king of bugs where the ship believes Louie was in control the second reason is that dweevil are known to mimic the objects they carry meaning that the Titan dweevil was likely just copying what Louie was doing so all Louie had to do was tame the creature and if you don't think he could tame the Titan Dil he tamed the ancient sire hound and he definitely uses that to try and kill you in Pikmin 4 and the third point is you're meaning to tell me that Louie ran through the entirety of the dream death one of the most dangerous caves and ended up just happening to stumble upon the Titan dweevil it's more like he already knew that enemy was there just like in Pikmin 4 where he runs through the entirety of the final cave where the ancient sire Hound is so we know that Louie is a master of controlling creatures but Lou is also the only captain that knows not only how to survive but thrive on PNF 404 staying there during night and day this is super evident since he does this at least twice now for argument sake and the sake of this Theory let's just say Lou was left behind in Pikmin 3 rather than leaving with alar if this is the case it is fair to assume that Louie met Moss before allar did which would explain why Moss is so happy to see Louie again during the credit scene so if Louie met Moss then that means they get separated that is because Louie leaves behind Moss since he can't be bothered to share any food with the starving dog and that's why Amar during his monologue at the beginning of the game finds moss in a malnourished state after that Moss helps Amar repair the ship but then before alar leaves Louie who is still on the planet tells Moss to sneak onto the SS dolphin why because Lou knows Moss can't leave the planet so he knows solar would have to come back and would likely crash again which is exactly what happen think about it why didn't Moss sneak onto the ship at the end of Pikmin 4 well it's because Louie didn't want Moss to follow this time as it would cause inconveniences for him all right enison decent explanation of everything and you kind of put why Lou is at fault but you still haven't explained why he's doing all of this and how he's been to Earth before alar I said let me cook and it's finally cooking time Lou is doing all of this because he is an umu boou and his goal is to have as many people on the planet as possible for those that don't know umus are mythical creatures that are said to sink boats and ships the most common umu bozu theory is that the wraithlike creatures are Riu now I'm asking you to hang with me for a moment and just take my word and think that Lou isn't umu bozu for a second and I'll explain why this could make sense first off Lou is essentially an apex predator you read all the pedia entries and there is nothing he's afraid of on top of that he's the only space explorer who knows how to survive on this planet by himself no ship no crew nothing additionally in Pikmin 4 there are multiple water wraiths and wraithlike creatures so it's not farfetched to say that there are multiple uu creatures with Louie being one of them and The plasm Wraith could shape shift so who's to say Louie can't continuing on with Lou's goals of getting as many people as possible on the planet this is for two reasons the first is umu bozu gain power from multiple people being present it could be from their fear or other things it doesn't really matter to support this let's just go through the game in Pikmin one there is just alar and you get the guls in Pikmin 2 you had alar the president and Louie depending on if you want to count him or not and the umab bozu we get is the water WRA then in Pikmin 3 there is a total of five people and you get the plasm raate fast forward to Pikmin 4 with a total of 31 people and you get the folx as well as not one but four water rates while we can't confirm and it's not 100% certain it does appear that the more people that arrive on the planet the more wraithlike creatures there are and the stronger they get on top of bringing a lot of people to the planet this isn't just to gain power this is also because Lou wants to see the Earth inhabited again quick side note I have a theory why every single species from Pikmin comes from from Earth but this is a quick rundown on that video there was a nuclear fallout on Earth the radiation forced Humanity to leave Humanity became smaller in order to reduce the effects of radiation but still had to leave the plan over time the radiation would transform the surviving creatures and everyone just forgot about these events there are some points to support this like the ancient sound notes and amar's Geer counter which goes off randomly during the first game some treasure notes essentially support that all of these animals and even the species are related to each other even though they're from vastly different star systems building off of that video we have the nuclear fallout and this happens because Humanity was trying to defeat the umu boou but they were unable to I mean earlier I explained that umus gained power from population and with the population of Earth being so large the umab bozu must have have been super powerful however with a radiation filled Earth and an unbeatable foe again Humanity just left and when the people left so did the umu bozu source of power not all umu bozu are completely bad though which is why Lou just wants to see the planet he came from filled with people again and that's why he went to such extreme lengths to get people to go back to Earth now continuing with Lou's second main reason this is because Lou wants a solid Pikmin leader to keep the Pikmin population up so that he can use the army of Pikmin to kill wildlife and eat food this is also why at the end of the game him seeing moss and the ancient sire Hound together essentially leading the Pikmin gave him a sense of peace that his little chef helpers would be taken care of so the Mastermind behind it all is Lou there are obviously some things here and there that are a little bit iffy to say the least but I had a lot of fun making the theory and some aspects do have some good miring and if you think this video has the logic of a small child just shoehorning in everything to make Lou the one that's the blame thank you for the compliment if you have one last question though as to why Lou attempts to make alars and the other Castaways think he's on their side well it's simple keep your friends close and your enemies closer
Channel: Invizeron
Views: 16,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Pikmin 3, Pikmin 4, Pikmin Story Explained, Full Pikmin Timeline, Nintendo, Piklopedia, Pikmin Louie, Waterwraith, Ancient Sirehound, Plasm Wraith, Foolix, Goolix, Umibozu, Pikmin Theory, Game Theory, Oatchi, RTS Game, Pikmin 4 Moss, Olimar, New Pikmin, Pikmin Story, Pikmin 4 Review, Pikmin 4 Final Boss, Pikmin 4 Meme, Pikmin Meme, Louie's Dark Secret, Final Boss, Switch, Timeline, Story, Dandori, Theory, Story of Louie, Umibozu Theory
Id: Km6pa-MFfwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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