What If Mike Killed Tuco? The COMPLETE Story (Full Measure)| A Breaking Bad Story

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you won't have to talk to the cops you won't have to do any time your Tuco problem it goes away hey everybody and thank you for watching another video my name is merge and welcome to the breaking bad weather series that I call the heisen verse a series where I make a change somewhere in the breaking bad or better Better Call Saul timeline and explore that one change ripples throughout the entire universe and in this video I want to explore how different things would have been and Mike would have taken Nacho's offer and did the world a favor and just gotten rid of tuko how would that affect not only a Better Call Saul but also the events of Breaking Bad will the series be better off without him or will his absence cause even deadlier adversary to take his place and before we get started if you could leave a like on this video to support the channel I'd appreciate it now let's get into it there's a guy I need him to go away after Natsu gives Mike a new job offer to take care of this guy that he needs gone Mike inhales deeply before telling him let me think about it as a two-part ways and when the next day rolls around Mike and his granddaughter Stacy talk outside of her home as she points out bullet holes from a drive-by shooting that happened the night before and Mike considering the safety of his family would tell her start looking for another place sweetie as far as it calls don't worry I'll take care of it he says while leaving his daughter-in-law to meet back up with nacho but this time they meet across the street from the Taco Shop to discuss this job that nacho has her mic and after shooting down all of Nacho's ideas for how to handle the job Mike points out a spot from a good distance where he can take care of tuko and he names his price saying 50 Grand and nacho responds with a slight head knot while still keeping eye contact with Mike and once in agreement Mike says I'll call you when the job's done just give me a few days and after days of planning Mike with his chosen Vantage Point has been laying completely still looking through the sniper scope for nearly two hours watching tuko and nacho count money in the taco shop and he watches patiently as the dealers enter and exit the restaurant one by one and with Domingo AKA Crazy 8 being the last person to leave the restaurant Mike now begins to load his rifle and take Aim and as he gets ready we pick up inside the restaurant with nacho and tuko and after Domingo leaves nacho attempts to get tuko's opinion on what he thinks about one of their top Breadwinners in their crew but tuko being tuko just stares and ignores nacho as he takes out a little bag of meth and nacho not wanting to deal with a cranked up Tuco he would just cut their time short by saying hey so look I got some things I need to take care of so I'm just gonna make the drop and call it a day I'll catch you later Tuco not just as grabbing the bag of money and leaving the restaurant and while looking through his scope Mike sees nacho get in his van and he would look in his Direction before taking off and taking that look as the go-ahead Mike would take a deep breath while putting his finger on the trigger and writers two goes taking a bump of meth Mike pulls the trigger firing around through the glass getting to go with a head shot knocking him out of the chair and killing him instantly and once the job is done Mike would pass of his rifle and calmly drive away at the police start their approach and surround the restaurant and with the news of tuko being killed makes it the hector he would be the most upset demanding blood for what happened to his nephew but without a clue to go by or even who to go after he would have his crew along with the Salamanca twins terrorized streets of Albuquerque until they have some kind of answers and a couple days later while Mike is watching Kaylee at the park the sound of Tire screeching gets my attention and then gunshots can be heard as a drive-by shooting happens which causes panic in the area and although nobody was hurt Mike was able to catch a glance at one of the gunmen in the car recognizing him as one of the Salamanca Twins and upsetting Mike even further but for now his main focus is to make sure that his granddaughter is safe as they leave the park with the other bystanders but in the back of his mind this isn't something that he's just gonna let go but eventually after a couple days the salamancas are given the name of a rival gang that seems to be responsible for tuko's murder and after having the twins take out the gang with ease Hector tries to resume the business end of things but for one reason or another his deliveries keep going wrong whether that's the drivers being attacked and tied up in the desert or even just the police getting involved either way it forces Hector to consider using a different front for his business but little does he know Mike's been the cause of all the Salamanca setbacks that they had and after another meeting with nacho Mike finds out about the Good Samaritan being killed after fighting Hector's truck driver's hide up and Mike decides that maybe he needs to do the world a favor and wipe the salamancas off the face of the planet because if his efforts didn't get the attention of the police there's only one other way to get rid of them and similar to when he took out tuko Mike lies on the ground in a sniper-ready position of waiting for a clear shot but when he hears a car horn goes off Mike rushes back to his car only to find a tree branch wedged between the front seat and the car horn and while checking his surroundings he spots a no under windshield that just says don't and the search fool wrote the note leads Mike to meeting Gustavo Frank which parts the beginning of a long and prosperous partnership between the two back with nacho and Hector after the Don expressed his interest in using Nacho's dad's shop for a new front for his business nacho comes up with a plan to get rid of Hector because there's only one person on this planet that nacho loves and that's his dad and he refuses for him to be involved in this kind of business no matter what and while Hector's having one of his Panic episodes he ends up dropping one of his pills on the floor and he gives Nacho the idea to do the iconic pill swap now I have one more chance to make to further differentiate this timeline and that's when nacho did the pill switch and Hector had a stroke Gus never found out about the Swap and by doing so he wasn't able to use nacho as a mole which means that Gus would never have any practical use for Ignacio Varga so just keep that in the back of your mind because it will come up later now let's continue we then pick up with nacho and Arturo on their way to meet up with Victor and Tyrus for a drug deal but after they take more drugs they're supposed to there's a brief standoff between Victor and nacho and Tyrus would make a call to Gus to know how to handle the situation and seconds later he would give annoying look to Victor allowing for Arturo and nacho to leave the warehouse and as they're making their way back to the car and laughing about the close encounter they will be suddenly ambushed by gusts in this man right there in the parking lot and I like to imagine them both suffering the same fate as Arturo in the original with the whole plastic bag and zip tie treatment because like I said at this point nachos serves no purpose to gusts other than just being another one of the salamancas henchmen and with Hector being in the hospital suffering from a stroke there is no guy in charge for the salamancas and killing two low-level guys in the crew isn't going to get the salamancas up in arms like they did for tuko and just to avoid suspicion Gus would have Victor entire stage their deaths in the desert to look like another rival gang attack with Victor even calling the Salamanca cousins using Nacho's phone and when the Salamanca twins report back to Bosa with the news of another attack on their crew with this now being the third setback for the Salomon because in just a few months they decide to bring in Lalo in hopes to get their business back on track and when Lalo comes in the picture he is as Charming as he is unpredictable but without nacho to be his guide through the streets of Albuquerque he instead enlisted help with Domingo to bring him up to speed on how things are on the side of the border and the first thing he does is pay a visit to his uncle Hector to talk business and he also gives him with his signature Bell and afterwards he's taken to the Los Pollos Hermanos Restaurant to introduce himself to Gus and almost right away Lala would be suspicious of him and from what he was told about the chicken man from Hector Lala would spend his days going forward doing his own research on Gus and he would be eager to expose the snake in the cartel's ranks so after days of Recon Lalo spots some kind of commotion happening at the chicken farm and after following Mike to the travel wire a lot of ways for Mike to leave again and when Mike catches himself being tailed he would do some evasive maneuvers throwing Lalo off his Trail and with Mike getting away Lala would head back to the travel wire to try to get some clues about his evasive new friend but with Fred doesn't give him the answers that he's looking for Lalo comes out the ceiling with a gun killing Fred and burning down the travel wire but he does leave with the location and a name Warner Ziegler and that name rattles around in Lalo's mind for days but he's unable to put a face to the name but during a meeting between Bolsa Gus and Lalo and Gus would tell a story about how he had a man steal the bulk of his product which caused a delay in their drug shipments and that man's name was Warner Ziegler and with Lalo seemingly satisfied with Gus's explanation he throws him a wink and gives him a devil before leaving the warehouse with Balsa and when Gus and Mike are alone they discuss how to deal with their Salamanca problem with Gus telling Mike I don't need him dead I just need him gone for now a micro spawn selling Gus I'll get to it as he walks away picking up later that night during a card game with members of the Salamanca crew there's Lalo Crazy Eight the guy who got his earring ripped out by nacho and some other guys but when crazy I just called to deal with the situation involving a clogged pipe he ends up getting picked up by the cops and without nacho there to vouch for him your friend um Crazy Eight no man he'll keep his mouth shut Lala would handle things in a very different way because with all the hits that the crew taken so far he's not going to take the risk of having one of his guys talk when he can have him easily taken care of and after a few calls were made Domingo AKA Crazy 8 would be stabbed to death in one of the jail showers back with Mike he's got undercover as a private detective to try to persuade one of the witnesses that seen Lalo at the travel wire in the hopes to get her to change her statement and when he shows her the photo of Lalo's car she actually recognizes it making Mike's job just a little bit easier and he gives her the names of the police that she spoke with before and he just tells her you have no idea how much you helped his family out and trust me there will be Justice he says while packing up his files before leaving and later that afternoon Lalo will be out for a drive and while he's on the road he is just a definition of cool his windows are down his music is up and he's just singing along without a care in the world but out of nowhere he gets surrounded by police and just for a moment he considers shooting it out with the police but he reconsiders and he just goes quietly and again without nacho there to introduce Saul to Lalo he wouldn't have that amm legal counsel instead the cartel would send him a lawyer and he's even able to provide adequate evidence to Grant Lalo Bell in the amount of seven million dollars but without a man on the outside to bring him the bail money Lala would have his cousins Marco and Leonel bring the 7 million dollars right to the courthouse and after a few hours of counting the money the Salamanca cousins stand together in silence until Lalo was released and once free that same night instead of going to Saul and Kim's place because why Woody Lalo and his cousins would cross the border back into Mexico but unknown to the Solomon because they will be followed by the hit squad that Gus hired because he knows that Lala will eventually be back to meddling his operations again and the last thing he wants is to give Lalo prep time so the next day when the night falls the hit squad would strike scaling the salamanca's fortify wall and silently okay not so silently killing everyone in the house successfully and in doing so eliminating the deadliest of the salamancas Marco Leonel and Lalo and if you're keeping track of me at home there's more dead salamancas than alive and we haven't even made it to Breaking Bad yet so later on that night while cleaning the outside of those pores models restaurant and Gus receives a phone call confirming the mission success and he smiles before hanging up by breaking his phone in half as he can finally resume construction on the lab uninterrupted or as he would say unimpeachable and because Saul was never a friend of the cartel he would never be involved with Lalo which avoids the untimely death of Howard Hamlin and it also saves Kim and Jimmy's relationship so just to fill in the blanks of how we're being alive in this timeline we pick up with him leaving Kim and Jimmy's apartment after swearing to devote his life to exposing them but when he gets home he shares the news of his failure to his ex-wife Cheryl and with his legal reputation ruined she would give him the idea to just retire and put this all behind him hhm Jimmy Kim all of it and just focus on each other because the whole reason for them separating in the first place is because Howard's obsession with maintaining hhm's reputation instead of his marriage so that night Howard makes the decision to let go of his Pursuit for revenge and focus on what's important in his life and in almost no time by the end of the week Howard would quietly resign and him and Cheryl would leave Albuquerque without telling a soul and the money that he received from the Sandpiper settlement the couple has more than enough to never have to work another day in their life and they choose their time to spend traveling and fixing their marriage as for Kim and Jimmy after they find out about Howard's early retirement the two would feel a sense of Pride for what they did to him but that feeling phased as a couple continues their own individual plans with Kim actually going through it starting her own pro bono practice and saw continuing to slip further and further into the criminal underworld but with Kim by his side he never Strays too far from the other side of the law until one day he receives a visit from his client's father who said his name was Mayhew foreign Mean Time I know just the guy to talk to while reaching out to find a buyer for the new product Jesse gets word from combo that Emilio's at on bail and he heads over to his house to let him check out the new Crystal but as soon as he gets there Emilio immediately goes to attack him thinking that Jesse was the one who got him locked up so to avoid a potential beating Jesse tells him holding a baggie in meth Amelia wait wait I'm here to bring you into this new operation look look and Emilio says pressing Jesse against the speakers what operation fool where'd you get this I can take you there I can take you there Jesse says nearly being choked by Emilio and the two would take a drive out to the desert where Emilio basically holds Jesse gunpoint the entire way there but over at the Desert location Walter sits inside the RV waiting for Jesse to begin their cook and after about 20 minutes he hears the sound of music blasting coming his way causing him to step out wearing nothing but an apron in his underwear assuming that it's Jesse but to his surprise cc is not only Jesse but also a familiar face that he's seen a few days ago during his ride along with Hank and before Jesse couldn't even get a word in Emilio gets out of the car recognizing Walter and he thinks that Jesse is the one who set him up saying I knew you were working with the feds but Jesse's able to get out the car and make a run for it but he doesn't get far before tripping allowing for Emilio to catch up and once again hold him at gunpoint and right as he's about to pull the trigger Walter says no wait please I'm not with the DEA I swear to you and and I can teach you the recipe that's that's why you're here right I can teach you the recipe and and all you have to do is just let us both go Emilio considers Walter's offer and agrees to it as he kicks Jesse while he's down and knocking him unconscious before he makes his way to Walter inside the RV and as he begins to cook Walter tells Emilio to put the cigarette out but not wanting to take orders from anybody he would just say hey don't worry about me just cook got it but Walter tells him what you're smoking is going to mess up the chemical process and ruin the entire batch and Emilio takes one more drag from the cigarette before blowing smoke in Walter's face then throwing it out the window and as Walter nervously reaches for the phosphorus powder he slowly takes the lid off and hesitates for just a second having Emilio say come on man I ain't got all day and Walter would then quickly dump the powder into the boiling mixture causing a little explosion that knocks Emilio to the ground and fills the entire RV with phosphorus gas and he's able to get out and press his body get the RV door sealing Emilio inside until he passes out from the gas and before he can even catch a breath the cigarette that Emilio threw out the window has started a fire that's spreading quickly and thinking on his feet he straps a respirator on himself and Jesse and drives away from the area but not being able to see through the mask and the lab equipment sliding on the floor of the RV Walter accidentally drives into a ditch and hearing Sirens not too far away he decides to record a confession for his family before he gets ready for a shootout that never happens and once Jesse regains Consciousness the two Focus their attention on the RV and how they're going to deal with Emilio who luckily for them was killed by the gas but they're still a matter of disposing his body that they have to worry about over at Jesse's house with only one body that they have to get rid of there's no need to flip a coin but Walter underestimates Jesse's stupidity when it comes to the whole bathtub thing foreign Ed up and flushing the rest of Emilio Walter is seemingly dealt with this line of business but a few days later Jesse shows up on Walter's doorstep to give him the rest of the money that they made from their first batch and with this just coming from one cook although it's not a lot of money Walter sees the earning potential it decides to get back to cooking but not wanting to get involved with another Emilio so soon they keep their operations small having Jesse move a pound one tenth at a time but after a week the money's just not coming in fast enough to justify the risk that they're taking so to speed things up they decide to create a network bringing in combo skinny Pete and Badger to move the product faster and for about a month they make pretty good money but they also get on the radar of the DEA not only for finding the respirator out the desert but also for the new blue meth that's out in the streets and when Badger gets arrested for said blue math it puts the entire operation at risk forcing them to enlist the help of criminal lawyer Saul Goodman but when offering a ten thousand dollar bribe doesn't work they kidnap Saul and bring him out to the desert to renegotiate and work out a deal to get Badger out that doesn't bring attention from the DEA and when Saul figures out that he's actually speaking with the Heisenberg he's very vocal about being a part of their operation and approves capabilities he takes on the task of getting Badger out of jail with a substantial fee of course Saul returns home where Kim is waiting for him and he comes in excited to tell her about his new client that he has but he leaves out some crucial details saying hey so I'm gonna be busy for the next day or two getting things squared away with my new client I just wanted to get some things before I head back to the office and Kim is a little confused saying okay but Jimmy what what new client oh it's some guy named Mayhew I think Peter Mayhew and his nephew is just picked up for possession and the guy is freaking out and he's willing to pay top dollar for me to get him out ASAP that's all explains and when he goes to get the things that he came for Kim takes notice of how dirty Saul's pants were when he came home I mean after all he was kneeling down in the desert and once I was ready to leave again Kim says while sitting down on the couch Jimmy did you did you follow something why are your pants dirty and thinking on his feet he responds looking down at his pants saying oh this yeah I thought I'd hit something on my way here and I kneel down to see if it was under my car but hey false alarm he says giving her a kiss before leaving out the door and Kim can't put a finger on it but she knows that Jimmy's not telling her the truth but she also knows the kind of clientele that he has and if we're being honest at this point which is basically Midway through season two it's no secret that Saul Goodman has a reputation of being the kind of lawyer that guilty people hire and she's already come to terms with who her husband is but she also thinks that if he wasn't over his head he'd come to her about it so for now she lets him do his thing until he gives her a reason to worry and she gives back to her pro bono work we pick up the next day at the chicken farm where Gus is having a meeting with Joachim Salamanca who's been working in the background keeping the Salamanca name Alive by using a chemist to cook High Purity meth and bring in more money for the cartel and with friends lab not quite up and running just yet this meeting is about the new blue meth that's been out on the streets and selling in their territory having Joachim ask it seems like every day I'm hearing more and more about this blue math and it's been about two months since our last meeting do you have a name yet and Gus responds saying yes Heisenberg I have my people looking into him but haven't had an opportunity to set a meeting there is no need for a meeting Gustavo I want that product off my streets and if his dealers won't give him up kill them send a message nobody sells on Solomon territory Joaquin says sounding like his cousins before him because I like to imagine that he's always felt that he's had to prove himself and if this Heisenberg is selling in this territory that means he's taken away from the solomonkers but Gus knowing the hot-headed nature of his young colleague simply agrees and thus concluding the meeting and minutes later Mike enters the room giving him the news that the lawyer wants to arrange a meeting with you guessed it Heisenberg and thinking that he could be an asset to his operation Gus agrees to the meeting to see what he can offer picking up a few hours earlier with Saul Walter and Jesse at his office after proving himself by getting Badger off Saul knows the gold mine that they're sitting on and he wants to talk growth and not just any kind of growth mass production and he just so happens to know a guy well he knows a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy and from this moment on everything basically Remains the Same up until Walter's first cook with Gail in the super lab so combo still dies Jane still has her overdose and Jesse goes out on the zone and operates from the RV after he gets out of rehab but let's catch you up on what's been going on with Hank in the DEA who for the most part haven't had a real lead since what happened with Badger and because Walter never had his Fugue State Jesse was never a person of interest in the investigation all they know is that there's an RV involved but that's not enough to get any real traction on the case but the work that Hank's been doing overall is still impressive so much so that he's actually being considered for a position in El Paso and with no real motive to stay behind because he's not really getting anywhere with the Heisenberg case he decides to take the position and by the end of the week both him and Maria are headed to Texas saving Jesse from a hang Trader beat down and still allowing for him to keep the RV for now and as for the white family Skyler did figure out about Walter's other job and when sleeping with Ted didn't get Walter out the house she chose to hire an attorney to discuss further options as to what she should do and that attorney's name Kim wechsler and after being fully informed of her husband's drug activity Kim explained to Skyler okay Mrs White I'm not traditionally a divorce attorney but given your current circumstances this is my legal opinion for the sake of you and your children you have to get out of that environment as soon as you can she says looking at Holly as she continues now I'm no stranger to let's call it an exciting relationship but if you're not careful anything that he's charged with you can be charged with as well and potentially leaving your children as property of the state and although Skyler is made fully aware of the risk she ultimately decides not to go through with it but thanks Kim for her time but before she goes Kim hands her two business cards telling her I completely understand your decision and I'm not judging you at all but if you ever need to talk give me a call and if something were to happen with your husband give this number a call and tell him that Kim sent you she says gesturing to The Better Call Saul business card over at the super lab with Gail and Walter business is good for the new Duo and it even seems like the beginning of a great friendship but just below the surface Walter is low-key annoyed that the fact that Gail is just as smart as him and he purposely sabotages a batch to discredit Guild and have him replaced with Jesse not what I said I said 85 not 75 not 95. this is chemistry degrees matter but right now even though he's not making as much money as Walter with his operation Jesse Badger and skinny Pete still managed to pull in a decent amount of profit by selling at the AAA meetings but when Jesse meets Andrea and the two start at the date the money slows up a lot on their operation because the way they set things up after combo died they agreed to avoid risk they would only select the meetings but with Jesse struggling to find his work-life balance between Andrea and selling meth skinny Pete and Badger would pick up the bulk of the work and even goes back to selling on the streets unknown to Jesse but with them going out on their own behind Jesse's back it doesn't take long for trouble to find Badger and when he's caught selling on solid Maka Turf an example was made out of him when he's beaten and robbed at gunpoint and when he doesn't give of the name of who A supplier is without a second thought Brandon Mayhew was shot and killed in the street where he bleeds out in the pavement not too dissimilar to combo and when the next day rolls around and Jesse can't get a hold of badger he becomes increasingly frustrated thinking that he's dodging his calls but when he gets a visit from skinny Pete who looks like he's been crying he tells Jesse what happened saying badger Badgers killed last night what how Jesse questions in disbelief well when the money wasn't coming in like it was me and bad just started slinging on the streets again but last night he called me to pick him up from the spot downtown but when I got there there was blood and police everywhere and Jesse puts his hands on his head and starts pacing around the room completely lost for words and seeing how hard Jesse is on himself while hearing the news skinny Pete speaks up telling him while handing over the cash in meth Jesse this isn't on you this is on me so just take with yours and I'm gonna get out of here for a while I'll see you Jesse and I'm sorry and after skinny Pete leaves Jesse has left a deal with the many emotions that he's feeling about another one of his friends getting killed and right as he's about to break his sobriety he gets a phone call from Walter of all people who's already seen the news about Badger and he gives him his condolences saying I heard about your friend and I'm sorry about badger and Jesse accepts his sympathy but then he asks so what do you want can you talk Walter says yeah Jesse responds I'm outside Walter says and the two discuss a partnership where they no longer have to take unnecessary risk over in El Paso Juan Bosa gets word of a snitch being in their ranks but it doesn't take long to narrow down who it is and after dealing with Tortuga he reports the news to Joaquin Salamanca who's on his way to Gus regarding some accusations about blue meth on his streets because just to add some context behind his thought process he believes that he has the best Chemists in Mexico but with this blue meth being around which is chemically Superior to anything he has he would hate for someone like us to find this cook because they could jeopardize joaquin's status as Don eladio's top earner but little does he know Gus is not only working with Heisenberg but he also has everything in place to go out on his own but he remains secretive about his plans allowing for Joaquin to believe that he has the best product in the cartel so while he heads over to meet with Gus staying in El Paso Hank Schrader is doing his best to adjust to his new work environment but he's just having a hard time fitting in but that all changes when he spots their snitch Tortugas decapitated head on the back of a turtle and upon further examination before anyone could react the turtle explodes killing every agent on the scene including Hank joaquim Salamanca arrives at a chicken farm with a few of his own men in a single bucket of Gus's chicken batter with him and he pulls out a package of blue meth from the bucket before asking Gus you want to explain this Gustavo and Gus looks down at the bucket then back up to meet his gaze and he explains Don Salamanca please allow me to apologize for my secrecy as I meant no disrespect but given the purity of this product my goal was only to confirm a suitable and trustworthy manufacturer before bringing this to you or Donald and for a moment there's a brief stare down before Joachim nods understanding Gus's point of view then saying but I thought I said no meetings when I was introduced to this Heisenberg I did not know him under this Alias however our business is only a means to an end Gus explains in a calm tone a means to what end to have my chemist study under him learn his formula and once it can be replicated he'd be no concern to me after that but just to keep the peace I can personally bring him to you as a gift for the cartel I'm sure Don Eladio will be pleased with this offer Gus says with hopes to resolve the friction between him and the salamancas and Joaquin silently accepts the offer before telling us you have one week as he gets up concluding the meeting once more we pick up with Walter and his family who's still processing their grief about what happened with Hank causing him to miss a few days of work and having Jesse run things in his absence under the supervision of Mike and considering the plan that he's trying to put into motion with him unable to use Walter at this time and knowing that him and Jesse are a package deal he calls on Gail batiker to learn Walter's formula from Jessie and basically having be a stand-in for Heisenberg and Gus figures that based off their first deal Jesse and Walter's meth is more or less the same if not equal I am told his product was more or less consistent with the quality I had come to expect more or less but given that Jesse hasn't been made aware of Gus's men using a kid to kill combo and likely he never will he wasn't able to go on those field trips and Mike improve himself as an asset to the business so when Gus's eyes he only sees Jesse as a contemptible junkie who's only a part of this operation because of Walter but if Gail can learn the formula well enough for even just one cook for the cartel that's all Gus would need to exact his revenge and he may not even need Walter and Jesse after that so for the next few days Gail learns under Jessie's tutelage how to cook the Blue Sky meth and although their learning styles Clash at times Jesse teaches them as well as he could but for one reason or another maybe it's just Jesse in general but Gail's just having a hard time learning from someone like him Gail it's nice to meet you sir so although when inside Gus's lab the Purity is upwards of 96 when Gail eventually makes it over to the cartel super lab he disregards some of Jesse's teachings in favor of his own which would be a fatal mistake because when it's tested it barely cracks 90 and it's nowhere near the color blue putting Gus Gail Victor and Tyrus all at risk and only missing Mike because somebody has to keep an eye on Jesse so when meeting with Don Eladio Joaquin gets a disappointing news about this much talked about Heisenberg who Gus promised that his product would be far superior than what they have currently which Obsessed the entirety of the cartel for their time being wasted and a lot of your questions Gus about the substandard cook and product saying Gustavo you go behind our back to not only waste my time but embarrass yourself by bringing this garbage to my home Eladio says looking over at Gail then gesturing to Joaquin before saying like he just had an epiphany you know what Gustavo this is all starting to feel very familiar and Midway through his sentence a gunshot goes off revealing that Joachim shot Gail in the head nearly identical to the way his uncle Hector killed Max leaving visible fear on Gus's face because he knows what this failure means for him so as the cartel members begin surrounding Victor and Tyrus Eladio says looking down at the now bloody pool water I told you before you're not in Chile and here we deal with snakes very differently and the surrounding cartel members quickly overpower both Victor and Tyrus forcing us to stand there helpless as their throats get slit and then drowned in the pool water where Gail's body is Donald then walks towards the gift that Gus gave him revealing it to be the zofiro onyehill tequila and he smiles but it's not a smile being impressed with the bottle but rather laughing to himself at the plans that he has in store for Gus and with him already this stressful of the chicken man Eladio wants to confirm a suspicion that he has about this gift of his and he pours Gus's shot to drink then another and another and by the fifth shot he's barely able to stand now feeling the effects of the poison and Eladio tells his man to let him go having Gus drop to the floor laying in the same spot he was nearly 20 years ago and while standing over him Eladio puts his foot down on Gus's neck and he grits his teeth before stomping down in his head having Gus let out a blood curling groan and a lot of his foot comes down again and again and again until this foot is covered with blood and gore and Gus's head is nothing more than a bloody puddle dripping into the pool it's been four days since Mike heard anything from Gus and being his second income man Gus did have contingencies in place for this exact situation which includes the liquidation of his businesses to pay off his employees and not allow for there to be any kind of domino effect that can reveal who he actually was to the public and put anyone else at risk a plan that I'm sure he likely had in place in the original but I don't think he ever thought in a million years that he would have been killed by Hector Salamanca so one afternoon while in the middle of cooking a batch Mike comes into the lab relieving Walter and Jesse of their duties and saying to them from the top floor gentlemen going forward your services will no longer be needed Mr Fringe has already taken the liberty of giving you the remainder of the agreed amount of money and you should have it by the end of the week hold on Mike what do you mean no longer needed I hope you're not saying that Gus is actually going to use Gail going forward Walter arrogantly questions in response Walter it's none of your business what happens moving forward Mike says now glancing over to Jesse before saying and do you have any questions to which he looks at Walter then back up at Mike before just shaking his head and saying no good once you finish up here feel free to leave your keys behind and we'll be in touch Mike says getting ready to leave but Walter demands to know what's going on by saying so what that's it we're just supposed to leave and never come back and Mike turns around and says plainly yes Walter that's exactly what you're supposed to do the agreement you had with ring was 3 million for three months and seeing how it's only been two I don't think you're in any position to complain and deep down Walter knows that Mike's right he shouldn't complain but the fact that it's not Gus in person telling them this but rather just one of his cronies it really takes a blow to his ego especially considering that he would have thought that Gus would have seen him as an equal and he looks up to Mike and says I want to speak with Gus that's not going to happen Mike says shutting down Walter before continuing the best thing for you to do right now is shut up finish the batch and wait for your payday Mike says growing annoyed at Walter and Jesse tries to get him to focus on the positive saying come on Mr White Are you seriously trying to talk yourself out of the easiest money like ever but Walter ignores Jesse refusing to even Blink from his stare down with Mike and saying sternly after a few seconds of Silence I'm not leaving until I speak with Gus and Mike starts walking closer to the railing with each footstep echoing throughout the lab until he has one arm leaning on it before saying the man is dead now finish the cook and get the hell out of here Mike says walking out the lab with the door slamming behind him and leaving Jesse and Walter in complete shock at the news but when the alarm goes off on Walter's watch indicating that it's time to finish the batch they work on what seems to be their last cook a few days later we pick up in Saul's office with Kim and Jimmy in the middle of discussing the latest news of a helicopter crash that killed everyone on board including Gus Fring who was one of the passengers when Mike comes in carrying two duffel bags filled with cash and as Kim is about to leave Mike tells her it's okay Miss Wexler I'm not going to be here long and as he directs his attention towards Saul dropping the bags on the table he says to him this belongs to our mutual Associates make sure that they get this by the end of the week okay and any reason why you don't oh saw says opening the bags and revealing the money I'm going out of town for a little over a week but after that I'm out and I'd rather have business on this side of town taken care of by the time I get back and Saul says jokingly don't worry Mike your bidding shall be done but nobody in the room is laughing not Mike and not Kim who at this point knew that Saul was involved in some illegal activities but seeing it up close makes him a little uneasy to be around him and Mike would say his goodbyes before leaving his office and headed to Texas for one last piece of business but with her interest peaked Kim can't help but ask about the money like who it belongs to or why it has to be him to be the middleman questions to which saw hesitates on answering but he tells her okay so do you remember a couple months back when I brought up this guy Mayhew as my new client yeah the guy with the son or the nephew right exactly well long story short this guy Mayhew well his name is not Mayhew it's actually Walter White and that blue myth that the DEA is so crazy about well that's him so it explains it as usual charm and his Kim is processing what she was just told she grabs her things realizing that she's late for a hearing but before she leaves Kim just has one question for Jimmy should I be worried not in the slightest trust me but go go serve Justice on a silver platter Kim I'll see you tonight and when she leaves out the office so I will grab a phone from his drawer and make a call to both Walter and Jesse for them to get their money later on that evening Mike Waits behind a wall of a Suburban home holding a pistol with a silencer on it waiting for Lydia to arrive because even though she's done her part as far as taking care of the corporate side of the business per gustavo's request Mike knows that it's only a matter of time before Miss rodar quell starts to unravel and begins to operate under paranoia and with him basically acting as a janitor tying up all the Loose Ends and Gus's operation he views her as the biggest liability there could be and side note but I've always interpreted this scene of Mike viewing Lydia only as a means to an end you don't know this woman like I do I had a chance to deal with this before and I gave her a pass it's what I get for being sexist now if you excuse me so after killing Lydia and ensuring that her body would never be found Mike heads back to Albuquerque no longer as Gus's Chief fixer but now simply as a civilian and with him free of any Tales or investigations from the DEA he can finally enjoy his retirement knowing that the money he's earned will be there for his granddaughter after he's gone and for Mike that's all he's ever wanted it's been nearly a month since Walter and Jesse stopped cooking and since receiving their money from Saul things have been good great even Walter's able to buy the car wash and fix things with Skyler and sell the gambling story to Marie and Walter Jr and for Jesse with his love for Andrea and Brock being all that he has he decided to move them into his house and embrace a life where he doesn't have to cook meth every day and he also really likes being a dad but one day while Andrea and Brock are gone Walter pays Jesse an unannounced visit to catch up but really he's trying to see if he can talk Jesse into cooking again because although he has more money than him or his family can ever spend retirement is just not suiting Walter so as he tries to exaggerate the importance of their need to cook and grow and expand Jesse's just not buying it this time and he tries to let Walter Down Easy by saying I'm sorry Mr White but I'm not coming back you're welcome to have the RV and cook all the blue you want but I'm out Jesse you're throwing away your Walter says getting cut off by the door opening and Andrea and Brock walking inside carrying groceries and Jesse says while taking some bags from Andrea hey Andrea I want you to meet my um friend wall it's a pleasure I was actually just leaving Walter says shaking Andrea's hand before glancing down at Brock but seeing that she's interrupting a conversation that they're in the middle of she takes Brock into the kitchen leaving them alone once again and Jesse tells Walter with his hands in his pockets I never had people depend on me before Mr White and I'm not going to let them down and instead of trying to guilt him into cooking again Walter stands impressed at Jesse's reasoning and after seeing his family up close and their joy to see him while he's on his way out the door Walter stops and tells him I'm proud of you Jesse take care of yourself and he leaves Jesse's house for the last time but with a different perspective and it took Jesse of all people to remind him of what this all has been for family and even though his cancer still in remission it doesn't change the fact that any day it could return and it causes him to think back on Hank's funeral and how many good memories they can recall with him but when he thinks of his own father's last days and how sad it was for his six-year-old self he really starts to think about Legacy and the way he wants to be remembered and it's not with the people he loves most hating him which would have likely have been the case if he chose to kept cooking with or without Jesse so as Walter finally returns home he's greeted by Skyler and Walter Jr in almost the same fashion Jesse was with Andrea and Brock it's Kyler asks is everything okay wall and he says while picking up Holly everything is perfect picking up at Kim and Jimmy's apartment things have been a little rocky in their relationship ever since that day in the office because even though Kim is a rider died for Jimmy what kind of lawyer would she be if she didn't do her due diligence and she remembered speaking to a skyler white a few months ago about her drug dealing husband and after making the connection that this is the same Walter White that saw is doing business with she does more research looking into this Mayhew person and when finding out that there was actually a branded Mayhew that was murdered a few months ago in relation to drugs and not just any drugs but this blue sky meth she begins to question herself about the person that she's married to and how far into the criminal underworld he's actually slipped without her even noticing because the D-Day thing with Howard was fine because they were both in on it and Howard didn't die but this drugs murder and who knows what else that he's not telling her but these are all things that can affect them both and with how Kim has built herself up over the past few years with her pro bono practice she's gained a lot of notoriety in her field that could all be jeopardized if anyone ever found out what was going on with Saul and Walter White and as she goes back and forth with herself on what she should do Saul walks into the apartment greeting him with a kiss but when he looks down to see the court documents for bringing in Mayhew as well as the same walterwhite.com website pulled up on her laptop he says hey what do you got here and Kim says looking up at Saul from the couch you should know so how about we just get past the part where you lie to protect me and you just tell me the truth all of it Jimmy and as her eyes get watery she blinks having the tears roll down her cheeks as she waits for an answer and Saul go open the saliva in his mouth is slow to speak because for the amount of dirt that he actually does Kim doesn't even know the half of it and if he were to tell her the whole truth right now he wouldn't even know where to begin so in the hopes to get her to see where he's coming from he tells her the same story he did during the finale and as he was explaining himself obviously he leaves out a few key details including the money laundering covering up Jane's overdose and Badger's murder and to be fair he was aware of it but he had nothing to do with it that was all the solomonkers but even after his explanation Kim is still looking at him with that same look and he can tell that she doesn't believe him but instead of forcing the truth out of him she comes to accept what she has to do and as the tears continue to stream down her face she wipes them with the sleeves before saying Jimmy I will always love you but if you can't even tell me the truth I'm not even sure that I want to know at this point Kim that is the Jimmy please don't Kim says stopping a mid-sentence I stood by you while you became Saul Goodman and I thought after Howard I I mean the whole reason for us getting married was for you to let me know what was going on that's that's all I've ever wanted Jimmy and Saul says apologetically and I'm telling you right now Kim the business that I had with Walter White is finished he's out it's done he's it's over wait wait are you saying that you're only done because he is and what if he decides to start cooking meth again then what Kim questions frustration Kim the guys probably got six months tops and besides I've already let Hill know he won't even get a consult Saul says in response but with every question asked Kim notices a pattern with Jimmy and how he's not giving direct answers and with her mind made up she talks to him in a very similar way to Chuck Jimmy it's clear that this is just who you are and that's fine but you can't expect me to be a part of something that you can't even be 100 honest with me about Kim please I told you it's done it's over I'm done with it Saul says now in the Virgin tears and what happens if another drug dealing murderer comes your way you're not just going to say no to that I know you Jimmy and saw who has a pretty good idea of where this conversation is going he asked him with sadness in his eyes so what happens now and Kim takes a deep breath before handing the divorce papers over the saw I've been offered a partnership with a firm out in Florida and I'm gonna take it and while he still looks at the divorce papers he looks up at Kim no longer with sadness but rather acceptance and he says to her you give him hell Kim and he signs the papers right then and there because the love he has for Kim is only rival by him being Saul Goodman and they both know that if it ever came down to him choosing between the two he'd be unhappy regardless of the decision and by him signing the divorce papers they both have an unspoken understanding on why they can't be together so as Kim goes to finish packing your bags Saul's phone begins to ring and after answering he just says I'll be right there proving to himself that he is Saul Goodman and he will never change hey everybody and thank you so much for watching this video and I really hope you enjoyed another story from the heisen verse and I have to say putting this story together in this way wasn't exactly easy but it was so much fun going down the different Avenues and figuring out the kind of interactions I wanted to have in the story with it all still making sense and for the most part at the end of the day everybody wins I mean for the most part but that's just me but now I want to hear from you guys what'd you think of the conclusion to the story was it worth the wait that it all makes sense at the end would you have done anything different whatever it is let me know Down Below in the comments and I'll do my best to respond until then my name is merge later foreign
Channel: Murge Productions
Views: 125,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4k edit, Amc, Commentary, Edit, Heisenverse, Jesse pinkman, Narrator, Saul goodman, Storytime, aaron paul, anna gunn, better call saul, bob odenkirk, breaking bad, breaking bad bloopers, breaking bad clips, breaking bad full episodes, breaking bad funny moments, breaking bad season, breaking bad season one, breaking bad streaming, bryan cranston, commentary channels, commentary community, vince gilligan, walter white, watch breaking bad online, your narrator
Id: JCXws8lZwFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 41sec (2381 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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