The Full Story Of Tuco | Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul Retrospective

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tuko Salamanca is one of the most memorable villains out of the entire Breaking Bad Universe which says a lot considering he only has seven episodes between both Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad tuko is known for his erratic personality as he's incredibly violent to the point that calling him completely insane isn't far from the truth hey guys kiwi here in this video will be chronologically recapping the full life of tuko Salamanca as we know it along with going in depth on what caused him to wind up the way that he was but first let's hear a word from today's sponsor this video is brought to you by the global leader for Men's Grooming tools and hygiene products manscapes has helped me cut my shower time literally in half with their Ultra Premium products including the waterproof lawnmower 4.0 body hair trimmer body wash and two-in-one shampoo and conditioner their super convenient made specifically for the male anatomy and smell incredible the manscape body buffer is a handheld 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flashback but there is a photo that can be seen during both Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad in Hector's room at Casa tranquila that includes huko Lionel and Marco as children with Hector back in Mexico we know that Abuelita is Hector's mother meaning that tuko is I believe grandson other than Hector we know nothing about Tico's parents or any of Hector's other siblings for that matter due to the whole Salamanca Blood for Blood Mantra it's potentially implied that Hector's siblings along with other unaccounted for silent monkas may have died while working for the cartel in the past along with potentially helping set up the salamancas to become as important as they are for the war as cartel in general sometime in the 90s at the latest tuko moved to Albuquerque to help Hector in the business north of the Border where he hired NoDoz his stepbrother Gonzo and nacho to work under him along with other various Street dealers such as Domingo AKA Crazy 8 since Gonzo's tuko's brother-in-law it's implied that tuko must have had a sister but any information about her is also unknown found him tucked in the junkyard along with tuko's own brother-in-law AKA Gonzo some of them like a brother I guess it's also possible that Tico could have had a wife and that's how Gonzo was his stepbrother and I believe there was a moment where Hank mentioned how tuko had a girlfriend but I don't really buy that he was married even though little den of inequity keeps for his meth hag girlfriend Tiko clue doesn't follow the don't do your own Supply rule as a dealer as he developed a huge drug problem while working for the Salamanca business I'm not sure how old Tuka was when he first started getting high but we do know that he struggled with a drug problem ever since at least the 90s due to tuko's upbringing he's always had violent tendencies and to become Amplified whenever on drugs along with creating paranoia the first known instance of this becoming a major problem was in the late 90s while working alongside nacho they had a biker connection named a dog Paulson to pick up cheap drugs from butuka was high during a pickup one day and accused dog of supplying their competitors this resulted in Tico killing dog out of nowhere because he didn't believe him dog Paulson he thinks dog is supplying his competitor trying to cut tuko out dog he denies doesn't even raise his voice but suddenly he's got a sawed off and tuko did admit to feeling bad about it afterward but whenever he's on drugs any guilt of his actions go right out the window too cool really liked dog kind of felt bad afterwards but when he's using local crazy there's no other way to put it also tuko killing dog is one of the many throwaway lines from Breaking Bad that got elaborated on during Better Call Saul as it was originally a one-off line said by Hank during Breaking Bad that was actually expanded into a full story that nacho ended up telling Mike during Better Call Saul on the Hit Parade 1998 Peter do have whacked one dog Paulson back when our homegrown Banditos were wrestling the crank trade away from the SoCal biker gangs while nacho tells Mike about dog's fate nacho says how it happened neither 96 or 97 but when Hank recalls it to his apartment in Breaking Bad he states that it happened in 98. back in 96 97 2.9 were working with these bikers out of Riverside County on the Hit Parade 1998 I assume that Hank would have the correct date considering it's on file so it's possible that nachos simply didn't remember the exact year but I digresses that's just arguing semantics but the point being that it happened sometime in the late 90s in general so on a Better Call Saul season 1 during 2002 where he's shown still be working with nacho no dose and Gonzo alongside him due to mixing up Abuelita's vehicle with the Cattleman's the skater twins that Jimmy coerced into a con hit abelita's vehicle instead causing her to hit and run them the twins follow her back home but when they cost her for money she seems to be a mix of senile and ignorant interactions causing tuko to take over the situation for her the way that tuko handles this situation shows the perfect mixture of his violent side along with his caring side for those who he loves tuko can tell that the skater twins are just a bunch of twrps but he makes sure to politely escort his abuelito away before dealing with them now this is partly just so she won't see the violence that he's about to potentially commit but it's also due to the fact that he values his family above all just like all the other salamancas [Music] foreign so it makes sense that he'd care for her first before dealing with the two troublemakers harassing her after sending Abuelita to her room he questions the skaters on the fact that although they're threatening the police they haven't called them yet so he knocks them both out as he's not only pissed off at them disrespecting Abuelita by calling her business but he can also likely tell that the one skater is obviously faking his leg injury after tuko is seemingly taking care of the skaters Abuelita pops her head out ass about the situation and notices a red mark on a rug tuko excuses it as spilled salsa and she seemingly believes him considering the fact that Abuelita is the eldest Living member the Salamanca family she must know what type of business they run so I find it hard to believe that she's completely oblivious to it all like the beginning of Better Call Saul may seem to imply either she's just sadly too senile at this point to recognize it or she just purposely chooses to turn a blind eye to it as she's lived with it for far too many years now at this point plus as a side note there seems to be a Trope within the cartel shows that I've watched such as narcos where cartel members or leaders always show extremely high respect for their mothers and value them above all else who all seem to be either oblivious or willfully ignorant of the atrocities that their family truly commits now I'm going to put a pin in that before I start going down a potential Rabbit Hole of stereotypes but since this is all we ever see of Abuelita I figured it was important to analyze her relationship with tuko all the way that Tuka respects her and cares for her throughout both Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad we've seen tuko interact with both his Elders Abuelita and Hector but although he shows great respect for both of them he acts in front of Hector and towards him in ways that he seemingly would never with Abuelita God deal since Abuelita isn't technically involved in the cartel business like Hector is Chico clearly tries to avoid including her in it or any troubles in general for that matter such as the skaters so as to not worry her or stress her out about it also although she's probably aware of how violent her family can be tuko most likely knows to avoid being violent in front of her out of respect which is potentially why he's covering up how he beat up the skaters in her own house so tuko calls Gonzo to link up with nodos and nacho as tuko plans on kidnapping the twins with nachos van in order to take them out to the desert for questioning by the time Jimmy arrives at Abuelita's place tuko has clearly knocked out the skaters and tied them up in the garage so he questions Jimmy at gunpoint who tries talking himself out of the situation although tuko calls Jimmy out for having a big mouth Jimmy talking him down begins to work to the point that tuku even tells Jimmy to untie the skaters but everything hits the fan once the skaters stupidly opened their big mouths and completely try to throw Jimmy under the bus by accusing him of being at fault for the entire situation along with purposely wanting to scan as they're somehow oblivious to the obvious Target makes up from the kettlements so due to the skaters blaming Jimmy tuko ends up dragging all three of them out to the desert to question them with his crew where Jimmy tries explaining the whole misunderstanding but tuko doesn't believe Jimmy for multiple reasons the first may just be simply due to how odd the whole situation is along with Jimmy's Khan being somewhat unbelievable to the point that tuko thought it was just a cover-up for an undercover operation on him of sorts whether tuko is just paranoid about a three-letter agency investigating him due to business quote being too good as he says to nacho or if it's just all due to the drugs he's been taking or maybe a combination of both he pressures Jimmy with the threat of torture to the point that Jimmy lies about being an undercover FBI agent just to try and tell tuko what he thinks he wants to hear Hugo hilariously believes this even allowing it to stroke his ego as he calls himself a king based on the fake operation King breaker name that Jimmy comes up with the task force is designated operation King breaker King breaker that makes me the king whoa nacho steps in however realizing that Jamie is really just a lawyer and that he only came up with FBI story Under Pressure nachos effectively the direct opposite of tuko since tuko's erratic violent and emotional nacho is smart calm and calculated this allows nacho to see the situation for what it is he steps in to convince tuko to stand down and let Jimmy go although tuko agrees to let Jimmy walk he's still offended at the skaters for disrespecting his Abuelita you call their business they called her bismatch and they just walk ah and so he determines that they need to be punished although Jimmy is off the hook he feels guilt over being the reason why the skaters are technically involved in all of this so against his better judgment he tries talking down tuko from killing them since Jimmy can tell that tuko holds his own grandmother in high regard Jimmy tries for swaying tuko into letting the skaters live by bringing up somewhat of a sob story about their own mother even if it's probably not true although tuko initially acts like he doesn't care this negotiating tactic does hook him long enough to listen due to a strong feeling for family Jimmy leans into this by stating how tuko is originally going to let them go back at his Abuelita's Place calling him tough but fair Jimmy deduces that Tuka wants Justice which at this point tuko agrees feeling like Jimmy is speaking his language you're all about Justice that's what I'm saying so Jimmy speaks to tuko's need for justice but his tukos of Salamanca healing knows Blood for Blood Jimmy realizes this and uses it to talk up tuko while stroking his ego in such a way that he AIDS in tuko's decision making while doubling down on how tuko is in control of deciding the outcome of the current situation he does this by getting tuko to realize that he gets to play judge durian Executioner's sort Jimmy wants to satisfy tuko's need for justice but advises to go to do it in a fair way where the punishment fits the crime as Jimmy supports tuko in deciding their punishment he continuously reels back tuko's over-the-top Violence by essentially using his ability as a lawyer to talk down their sentencing they're guilty agreed now you have to decide the right sentence good judge foreign I love how the show manages to make a desert kidnapping essentially feel like a cartel court hearing as Jimmy negotiates with Tico down from killing the skaters to only breaking a single leg each and they actually Shake on it tuko gets to punish the skaters in a way where he still feels like the man but also in a way where he's fair and just like Jimmy says now show everybody that you are the man but that you're fair that you're just even so you can tell that tuko fully enjoys breaking their legs as he laughs and cheers while he does so even pointing an excitement about how one of their broken legs went completely backwards although nacho is able to talk tuko down from killing Jimmy Jimmy was able to talk Tiko down from killing the skaters which is an even more difficult task and nacho takes note of this out of everyone we've ever seen tuko deal with in the Breaking Bad Universe Jimmy's one of the only people who was ever able to genuinely get to go to listen to reason without the intention of tricking him now yes Jimmy did totally manifest populate him but I think there's a fine line between manipulating him and just straight up tricking him the way that let's say Walt and Jesse did in season two of Breaking Bad some may say potato potato but Jimmy succeeded because of the way he went about it whereas Walt and Jesse failed because of the way that they did although Jimmy manipulated him it was more in a mutually beneficial way whereas Walt and Jesse were just straight up trying to poison him and whatnot but we'll get to that later on in the video sure it may not be that difficult to trick tuko but he usually eventually finds out and then you're probably dead this shows that although tuko will listen to reason if he realizes that you're quote punking him as he puts it and he benefited the doubt that he once gave you is now gone along with any respect he had for you Pumpkin Man this is why Jimmy is able to finally get through to him as he's able to talk Tico down without tricking him while speaking his language in such a way that he hid all the key cornerstones of tuko's character caring about and standing up her family getting a fair level of Justice the only way he knows how Allah still being able to enjoy enacting violence on others who did him wrong this is what makes tuko's character and the way that Raymond Cruz plays him so intriguing to me despite tuko's naturally violent and cruel nature he's incredibly emotional in such a way that he shows great loyalty and respect for those that He trusts such as nacho along with being incredibly caring towards those that he loves being his family and he will stand up for them and harm whoever disrespects anyone that he cares about in either of those two categories this was also backed for tuko went completely off the rails with his drug problem this kicks like a meal with his balls wrapped in duct tape meaning that he was more likely to listen reason back in 2002 as opposed to when we first meet him being completely demented and out of control during Breaking Bad in 2008. it's interesting see how tuko was about six years before the events of Breaking Bad as you can really see where his character came from back when at times he still somewhat had a sane mind this shows that although tuko was always somewhat unhinged that makes me the king it was manageable when he wasn't constantly High implying that it was possible to hypothetically keep him in check before his drug problem eventually skewed his mind Beyond Redemption so after the aftermath of the whole skater situation nacho visits Jimmy on the account of wanting to get more information about the kettlements as he wants to Rob them himself this is our first hint that not only does nacho like robbing criminals due to them having no recourse that he's willing to work side gigs behind tuko's back as he even tells Jimmy that tuko isn't aware of him going to see him he doesn't know I'm here the idea of Nacho having a side hustle continues near the end of the first season a Better Call Saul when Mike is hired as a bodyguard for a price to sell pills to nacho price was worried about them only having one man instead of three but after the deal went down without any major problems Mike reveals to price that it was Nacho's best interest for there to be no hiccups due to not wanting his partner tuko to find out it's on a better cause all season 2 which is still in 2002 where Mike threatens nacho that he'll tell tuko about Nacho's side hustle if nacho doesn't give prices baseball card cards back that he stole as price has been going to the police about it whether Mike's threat and nacho got him extremely paranoid or if the idea of working behind two goes back is finally catching up with him Nacho's gone enough anxiety over it that he decides that tuko needs to die before he eventually finds out because if he does it'll be dog Paulson all over again nacho hires Mike to do the job explaining that he wants Mike to kill tuko after they're done collecting money from their street dealers at a taco shop apparently tuko and nacho meet there once a week every Tuesday and that it takes all day due to tuko giving each and every one of their dealers unintimidating stare down that he calls his lie detector test to go he likes to get face to face says everything he said knows written right here looks him in the eyes just stairs like he's looking inside him I've seen him go like that five ten minutes and what does that accomplish because it is lie detector that's why these things go all day we see multiple instances of tuko's lie detector test throughout both shows this may be what he was doing to Jimmy out in the desert and it may be what he will eventually do to Walt while asking if he can trust him out in the desert Shack tuko seems to think that he has a sixth sense for whenever someone's about to screw him over even though we've seen a disproven that he's not always right in his assumptions you know it's the skip that I have deep inside my head for example to go killed dog due to dog failing his lie detector test even though there was never any proof that came to light about dog ever betraying him we see tuko giving to Mango this lie detector test during season two A Better Call Saul with nacho wanting to vouch for Domingo afterward before asking tuko of his opinion due to being worried about tuko thinking negatively of Domingo as Domingo and nacho were lifelong family friends so instead of killing tuko for nacho Mike decides on an alternate plan that resulted in Tigo getting sent to prison Mike took note of Nacho stating how tuko loves to keep a watch over his car so Mike purposely bumped into it while acting completely oblivious and ignorant to the fact this provokes tuko to essentially mug Mike in order to pay for the dent as Tuka wants Justice for Mike disrespecting him Mike manages to orchestrate the altercation in such a way that tuko is caught assaulting him red-handed just in time for the cops to arrive Mike continues to provoke tuko who realizing that he's caught red-handed literally still to decides to get one final punch in while laughing about it this is yet another example once again to show how much he truly enjoys committing violence especially in this situation with nothing else to lose due to knowing that he's already caught mid assault and about to get arrested for it so although we don't see tuko for the rest of Better Call Saul there's still a few moments mentioning him that are worthwhile mentioning with the first handful of them being about tuko's prison sentence as a result of assaulting Mike now for the rest of the show since we just got a little mentions of tuko here and there I'm just gonna lump the rest of Better Call Saul together which is from 2002 to 2004. since Tuka was caught in the act of a felony of assault armed robbery and possession of an illegal weapon his initial sentencing is five to ten years probably about eight to ten however Hector wants to get him released sooner so he goes to Mike to bribe him in order to lie to the police and tell them that tuko's gun was actually his Mike denies this but after many threats against both himself and his family Mike agrees in order to keep his family safe but only if Hector increases the price from five thousand dollars to fifty thousand dollars Mike then refunds not show the payment that nacho gave him for sending to go to prison as this means that tuko will be released a lot sooner than initially expected he made a deal I didn't hold up my end your problem is coming back sooner than we expected also when Mike goes to speak to the police about tuko's gun he's accompanied by Jimmy although Mike admits that the gun was in tukos Mike doesn't say that the gun was his either leaving neither of them culpable for it also on the way out Jimmy tries sympathizing with Mike about tuko by opening up about his own altercation with him out in the desert but Mike doesn't reciprocate the Rapport and tells Jimmy to wait for the next elevator during season three Arturo gets a call from Los Lunas the prison that tuko is held in to learn that he shank to God this upsets Hector greatly especially after all the effort that he went through to both threaten and bribe Mike to shorten his sentence in the first place all he had to do was six months he'd be in there whatever this explains why tuko didn't go away for the original 10 years but he doesn't get released as soon as Hector had anticipated after getting tuko's gun charge dropped in a way this vagueness explains why he never returns to Better Call Saul the creators may have kept tuko's extended sentence from knifing the inmate vague on purpose due to not knowing whether or not they'd be able to get Raymond Cruz back for more Better Call Saul since playing the role of tuko was so emotionally taxing on Raymond he never really wanted to reprise his role in the first place so with that in mind I'm thankful that we even saw more of tuko in general during Better Call Saul seasons one and two that being said it would have been really nice to see tuko once more on the show either see him in prison with skinny Pete or see him get released or see how he potentially gets his boxing glove necklace back from Mike but I digress at least we got to see tuko again for the PopCorners ad right yeah also tuko knifing someone in prison is yet another throwaway line from Breaking Bad that was elaborated on and Better Call Saul as Hank mentioned it practically in the same breath as the whole dog Paulson murder situation also we're pretty sure he knifed a Mexican national in O3 Los Lunas looks like tuko knife the guy so waltuko is in prison for the rest of Better Call Saul nacho and Hector take over his position in the cartel and then eventually Lalo too once Hector becomes a wheelchair bound then when Saul first meets Lalo in season 5 2004 Lalo mentions how tuko told him about Saul this implies that either Lalo or tuko visited each other at some point off screen or that they had a phone call at some point to catch up since tuko's potentially forgotten about Saul by now I assume that the interaction between Lalo and tuko may have happened before Tuka was sent to prison for assaulting Mike in season two but I kind of digress as it doesn't really matter it is a shame that we never see Lalo and tuko on screen at the same time though that would have been really interesting to see I do like how Lalo's able to recognize Saul for having almost superpowers when it comes to his way with words as he's surprised that's all was able to talk down tuko from killing those skaters when anyone else would have gone brutally beaten for even trying you know I know he would have skinned them alive and let the buzzers eat their eyeballs there you were you go blah blah blah and they walk out of there I mean it's amazing really Lalu even calls them the guy with a mouth referencing how tuko once told them that he has quite a mouth on him wow you got a mouth on you you know tuko told me about you you're the guy with a mouth I find it funny how Saul responds to Lala by correcting him over the fact that although the skaters lived through the altercation with tuko they didn't necessarily walk away as they were wheelchair bound after tuko broke a leg each also Saul asked Lalo about their Abuelita but Lalo never responds so her fate is ultimately left up in the air during the Better Call Saul era at least but we'll put a pin in that for now and talk about it later uh how was your lovely Abuelita then near the end of Better Call Saul season 5 as Lalo is saying goodbye to Hector before he plans to leave Albuquerque he mentions how apparently tuko is supposed to be released from prison in 11 months again put a pin in that for now as I'll get back to that momentarily in regard to how that doesn't quite line up with the timeline that Breaking Bad established right now I want to focus on what else Lalo says about tuko to Hector Lalo tells Hector that once tuko's release he'll be taking over the Salamanca business north of the border which is what we eventually do see in Breaking Bad when we're first introduced to him however Lalo reassures Hector that although too is a hothead when he's on drugs which is kind of an understatement they'll make sure that someone watches over him and keeps him clean clearly That Never Comes to fruition as tuko constantly has his nose and his drugs during breaking bad and is completely out of control by that point whether there was no one to be enforced to watch over him because Lalo ended up dying before tuko was released I'm unsure but you'd think that if Hector was really worried about tuko's hot-headedness potentially ruining their business he'd order someone to watch over to himself whether it be the twins Joaquin or someone else from the cartel potentially higher up than tuko himself also when Lalo introduces nacho to Donald audio in the season 5 finale A Better Call Saul Eladio gives nacho a hard time for being a friend at tukos as he implies that nacho may not be right in the head either this implies that Donald audio knows tuko quite well too or at least has heard some horror stories which leads me to say yet again it's a shame that we never saw tuko and Eladio on screen together for how strong the Salamanca family bond is and how close they are within the cartel we never really see them on screen together it would have been cool to see characters such as tuko the cousins Lalo Eladio Etc all in a scene together it would have been an incredibly interesting Dynamic to see and then the final instance of Tico being mentioned in Better Call Saul is in season six when Kim is talking to Suzanne Erickson about Jimmy's connections with all the salamancas and the cartel in general although it doesn't really affect tuko at all as it's mainly about Lalo but tuko does get name drop Jimmy was involved in getting tuko a reduced sentence on an assault and battery charge shortly after he represented Vargo so on the Breaking Bad season one which is in 2008 and by this time tuko has been released from prison and has now taken over the Salamanca business in Albuquerque were first introduced to him due to Walt and Jesse needing a distributor to sell their most recent batch to as a lump sum so Jesse yosa speaks to tuko with skinny Pete who says he can vouch for Jesse as the middleman as you may know during the events of Breaking Bad skinny Pete is actually on probation as he was in prison in the same cell block as tuko however once skinny Jesse meet up with tuko we see how relationships on the inside don't always hold their bond once on the outside as tuko doesn't respect skinny or Jessie oh what's happening my brother front dude tuko's good for it I don't need your punk ass to vote for me as they first meet skinny mentions how tuko was released a year ago since breaking bad happens during the fall of 2008 that implies that tuko was released sometime during 2007 or even late 2006 at best if we're being lenient now to link back up to what Lala told Hector in season 5 of Better Call Saul during 2004 if tuko was going to be released in 11 months like Lawless said tuko would have been released sometime in 2005. due to this we can assume that Tico stayed in prison a tad longer than Lalo expected as that's the only reasonable explanation to answer this potential plot hole sick crib yo you've been keeping it real since you've been sprung what's it been like a year now it's also possible that skinny Pete is just completely wrong about how long tuka's been out for he doesn't seem to really know so even though he says a year it could have been two or three so tuku examines Jesse's product and gets him to take a bump of it before doing some himself this Begins the first of many iconic lines from the show as he's incredibly amped up and impressed with the quality this kicks like a mule with his balls wrapped the duct tape all right you brought me some really clean Crystal Chico questions who Jesse works for as he doesn't initially believe that Jesse would be capable of cooking up such a pure batch himself which reminds me a lot of how crazy it and Emilio didn't believe Jesse in Breaking Bad 101 as well anyways Jesse admits that he has a partner that he cooks with but that's it this leads to tuko potentially feeling intimidated by them as talented up-and-comers so he essentially robs Jesse at the pound under the facade that he expects Jesse to front it to him and that he'll receive payment later when Jesse states that he can't give away a full pound with the promise of payment later tuko gets real serious asking Jesse if he doesn't trust him which again May loop back into the whole idea of trust that tuko is so obsessed with Jesse reads the room and gets spooked but fails to escape Tuka then taunts and leads on Jesse with the idea that he's actually gonna pay him as tuko does end up giving Jesse his money up front but not in the way that he initially suspects in reality it's just a trick as tuko ends up beating Jesse with a bag of cash instead giving us another other iconic line nobody moves crystal in the South Valley clearly tuko is protective of his territory and doesn't want Jesse getting the wrong idea that it's okay to cook and sell within it although Tuka could have made the deal of his life by just allowing Jesse to become his new supplier he doesn't know Jesse or respect him as Skinny Pete's about chain clearly means nothing so this results in Jesse being hospitalized where Walt visits him and gets the rundown of the situation from skinny it's kind of funny how Walt originally told Jesse to grow some balls to go talk to tuko but in reality that wasn't the right move with Walt now being the one to take his own advice in order to solve the problem of the current altercation so Walt gets led into tuko's HQ same as Jesse and skinny ortuko mockswald for being a fool for bringing him another pound right after he beat up and robbed Jesse it's also interesting how two go doesn't try the product that Walt brings or ask for Walt to try it himself to make sure it's legit like you did with Jesse but after the pure pound that he stole from Jessie I guess tuko just assumes it's the same stuff as it looks identical this is also where we get the real first introduction to Walt's Heisenberg Persona as he not only feels the need to give an alias to a high his real name but also giving himself this pseudonym allows him to unleash a more intimidating side of him that has laid dormant his entire life Tiko initially laughs out Walt's demand of fifty thousand dollars which is the sum at 35k that he owes Jesse along with another 15K for his pain and suffering for Walter gain the upper hand on the situation he executes the badass is not moment as Walt takes a crystal and throws it on the floor causing a massive explosion this clearly gains tuko's respect as Walt shows dominance where Jesse did not in a way it seems like in order to gain tuko's respect Walt needs to strong arm him by acting just as ballsy as tuko would himself as Walt essentially alphas and Alpha in order to put him in his place with Walt now essentially holding him up with a huge bag of explosives tuko agrees to pay for what he stole from Jessie along with making a deal to work with them in the future tuko excuses mugging Jesse as sometimes he got a Rob to keep your riches as tuko thinks that he needs to sometimes do messed up things to keep respect and show who's boss in a way Walt and tuko understand each other in this moment as Walt is doing to tuko what tuko previously did to Jesse as Tuka will say to Jesse in the next episode respect sometimes you gotta give it to get it Walt demands that tuko must take two pounds of product the following week and not just one which is a recurring theme that Walt demands throughout the show in order to sound like a badass still is too cool also tells him the next episode when they come up short talk is talk so they meet up in the junkyard the next week where Walt and Jesse are only able to provide a half pound instead of two tuku admits that he thought Walt was a player but he's disappointed at Walt's failure to provide what he demanded that tuko should take showing how Waltz is losing the respect from tuko that he had gained from their last confrontation in order to try and keep the secret Walt doubles down again this time demanding four pounds tuko calls him out for talking big but not being able to back it up especially since Walt demands the cash from the original two pounds in advance causing to go to thread walls over the fact that owing him money is very bad which normally I would definitely agree can you handle four pounds listen oh man talk is talk owing me money so in order to solve their production problem Walton Jesse steal a barrel of new ingredients to switch up their formula and be able to produce the amount required not only does this Give Them Enough ingredients to do so but also increases the purity of their product being the first time that we ever see the Blue Sky in the show also side note I feel like I gotta give this disclaimer for every Breaking Bad retrospective but due to recently strict YouTube ad friendly restrictions I'm not even allowed to say the name of the drug that Breaking Bad is all about that's why I've been avoiding saying the m word or censoring it out when I do have it in my videos anyways they meet up with tuko the following week and tuko initially seems skeptical about the blue tint but after trying it he's clearly impressed fun fact tuko is actually the first person in the whole show that we see trying out blue sky on screen and that's incredibly fitting in my opinion considering how iconic his initial reaction has become oh blue yellow pink whatever man just keep bringing me that couldn't make an entire retrospective about tuko without putting that in the video now could I I just got a refrain from doing it every five minutes from here on out so this time the deal goes smoothly but of course this needs to be undercut by sudden conflict in order to continue the show if Walt and Jesse could just peacefully make deals with tuko until Walt has enough money to quit that would be a wrap right there so of course there needs to be a problem that arises to stop their potential future transactions from going as smoothly as this one has gone so far so this conflict comes in the form of tuko lashing out at nodos for speaking out a turn one too many times since tuko has now acquired a mutual respect with Walt and Jesse feels like tuko standing up for them by twisting no doses words as if they're somehow offensive and or passive aggressive no doze unnecessarily reminds Walton Jesse who they're working for which leads to go to the conclusion that they don't already know that which must mean that NoDoz thinks they're stupid as NoDoz tries to backpedal without a good excuse for the misunderstanding two could then chooses notos of calling him stupid as well Walt tries de-escalating the situation by trying to get tuko to calm down which causes tuko to flip his emotions on and off on a dime one of the many reasons why I love the performance of tuko in the show is how well Raymond Cruz goes from acting completely serious and intimidating to lining the Mood by just laughing it off take this situation for example Tuka goes from being all serious in nodoza's face to laughing it off when Walt says something then all of a sudden beating up NoDoz out of nowhere these misdirects leave Walt and Jesse and the viewers unaware of tuko's next move at any given moment which perfectly complements his sporadic and unpredictable Behavior just because tuko is cool with you in the moment doesn't mean that he won't be beating your face to a pulp the next now to focus on tuko lashing out at nodo speaking out a turn for a moment we actually saw NoDoz unnecessarily interrupt the situation on the desert during Better Call Saul 102 while tuko and Jimmy were negotiating the punishment for the skaters while tuko suggests outlandishly violent punishments such as Colombian neckties Jimmy suggests the complete opposite end of the scale starting with black eyes tuko laughs at this but stops once nodo's butts in to mention how one of the skaters already has black eyes Tikko diverts his attention towards nodos and gets right up in his face telling him to stop helping showing how nodos has had a bad habit of speaking out a turn for years now even before this scene in Better Call Saul during 2002. that one their homes he already got a black guy fool foreign what did you say also during the initial Walton Taco confrontation during Breaking Bad season one Gonzo also speaks out a turn echoing tuko's mockery of Walt's plan for initially seeming stupid I still need though I depressed out of your new boy and then you walk in here and you bring me more whoa that's a brilliant plan is it really Tuka doesn't give Gonzo a hard time like he doesn't know those however I wonder if Tico's playing favorites considering Gonzo is his stepbrother but regardless it shows that although both of his henchmen unnecessarily back him up notos is the one who is constantly given a hard time for it and eventually pays for it down man look at that look but on the Breaking Bad season 2 which is still in 2008 because in season two of Breaking Bad picks up right where season one left off there isn't really a definite cut between the two as they technically overlap anyways As tuko Leaves while getting Gonzo to drag nodoza's body away Walt and Jesse realize that their smooth transaction with tuko is not only a first but also potentially a last as they return to Jesse's car while calculates how much money he needs to be able to quit cooking and dealing implying that he's still willing to continue dealing with tuko until then even though what they just saw should make them want to quit right then and there however as they go to drive away Tuka returns and drags nodos out of the vehicle revealing that NoDoz is having a seizure due to the blunt force head trauma that tuko just inflicted on him with tuko into now that NoDoz is dying he forces Walt and Jesse to attempt CPR on him as if that would simply solve the problem this goes to show that he's also in denial of what he just did which is mainly the idea as badass as tugo tries to appear we don't actually know how many murders he's committed we know about dog Paulson we know how he stabs someone in prison and now no dose but that's it you think that someone like tuko would have potentially taken countless lives without a care but the way he reacts to nodos both here and in the future episode shows otherwise it makes me wonder if maybe tuko got the teardrop tattoo from dog with dog being the only person that tuko is actually technically killed before NoDoz this just goes to show that although tuko appears unforgivingly violent he's not a mass murderer like his cousin such as Lalo or the twins who can kill without batting in eyes if they're just simply swatting a fly but back on track with NoDoz now dead Walt and Jesse try backing away sitting that their business has concluded although tuko tries portraying a cold on carrying demeanor In This Moment he's clearly shaken up over just accidentally killing nodos and lashes out on Walt and Jesse because of it as Walt and Jesse leave they become paranoid that Tuka wants to kill them due to being witnesses to no dose's murder first Jesse thinks that he's seen tuko's vehicle rounding his block multiple times which Walt tries brushing off that is until he believes that he then sees tuko staking out his house as well fun fact it's been confirmed by the creators of the show that the vehicle that Walt saw wasn't actually tuko it was just some random civilian coincidentally in a similar looking vehicle so with them thinking that tuko has been staking out their houses on top of finding out that Gonzo is now dead too through Hank Walt and Jesse think that tuko is Clearing House of any witness to the no dose murder and that he'll be coming for them next in a way Walt and Jesse are getting paranoid over nothing causing them to want to take out Tico first before he can take them out when reality tuko isn't after them for being witnesses to no dose's murder at all however although Walton Jesse's paranoia is over a misunderstanding it's coincidentally proven Justified for an alternative reason as tuko ends up kidnapping both of them and bringing them out to the desert this situation is incredibly complex and Brilliant to there being three sides to the equation there's what Walton Jesse think there's what tuko thinks and then there's the reality of it all while and Jesse think that two is going to kill them due to being witnesses to nodos and then tuko kidnaps them while being worried that Gonzo snitched on him to the DEA when in reality Gonzo's death was just a tragic accident from Gonzo going behind tuko's back to retrieve nodoza's body to give him the proper burial that tuko denied of him in the season 1 finale Tuka got spooked by Gonzo going quiet so grabbed Hector and fled to the desert Shack though we see him also bringing Walton Jesse to turns out that the DEA raided tuko's HQ on account of them discovering tuko's bloody fingerprint from the crime scene where they discovered the bodies of Gonzo and nodos in the junkyard however since tuko doesn't know that Gonzo accidentally died while trying to move nodoz's body he seems that Gonzo went quiet due to ratting him out which is why he thinks that his HQ got raided this is a part of that sixth sense that he thinks he has even though he's completely wrong so out at the desert Shack tuko breaks and discards Walt and Jesse's phones and then brings them inside to search the contents of their pockets where he learns of Walt's real name along with his family which may confirm that two wasn't staking out Walt's house at all because if he was he would have already known about Walt's true name and his family tuko then gives Walt one of his classic lie detector tests that I talked about earlier and Walt seems to pass at least for now which causes tuko to open up about his theory of Gonzo snitching him out this causes Walt and Jesse to realize that tuko didn't actually kill Gonzo due to him still thinking that Gonzo's alive and acting as a CI for the DEA Tico thinks that Gonzo snitched on him due to him being upset about nodoz's death which leads to tuko deflecting guilt for nodoz's death by acting like it was his own fault for not knowing his place he's been acting all pouty is my fault that little did not know his place although tuko knows that it's his fault deep down inside he's clearly still angry about it and in denial of taking the blame for it thinking of any reason he can to deflect the potential guilt that he feels about it again this shows that although tuko is a ruthless Maniac he's not as much of a cold-blooded killer like the rest of the members of his family are and I just want to take a side note to emphasize how wrong tuko is about his sixth sense gut feeling Tuka was wrong to kill dog Paulson he was wrong to suspect Jimmy and the skaters of being undercover agents investigating him and here he's wrong about Gonzo snitching on him although it's a rule of thumb to trust your gut tuko goes above and beyond to the point that he stubbornly believes in what he thinks even when it's clearly Incorrect and I mean well that's probably the whole point and why the creators even put that in the show because Tico thinking that he's psychic or something just makes him seem even more unhinged and insane anyways this leads to tuko's breakdown over being convinced that Gonzo betrayed him which again understandably scares Walt and Jesse as tuko could easily lash shout at them the exact same way if he suspects them of any wrongdoing as well [Music] as badasses Chico likes to act he's still an incredibly emotional character usually he mostly shows his emotions through violence and anger but during his emotional outpour about Gonzo he can tell how passionate tuko is about people that he loves even if he's kind of crazy saying so and how hurt he feels when he believes that he's been betrayed by someone that he trusts Raymond Cruz does an impeccable job in this scene here as he's completely driven by his emotions showing how erratic and insane tuko can get even though he said in his own code of morals as tuko stabs the table in Anger it's a clear parallel to when he beat up nodos with a camera focusing on Walt and Jesse witnessing the sheer violence that tuko is capable of then right after his uncontrollable rage he returns to the living room and is instantly calm again once again showing that he purposely turns his emotions on and off with a flip of a switch well maybe not on purpose I don't think he does it in a calculated way like Lalo Salamanca as this is again supposed to show how insane he is makes me wonder if tuko's drug problem stems from his upbringing to the life that he surrounds himself with as we can see him wanting to take drugs to cope with the current situation that he's in and also in regard to tuko's insanity is in nature versus nurture that's a whole conversation on its own which I will get into near the end of the video so tuko plans on bringing Walt and Jesse by association down in Mexico to be the new cartel Cooks as he plans on making a lot of money with Walt's Blue Sky it's worth noting how coldly Tuka reacts to Walt not wanting to uproot his life I have a wife and a family so on and you'll get another one as tuko tells Walt that he can just easily get a new family as if there's some materialistic item that can be thrown away and easily replaced like a phone or even a car or a house since tuko joked about using Walt's family as collateral I'm not surprised that he wouldn't care about forcing Walt to uproot his life and discard them but it's still interesting how tuko doesn't care about Walt's attachment to his family considering tuko strong bond to his own that can Better Call Saul Tuka was moved by Jimmy saab's story about the mother of the skater twins which feels like a contrast to this moment because Tigo clearly doesn't give a crap about forcing wall to abandon his family it could be because of tuko's priorities wanting to use Walt as a cook will disappear way out in the jungle we'll set you up in a super lamp we'll do nothing but cook 24 7. and no Federalist is going to mess with us we cause I got my people there you're gonna make Bookoo bucks Heisenberg huh or it could be the fact that Walt's wife and kids aren't the family that he grew up with like how the Salamanca family is blood between their cousins uncle and grandmother however Walt's kids are technically his own flesh and blood so that argument doesn't really hold up but I digress speaking to aggression though let's take another brief aside as I want to mention how in retrospect I always think of Better Call Saul season 5 whenever I hear tuko telling Walt and Jesse that his cousins are coming to pick them up and bring them to Mexico because the Twins were the ones who were planning on picking up Lalo and Better Call Saul 509 at the same meeting spot at that well that they gave Saul wallows bail money it's yet another Minor Detail that Better Call Saul elaborated on and now it always makes me wonder how things would have turned out if Walt and Jesse were forced to get smuggled down to Mexico via the twins I feel like it would kind of be like how the cartel wanted to own Jesse in season 4 after Gus brought in Mexico except a little bit different because Tuka would want to own them to himself as he even said he was gonna make a super lab in the jungle so it wouldn't be the same super lab that we see Jesse ad in season 4 or anything but back to the main subject at hand I suppose it's also worth bringing up how since Walt and Jesse still had the rice and Lace drugs with them they try to trick tuko into taking him multiple times the first attempt fails due to Jesse overselling it by mentioning how it has a secret chili powder ingredient while the second time also fails due to Hector noticing Walt poisoned Hugo's burrito with it since Walt and Jesse didn't see any discernible reaction to Hector witnessing the news report showing how Gonzo was found dead alongside nodos they figured that he was too senile to acknowledge his surroundings however once Hector dings his Bell to stop tuko from eating the poison burrito to the point that Hector uses all of his strength to push the burrito onto the floor Walton Jesse realized that Hector still has his wits about him way more than they thought tuko is initially oblivious to it all first giving Hector a hard time for wanting the bigger burrito followed by yelling at him for pushing it onto the floor I'm unsure if tuko only acts this way towards Hector just because he can now that Hector's in a wheelchair because if Hector could still walk and talk I Tout would show this level of disrespect and it makes me want to Circle back to the point that I made near the beginning of the video where unlike Abuelita tuko shows his true self in front of Hector as he most likely has many times before due to Hector raising him from a young age to be in the Salamanca business tuko clearly isn't afraid to emotionally outpour in front of Hector who seems to be so used to it that he doesn't even Flinch react or acknowledge it in any way this leads Hector to later try to warn tuko about Walt and Jesse trying to harm him which brings us to the back and forth interrogation where Walt and Jesse play innocent while Hector repeatedly warns tuko that they're tricking him here we can see that although tuko isn't afraid to yell at Hector give him a hard time he still does respect him immensely as his Elder in his own way if Hector says that he doesn't like them followed by agreeing that they did something to him tuko goes from a joking around demeanor to incredible emotional defense through anger yo edit deal what did they do to you what did you do nothing nothing my deal is not alive as he worries about how they disrespected Hector and or tried to harm him clearly the family is all Mantra dies hard with the salamancas as tuko is extremely caring towards Hector and will defend him at all costs due to the incredible levels of loyalty and trust that runs within his family once Hector lets tuko know that Walton Jessie are quote punking him he grabs Jesse and throws him outside to question at gunpoint this whole ordeal once again proves that tuko is sometimes willing to talk to reason when he's interacting with someone that he respects but the second that he catches wind of them tricking him or betraying him AKA punking him all respect goes out the window which usually results in a violent response we saw it during Better Call Saul 102 when the skaters threw Jimmy under the bus in his Abuelita's garage and we see it here again in Breaking Bad 202 as tuko lashes out at Walt and Jesse this of course brings us to the climax of the story where Walt is left with no other option than to be honest about what he truly thinks about tuko whether he's just doing so due to having no other cards to play or if he's purposely trying to delay and distract tuko due to maybe seeing that Jesse's trying to grab for a rock I'm not sure but whether intentional or not it clearly works as it gives Jesse enough time to retaliate resulting in Jesse and tuko getting in a scuffle Jesse manages to grab tuko's gun and shoot him in the gut causing tuko to become somewhat incapacitated as Walt and Jesse flee tuko does manage to crawl out of the hole that he was pushed into but as he gets to Jesse's car Hank suddenly arrives due to tracking Jesse's car in a last-ditch effort to try and find Walt now get more into that during my season 2 Breaking Bad retrospective but this results in tuko and Hank getting into a shootout with tuko shooting first and asking questions well never although tuko seemed to have good aim earlier while shooting at cattle he apparently loses all concentration in the moment as he practically just sprays and prays with his machine gun allowing Hank to take an effective shot after they both pop up from reloading resulting in tuko being shot in the head and killed right then and there orino maybe tuko is horrible at gaming because the scope on his gun magically disappeared in between scenes that oh no continuity error the show's ruined so although that marks the end of tuko's appearances on both shows along with the end of his life there's still a few more times that he gets mention throughout Breaking Bad that I'd like to highlight the aftermath of tuko's death mainly involves Hank due to him being the one who took him down Hank questioned any related suspects including Jesse and Hector Walt and Jesse knew that Jesse would get questioned first car being at the crime scene so Jesse purposely sets himself up to get detained where Jesse pretends to not know anything about the situation even after Hank teased him about confiscating his money since Hank found Hector at the desert Shack Hector is essentially the only witness so he totally could have gone Justice for Jesse shooting tuko but since Hector doesn't rat to the DEA he kept his mouth shut or rather he didn't ding his Bell Hank knows that the tuko situation is connected to Crazy 8 but he can't prove Jesse as the connective tissue and he's completely oblivious to Walt being involved with criminals what's so ever also tuko's death is what caused the DEA to acquire a sample of Walt's Blue Sky for the first time although they would have come across it eventually throughout the rest of the show as Hank continues his Heisenberg investigation we can see tuko's mugshot pinned on his wall alongside other criminals that Walt has involved himself with such as crazy Aid Emilio nodos Gonzo and even combo we see tuko's Legacy briefly survived in the form of his grill encased in lucite made as a bleak gift from the DEA office to Hank for finding him and taking him out which you know isn't really much of a legacy at all and as a matter of fact it kind of seems like a mockery of it as it's like insult to injury so although Hank first accepts the gift and even brags about it he eventually develops a form of PTSD from the gunfight causing him to throw it into the river due to not wanting to be reminded of it although he accepts praise from his co-workers to keep up appearances when we see Junior question him about it he shows his true feelings about it which mainly includes being peeved that he doesn't want to talk about it or even think about it you because tuko a cockroach that needed to be squashed and now he did so instinctively downplaying the severity of the situation and then the next time we hear tuko brought up is when Walt and Jesse are unable to command a pyramid of Street viewers anymore due to combo's death so Saul suggests that they sell their product as a lump sum but Walt is initially hesitant due to the negative outcome of working with their last distributor tuko Saul jokes about tuko being a tattooed speed freak which is now ironic in retrospect considering we know all about Saul's experience with tuko and salamancas years ago during Better Call Saul also in regard to Hector not selling out Jesse to the DEA as a witness the salamancas don't believe in Justice in the form of the perpetrator getting arrested but instead Blood for Blood which we see in season 3 of Breaking Bad as the Salamanca twins come up from Mexico to Albuquerque to get revenge on Walt due to Hector putting a hit on him even though it was technically Jesse who first shot tuko in the gut with Hector probably wanting to directly get revenge on wall due to seeing Walt try to poison tuko's burrito whereas he didn't actually see if it shows Walter Jesse that shot tuko outside since Gus wants Walt alive he stalls the twins from killing him along with eventually diverting their eyes onto Hank instead as he's the one who actually pulled the final trigger to end tuko's life I could go into how the assassination attempt plays out but I'm sure you're all aware plus I'd rather save that intense conversation for my season 3 retrospective anyways I bet Hector eventually regretted not taking the hit out on Jesse too or instead as Gus later rubs Jesse and Hector's face due to Jesse killing his grandson Joaquin while Gus made his Escape after taking down the cartel and then now with the show moving on to Gus and the cartels they introduce more and more salamancas into the story we never really get much acknowledgment from tuko aside from the twins wanting revenge for his death I do love how initially Tuka was just some random kingpen with cartel connections but the more that both shows go on the more that we learn about the cartel connections along with the rest of the Salamanca family the tuko arcan Breaking Bad was our first introduction to the salamancas the war is cartel the Heisenberg persona and Walt's Blue Sky for the show in a way the obstacle atuko is responsible for creating Heisenberg also Tico's death was the first death due to gun violence with his death being the result of the first true firefight we ever saw in the Breaking Bad Universe although tuko's run on Breaking Bad was shorter than initially intended it created a ripple effect throughout the rest of the show and even into Better Call Saul as well in my opinion Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are well known for their villains since they are so distinctively well different Gus Hector Lalo and tuko are all memorable in their own ways with tuko definitely being the most emotional and outwardly violent of them all even compared to the twins even if tuko's death count is surprisingly low when all is said and done now speaking of tuko's emotional outpouring I find it incredibly fun and interesting to focus so heavily on it and break him down as a character from top to bottom to see what truly makes him tick I'm not a psychiatrist or a therapist so I'm not in any sort of position to diagnose even a fictional character with a potential mental disorder but feel free to theorize in the comments if you you at all think that tuko may have bipolar or potentially some other kind of emotional dysregulation it's very possible that tuko's erratic Behavior as a result of its drug problem combined with the life that he's been raised to live from a young age which makes me wonder how much of this is nurture and how much of this is nature has tuko always been like this or is it the way that he was raised in the situation that he's been put in regardless I don't think that it really excuses his actions by any means but my point is that tuko is a very complex character who can be analyzed in depth to the point that you could very well theorize the origin of what made him the kind of person that he became we only ever see tuko get extremely violent after he gets high on his own Supply when he beat up Mike Jesse and nodos and we lashed out at the desert Shack during Better Call Saul we learned that tuko was manageable when sober and that he only became unpredictable and out of control when high nacho mentions it to Mike during Better Call Saul season 2 and Lala does the same thing during season five of Better Call Saul while speaking to Hector makes me wonder if there was a Multiverse where Lala was able to either keep tugo's drug problem in check himself or get someone else to and if so maybe tuko would have been able to control his substance abuse and in turn keep himself from going completely insane that's one thing that always brings such tragedy to these shows the Shoulda Coulda would have at all I don't really think tuko is necessarily that tragic of a character he kind of got what he deserved but it's still interesting to think about geez I should have put an interesting counter in this video now granted Tuka would have most likely ended up dead anyways if not from Gus than something else due to his line of business but the potential for Tuka to be kept in line was there if he could have only kept his nose out of his own drugs tuko's the only Salamanca throughout both shows that's killed without Gus frame being involved as taking out every style of manka before finally Hector is part of Gus's ultimate goal of Revenge speaking of that when Gus tells Hector that he's the final remaining Salamanca in Breaking Bad season 4. doesn't that imply that abuita must be dead by then if so I assume that she simply died of old age but let me know your thoughts oh and here's another fun fact as Hector even tells Mike in better cross All Season 2 back when he can you know walk and talk tuku is a hothead who thinks of himself as a boxer which is why he even has a necklace that's a pair of boxing gloves this gives the name of the Better Call Saul episode gloves off where tuko beats up Mike multiple meanings the first and most obvious is tuko's metaphorical gloves coming off as he beats my cup the second meaning is how Mike unintentionally ripped off tuko's boxing glove necklace while holding on to Tuka as he was hitting him which we saw that Mike actually kept after the fact during the cold Open flash forward to that very same episode which is set after nacho pays Mike for the job now tuko being someone of a boxer wannabe is actually due to tuko's actor Raymond Cruz literally being a boxer in the past since Mike cap2co's necklace after the assault but tuko magically has the necklace back during the events of Breaking Bad I assume that tuko somehow went out and purchased a replica boxing glove necklace after he got released from prison sometime around 2007. now I assume that the creators left that open and ended as they were setting up tuko to potentially somehow get his necklace back for a mic at some point during bettercastle Seasons three to six but since Raymond Cruz didn't want to reprise the role of tuko yet again due to tuko being such a difficult character to play as it even mentally affected him negatively This Thread was left open-ended and could be considered another plot hole with the only explanation being that tuko did somehow in fact purchase a replica as a replacement years later even though it's an extremely distinctive necklace so although it is slightly disappointing that we never got to see more of tuko throughout season 2 of Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul in general I'm still incredibly happy and satisfied with what we got as tuke was one of the most memorable and iconic villains of any TV show I've ever seen I mean practically every tuko line from Breaking Bad has been turned into a meme for a reason right ah blue yellow pink whatever man just keep bringing me that which speaks volumes considering how I said in the opening to this video he's only in four episodes of Breaking Bad and three episodes of Better Call Saul honestly don't blame Raymond Cruz for not really wanting to reprise tuko since I can only imagine how emotionally taxing it would be to play such an evil character that features the type of emotional outpouring that tuko has also I definitely alluded to this multiple times throughout the entire video but I never really came out and said it tuko was supposed to originally be the main villain for all of season 2 of Breaking Bad But Not only was the character difficult to play uh Raymond Cruz was also doing a different show at the time so there was scheduling conflicts that's why I had to get killed off early regardless I think we should all give Raymond Cruz a round of applause for the spectacular performance as it's one for the ages so what do you think about tuko Salamanca do you think that he felt remorse for killing nodos or is he just really that sadistic tuko clearly wasn't thinking when he beat up NoDoz it was just a drug and fueled rage and just like how he felt bad with dog afterwards I do believe that he felt bad about NoDoz afterwards too the show does a great job portraying how truly terrifying it would be working for him as you never know if the slightest thing is going to set him off and have him beat you to a pulp how many people do you think that two goes killed do you think that's just dog and nodos or do you think there's a lot of other people that we just haven't heard about and based off of if you only think that he's killed two people or you think he's killed like a dozen or even more I don't know do you think he's more dangerous than even Lalo or the Twins and how do you think they would all interact if they got in a room together and as far as the whole nature versus nurture argument I mean obviously the cliche answer is a mix of both right but I'd still like to hear what you think in the comments below I'm kind of amazed at how many notes I was able to make about tuko considering how ultimately little screen time he has throughout the entire Breaking Bad universe that just goes to show how intriguing of a character he truly is also whenever you re-watch Breaking Bad 202 I have only one that would love to try one of tuko's burritos preferably one that's you know not poisoned as different as all the Salamanca characters are they all seem to have the same three traits they're extremely terrifying extremely entertaining and man do they know how to cook as I said before it was really fun breaking down tuko and creating this video so I hope you all enjoyed watching it as much as I did making it and let me know what Breaking Bad Universe character I should cover yet no matter how large or small of a role they may have with that all being said I'd appreciate a like on the video if you've enjoyed anything I've said today and subscribe for more Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul retrospectives in the near future but most importantly I thank you all so much for watching especially to the very end of these longer videos and until next time I'll talk to you all later peace out Colombian neckties I cut their throws and then I pull their live tongues best snatch
Channel: TheVividKiWi
Views: 362,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: better call saul, breaking bad, better call saul retrospective, breaking bad retrospective, breaking bad tuco death, breaking bad hank kills tuco, breaking bad vs better call saul, better call saul tuco, tuco salamanca, better call saul salamanca, breaking bad salamanca, better call saul easter eggs, breaking bad timeline, better call saul timeline, tuco death, tuco salamanca death, tuco and hector, hector salamanca, walt and jesse, walter white, character analysis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 37sec (3697 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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