What If Jane Took Jesses Money? | A Breaking Bad Story

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every last he will not you hey everybody and thank you for watching another video my name is merge and welcome to the Breaking Bad what if series that I call the heisen verse a series where I make a change somewhere in the breaking bad or Better Call Saul timeline and see how that one change ripples throughout the entire universe and in this video we explore the toxic dynamic between Jesse and Jane again but this time with a slight twist because we all know that Jane wore the pants in that relationship nice job and what if after finding out about Jesse's money she had alternative plans to get away from her dad and what if those plans came at the expense of Jesse what would that look like well that's what we're here to find out and if you could leave a like on this video to support the channel I'd appreciate it now let's get into it [Music] dad I overslept I'm on my way after discovering Jane's relapse her Dad gives her an ultimatum to either go to rehab today or he's calling the cops on her and Jesse but Jane putting on the Waterworks manages to convince her father to take her to rehab tomorrow while she gets her Affairs in order with her job house plants Etc and after her dad leaves Jesse would ask Jane if she really meant what she said about getting clean but she responds saying I don't know I just think if we had enough money nobody can make us do anything and sidebar but I always thought that Jesse really did want to get cleaned together with Jane but when she changed the subject he just kind of went with it so for the next few hours Jane get suggested to tell her everything about his business with Walter from the money to the drugs and even the murders no detail is left out over at the white residence Skylar has walted her phone saying that it's a student on the line wanted to get a recommendation but it actually turns out to be Jane and she states her demands making it pretty clear that she's not Jesse and she's willing to go to the cops to expose Walter if he doesn't bring them the money do and with no other choice Walter packs a duffel bag for Jesse and heads over to his house and after handing over the bag of money Walter asked how do I know she'll keep quiet and to that Jane says I guess you don't before slamming the door in his face and when the two opened up the bag to see all that money they're both stunned to see so much cash and they discuss where they're going to go and what they're going to do with their Newfound freedom because Jesse at this point he's willing to follow Jane everywhere but for Jane before she saw the money it was just her and Jesse against the world but now that the money's here those feelings change to just her against the world as she becomes overwhelmed with the feeling of greed and the thought of her no longer living under her father's thumb is definitely the driving force behind those feelings so as they talk about flushing the drugs and leaving tonight when they see the remaining heroine Jane comes up with a Sinister idea to take Jesse out the picture and still keep the money in the process because if we're being honest here Jane is the one who really wants to get away and she knows that Jesse still has a soft spot for Walter and he can likely to have a change of heart about leaving so to prevent that from happening Chan would purposely give Jesse a lethal dose of heroin and once he nods off she would also roll him on his back and similar to Walter Jane watches Jesse choke on his own vomit until he takes his last breath but Jane would show no emotion to Jesse dying instead after she checks his pulse Jane would pack her bags including Jesse's money and get ready to leave for good but as she nearly makes it door there's a sudden knock and when she looks to the people she sees that as Walter and she hears them say Jesse I just want to talk and as Jane stands there nervous and scared listening to Walter knock she would then watch as he makes his way around back and once he breaks through the cardboard on the back door panel she would simultaneously leave through the front door undetected and as soon as she makes it back into her apartment the first thing she does is report a break-in figuring that if Walter's busy with the cops especially after she tells him his secrets she can then make her escape with the money before her dad comes tomorrow meanwhile inside Jesse's apartment Walter walks in only seeing Jesse lying in his bed looking to be passed out but after taking a closer look at Jesse Walter notices that he's not breathing and he quickly goes to start shaking Jesse to try to wake him up but he gets no response and Walter even resources slapping him but Jesse remains unresponsive it's only until after he checks his post that he realizes that Jesse is dead and with the look of disbelief on his face Walter gets up pulling out his phone to call Saul to get a game plan about what to do and he says stumbling over his words so I need your help it's it's Jesse he's he's I need you to call someone now and Saul says trying to calm down Walter whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa slow down Maestro what's going on with the kid did you kick the bucket or something this is serious Saul he's not breathing and his girlfriend is wait a minute wait Walter says stopping in mid-senses to walk around the house and Saul still on the other line says hello are you hello are you still there did I hear you right did you say the kid's not breathing hello Saul says but Walter ignores him while he still searches around the house and after a few seconds Walter comes back on the line sounds like he's out of breath it's gone the money she must have taken it money what money you know what scratch that walk you have to get out of there now the last thing you want to be involved with is anything having to do with Jesse Pinkman drug overdose anything of the source come on my office and we'll talk strategy Saul says to Walter before hanging up and in a hurry Walter goes to leave the house but as he leaves out the front door there's Police pulling up with their guns drawn yelling for Walter to put his hands up and even though he wasn't there long according to the events of El Camino police in this universe has unbelievable response time I would appreciate it very much if you send someone immediately Walter complies before trying to reason with the police as they approach saying in a manic tone there's there's been an overdose inside he's not breathing please you have to help him and two of the three officers rushed inside leaving Walter on the porch with the one remaining officer to take a statement it right as Walter discussing why he's there to the officer outsteps Jane from her apartment next door and she comes out as this hysterical girlfriend targeting her frustration at Walter saying what is he doing here what what did you do to Jesse and Walter snaps back in anger saying what did I do to Jesse he was perfectly fine all right that's enough the officer says cutting off Walter and directing his attention towards Jane ma'am can I help you yes I'm the one who called I heard some banging next door and I come to find out that he's here Jane says referring to Walter who is just scowling at her before he says a response officer my nephew lives here when I came by earlier he was fine he was sober now I come to find him dead covered in vomit and the only person who was there last time I was here was her Walter explained sternly without taking his eyes off Jane the cops would then come out the house confirming Jesse's overdose and overhearing the officers Jane would then turn that concerned girlfriend charade up to 11 bursting out crying while blaming Walter saying he's the last person who should be talking about being sober Jane says pointing at Walter with tears streaming down her face and the police goes to separate Jane and Walter to calm her down and take her statement as well but the whole time Walter stands uneasy watching Jane talk to the cops unknown as to what secrets of his are being told but here's the thing Walter technically did break an injury and the fact that Jessie's dead in the house with the inclusion of Jane being the one who called and the building manager she would choose to press charges for the break-in and Walter will be taken down to the station for additional questioning and as Walters being put in the police car he looks through the window at Jane who watches the police and the coroner's leave and gives a subtle smirk before going back inside to pack her belongings and literally in the next five minutes Jane would have everything packed including Jesse's four hundred and eighty thousand dollars and she puts out a cigarette before driving off not even dropping so much as a single tier for what she's done to Jesse over at the police station Walter is getting more and more frustrated with the cops as he says now for the third time as I said before the back door was open and when I came in I seen him like that that's all I know I don't know anything about being a drug dealer dealing drugs or whatever she told you and are you and are you really going to take the word of a junkie seriously Walter questions with anger with a little sarcasm and before the cops could respond Saul comes in banging on the door and once inside he tells the cops okay that is enough no more violating my clients constitutional rights thing one thing two get out he says dismissing the cops and once alone with Walter Saul tells him in his usual charm okay well so the good news is I was able to pull some strings that made this whole incident go bye-bye as for the bad news let's talk about that on our way back to my office and not long after Saul and Walter were able to leave the police station with all charges dropped and as the two drive to Saul's office Walter would say angrily that damn junkie she's not going to get away for what she's done to Jesse and Saul responds looking at Walter then back at the road and that's the bad news so on my way over here I had one of my guys stop by Jesse's house to collect his money before he got seized by the cops because I'm always looking out for you guys but not only is it not there but the girlfriend who lives next door is also gone I got him watching the house right now just in case winner if she comes back but how do you want to handle this and Walter is quiet for a few seconds while looking out the window but then he says in the Senator's home can your guy find her and Saul gives Walter a look knowing exactly why he wants to know Jane's whereabouts before saying I'll get my guy on it right away a couple days passed and Walters called over to Saul's office where he's introduced to Mike Ehrman trout known only to Walter has saw his private investigator who was able to track down Jane and he gives Walter Jane's schedule for the past few days saying I've been telling her for the past few weeks and from what I've seen she either spends her time at this tattoo parlor named Albuquerque Inc or at this hotel room on the other side of town and Walter armed with that information decides one day before his surgery the page ain't a visit that night and he puts on his signature Heisenberg hat and he conceals his 38 snub nose in his waistline and Walter would easily break into the hotel room only to find Jane already nodded off with a needle still in her arm and as Walter gets closer now standing over Jane he just looks down at her with the look of disgust as he reaches for his gun then he glances over to the Phillips Francis on her bedside and he slowly picks it up to examine it for a moment Walter then grits his teeth before grabbing Jane's arm and injecting her with the syringe and as he leaves the needle in her arm Walter just takes a step back and wait for nature to run his course and seconds later Jane begins to cough and vomit uncontrollably and while standing over her just for a moment Walter hesitates about saving her but instead he chooses just to watch her die in the same manner she killed Jesse and once she taken her last breath Walter spots a duffel bag with Jesse's money in the corner of the hotel room and he would once again make a call to Saul but this time it would be Walter giving him a list of things that he needs including a polyethylene barrel and a couple of gallons of hydrofluoric acid after a few days we pick up with James dad who's still on the search for his daughter and every day for the past week There's Been search parties news broadcasts and even cash rewards but sadly Jane's body will never be found especially after Walter was finished with her but without a body Jane's dad would never stop looking and eventually he would lose his job and the only good news to come out of all of this is that it would prevent the Wayfair 757 accident from happening and saving hundreds of lives in the process and as for Walter after he pays off Mike install he would choose to keep Jesse's half of the money for himself after all they were Partners I mean he's my partner he's my partner partners and one day we're rocking Holly Walter brings her down to the basement where he keeps his money and he says there you see that Daddy did that for you but instead of being proud of what he was able to earn for his family Walter begins to feel guilt for what he had to do to get it from all the lies he told his family killing crazy eight and now Jane a feeling that's Amplified almost every day that he watches news and sees Donald Jane's dad pleading for help to find his daughter hey Walter snapping out of his Guild trip would look down at Holly and then back up at the money and says don't tell Mommy but we're gonna find a new home okay Walter says continuing to rock Holly in his arms and if I could I'm just going to fast forward past the part where Walter no longer needs Saul or Mike because after everything that happened with Jesse and Jane he would just choose to be out and I'm also going to speed past the part where he would have one last meeting with gust Department ways and he would decline his 3 million for three months offer saying to Gus I have more money than I know how to spend has been we didn't pick up at Walter's house days later and after finishing packing for the move likely to go to Florida someplace because why not he's currently taking a shower but without the aid of Mike being there to have those bugs in place he would receive an unexpected visit from the Salamanca twins who come with the permission from Hector to have their blood debt repaid and as they slowly entered the house with the ax in hand they sit and wait patiently on the bed until he gets out and hearing the water from the shower stop they both stand up in unison with Leonel readying the ax the bathroom door would then open slowly with Walter still humming a song and he stands in front of the doorway wiping his face with a towel unaware of the Salamanca twins presence but before he could react Walter would be grabbed and held down by Marco near the bedside exposing Walter's neck and while he struggles to break his captors hold Leonel would swing the ax over and over splattering Walter's blood with each swing until he's decapitated Marco then lets go leaving Walter's body to fall like a marionette with his strings cut and the twins were both kneeled down to watch Walter's body just pour out blood Marco then takes a card of the Grim Reaper out of his jacket pocket and places it on Walter's body officially satisfying the salamanca's need for Revenge later on with Skyler and Holly return home she enters the house and on the surface everything seems fine it's only until she goes into the bedroom where she finds Walter's headless body lying on the floor with the blood soaking through the carpet a sight that causes her to scream out and horror as she quickly leaves the room and with Walter Jr being at his friend Louis's house and Skyler does her best to keep her composure before calling her son and tell him not to come home instead to meet her at Hank and Marie's and as she pulls out the driveway she then calls Hank to tell him about the gruesome discovery and within five minutes Walter's house is filled with cops all trying to understand what happened because the untrained eye it just looks like a break-in gone wrong but to the eyes of the experienced DEA brother-in-law when seeing the card on Walter's body plus the Scythe drawn outside his front house it would be ruled as a cartel attack leaving everyone with the same thaw why would the cartel go after Walter of all people but that thought doesn't linger long after Walter's money is found it presents everyone with a new question who exactly was Walter White but without anything else to go by other than the money that's likely going to be seized anyway making Walter's choice to cook meth ultimately pointless and leaving his family worse off than before he started so in the end Walter choosing not to save Jane in the original was the best move for everyone well almost everyone hey everybody and thank you so much for watching another video and I really hope you enjoyed the story from the heisen verse and in many ways I feel that Jane's death is kind of like a Nexus point in the Breaking Bad timeline kind of like the MCU where she's basically destined to die in order for Walter to push his agenda forward and if she doesn't there's just going to be pure chaos in the universe and this story was left incomplete on purpose just in case I wanted to come back to the storyline and see how the series will play out without Walter Jesse in it and at the same time give some aftermath to the police discovery about Walter's drug money which will no doubt raise some eyes at the DEA about Hank so how about this if I get 10K likes on this video I will make a sequel to this story seems fair right Fair and I do have a Discord that I will be linking down below where we can all talk Breaking Bad and just have a good time talking about these what if videos but now I want to hear from you guys what do you think of this story did you like it did you hate it whatever it is let me know Down Below in the comments and I'll do my best to respond until then my name is merge later [Music]
Channel: Murge Productions
Views: 67,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breaking bad, Drama, Edit, Heisenverse, Jessica jones, Voice over, Youtube, better call saul, breaking bad bloopers, breaking bad clips, breaking bad full episodes, breaking bad funny moments, breaking bad season, bryan cranston, jesse pinkman, krysten ritter, mr voice over, stories, walter white
Id: ZVt-uNAnHOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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