How Better Call Saul tells two stories at the same time

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symbolism is great because it's like take a movie or anything really and it has one meaning it has like one life lesson or not even the entire movie just one thing like one object in the movie and then it only has two meanings it can even have three or four or even five or as many as you want from the apple on the tree and the Garden of Eden represents sin lust and Satan but it's more of the snake's connotation probably because it literally is him but multiple times throughout the Bible serpents are referenced as if they are conjurers of Satan even present day people are called snakes all the time and this is why symbolism is so important so yeah if you like this you should subscribe and don't have that many and uh yeah enjoy the video without symbolism and the other stories that are told simultaneously throughout this by using the same thing it only makes your story surface level a good example of something at surface level is like a saying or like an ancient Chinese proverb a quote because I mean doesn't really have that much symbolism unless it's like Ed like a an alligator you know uh I remember I was playing metal gear and mailing I never forgot this and she said do not cross the river before you tell the alligator it has bad breath and I had no idea what that meant at all that' be like a mistranslation or something but then she explained to me that it actually means to analyze a situation before you jump in head first and that making a decision you didn't think about could leave you in a unlikely predicament therefore inferring that the crocodile bites down on you but the point is this is why it is used in so many things Mac Beth is one of those really old Shakespeare plays all you need to know about this is that Mac Beth is supposed to be he's like prophesied to be king and and the king is coming over to his house and his wife is m is like persuading him into killing the King and MC Beth is like no I don't want to do it and then uh he starts hallucinating and seeing a dagger everywhere he goes and he hasn't even committed a murder yet so therefore the dagger represents his guilt his conflicting feelings but it's also there to haunt him in a way to haunt him of the possibility and the the path of blood that he would have to take if he really wanted to become king hands down the two series that do symbolism the best and it's not even close Are Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad literally in the first episode of in Better Call Saul they're talking about doing a putting an insurance scan on this old lady and wild Saul or Jimmy McGill at the time is explaining this he goes he goes you'll slide over and you'll give her a boom Blue Ribbon special Blue Ribbon Blue Ribbon and breaking back when a plane crashes over Albuquerque people start wearing blue ribbons in remembrance of the survivors Blue Ribbon special there's two crashes going on here due to this pattern in which both blue ribbons are referenced worn or spoken about what is what what does a blue ribbon even really mean well in real life a blue ribbon means you're taking a stand Against Child Abuse and encouraging others do the same but in Breaking Bad I'm pretty sure that's not what it meant which is another thing in real life a lot a lot of things represent like symbolize different things and yet in shows you have to set up this you can set up like your your own whole connotation your own little code but I'll get into that later I think it's pretty obvious that the blue ribbon and Breaking Bad and bar call saw means some sort of tragedy and probably involving some crash but I think I should step away from the whole crash aspect it's more of just the tragedy of it but those examples those that was a piece of dialogue a word or phrase Blue Ribbon and then in Breaking Bad a blue ribbon was actually shown up and worn so these are the two types of symbolism you can just mention it or you could actually wear it or actually be able to physically hold the thing you know much like the Apple from before and the crocodile from previously the crocodile was only in the saying you didn't actually you didn't actually have a physical crocodile but there was a physical Apple in the Garden of Eden when it comes to symbolism like this it's all about cross referencing I could either cross reference it with something from real life like if someone throws throws up the peace sign and then I I'm like what does the peace sign mean I know what the peace sign means but just say you Google it and then you're like oh this person meant peace obviously you know and then you get to more complex pieces of symbolism like the born to kill hat from Full Metal Jacket and yet it has the PE sign right next to it pretty ironic right it's meant to represent the whole moral dilemma that's going on inside of the character Joker not to be confused with the other Joker or that one either how he likes the military and he's deployed in Vietnam yet he doesn't side with the Vietnam War he thinks it's stupid which it was and the codes the codes are basically like you wear someone wears a certain color it means this in a certain series if a certain character wears a certain color certain times and the same thing happens or they act the same certain way saying the word certain a lot then it must mean something for example in Breaking Bad pink means innocence Walter wears this after he finds out his cancer has stopped momentarily this also the color of a pink teddy bear that used to belong to a little girl and greatest of all Jesse's last name is Pinkman determining that he's the most innocent of the main characters of the show coloring him as innocent without actually even coloring him and same thing with Walter White painting him as a blank slate for the entire series to begin as well as Skyler white like the sky like the blue blue sky meth that they cook more really good examples are like in better Calla oh yeah I forgot to mention universes of Breaking Bad and better call all are linked by the way so that's why they're both in the same connotation they're the same symbolism it carries over from show to show in the first episode of bar call saw there's a part where Kim and Jimmy are smoking together and I'm pretty sure Jimmy says something like what are we you know cuz they're in like some sort of situationship type thing and they're smoking together remember that which is ironic because in the last episode of Breaking Bad I won't spoil anything but there's a certain guy who basically dug his own grave in a way and when he's about to die he holds a finger finger up telling that telling someone to wait and then he reaches over and puts a cigarette in his mouth now I'm not going to spoil the end of bad call saw here but I'm just here to say that it doesn't end good for this couple and then also in Breaking Bad they there's a rice and cigarette that they try to use the poison Tuco but never works and so Kim and Jimmy they love each other but they hurt everyone around them they're poisoned for each other that was metaphorical while the rice and the cigarette that was literal and then when Jack put the cigarette in his mouth before he was about to die that was symbolic and ironic but my favorite instance of this is when they buy champagne and this whole Jim and Kimmy Jim and Kimmy J Jim and Kimmy relationship thing is going on and she says that they're poison for each other there's one key line in this one episode where she says that they're poisoned for each other and that when they have fun they make the world worse for other people they hurt other people and when they're out one night and they're having the time of their life they they scam someone else and they made him buy was alcohol called safiro and Yu and Saul saves the cap of this as a souvenir now in Breaking Bad this is the same wine the same alcohol that Gustavo Fring serves to Don Eladio to poison the entire cartel down in Mexico to take down all the big head honchos this motif of poison is shown in many ways throughout Breaking Bad so next time if you're like rewatching or watching it for the first time and you see someone smoke just keep that in mind now there's this other scene where Jesse is going to get revenge on these two dudes who killed his friend combo and ironically enough he was lighting up before this happened but then Walter runs over two people kind of much like what happens in the first episode of better call SA with the old lady and except what the old lady didn't do was he pulled up and he shot the two except exactly this Frame right here now if you go through a later season Jack does the exact same thing and it's the same type of context it's Revenge Jack was putting down the Rival meth Peddler who was stealing their stuff the exact same body language is exhibited here so I can only assume it meant Revenge this exact position this image being paralleled twice it has to mean the same thing everything in Breaking Bad is on purpose and its color code would be like if you wear red then you're either violent or you're like oh my gosh I'm have a stroke or maybe it's like a metaph or for like blood depending on the context of it in some cases the red literally represents blood because blood is red and someone's bleeding on screen but if it's literally blood then we already know it's blood so that means the red blood means something else or maybe it just means blood are you following me I think I remember what each color even meant um I've already told you pink how it means innocence I remember that yellow can mean caution or or silliness like Happiness joy just all those type of things but then the color orange there's orange that sits in between the whole blood and violent symbolism and the joyous but also cautious symbolism and and Hank always ORS his color which is representative of how well he knows and how he is right in between the cartel's violence being a DEA agent but it also means you know some of the aspects of yellow so being the silliness and all that but also carries the violence of of red meanwhile toned down shade of orange creates Brown in which Brown sort of represents Earth and strength Han has also warned this when he when he's trying to do something that he's he doesn't exactly want to do but it's more like he has to ironic because of how much he likes minerals and it's so subtle that it works so well it's born from natural things like the underground meth lab just emits blue light like that the red floor of it representative of how it was built upon blood and you know that if you watch better call saw only real ones know that one instead of just being some sort of Herz code you know where you look at something you go oh that person's uh this in better Calla it's more like a scale better you see better Calla is is a of course a lawyer show the hot colors mean you're a criminal this is the scale and the cold colors on the scale mean you're lawful citizen but what we do know is that green is right in the center and it also means that you are trying to pursue money which gives you this idea that well he's trying to pursue money but which way are they going to go this they go the criminal side or the legal side the most lawful character in in this show Howard Hamlin is always wearing blue I don't think he's I don't think there actually is an episode where he doesn't wear blue he's got such a work ethic on him he owns h& H&M I almost an H&R Block whatever Hamlin something something yeah meanwhile the character of Jimmy he just he uses well he's a con man but he's also a lawyer he's a criminal lawyer that's his whole that's his whole gimmick right so he really does just put on whatever color he needs to get the job done hence his wardrobe incredible the drip on this man needs to be studied this alone warrants a whole style or glamour video or whatever you would call it cuz this is heat and I think beat Peter gold himself who uh who was one of the main writers on the show he said that I think I'm the only one who believes this I believe every man is going to be dressing like this within 10 years well you're right because I will be fans have been able to pick out and see and realize that the color green does mean nice rhyming it does mean that this object will help him in his pursuit of money or relates to pursuit of money in most cases which is what the secondary symbolism is for is for which I don't know yet we don't know yet or maybe I don't know maybe I should check back on the Breaking Bad better call S Reddit I don't even know that's they know everything over there but for now that's all I know but also the dullness or the brightness of the shirt can represent how strongly they feel about it near the end of the series where Saul is working a deadend job but everything's in black and white as you know he's his life sucks but kind of symbolic of how as he's like living under a fake elas how the criminal life and the lawful one seem to blend together as he's working a job that he hates under a false name and my man is wearing the brightest the brightest blue shirt ever but it's also it's also worth noting that he's actually wearing orange tinted sunglasses very close to Red keep that in mind sort of symbolic of how and he really is always looking around and it gives more context to the beginning the first scene of the entirety of Better Call Saul where he's wearing these glasses in a reflection of his crime doing days of an ad he used to do his old Saul Goodman ads it reflects onto his glasses on the screen onto his orange glasses I'm also watching Chinatown right now featuring uh forgot the guy's name the guy from The Shining and he's very nosy I was thinking that I was thinking that he was a very nosy detective in this movie and he gets nosier and nosier as detectives in movies usually tend to be actually he's a private investigator so he is going to be nosy but he gets his nose sliced a little bit and then he gets like uh bandages on his nose and I just thought for a second I just realized that that kind of is symbolism like he's nosy and then he got his nose all messed up you know he only breathes through it I don't know just a little thought I had literally every little thing that they do has symbolism to it for example car seats depending on who's in the driver's seat means who's in control of the situation and we almost never see Jesse in that seat with Walter in the car it's always it's always Walter who's making Jesse do all these things as well as that one episode I forgot what that episode's called but it's that episode where uh Mike just brings Jesse on this long trip uh doing errands with him and Jess is never in the driver's seat for this Mike's the one who brought him over and this is consistent in the show even even in that episode where the RV breaks down and Walter's trying to to um to start up the RV he's Walter's the one in the driver seat not Jesse and in the and the better call all season finale with that with that flashback of that uh that one episode in Breaking Bad where they finally meet where they meet Saul for the first time Jesse Walters in the driver's seat sa's in the passenger seat and then Jesse is just not allowed to sit in any seat they make him sit in in the back crazy stuff man incredible like wow and then there minor spoilers here for Breaking Bad No not minor it's well it's El Camino spoilers but it's like and then in that final scene of El Camino where he's driving through where he's driving through Alaska it's like he's finally in the driver seat of his life you know both these people are gone both these people are out of his life and now it's just like he's free and I've said this once before I'll say it again this is how actual masterpieces are made they did everything they do is on purpose the shading the color the symbolism it's all on purpose so while I do like things like um like the the boys the boys is not a master you know and Better Call Saul when that guy with the blue shirt or the red shirt I don't remember in that one episode when he gets run over by that car it was like a metaphor for like you know students getting trampled upon by the criminals or something like that I don't remember exactly what color his shirt was but yeah but that's pretty much what they were going for when they focus the camera on that one ex that one exact section of the screen [Music]
Channel: quadzxy
Views: 8,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oukDCAXQwQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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