What if Mike Was Around During The End of Season 4? | A Breaking Bad Story

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I mean now exactly what is going on Jessie's with me today so what you need to do is to go back to your lab and get on with the cook you're going to have to muddle through this one without him okay hey everybody and thank you for watching another video my name is merge and welcome to the Breaking Bad what if series that I call the heisen verse a series where I make a change somewhere in the breaking bad or Better Call Saul timeline and explore how that one change ripples throughout the entire universe and in this video we talk about the idea of Mike not being shot by joaquim Salamanca during the episode Salud and seeing what kind of effect his presence has on this series during season four but before we get started if you can leave a like on this video to support the channel I'd appreciate it now let's get into it [Music] water comes too after being tased and he finds himself on his knees with his arms zip tied behind his back with a hood over his head and he nervously ways to be unmasked and seconds later Gus arrives pulling the hood off Walter who's blinded by the Sun for a few seconds before his vision focuses back in only now to realize that he's surrounded by Gus Mike and Tyrus Walter just sits their speechless Breathing heavily because in his position he can be killed at any moment gospel did address the matter of his brother-in-law basically telling Walter hey I'm gonna kill Hank since you couldn't keep him out of my business now is Left To Me and just to avoid any potential interference from Walter like him going to Saul toward the DEA or him you know poisoning Brock he'd instead be detained in a safe house until the job is done and Hank Schrader is no longer an issue so for the next 24 hours Walter is under the supervision of Mike and while that's going on Jesse's in the lab finishing up a batch with Tyrus and when Walter didn't show up to work today as well as the DEA stopping by the search place he's understandably annoyed at Walter but not enough to hate him outright so after getting dropped off by one of Gus's men to his car on a desert road Jesse turns on his phone and he has a bunch of missed calls and messages from Saul telling him to just come by his office as soon as he can once Jesse makes it over to Saul's office he finds a criminal lawyer panicked with Hugh and kubi talking about the issue with Ted and after dismissing his guys Saul tells Jesse hey kid good to see you now the reason I called you over here is I wanted to know if you've given any more thought to the nail salon is that the reason why you called me over here seriously as he turns to head out the door okay okay wait wait it's about your partner have you talked to him recently it's all questions Jesse no not since last night and he didn't even show up to work today and the DEH just so happened to stop by and raid us do you know anything about that Jesse explains and hearing that Walter could be missing Saul goes into his drawer to make a call to Mike only to get no response then he calls Walter and again no response he then tells Jesse well I'm pretty sure he'll turn up I mean he has the cancer thing along with the wife so he has lot of stuff going on so I get it but if you hear from the Maestro first before I do tell them to call me and again put some more thought into that nail salon business okay whatever man Jesse says leaving Saul's office and avoids getting pat down by Fuel and keeping the rice and cigarette on his person and he'd make a call to Mike and unlike Saul Mike would answer telling Jesse Yeah kid hey Mike um have you have you seen Mr White Jesse questions on the phone yeah he's with me for the day Mike says to Jesse while looking at Walter who's zip tied to a radiator is um is everything okay yeah just taking some precautions in the meantime tomorrow we have a meeting I'll send you the details and I want you to be there first thing in the morning got it Mike tells Jesse yeah I got it and Mike Gus he isn't gonna you know Jesse says worrying for Walter safety that is completely up to him but we'll be in touch Mike says hanging up the phone and while in a safe house things between Walter and might get heated with him pleading to save Hank's life saying Mike please my brother-in-law does not have to die for what I've done please if you just let me know Walter Mike says sternly cutting off Walter and pointing his finger there's nobody to blame here but you so no matter how hard you beg or cry or try to reason with me there's not going to change a thing so just sit down shut your mouth before I shut it for you Mike finishes sitting back in his chair and Walter remains quiet hoping no praying that Hank will be okay but in the back of his mind he knows that Gus wasn't bluffing and so with no other choice Walter obeys Mike's orders and the two wait until the next day over at the trader residence Hanks hits Home Alone still recovering from the Salamanca twins attack so he's mostly bed bound and during this time Marie is outrunning her supposed errands because ever since Hank's been in recovery he hasn't been in the best of moods Cheetos not Fritos So to avoid any potential arguments she spends her afternoon going to open houses and stealing keepsakes again but this afternoon because Saul never called the DEA there wouldn't be any worry about Hank being in danger which Gus's men used to their advantage as they visit Hank's home and easily sneak through the back and while making their way through the house Hank wouldn't be fast enough to react when seeing two random guys in this doorway and two bullets will be fired from a signature pistol hidden pink in the chest and soaking his bed sheets with his own blood and before they leave they make the job look like a home invasion that resulted in the death of Hank and after slightly trash into place because his men would leave the same way they came in and while that's going on Marie is at an open house and her klepto days just aren't what they used to be because she ends up getting arrested for stealing again I don't know what it is about those spoons but I think I have to have one now I know you stole that spoon so after getting booked Maria makes her one phone call to Hank but he doesn't answer and she's able to call again but once again there's no answer luckily for her detective Tim Roberts is there and he gives Hank a call but his calls are also getting forwarded to voicemail and Marie says maybe Hank's at home and he needs help and that's why he's not answering because that's very unliking not to answer maybe you could send someone to check on him and just as a courtesy to Marie Tim Roberts would call Steve Gomez to check on Hank and Gomez was not that far away would arrive at Hank's house to find out that the front door has been kicked in along with papers flying out in the driveway and he calls for backup before drawing his gun and slowly walking inside and he calls out Hank hey can you hear me but all he can hear is the TV that's in the other room and he slowly approaches Hank store and he calls out again hang for the love of God say something and as he goes to open the door Gomez finds Hank shot dead in his own bed with the blood now dripping from the sheets and he quickly runs over to hang to check his pulse but Gomez he's just too late and he radios in that Hank is down the medical attention is needed he would then take a few deep breaths before reaching out to the detective Tim Roberts to break the news to Marie and she would completely break down in Tim's on his after hearing the news of her husband's death and given the current circumstances along with her relationship with the DEA her charges will all be dropped and instead of her going home because her house is now considered a crime scene Scarlet would be the person to pick her up from the station but Hank's death is not easy news for anyone to handle as even Skyler gets emotional learning about Hank's death and almost instinctively she tries to call Walter but in usual fashion she gets no answer and she also begins to worry for his safety as well wondering if her husband would share the same fate as her brother-in-law especially with the line of business that Walters in and not to mention that he's still bruised up from this fight with Jesse [Music] but in the meantime Skyler holds yourself together for the sake of Marie and after picking her up from the station they would talk in her office at the car wash Marie you cannot blame yourself for what happened Skyler says comforting her sister it is Skye if if I wasn't I I wasn't there for him Marie says breaking down was kind of Comforts her and although nobody would likely admit it out loud it is kind of Marie's fault if you think about it because the fact that she was out stealing while her husband was bleeding out in his bed is the first thing that anyone would think of when they're thinking about this situation or at least in my opinion so I'll scholar and Marie talks she receives a text message from Walter that simply reads sorry can't talk right now call you when I can giving her and the rest of the family some kind of reassurance that Walter is at least okay but little does she know that message was actually sent by Mike and he and Walter would be headed over to the desert location to meet up with Jesse and Gus to talk about their future going forward and once all together it really seems that Walter has no allies in this situation and Gus tells Walter your brother-in-law has been dealt with and hearing that news causes Walter to drop to his knees crying as Gus continues going forward nobody else would have to die but to reiterate what I said yesterday now that Jesse's here do not come near him or the laundromat again you're fired done no longer needed Gus says making it clear to Walter in front of Jesse letting it be known that it was his idea hey I'm off or fire him don't kill him and Jesse after hearing Gus's demands for Walter he finds himself siding with Gus especially given his new purpose as Mike's sidekick he really feels that he moved Beyond Mr White and he's a genuine part of the crew and Jesse tells Walter Mr White isn't this what you always wanted to have enough money to take care of your family now you can do that and enjoy the time you have left with him and nobody else has to die but Walter says nothing only glaring back at Jesse and Gus and letting out a cough and Mike would then step in saying Walter you're giving a one-way ticket out of here that doesn't involve you being in a box so for the safety of you and your family I suggest you take it and with that Mike gives Walter back his phone and him Gus and Jesse leave Walter out in the desert and they all go their separate ways and once alone Walter stands in silence for nearly two hours thinking back on everything that happened and he hesitates to dial this wife's number knowing that if he does it'll make what Gus said about Hank real but eventually he comes around to calling Skyler and he's given the earth-shattering confirmation that Hank was found shot dead in his house and Walter holding back his emotions knowing that Hank's death is on his hands tell Skyler while breathing heavily I I I'm sorry about Hank it's got her pauses for a moment asking in a whisper tone wall do you know anything about this but water remains quiet on the line for a few seconds and Skyler asks well when are you coming home I'll be home as soon as I can Walter says before hanging up the phone and slowly breathing in the now nighttime Desert Air and as he makes his way back home driving in silence he considers his next move because yeah he can choose to follow the advice given to him by Gus Mike and Jesse and enjoy his retirement what time he has left with his family which sadly comes at the cost of accepting Hank's death as his own fault and living with that choice for the rest of his life but this is Heisenberg we're talking about and an attack on his family is an attack on his ego and that's something that he refuses to let go even if he has again with his family's lives on it there will be Justice no matter how long it takes a few months pass and things that Walter's home is slowly coming back to normal with the biggest change being that Marie is now living with them for the time being and since there's no leads on Hank's murder her best option is to stay close to family and on the surface things seem as fine as they can be for the white family plus one but after The Grieving sessions and doing the talk and pillow thing again behind closed doors Scotty lies awake most nights unable to let go of the idea that Walter just might have something to do with Hank's death but she does her best to keep a smile on her face even if it comes at the cost of her mental health as she starts back smoking up cigarettes because for Walter it's obvious that something's bothering him but he always has a convenient excuse on why he's feeling down or distracted even when it's just him and Skyler but inside the mind of the former meth cook he plays through hundreds of different scenarios with him taking on gusts that all ends of him losing and without Jesse in his corner he has nobody that's willing to go against Gus but at today's come and go the thought of Revenge starts to feel fruitless for Walter especially with him coming to enjoy his time with his family on a daily basis which is coming to be a nice change of pace compared to worried about being killed every other day and just when the thought of turning his back on the meth business begins to feel like a real possibility one day while leaving the cancer treatment center Walter finds a little blue bag of meth in a parking lot and seeing that baggie reminds him of the Legacy that was taken away from him the one thing that he was truly good at that is no longer his and even more insulting in his eyes is that Gus chose Jesse over him even though it was his own formula and Walter begins to boil with anger as he steps on the back of meth crushing it before getting in his car and he first heads over to the car wash to pick up the gun from out the vending machine before heading home and he plans on a way to end this once and for all so once the night falls Walter's plan is to break into the lab and destroy it not really going after Gus or Jesse but rather the Empire that could not have been there without him so as he drives over to the laundromat Walter is able to sneak in rather easily but once he makes it over to the washing machine to his surprise he's greeted by Mike holding a gun saying he just couldn't stay away could you Mike says tripping the gun from Walter any pleased with bike nervously putting his hands up Mike please you don't have to how about you just follow me into the lab Walter let's get this over with Mike says cutting off alter Mike please that wasn't a request Mike says in a Stern tone leading Walter to the entrance and with a gun to his head Walters escorted down to the inside of the lab for the last time and Mike simply asked you ready Walter and he continues to beg for his life saying please if you just let me talk to Gus but Walters please falls on death ears as Mike pulls the hammer back on the gun and he fires with Walter just saying no no no no and as the Blood starts to spread around the floor of the lab Mike puts the gun down he goes to grab the phone to call Gus who would be miles away watching the whole thing from his laptop when his phone starts to ring and he answers to Mike saying as you probably already know Mike says looking at the camera Walter White will no longer be an issue and Gus responds looking at the computer screen I have a few men on their way to dispose of the body and clean up the lab going forward Walter White would remain missing permanently and Mike says in response you know pink is going to have questions right none to which we will have answers to Gus says in a direct response it might pause us for a second before saying understood hanging up the phone knowing that his mission going forward is similar to Howard Hamlin but in Walter's case his body would likely be in a barrel out in the Mexican desert the next day passes and Scotty notices that Walter didn't come home last night and she calls him but like usual she gets no answer and she just brushes it off at first being too preoccupied with Marie and the kids and she assumes that he'll just turn up and so while she gets ready for her day she receives an unexpected phone call from Saul informing her that Ted just woke up from his slip and fall accident so while she goes to visit Ted we pick up in the lab with Jesse and Mike and thanks for the young fixture slash math cook is going better than anyone could have expected and being that Mike keeps him busy enough not to use he actually becomes one of Gus's biggest assets even able to produce up to 300 pounds a week easily because let's be honest here ever since Walter started cooking for Gus he's had excuse after your excuse on why he didn't beat the quota which was a hundred pounds less for starters some of the equipment wasn't calibrated correctly well it's just all very technical and boring meanwhile Skyler arrives at the hospital to see Ted who's well let's just say he's had better days and after Ted gives her his word to hillkeeper's Secret Safe she leaves the hospital and again tries to call Walter but gets no response and she feels her heart begin to race the same way it did when she learned of Hank's death so as she continues to drive being slightly distracted from her inner thoughts her phone begins to ring taking her eyes off the road momentarily but that Split Second decision caused her to run a red light resulting in Herbie and T-Bone by a pickup truck and sadly Skyler will be airlifted to a hospital in critical condition and things only get worse when nobody can reach Walter putting the burden on Marie and Walter Jr as they head over to the hospital with Holly but once they make it to the hospital they're given the unfortunate news that they were just too late and Skyler didn't make it after a few days the news of Skyler's death and Walter's disappearance has been the topic of discussion in Albuquerque so much so that the news has even made it over to Jesse Pinkman who's just finding out about this now and he thinks back nearly two months ago to when he last seen Walter out in the desert and that's when Gus fired him and if he knows his teacher like he thinks he does then he knows that Mr White tried to move against Gus and likely got himself killed in the process but he knows that he won't get a straight answer from Gus so he reaches out to Mike and the two meet up at the diner later that evening and once together Jesse Begins the conversation getting straight to the point Mike I gotta know did Gus have Mr White killed and Mike is quiet for a moment holding eye contact with Jesse before telling him remember back when you asked me if Gus was going to kill Walter the day he was fired yeah Jesse says answering Mike and my answer to you was that depends on him Mike says drinking his coffee and Jesse nods silently in agreement as he continues this is what I'll tell you kid in this line of business it's a lot like being on drugs you get addicted and when that's taken away from you some people who can go back to a normal life looking back on it like a good memory but others like your ex-partner they feel that if they can't have it nobody can and that's the kind of thinking that gets a person killed and Jesse says they're looking at Mike who basically given the confirmation that yes Walter White is dead and likely killed by Mike himself leaving Jesse apprehensive about asking Mike the question that he likely knows the answer to so instead Jesse asked Mike so what if I wanted to get out could I and Mike is quiet for a moment and then he'd say change in the subject let's take a drive and while driving Mike has a heart to heart with Jesse telling him a couple years ago I used to be a b cop and on the force with me was my son Matt he was about your age and at the time I'm not ashamed to admit it but I was a dirty cop most of us were and I tried to get my son to be just like me but he didn't want that he was good he wanted to go his own way and one of my biggest regrets is not supporting him going that way so if you ask me if you can get out this is what I'll tell you on the day that you're ready to quit let me know and I'll guarantee you a way out and Jesse looks at Mike's stunned just taking in what he was just told and he tells Mike genuinely thank you Mike really thank you and as they continue to drive they finally make it to their location Madrigal electromotive and they have a meeting with Lydia to get Jesse his official credentials because after all if he's Mike's little sidekick it's about time he had a job title to prove it hey everybody and thank you so much for watching another video and I really hope you enjoyed another story from the heisen verse and with this one it's safe to say that with Mike there Walter never stood a chance and for Skyler we can just call that a sort of karma for having to Ted if you really think about it and I may or may not have a continuation of this video in the works coming to explore the aftermath and conclusion of the storyline because there's still the idea of Maria and Walter Jr who think Walter is only missing which yeah and then there's a new bomb between Mike and Jesse that may have them going against Gus which makes you think what would that look like but that'll do it for me on this video guys but now I want to hear from you what you think of this story did you like it does it need a part two whatever it is let me know Down Below in the comments and I'll do my best to respond until then my name is merge later thank you
Channel: Murge Productions
Views: 111,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alternate timeline, Bryan cranston, Edit, Epic, Gus fring, Heisenverse, Jesse pinkman, Murge, Saul goodman, Storytime, Voice, Youtube, aaron paul, alternate timelines, better call saul, better call saul breaking bad, better call saul ending, bob odenkirk, breaking bad, breaking bad bloopers, breaking bad clips, breaking bad full episodes, breaking bad funny moments, breaking bad season, edits, jonathan banks, the voice, vince gilligan, walter white, watch breaking bad online
Id: tG3vqKmk0c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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