What If The Salamanca’s Went After Mike? | A Breaking Bad Story

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he threatened my family I'm not going to let that go I can't allow you to kill Hector hey everybody and thank you for watching another video my name is merge and welcome to the Breaking Bad what if series that I call the heisen verse a series where I make a change somewhere in the breaking bad or Better Call Saul timeline and see how that one chain dribbles throughout the entire universe and in this video we explore how far Mike would go up to Solomon because I ever decided to go after his family and what kind of impact on a universe it would have if he chose to pull the trigger when Gus told him not to well that's what we're here to find out and before we get started if you could leave a like on this video to support the channel I'd appreciate it now let's get into it [Music] hahaha how do we got get on the ground [Music] the sound of clattering keys can be heard as Mike enters through the front door of his house and he walks with uncertainty down a dark hallway with his hand out against the walls to keep his balance until he makes it to the kitchen and he finally turns on the lights and he drops an envelope full of money on his table money that was paid to him by nacho for taking care of his Salamanca problem and although he's not dead which was the original deal two go beating Mike in front of the police plus finding his fingerprints on that gun in the area he's at least going away for eight years so as he props open a can of cold beer he'd also grab a bag of frozen carrots to put over his eye and after a long day he's finally able to take a seat and just relax a couple days later we pick up at a diner where Mike is having breakfast but when he receives a visit from a man who introduces himself as Hector Salamanca he agrees that tuko is a hothead and jail may be the best place for him but not for eight years and he makes an offer to Mike that if he were to say that the gun was his he would give him five thousand dollars and to sweeten the deal he'd also get too good to apologize to him but instead of answering right then and there Hector would pay his bill and just give him some time to think about it but Mike knew in the salamanca's reputation he sees this encounter as more of an attempt to try and scare him into taking the charge so as Hector leaves the diner Mike sits with the idea that now he has a solid manka problem and a few days later when Mike arrives home from doing some grocery shopping he sees a guy sitting on his front porch and looking to be waiting for him and his mic gets closer to the porch he questions the man about what he wants to which he tells Mike that he was sent by Hector because he's waiting for an answer and Mike tells him that he respectfully declines but the man assumes that Mike doesn't know about the salamanca's reputation and he asks are you sure about that and Mike in his usual fashion stands firm on his answer and says I am and with no other word spoken the man calmly gets up and he leaves but seeing that they already know where he lives Mike knows that this will likely continue to persist and he began to take preventative measures to keep himself one step ahead of the salamancas and the very next day Mike takes down two goons who broke into his house to try to get the message across for him to take the five thousand but Mike once again refuses and he tells him that if they're trying to scare him they need to try harder which Hector takes as a personal challenge because he would send the twins out to deliver a more direct message and one afternoon while playing with Kaylee at a hotel pool Mike spots the brothers on the rooftop making gun gestures at both him and his granddaughter which crosses the line for Mike because when it was just him that was fine because he knew the risk but involving his family is something that he cannot let go any further so later that night Michael range is a meeting with the salamancas at a taco shop to discuss how they're going to put it into this and after Hector tells Mike the plan for the D.A Mike would change the subject to the topic of payment demanding fifty thousand dollars for doing this but Hector shuts him down telling him that he's in no position to negotiate and he offers him the payment of getting to live but when that's not enough for Mike he tells him while clutching his gun and getting everyone ready for a shootout either I get my money or none of us are walking out of here and seeing that he's willing to die for this money as well as having the balls to even try to go head-to-head with him Hector Smiles while nodding in approval and he agrees to give him the fifty thousand dollars to take the gun charge a few days go by and even though Mike gotten his money from Hector the fact that he threatened his family is just something that Mike can't let go and he decides to do some Recon to get to know the salamanca's operation a little better and only after a few nights he'd find out the trucks they use where they go to unload as well as where they stash their money and with the help of a water hose and a couple of nails Mike's able to Ambush one of the salamanca's drivers who just so happened to be making a delivery today and he easily hog ties the man without being seen or heard and while using a power saw he cuts open the tire that holds a quarter of a million dollars but what Mike doesn't notice is that because of how sweaty the man was a part of the tape that was covering his eyes became loose enough for him to drag his head against the ground and lifting the tape up just enough to get a clear look at Mike who he sees robbing the truck without his mask on and in a matter of minutes Mike would throw the money in the back of the trunk and he drives away leaving the driver tied up and expecting for the police to come and get him but instead of the cops coming a couple hours later the driver will be rescued by a Good Samaritan who would later be killed by Hector and when questioning the driver he tells him all about the old bald Gringo that he's seen robbing the truck and this upsets Hector to the point that he almost has a stroke because the Solomon is only know one person fitting that description and he gives the order to nacho and Arturo to go get his money back and as far as Mike goes Hector sees him as a man that's looking for death and he's not about to give him what he wants yet instead he'd send his two nephews to pay a certain hotel room a visit the next day rolls around and we pick up at a courthouse ticketing Booth where Mike's been working all morning and afternoon just like any other day but when he received a phone call from a hotel manager where his daughter-in-law is staying at a somber tone voice on the other end of the line tells him hello am I speaking with a Mr Michael Ehrman trout yes yes this is he Mike says calmly I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but there's been an incident on the property involving the two guests that were staying in the room that you rented the manager explains an incident what kind of incident what are you talking about my questions well there there was a shooting and and it might just be better if you just come down here and have the police explain it to you the manager says before the line disconnects and Mike doesn't hesitate for a moment before leaving his post and driving as quick as he can over to the hotel and while driving he also tries to call his daughter-in-law Stacy but every call he makes would ring twice and gets forwarded straight to voicemail which is odd but he just keeps trying until he makes it to the hotel and despite all the police in the area Mike recklessly pulls into the nearest parking space before jumping out the car and seeing the countless police officers going in and out of the taped off hotel room and as Mike is making his way past the officers to ask what's going on in almost slow motion as one of the officers tried to talk Mike down and restrain him from going inside his heart begins to be so loud that it's all he can hear and when the police are talking to him Mike's attention goes everywhere else from noticing the bullet holes in the walls nearby to seeing one of Kaylee's drawings with blood smeared on it and the officer snaps him out of his trance while handing him a card and saying and if you have any questions please give me a call and it's my taste of card he and the officer steps to the side as the medical examiners leaves the hotel room and slowly Wheeling out two stretches that have a body bag on each of them and Mike watches that the ambulance drives away with the bodies of his daughter-in-law and his granddaughter and it forces him to come to grips with the fact that although he didn't pull the trigger it was him that got his family killed because when you're in the game nobody's off limits not even children and his bike makes it back to his car he goes into his glove box to grab his alcohol flask but before he can even take a sip he receives a phone call from his daughter-in-law's phone and he has a pretty good idea on who's on the other line so as he answers Mike will hear the sound of Hector's raspy voice on the line telling him this is the price you pay for interfering with Salamanca business and if you continue things can always get worse even when you think you have nothing to lose and with that the line disconnects and leaving Mike who's still sitting in a hotel parking lot with nothing but his thoughts and a flash full of alcohol over at the Salamanca Warehouse Hector sits while continuously striking a lighter and with him due to having a meeting with Bolsa and Eladio in a few days the last thing he wants is to come at them is an excuse and the thought of being robbed by this nobody is something that he's having a hard time letting go and he calls nacho to tell him that there's been a change of plans and he orders him and Arturo to bring Mike to him because he wants to take care of this personally and after nacho agrees the call ends but him knowing Mike and more importantly what Hector took away from him the last thing he wants to do is be anywhere near him right now but without much of a choice while him and Arturo head over to Mike's house Nacho's able to sneakily send Mike a warning text later that evening Mike pulls up to his house slightly drunk and while dragging his feet up to his front porch he's able to recognize that his house was again broken into and while tracing his finger around the damaged lock he slowly begins to boil with rage at the fact that someone picked a day of all days to burglarize his house especially if it is we thinks it is so as Mike enters the house with his gun at the ready he goes to turn on the TV to get his attackers to lower their guard and one by one he sees him walk out the bathroom and he's able to kick the door knocking one of his attackers off balance while knocking the other to the ground with the butt of his gun but when he faces the other attacker and seeing that it's nacho they share a moment of silence before Mike looks down at Arturo and presses the gun to the back of his head and he pulls the trigger he then turns on the lights and points the gun at nacho and then he asks did you know no I swear to you if I did I would have warned you like I did before we came nacho says with his hands up and Mike goes into his pocket to check his phone because he didn't see the message and he asked while lowering the gun so this was salamanca's plan sending the B team to take me out and nacho tells him we were just told to bring you to him Mike's golf said nacho while looking down at Arturo who's bleeding all over his floor any questions I'm saying so is that still the plan look if it's not me that's going to bring you in and I'm not saying that I am but they will find someone else to do it but with that being said as far as I know we showed up to your house and you weren't here nacho explains and what about him I'm sure your boss is going to notice when he's a guy short my questions as he gestures to the body that lies between them and nacho tells them the story will go that we waited at your house but you never came he got into his car I got into mine and we both went our separate ways and after that who does what could have happened we have a lot of enemies so it could have been anybody and given their relationship they both have a common trust between each other knowing their business outside of all this and with them having a similar hatred for the salamancas nacho lets Mike know that tomorrow morning they're expected to meet with Hector out in the desert and with that bit of information Mike has everything he needs to get a head start on the salamancas and knowing that there's going to be more people coming to try to kill him he knows he has to move fast so after him and nacho go their separate ways Mike would go into his floorboard stash spot and grab the money guns and a frame photo of his granddaughter so while he casually steps over Arturo's body Mike walks out the front door with no intentions of coming back and over at Nacho's house he stands in front of the safe putting money inside trying to keep calm but his hands hasn't stopped shaking since leaving Mike's house because if anyone ever found out about their business together he's dead right along with them so in order to keep everything according to plan he calls Hector and tells him that him and Arturo are still waiting outside Mike's house but he hasn't showed up yet and to avoid suspicion with Hector not to suggests that Arturo would keep staking out at Mike's house while he gets a hold of the driver and they can all meet up in the morning and when Hector agrees nacho is finally able to calmed down because now he has a story for Arturo but his other problem would be what happens after Mike kills the salamancas or Worse what if he can't and he picks up the fake IDs from his safe and he looks at him with a pained expression because either way he can't stick around after tomorrow and if his father doesn't come with him who knows what could happen early the very next day Mike wakes up inside his car that's been parked across the street from his daughter-in-law's house and as much as he'd like to believe that yesterday was all just a bad dream when he goes to get coffee at a nearby Diner he notices that Arturo's blood is still on his sleeve confirming that this is all very real and as his emotions start to flood back in as hard as it may be Mike is able to bottle up his grief and focus on the job at hand so as he makes his way over to the desert location where nacho said they'd be he has no idea that a track has been placed on his car and as much as he'd like to think that he's one step ahead of the salamancas there's somebody out there that's at least 10 steps ahead of him so as Mike spends the next few minutes getting into position by setting up his rifle and adjusting his scope while he waits for his shot he would hear the sound of a horn going off behind him and he gets up to see what's going on only for him to find a branch that's wedged between the front seat and the horn as well as the letter on the windshield that simply says the word don't and he looks around for a moment with his gun drawn but there's nobody there and while looking back at the letter he takes it as a warning that somebody's watching him and that person doesn't want him to kill Hector but if this person is defending people like the salamancas that's not someone he wants to listen to and he crumbles up the paper and he goes to get back into position and only a few miles away Nacho's driving over to meet with Hector with the driver tied up in the back of his van and when he makes it out to the Little House in the desert Hector would ask about Arturo and nacho lets him know that he hasn't heard a thing from him since last night but he volunteers to leave and go find him right now but Hector tells him to stay behind because he's going to be the one to dig the grave for the driver and when they're done here he can ride with the twins to go find him as well as the bald Gringo but for now the attention is directed towards the tied up driver that's squirming on the floor and Hector nacho watches at the twins dragged man outside and as they walk out the door to watch the execution Mike moves his finger to the trigger as he continues to wait for his shot and when seeing Hector walk out the door nacho would be the only thing saving him from a bullet to the head but seeing the twins getting ready to shoot the driver Mike while aiming at nacho makes a split-second decision and he Fires at the same time the analysis and while the driver Falls backwards into the hole the Twins turn around and watches both Hector and nacho fall to the ground as well and out of nowhere another shot is fired dropping Leonel right by his brother's side and Marco avoids gunfire by quickly going to take cover inside the house and he presses against the wall of the home to try to see where the shots are coming from and he glances down at his uncle who took a shot to the neck with a bullet that came through Nacho's chest and leaving them both dead and bleeding out on the desert sand and as Mike is looking through his scope trying to get his last Target he'd be so preoccupied that he wouldn't even notice someone creeping him right behind them and by the time he does hear something it'll be too late because the moment he turns around he's knocked unconscious and tied up and put in the back of a truck and we come to find out that that someone was Victor it's now the middle of the night and Mike awakens to find himself surrounded by Gus Bolsa Lionel and a few other men at a warehouse parking lot and Gus does his best to hide his frustration from being both robbed of his revenge as well as being forced to hand over Mike to the cartel because if he didn't Bolsa would have thought that this was Gus's plan considering the history between him and Hector and Bolsa approaches Mike and he tells him calmly Mr Herman trout tonight you are going to die but before that happens I need to know why why would you go after the salamancas and Mike takes a few deep breaths while looking at the ground before looking up at Bolsa and telling him you want to know why I killed Salamanca Mike says while spitting some blood out before he continues I know you guys have a saying in Spanish and I believe the English translation means Blood for Blood Asylum went after my family so I went after his my only regret is I couldn't kill them all Mike says while looking over at Marco with the look of disgust on his face but after Mike's explanation Bolsa calls Marco over in Spanish and he basically gives him permission to finish him off and for the next few minutes Marco with his own hands would beat Mike to a bloody pulp and with his arms tied up behind his back all he can do is take it and as he lies on the ground gasping for air Marco pulls out a knife and stabs Mike so many times that when he's done the blood would stain the pavement and while the men take care of Mike's body Bolson and Gus would talk about who's going to fill in the void left behind by Hector because when the news of his death begins to Echo in the streets it's only a matter of time before the competition starts creeping in on the Salamanca territory so until further notice Gus would handle things on this side of the Border until they could find a replacement for Hector and in many ways giving us the freedom that he always needed to begin his next project and in the coming weeks Gus does a more Hands-On approach with finding an engineer for the job and it leads him to working with an all-german crew led by a man named Warner Ziegler and he puts Tyrus in charge of the project to keep you guys in line but without the understanding and Hospitality that Mike would have provided it'll be all business with Iris so no alcohol no strip clubs and no r r just rest and work but it'll only be a matter of time before they get tired of the same routine after about a month or so over at the Los poles Hermanos Restaurant a man approaches Gus with a warm friendly smile and he introduces himself as Lalo Salamanca and as the two begin to talk inside Gus's office Lala would thank us for letting Marco have revenge for the Salamanca name and with a smile he tells Gus that he's going to be seeing a lot more of him from now on because he's going to be taking over the Salamanca territory and Gus will put on a corporate smile before shaking Lalo's hand and letting him know that if he needs anything not to hesitate to ask and after joking about how tasty the chicken is lava leaves Gus's office on a friendly note but he like everyone else knows how Hector feels about Gus and despite the fact that he just met the man Lala would share the same hatred for him as his uncle and for the next few days even weeks he'd keep a watch rely on Gus's operation for anything out of the ordinary and one afternoon when there's a sudden commotion at the chicken farm Lalo spots a black SUV picking up some guys over there and he quickly packs up his things to get ready to follow him but the reason for all this commotion is because of the time bomb that is Warner Ziegler who snuck away to spend the weekend with his wife and Tyrus would have the foresight to check the travel wire for any money transfers but he wouldn't have the resource from this or the charisma to get behind the counter with Fred the view the tape like Mike would have but you know who does Lalo Salamanca and after Tyra saves a travel wire Lala would kill Fred and he's able to view the tape himself and before he leaves he would take a few brochures to nearby Resorts and start making phone calls to look for a man named Warner Ziegler we pick up poolside with Ziggler sunbathing at a resort with a towel over his face but when one of the employees calls him over to the phone he'd answer expecting it to be his wife but instead hears the voice of Lalo on the phone who tells him to stay exactly where he is because Gus is furious with him and as Ziegler tries to apologize while also addressing the South Wall Lalo Cuts him off and tells him Warner Warner save your breath don't worry we'll talk you just get ready I'm on my way to you right now Lalo says hanging up as he speeds over to the resort over at the chicken farm Tyrus and Gus has everyone on the lookout for Ziegler he even has a few guys at the airport waiting for his wife to arrive but the longer they wait to find him the more on edge Gus becomes and when he gets word that Ziegler was checked into a resort but is currently not on the property he has tires go and watch the area until he can get him back and in the meantime just as a contingency Gus will have Victor in a handful of his men and watch the rest of the engineers to make sure there's not another Escape so as Gus looks down at his phone expecting an update from his men he receives an unexpected phone call from Donald personally and he just tells him that he's needed in Mexico and he gives him four hours to be there and before Gus can even asks why the line disconnects leaving us confused as to why meaning is called with such short notice but with this being ordered from the top Don he would just take the drive down to Mexico and with his guys taking care of Ziegler as well as the crew Gus feels that he has all of his bases covered but over in Mexico when Don Eladio gets off the phone he says puffing on a cigar with Lalo and Bolsa and as they listen to Ziegler's story about Gus's plan for this super lab Lala was the only one with a smile on his face knowing exactly what this means for the chicken man and more so knowing that his uncle Hector was right all along about him it's been exactly four hours and after a long drive across the border Gus finally arrives at Donald's compound and once he would search for weapons he'd be escorted to the back near the pool and as he turns the corner he would see Donald Lalo Marco Salamanca and Juan Bolsa all sitting down waiting for him it's only until he gets closer when his attention is drawn towards the pool where he sees something or someone floating face down inside of it but this is the cartel so dead bodies aren't exactly a rarity on this side of the border and after Gus greets everybody down a lot of hotels him in Spanish Gustavo by any chance did you lose something and Gus has a look of confusion on his face before asking what he means but Lalo speaks up saying oh maybe I can help you out with that and as he stands up and walks towards the pool he grabs the person floating in the water and revealing it to be Warner Ziegler with a bullet in the middle of his head so besides from the bullet and the uh water damage I think you might recognize our German friend here Lotto says never once letting a smile fade and Gus seeing Warner dead at the hands of the cartel makes him visibly nervous mainly because he didn't plan for discontingency and after staring for a few minutes Bosa would tell Gus that he needs to respond and he repeats the question asking do you know this man Gustavo and Gus finally figures out why this meeting was called and he would imagine that Ziegler most likely told them everything and that's why he's dead in the pool right now and if they're going to kill him anyway he might as well just get some things off his chest and he tells him whatever this man told you was the truth yes I wanted to go out on my own because because I couldn't stand working with you pigs any longer it was always going to end this way anyway either I killed you or you killed blah blah blah Lalo says after pulling the trigger and shooting Gus in the back of the head and as his body falls to the ground a lot of your Puffs on the cigar and then tells Lalo congratulations Frank's territory is now Salamanca territory do with it as you wish and Lalo Smiles because from that night on him and Marco would go around Albuquerque and literally burning Gus's name to the ground from his home to the laundromat and of course the Los pores Hermanos Restaurant it all goes up in flames and for the next few months Lalo is basically Untouchable from the streets to the police nobody could even come close to him and because of this he'd never crossed class with Saul Goodman for his legal counsel which allows for the D-Day plans to go off without any issues and after Howard embarrasses himself during a hearing it speeds up the Sandpiper settlement process at the cost of his reputation but it wouldn't matter to Kimber Jimmy thinking that someone like Howard would surely bounce back from this and even when he stops by their house to confront them his threat of exposing them is not taken seriously at all not even by Howard himself and besides now that they have their money Howard will be the last person on their minds and they would spend the next few months getting established at their respective practices all while Howard would have his hands full of trying to repair his firm's reputation it's been nearly a year since the death of Gus ring and the rise of the salamancas and this takes us into the breaking bad side of things and just to fill in some gaps in this timeline let's talk about crazy eight he's dead because when he got arrested for the drugs that were stuck in the pipe there would be no one there to vouch for him and for Lalo it's a lot easier to have him killed in prison than the trust that he's going to keep quiet and when tuko gets released from prison he'd be the main person of contact for anyone trying to buy or sell in the South Valley and with the help of skinny Pete he was able to arrange a meeting with Jesse and tuko that would end with Jesse being robbed for two pounds and be to the point that he's sent to a hospital and even though distribution is not Walter's area he finds the courage to go out and face tuko to get back what's his and with some fulminated Mercury they would come to an understanding and start doing business together but only after a few deals tuko will lose his temper and beat noodles to death right in front of Walter and Jesse oh damn man look at that look and in the following days when Gonzo suddenly disappears and tuko's place gets raided the paranoia gets to him and he ends up kidnapping both Walter and Jesse because the plans that he has in store for them doesn't involve being on this side of the Border after hours of being locked in the back of a trunk Walter and Jesse are blinded by the sunlight when it's opened up by tuko who's aiming a rifle right at him and after he pulls him out of the trunk he walks him into the house where The Sound of Music can be heard from the outside and when they enter they see Lalo cooking and singing along to the music as he sets plays down at the table and noticing that he has company he turns the music down and introduces himself to Walter and Jesse with a warm smile while offering them some food and his Hospitality catches them off guard in comparison to tuko and as they eat Lala would ask is it good I hope you like spicy it's uh it's delicious thank you Walter says and Jesse says an agreement yeah it's the bomb yo and tuko pulls Lalo to the side and he lets him know what's going on back home with Gonzo and the raids and when he sees that they're finished eating tuko has them empty their pockets with Lalo asking them so what makes you two so special that tuko brought you way the hell out here and Walter tells me nervously while clearing his throat where uh we're the cooks and as he throws the baggie of rice and meth on the table Jesse speaks up saying yeah yo and and that's kante right there that's that's our new product that we're working on oh really Lalo says watuko picks it up to smell it and as Walter listens to Jesse talk about the new product he starts to think that tuko will actually go for it but as soon as he brings up chili powder as a secret ingredient he looks at Jesse like he was crazy before watching tuko drop the baggie on the table but Lalo being intrigued would say with a smile wow man you're really selling it I'll tell you what tuko mean I like chili powder but I do and if it's as good as you say it is how about you take the first bump he says just ring to the bag on the table and Jesse quickly makes an excuse saying yeah I don't mind I just I just use wait like an hour after eating before I start back up you know but Lala would slide the bag in front of Jesse and he tells him I said hit it and the smile disappears now showing the similarities of that Salamanca temper and as Jesse nervously gets ready to take a bump Walter interjects saying to Lalo maybe now is not the best time to get high if we're going to be leaving soon and tuko and Lalo stare at Walter before they both burst out laughing with tuko saying Eisenberg says now is not the best time to get high it's always time to get high now hit it and right as Jesse's about to take the bump a news broadcast pops up showing Gonzo's face all over the TV and the reporter says that he bled out from his arm being crushed by the surrounding Vehicles likely as an attempt to retrieve nodo's body as he sees both their faces on TV now and it confirms that Lalo and tuko that it wasn't their man that told which can only mean that it has to either be Walter or Jesse at least in their eyes and tugo starts to do his lie detector on Walter as he looks him in the eyes before saying can I trust you and Walter looks right back at tuko saying without breaking eye contact yes yes you can and by process of elimination tuko looks at Jesse who's denied to have said anything to the cops and the next thing he knows he's being thrown out the house having his body hit the door before he lands on the ground and Lalo tells Walter jokingly as he eats hey you go ahead and enjoy the show just watch out for straight bullets when he starts shooting okay so as Walter goes outside to try to talk to go down Lala would stay inside eating and watching TV but only after a few minutes he hears a gunshot goes off and he imagines that tugo just killed Jesse but when a few more minutes pass and he notices how quiet it is outside he goes to investigate to see what's going on and right away he sees that Walter and Jesse are nowhere to be found and when he calls out for tuko he finds him dead in the hole with a bullet right between the eyes and to make matters worse a random SUV pulls right after Lalo and he comes face to face with Hank who thinks he just found Jesse and he tells him Jesse Pinkman you're a hard man to find he says closing his door and with Walter and Jesse hiding out they watch from behind Lalo as he starts to walk towards Hank but when Walter spots a gun in the back of Lalo's waistline he thinks of a way that he can save his brother-in-law then cutting back over to Hank and Lalo he tells him while pretending to be Jesse as he walks towards him so what can I help you with officer it's special agent and that's far enough Hank says sternly while sizing up Lalo then cutting back over to Jesse and Walter when he sees that Lalo's going for his gun Walter just gets up and yells for Hank Hank he's got a gun and both Hank and Lala would go for their weapons each getting a shot off and Landing a hit on the other but where Hank was hitting the leg he was a lot quicker on the draw and getting Lala with a head shot and as hand grips is willing to stop the bleeding he looks out to see Walter standing in the distance and he calls out for him like he can't believe his eyes Walt and Walter stands looking back at Hank as he whispers down to Jesse who's still lying on the ground Jesse Jess run and he looks up at Walter for a moment who gives him a knowing look and then he just makes a run for it and as Walter begins to walk towards Hank with his hands up he just imagines what could have happened if he stayed on this path who else would have gotten hurt because of him and as he comes to accept the consequences for his actions he stands in front of Hank who's still clutching at his wound he tells him in a defeat its home Hank I can explain hey everybody and thank you so much for watching this video and I really hope you enjoyed another story from the heisen verse and I know people may be asking for a part two to this one but I don't really think there's that much more story to tell especially with Walter more than likely going to prison all we have left is Jesse hang Saul and one half of the Salamanca Twins and maybe Marco would go after Hank but remember in the original it was Gus that gave them permission and for Jesse I'm sure he'd be able to come up with an alibi that puts him in the clear with the help of windy of course and after that that'll be it but that's just me but now I want to hear from you guys what do you think of this story did you like it did you hate it whatever it is let me know Down Below in the comments and also if you think there should be a part two of this story comment down below what it would be about and maybe I'll even consider making it but until then my name is merge later
Channel: Murge Productions
Views: 65,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breaking bad, Breaking bad 2, Gus fring, Heisenverse, Lalo salamanca, Mike ehrmantraut, Narrator, Storytelling, Voice over, better call saul, breaking bad 2 trailer, breaking bad bloopers, breaking bad clips, breaking bad full episodes, breaking bad gus fring, fandom, lalo salamanca edit, mike ehrmantraut best scenes, mr. voice over, your narrator
Id: IfZOtt8FYQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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