What If Guilliman Had Found Angron First? - 40K Theories

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[Music] you know [Music] the realm of Ultramar otherwise known more informally as the 500 worlds is a sub Empire within the Imperium of man which is ruled over by the ultramarines chapter of the adeptice Estates Ultramar is in itself somewhat of anomaly within the Imperium for not only does it essentially serve as the personal fiefdom of the Primark rebuta Gilman but it also retains a surprising degree of autonomy and Independence when compared to other planetary sectors despite still ultimately deferring to Imperial rule the subempire is separated into at least four distinct regions each with its own Capital world and ruling tetrock although the planet of macrag the Homeworld of the ultramarines chapter is largely considered to be the capital of Ultramar as a whole Ultramar is also noted for being one of the most heavily defended regions of space within the entire Imperium boasting not only a highly trained and disciplined planetary Defense Force known as the Ultima auxiliary upon each and every world but also a substantial Naval Force known appropriately enough as the Ultramar defense Fleet as well as this there also exist no less than 10 Space Marine chapters known with official records as the shield chapters which are tasked with defending Ultramar from both external and internal threats while these Shield chapters May outwardly appear to be completely different from one another they are all known to share one common trait in that they are all officially descended from the gene line of gilliman himself there's in turn Harkens back to the days of a great Crusade a time when the original ultramarines Legion both governed and protected the Stellar realm from the enemies of man the origins of the Ultramar Empire can be traced all the way back to the dying days of the age of strife a period of human history where the majority of humanities Colony worlds became cut off from one another due to an unprecedented increase in warp storm activity which made long distance Interstellar travel and all but impossible undertaking throughout much of the Galaxy during this particular period of time as the Emperor of mankind near the completion of his Primark project the chaos Gods would tear open the very fabric of reality within the heart of the empress Gene Labs resulting in each of the nascent primarks being dragged into the depths of the warp however the case Gods themselves lack the power to destroy the primarks completely and would instead in an attempt to hamper the emperor's plans scattered his Gene's Sons across the vast expanse of the Galaxy with a gestation pot containing the infant form of rebuta giliman eventually coming to land upon the world of macrag after being adopted by a man named Conor gilliman one of the two ruling consoles are macrag's capital the young Primark would quickly grow to not only become a highly skilled Warrior and general but a man who was all but unparalleled in the Arts of diplomacy making him one of the world's greatest politicians eventually gilliman would rise to become the sole Consul of macrag where he would go on to usher in a golden age of both peace and prosperity for his people in time galliman would begin establishing diplomatic and trade relations with those Wells that lay within close proximity to mccrack itself establishing the foundations for what would ultimately become known as the Ultramar Empire following the primark's eventual reunion with the emperor and being subsequently appointed as the commander of the ultramarine's Legion gilliman would begin to further strengthen relations between mccrag and the other worlds of the sector slowly integrating them into the fold of his own interplanetary Realm however this decision to create an empire was not simply due to a want and lust for power or greed on Gilman's part but in fact had a more practical application indeed the Primark argued that a Space Marine Legion was so much more than just the Warriors within it in that it also included the ships that transported their material the forges that fashioned their War gear and the civilian worlds that provided potential aspirants with which to bolster their ranks as such the Primark sought to bring more and more of the sector's worlds under his control so as to make the ultramarines completely self-sustaining and thus ensuring that his Legion would always be able to carry out the emperor's well gilliman's Empire would in time grow to Encompass roughly 500 Worlds the annals of History could have been vastly different if but one more world was brought into the ultramarion fold specifically the world of new Syria new Syria was a world that existed just outside the East and most border of Ultramar being relatively close galactically speaking to the ultramarian worlds of southa espandor and prandium the world itself was Notorious for its gladiatorial games where Slayers would be forced to compete against one another in battles to the death for the entertainment of the world's ruling Elite the slave masters of new Syria would even subject certain slaves to psycho surgery where they would install devices known as butcher's Nails directly into their skulls which in turn would amplify the aggression centers of their brains transforming slaves into little more than frosting Berserkers which would only find peace in the act of bloodshed while in Syria may have been regarded as being little more than a cruel and barbaric Backwater world and fit to be brought into the ultramarian fold the world would in fact prove to be more significant than anyone could have anticipated for it was upon this world that the gestation pod containing angron gilliman's brother and future Primark of the world etis Legion would come to rest with the infant Primark being forced to live the life of a new Syrian Gladiator slave somewhat surprisingly given you serious close proximity to mccrag angron was one of the last primarks to be reunited with both the emperor and the respective Legion a fact made even more surprising by the fact that gilliman himself was discovered relatively early during the course of the great Crusade angron himself would prove to be an extremely violent and bitter individual due to not only the presence of the butcher's Nails within his skull but also his feelings of resentment towards the emperor which came about as a result of the emperor teleporting angron away from his fellow slaves whilst they made a Last Stand in their Rebellion against the new Syrian slave masters but given you serious close proximity to the borders of Ultramar this raises an important question what could have happened if gilliman was the one to find angron instead of the emperor the answer to this question would ultimately depend upon whether or not gilliman had found his brother prior to or after when angron was forced to undergo the surgical procedure that resulted in him being fitted with the butcher's nails after all as mentioned earlier the butcher's nails were known to heavily alter one's personality transforming one's calm and rational individuals into little more than bloodthirsty's Psychopaths if gilliman was reunited with angron before he was fitted with the nails and in turn prior to when angron launched his Rebellion against the new Syrian slave masters then it is reasonable to assume that the Primark of the world eaters would not be as hostile nor as resentful to his father and brothers for he would not have made a vow to die in battle alongside his fellow slaves prior to his rediscovery this could have even resulted in gilliman and angron developing incredibly strong bonds of Brotherhood and friendship similar to that displayed between fullgram of the empress children and Ferris manners of the iron hands possibly even resulting in the two Legions regularly fighting alongside one another upon the field of battle as well as this if angron was brought back into the Imperial fold prior to both receiving the butcher's nails and subsequently instigating his Rebellion against the new Syrian slave masters then this may have even resulted in the world it has remaining loyal to the Imperium during the events of the Horus heresy as angron would have had less of a reason to rebel against his father admittedly however if angron never received the butcher's Nails then this would result in a number of further consequences in addition to those that would have occurred as a result of him being discovered by Gilman instead of the emperor but given that the exact time frame between Gilman's reunion with the emperor and angron's implantation of the butcher's Nails remains somewhat unclear it's entirely possible that gilliman may have only come to learn of his brother's existence after angron had already been subjected to psychosurgery if gilliman learned of angrin's existence as his brother was in the midst of instigating his Rebellion against the new Syrian slave masters than one of two potential possibilities could occur the first of which is that gilliman much like how the emperor himself would would simply teleport angron away from any potential battle that the Primark may find himself involved in so as to ensure that angron was swiftly and safely retrieved by Imperial forces however if this were indeed the case then events would most likely play out as they would in the actual timeline albeit with machov if not all of angrin's Ayah and resentment being directed towards Gilman as opposed to the emperor but seeing as how gilliman was noted for his diplomatic and potential mindset it's likely that he would be at least somewhat reluctant to Simply Spirit his brother away from his fellow slaves due to the potential ramifications that could and would ultimately come from performing such an act instead it's possible that gileman along with the Warriors of his Legion would convince the new Syrian slave masters that the ultramarine should be the ones tasked with putting an end to angrin's Rebellion in this case it's likely that gilliman would meet with anger on face to face before offering to effectively take his Wayward brother home angron would no doubt refuse to abandon his fellow slaves however perhaps forcing giliman to challenge his brother to a duel in an attempt to pacify him this particular idea is in itself not entirely unprecedented for giliman has been known to utilize such methods when dealing with similarly aggressive opponents indeed during his youth gilliman would challenge the chieftain of mccrack's Barbara's illyrian tribes to such a duel refusing to attack his Foe and instead choosing to merely defend himself until the chieftain was simply too exhausted to continue granting giliman the opportunity to put an end to the conflict through peaceful means while angron was quite possibly one of the theist strongest and most brutal of all the primarks he would lack both the patience and martial discipline displayed by Gilman which in itself would Grant the Lord of Ultramar a potential Advantage during any sort of hypothetical duel but since angron is also a Primark then gilliman would be unable to Simply Outlast his opponent until they collapse from exhaustion which in turn would mean that gileman may very well be forced to actually defeat his brother in battle in this particular situation however because gileman is a diplomat at heart it's reasonable to assume that he would not be as callous as the emperor when it came to angron's fellow slaves instead of Simply leaving them to their fate it's entirely possible that gilliman mainstead of angron's fellow slaves the chance to become integrated into his brother's Legion and in turn Aid him in carrying out the emperor's will those slaves both young and healthy enough to undergo the gene seed implantation process could be allowed to undergo the necessary surgery to transform them into fully fledged Space Marines whereas others may be subjected to biomechanical augmentation similar to that experienced by Luther of the Dark Angels and core faeron or the word bearers to convert them into full lack of a better term pseudostartes those individuals who would otherwise be incompatible with the gene seed implantation process may be allowed to serve angron's Legion in some other manner such as by becoming Legion cells or perhaps even being trained up to serve as officers within the legion's fleet in the case of the latter a president for such a scenario does indeed exist as nasturi afrenia a childhood friend of corvus korax the Primark of Raving God wood following korax's reunion with this Legion eventually rise to become ship Mistress of the 90th Legion battle barge the Avenger but seeing as how many of these former slaves much like angron were also fitted with the butcher's Nails it's entirely possible that the presence of such implants would have potentially had some sort of negative effect in regards to the gene seed implantation process even if the leaf-fledged Space Marines with the exception of psyches were indeed fully capable of accepting such implants post-augmentation as well as this the presence of the nails within angrin's fellow slaves could potentially prevent them from being integrated into the legion's ranks as serfs due to the likelihood of them being regarded as two unpredictable and dangerous although angron himself would probably ignore any such concerns and continue to make use of them regardless of the theoretical dangers posed but if angran's fellow slaves were allowed to be somehow integrated into the ranks of the world eaters Legion then this could very well result in anger on developing a close friendship with gilliman even if angron may still Harbor some degree of lingering animosity for not being allowed to take his Rebellion to its logical conclusion there is even a chance that gilliman will attempt to find a way to safely remove the butcher's nails from his brother skull without killing him even if such Endeavor is destined to yield little to no fruit indeed even the emperor himself as detailed within the novel master of mankind would note that any attempt to remove the nails from anger and skull would ultimately prove fatal due to the implants now replacing a significant portion of his limbic lobe and insular cortex as such the nails despite condemning angron to a slow and inevitable death where also somewhat paradoxically keeping him alive regardless it's likely that in this particular instance angron would not have slaughtered so many officers upon his immediate reunion with this Legion due to the fact that his fellow slaves would not have been abandoned to die this would however mean that angron would still more than likely allow the majority of his legion's Warriors to undergo the surgical procedures required to necessitate the fitting of the butcher's Nails should the world eaters once again succeed in creating their own admittedly accrueded variants of such implants in hopes of becoming truly accepted by their Gene father however whether or not these changes to anger on story would be enough to prevent him from turning traitor during the events of the Horus heresy is another matter entirely if angron ultimately chose to side with Horrors during the events of the Horus heresy and subsequently enacted his shadow Crusade alongside the word bearer's legion against the forces of ultramore this could once again result in angron meeting giliman upon the field of battle much like how they would in the Canon timeline while agileman would more than likely be bested in combat thanks to the combined efforts of both angron and logar the Primark of the word bear is if angron had turned traitor in spite of gilliman being the one to bring him into the Imperial fold and assuming that the two had subsequently developed a close personal bond with one another then this would most certainly Rouse greater feelings of anger within the Lord of Ultramar due to such an act being an even more personal betrayal while this could very well cause gilliman to fight with an even greater ferocity than he otherwise might he would still nonetheless be overwhelmed if he were forced to battle against two primarks at once although in this particular instance gilliman could possibly succeed in Striking at least one of his traitor's brothers down as a result of his rage although there is no way of knowing for certain but by that same token if gilliman were to give into his anger when facing off against his brothers then this could quite possibly result in the primark's death due to gilliman's normally tactical and logical mindset being clouded by his emotions such an idea isn't entirely outside the realm of possibility for during the events of the es15 dropside massacre which took place in the earliest days of the Horus heresy Ferris Madness would be slain in battle by fulgrim during part of ferris's judgment being clouded by The Rage that he had experienced after learning that his once closest friend and dearest brother had turned traitor in fact it was partly due to the rash actions and emotions of their Primark that the Warriors of the modern day I enhanced chapter were choose to embrace ruthlessness and cold logic following the events of the Horus heresy so as to not make the same mistakes as their Gene father nor succumb to what they deem to be weaknesses within the human psyche and instead replacing such flaws with a machine like efficiency and brutality regardless one can only imagine what other possibilities and changes may have occurred within the timeline if rebuta giliman were the one to bring angron into the Imperial fold we will never know for certain what do you think leave a comment below and thanks for watching [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: 40K Theories
Views: 158,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, lore, theory, theories, explained, miniatures, tabletop, games, collectibles, collectables, 40klore, 40ktheory, 40ktheories, 40kexplained, remleiz, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, 40k lore, 40k theory, 40k theories, 40k explained, gaming, rpg, scifi, sci-fi, science fiction, grimdark, games workshop, horus heresy, great crusade, world eaters, angron, ultramar, ultramarines, roboute, guilliman, primarch, ultramar empire, emperor of mankind, shadow crusade, calth, nuceria
Id: 542qKYurDIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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