The Genetic Heritage Of The Carcharodons - 40K Theories

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[Music] [Music] the Kakarot on Astra also known as the space sharks are a loyalist chapter of the adapter societies created during an unknown founding while the exact founding of the chapter is unknown the Kokoro dons have been documented as existing as far back as m32 where they fought during the conflict known as the Astro path wars over the course of their existence the cardones have gained notoriety for their sheer savagery and brutality which is considered by a number of Imperial authorities to be excessive even when compared to other equally vicious Space Marine chapters such as the flesh terrors or executioner's this ferociousness is reflected within the chapters battlefield doctrine with the kakora dons favouring shock assault and tearing their foes apart in melee combat should their foe prove exceptionally stubborn or resistant then the chapter will swiftly withdraw before launching another violent assault against the enemy's flank or rear such as the brutality and ruthlessness of the cardones in battle that it has been known for the chapters allies to suffer from collateral damage this was most notably demonstrated during the course of the big gap war with the assault on bowdabra morris where the kokoro dons were ordered to target the planet's infrastructure while the star phantoms launched a simultaneous assault against the renegade astral clause chapter the kokoro Dawn's would choose to interpret their orders with their typical brutal efficiency sabotaging a number of hive city reactor cores causing them to overload while the way that the kokoro Don's interpreted and carried out their orders were undeniably effective their actions resulted in the deaths of hundreds of their Star phantom allies the Star phantoms have never forgiven like a corrodens for their callousness and continued to harbor a deep resentment towards the chapter even to this day little is known about the origins of the Takara Dawn's who have many external records regarding the chapter becoming fragmented and lost although the cardones themselves claim to be fully aware of their history despite this some hints to their origins remain the tome known as the me force angelica mortis details an event known as the day of exile where the founders of the kokoro dons known to the chapter as the wandering ancestors were ordered to journey to the very edge of the galaxy where they would be tasked with hunting down and slaying xenos traitors and renegades in order to atone for some unknown transgression during the chapters journeys throughout the outer dark the kokoro Dawn's have recovered numerous examples of ancient technologies known as our kyo tech this has been traded with the adapters mechanicus who in exchange provide the chapter fresh supplies of material such as armored vehicles and ammunition these trades conducted with the mechanicus unknown to the chapter as great Ives despite this supply of goods from the adapters mechanicus much of the chapters equipment is incredibly old with many examples of which having been extensively modified in order to keep it serviceable the kokoro Don's are also somewhat unique for a loyalist Space Marine chapter for their methods of acquiring new aspirants for instead of forcing volunteer aspirants to undertake trials in order to prove their worth the kokoro Don's will conduct Swift and bloody slave raids known as red times the strongest and most promising of these slaves will be inducted into the chapter while the rest will serve the kakera Don's as slave serfs since many of the chapters records have been lost to the annals of history including that of their primogenitor Primarch then which of the first founding regions could the kakora Don's be descended from while the source of the chapters gene seed is officially unknown the genetic stock of the kokoro Don's is noted to display a number of flaw the first of these which appears to be a floor unique to the chapter is that as the Warriors of the chapter age their skin starts to take on a rough sandpaper texture with dark grey tentacle-like growths similar to that of shark skin manifesting across their flesh the other notable traits found within cacao don jean seed is that of a speculated floor with in ml and chromic walkin resulting in the chapters battle brothers developing deathly pale skin and eyes that are an oily black in color these latter two trades are characteristic of two of the original Space Marine legions the first and most likely of these potential primate janitors to the modern date card on chapter is that off the 19th Legion of the litchi onest at ease the raven guard like the cacar adorns the gene seed of the raven guard causes those that are implanted with it to develop pale skin and black eyes as a result of the deficiencies found within their melon chromic Walker while the battlefield tactics and doctrine of the Raven guard may initially appear to be at odds with those of the kakera Don's there are a number of links that connect these two chapters the starters the current chief librarian of the kakera Don's T Kahurangi is known by the title of pale Nomad the term pale Nomad according to Horus heresy book three extermination was one of the titles bestowed to the original raven guard legion by the lunar wolves prior to the legions reunion with their prime mark Corvus corax the brutal and callous nature of the Takara Dawn's is also similar to that of a chapter from the original Raven guard Legion during the time of the Great Crusade and Horus heresy the ashen claws the ashen claws were a chapter comprised predominantly of Terran bornus deities who much like the kakera Don's were notorious for not only their brutality but also for their casual disregard for casualties the chapter would frequently utilize sacrificial units and battle in order to distract their enemy while the bulk of their forces would strike hard at the enemy's flank or rear to deliver the killing blow in addition much like the modern-day kakora Dawn's the ashen claws were known for conducting slave raids to boast of the ranks of their serfs which would eventually put the mods with their Primark who vehemently opposed such actions the ashen claws along with many other Terran elements of the Raven Guard would ultimately be ex out by their Primark in order to remove the more undesirable elements of the legion that would be unable to adapt to core axes vision as to what the Raven Guard should be this act would anchor the ashen claws as their centuries of loyal service was effectively being punished instead of rewarded the chapter would then be forced to journey towards the region of space known as the cool stars and while the ashen claws sided with neither loyalist nor traitor forces during the course of the Horus heresy the chapter would still leave its mark during the conflict as they conducted numerous raids upon the Nostromo sector the ashen claws continued to endure even to this day acting as little more than pirates and brigands serving no master but themselves but have been known to trade with the kakora Dawn's on occasion given a genetic similarities doctrine and battlefield tactics it's plausible to assume that the kakera Dawn's are themselves descended from this particular division of the original Raven Guard legion this possibility is further supported by a number of additional links the first of which is detailed with in the novel red tithe with the following passage stating that's the ancestors of the Coloradans were wrecks out for some unknown transgression they were dispatched into the outer darkness upon that first day of exile there to ravish the foes of mankind until their final atonement their forgotten one gave them remit bound to set about the traitor the alien and the renegade without mercy and to Hera them in their places of strength so began their long hunt they hunt still there is also the fact that many suits of armor within the possession of the kakera dons in addition to their heraldry and numerous battle scars are covered in what are known as exile markings presumably in reference to the ashen claws and their exile by Corvus corax in addition many suits of armour within the chapter's armory are incredibly ancient with some even dating back to the Terran unification Wars some of these suits of armor are even decorated with the original sigil of the Emperor lightning bolts and the right to bear the symmetry was said to be the first battle honor earned by the chapter because the ancestors of the cardones are implied to be directly descended from a chapter that fought upon terror itself this only strengthens the possibility that stack accordance could be descended from the ashen claws who as stated earlier were mostly Terran born Raven guard another piece of evidence to support this possibility is that the chapter master of the kakora Dawn's tie burrows the red wake is also known by the title of shade Lord during the course of the Great Crusade the title of shade Lord was used almost exclusively by a figure known as arcus fowl who was the original commander of the ashen claws the novel outer dark even suggest that a theory feared by the cacao rodents known as The Forgotten one who is regarded to be the father of the chapter was in fact arcus fall when a contingent of kakera Dawn's met with a modern-day incarnation of the ashen claws in order to barter for material both chapters would refer to this mysterious figure with the kakera Don's claiming to be sons of the Forgotten one and the ashen claws somewhat ironically stating that they have not forgotten the Forgotten one and continue to serve him to this day in addition the signature weapons of Tiber us a pair of coil it's named hunger ants lake that incorporates both chained blades and lightning claws are said to be relics that were supposedly stolen from the ashen claws further strengthening this connection there is also the fact the speaker carden's maintain limited stocks of Raven guard genetic material which the chapter has been known to trade with the ashen claws further supporting the links between the two while the evidence to support the possibility of the kakera dons being a raven guard success a chapter appears to be overwhelming there is still a minut possibility that the chapter is descended from another legion entirely as such could it be possible that the cardones are in actuality descended from the eighth Legion of eligio næss deities the knight Lords while this may appear to be somewhat unlikely there is a fair amount of circumstantial evidence connecting the cardones with the Knights Lords Legion the first of these potential links is once again due to a number of similar if not outright identical genetic traits the gene seed of the Knights Lords despite being considered relatively pure imbues those implanted with it with pale skin and black eyes which as stated earlier are traits found within the cacar Dawn's own gene seed this similarity is even detailed within the novel red tithe as the knight Lord a mon cul remarked that the kokoro Don's bore a curious resemblance to the Knights Lords not only this but cul himself would note that's the way the kokoro Don's fought upon the battlefield was eerily similar to the Knights Lords as detailed with the following passage their fighting style was not one call recognized if anything it seemed eerily like the night Lords own doctrines the Brethren of the red knights a young successors the blood 'angels had displayed a violent savagery when Carla and aged them in orbit above quail us and he had heard of the brutality of the space horse these gray clad loyalists matched the bloodthirsty violence of both chapters and yet there were unsettling differences in addition the demon bar ghoul would further reinforce the potential genetic links between the Knights Lords and the kakera Don's when the knight Lords launched their raid upon the world of ZOTAC bar ghoul would warn the knight Lord sorcerer Chad rays of the imminent arrival of the kakora Dawn's referring to the loyalist chapter with the following quote now while tis admittedly possible that the demon could have simply used the term brothers in order to refer to the cardones as merely being fellow Space Marines the term brother is commonly used within the ranks of the adapter societies in order to describe warriors who share the same genetic heritage regardless of that chapter for example an imperial fist and a black Templar would be regarded as being brothers for they both share the gene seed of rope all torn by contrast an imperial fist and a bloody angel would see one another as cousins due to having different gene father's one of the final pieces of potential supporting evidence that suggests a genetic link between the kakera Don's and the Knights Lords comes from the novel outer dark when pale shower the Reaper prime of the kakera Don's met with mahat nerve the chapter master of the ashen claws within the feasting hall of the loss thierry one of Neffs warriors refers to bail shot specifically as being traitor born scum admittedly it is arguable that this term could have been referring to something else entirely such as by declaring that the cacar dons had betrayed the original ideals of the ashen claws or simply uttered as a generic insult as opposed to claiming that the dakara dawn such descended from a traitor legion some have even suggested that the mysterious forgotten one of the kakera dons wasn't another than 7r the first captain of the knights lord's legion during a time of the Great Crusade and Horus heresy one of the last documented accounts in regards to sabotage whereabouts was during the later years of the Horus heresy following the events of the three mass crusade with scimitar being captured and incarcerated by the loyalist Dark Angels Legion during his time in captivity servitor would somewhat grudgingly befriend a young masterpath named al thani after being caught utilizing her psychic talents to converse with senate are our Tony would be viciously beaten for seven days and nights by the overseer of her atrophic choir which would result in young girl being crippled after learning of her fate sabotage sought to avenge the young masterpath servitor would succeed in escaping from his jailers as he was being escorted to a prison transport vessel before tracking down now Tony's overseer cemet are what the overseer with his own power lash before eventually snapping his neck when the Dark Angels finally made it to the choir chamber Sara Tarr would declare that he was both justice and punishment before offering his unconditional surrender after being returned to a cell cemetery would ponder the possibility of hunting down humanity's true enemies as detailed with the following passage from the short story the long night he sits alone in the blackened stillness listening to the slow rhythm of his breathing a sense of serenity cloaks him and a feeling of cold cold focus that has eluded him for decades when he dreams now it is thought of the dead but of the endless night between worlds the deepest void where a thousand threats drift away from the light of loyal sons the domains of aliens and monsters forced into exile by the Great Crusade still crying out extinguished once and for all the true threats to mankind these dreams of hunting the enemies of man in the deepest darkest reaches of space are similar to the eternal mission undertaken by the modern-day Carradine's as the chapter browsed a very edge of the galaxy in order to hunt down and eliminate the enemies of man another possibility in regards to the genetic heritage of the kakora Dawn's however is that their gene seed is actually chimeric in nature this is due to the fact that the ashen claws have been documented as regularly referring to the Kokura Don's as mongrels suggesting less their gene seed has been spiced together from at least two differing sources when bale char is forced to compete within a pit fight against a captured Berserker from the world eaters traitor Legion the Hat nerf would remark that the world eater could potentially be a brother to the khakkhara Don admittedly though Ness could have been simply taunting akakura Don or referring to the savagery of both the world eaters and kakora Don's in combat the idea that the Jews heat of the Takara Dawn's could be chimeric in nature is also further supported albeit somewhat loosely by the fact that when the kakera Don's provided the ashen claws with a fresh supply of raven guard gene seed the ham Neph would inquire if the gene seed was pure or if it had been contaminated with the kokoro Don's own genetic material this would seem to imply that the gene scene of the kakera Don's could be a hybridized mix not only consisting of raven guard genetic stock but possibly spliced with knights lord whoa DITA or perhaps some other source entirely but the final possibility is one that admittedly would appear to be the least likely the book def watch all in the chapter states somewhat bizarrely mastica currents are a third-generation successor chapter of the ultramarines being direct descendants of the Eagle warriors chapter despite this the book still claims that the source of the chapters Jean seed is unknown suggesting that this classification is somewhat erroneous especially when taking into account that this book also declares that that the corridors were created during a twenty third founding despite the chapter being active long before this particular period of time whatever the truth of the matter the cacao rodents will still be regarded as one of the most brutal and officious of all space marine chapters and as long as the kakera Don's continued to exist the enemies of man will have much to fear what do you think leave a comment below and thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: 40K Theories
Views: 197,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, lore, theory, theories, explained, toys, miniatures, tabletop, games, collectibles, collectables, 40klore, 40ktheory, 40ktheories, 40kexplained, remleiz, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, 40k lore, 40k theory, 40k theories, 40k explained, carcharodon, carcharadon, space shark, space marine, ashen claws, night lords, raven guard, tyberos, forgotten one, great crusade, horus heresy, red tithe, outer dark, bail sharr, nehat nev, world eaters, eagle warriors
Id: ipqXh-2HhhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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