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hey everyone wol floro here today we ask if Eldred orran will free Jager I KH from the webway no real need for a spoiler warning today but just keep in mind I will be mentioning events from across the Warhammer 40K universe so you have been warned but with that said let's waste no time and just jump straight in now you know the galaxy has had some pretty big movers and shakers over its history individuals who have truly shaped it to their whims and left their fingerprints in its evolution names such as the Emperor of mankind sarak the silent King Horus lupaca abidan the despoiler you can't deny that each of them has altered the Galaxy in their own way and I'd wager Eldred or friend the ancient eldari Seer absolutely belongs on that list of names throughout the thousands and thousands of years of eldrad's life he has attempted to manipulate events across the Galaxy always to the eldar's benefit he has done and continues to do everything and anything he can to avert his rac's slow decline to Extinction he's literally attempted to awaken a god before it's ready inad god of the dead and he most likely would have succeeded were it not for the intervention of the death watch so Eldred is most certainly not afraid to play with the strings of Fate even those of other races the Imperium of mankind most prominent amongst them it is said eldr has conversed with the Emperor himself though there is little evidence to prove it what we do know is that he was involved with the great heresy at first attempting to warn fulgrim of horus's foreseen fall to chaos and then instrumental in helping Vulcan reach the throne World bypassing the Demonic H ass sailing the portal even now 10,000 years later he has a representative upon Lord Commander Gillman's count route apparently eager to form a working relationship between the two races but though it would appear eldrad is intent on aiding mankind ensuring the survival of the Imperium the truth is it's not that straightforward his only goal in reality is the survival of his own people and he knows quite simply the Imperium is the only hope of fighting back back the tides of chaos and a means to an end so he will work with Humanity even Aid them when he has to so long as it serves the eldari make no mistake about it eldrad would sacrifice an entire populated system of the Imperium to save but one elari life and so in terms of aiding the Imperium it raises a very important question for me regarding the current situation and a certain lost Primark within the webway jagy KH Primark of the white scars could Eldred be involved with the kon's return jagatai was last seen pursuing duwari xenos into a webway portal where the portal would then close behind him cutting him off from the Galaxy and his sons his fate since then a mystery he could have been wandering the webway eternally since then taken prisoner within the Gladiator pits of comag or like I personally believe trapped within a fractured Corridor of the webway where time no longer flows properly reliving the same moment over and over again in another never ending cycle or it could be something else entirely until the KGAN returns we'll never know in my opinion even the eldari don't know of jager's exact location even the enigmatic Harley quins the masters of the webway for surely otherwise Eldred himself would know and if he did given the situation of the Galaxy aban and Chaos's success you might think he would have done something by now to Aid jager's return for nothing more than simple practicality needs must out of desperation a Primark back for the Imperium improves their chances against chaos and that improves the Ali's hope for survival and hey if you think so you could well be right comag for me is unlikely if jagai were in the Gladiator pits then surely there would have been a sighting by now for all its isolated location we've actually seen quite a lot of comag within the law there's been more than a few Imperial incursions to the dark city and never even the barest trace of a sign of jagai so jagai is most likely I'll Grant you still within the webway somewhere awaiting to be found even by the elari there is of course the possibility he could simply find his own way out emerging from a webway portal unexpectedly on some remote world within the Imperium probably by sheer happen stance on a world in need of his prime arcade while at one time I would say that's unlikely I don't think any of us predicted El Johnson's return to transpire as it did him simply arriving on an unknown world within Imperium nyas so we really can't RAR anything out jagy could very well simply emerge on a random World Somewhere Out There amid the vastness of the Galaxy however just because it is the webway we're talking about here I'd say the odds of the El Ari becoming involved with Jag Tai's return becomes very very likely and although eldrad is technically aligned with craft world offway you've got to imagine he would be instrumental in any eldari involvement regarding the KGAN as soon as the Harley quins become aware of the primarch if they aren't already you have to think Eldred would be consulted it's even probably more likely that eldrad would see a sign of jagti coming and already be moving to intervene and so the question for today is how how would eldrad intervene by aiding jagti helping him escape the webway and returning to the Imperium or something else I'd say the odds are that he would see seek to Aid the KH most likely approaching him with an offer to help him leave the webway as I think is the general belief he'd have to be cautious bearing in mind it was the duwari jagai was chasing when he entered the webway and jagai of all the primarchs is a particularly wary one cautious to offer his trust but if eldrad came alone spoke of his assistance given to V before the siege of Terror his now cooperation with Gilman maybe even his failed attempt to warn forgrim prior to the heresy I think it's possible jagti May relent enough to allow eldrad's assistance at least in terms of getting out of the webway but it certainly wouldn't be an easy conversation again given what we know it makes sense for eldrad to want to help a PR Mark return to the Imperium if he can because even with Gilman's return the Galaxy is still a mess never has chaos been as ascendant as it is now sure perhaps they came closer to victory during the siege of Terror but now thanks to abidan the wers flooded the physical Galaxy clo it in two demons walk freely and Empires acclaimed in the name of the pantheon any primarch loyal to the emperor and thus against chaos is a huge boost and jagar is perhaps one of the few who might listen I mean it could be worse it could be Lan Russ within the webway you've got no chance there Eldred but regardless I think that's the common belief the eldari were involved in Gilman's own return and with Jag I being within the webway it wouldn't be too much of a shock to see them involved with his return in some way however for me as ever there is a however and no I'm not trying to rhyme while Eldred May Aid Humanity as long as it aligns or benefits his own people as we said he has equally as often been its enemy and while chaos may very well will be a threat to the entire galaxy right now you could argue it's mostly a threat to the elari at the culmination of the Arc of omen campaign vtor assembled his Demon World copy of calaban wormwood which then activated its own form of subm Gateway according to the Imperium AKA essentially a webway portal since then information has been pretty limited that wormwood has been appearing at random across the Galaxy implying to me it's tearing its way through the webway since this event I have long believed that some form of war must be being fought against the forces of chaos within the webway it is the eldar's home their territory the location of the fabled black Library it is something they simply cannot allow chaos to roam freely and such is the threat posed I honestly expect a unified front from all forms and branches of the alari kin the craft welders Harley quins Drew Cari alike even possibly the exodites and if this war is going on as I believe being fought right now and then jagar is going to be discovered it does raise the Intriguing question of why would eldrad send him back to the Imperium isn't it far more within the eldari toolbox to manipulate and use something towards their own end to as they so often have use Humanity to do their work for them and so is it just possible we could see jagai drawn in to this war within the webway now I'm not talking about the KH fighting alongside the Zeno Eldar absolutely not but could I see eldrad becoming aware of jagti within the webway and then manipulating the flow of battle to him or schemingly guiding jagti to the traitors and demonic Invaders well honestly yes that I could see and it is noted within the final chapter of the arcs of omen campaign that elari Representatives had approached the Inquisition for help regarding vasor but that the Inquisition declined are the eldari above using a Primark in return for that I don't think they are I think it's something that they would do gladly looking down on a Primark just as much as any Baseline human if not more so and jagti would be a huge distraction for the forces of chaos too as soon as chaos found out there's a Primark Within Reach they would be all over him desperate for the trophy and the eldari would know that eldrad most of all using jagti as a distraction a weapon could very well allow eldrad and the eldari to work on whatever scheme they have planned because of course they'd have one it's eldrad we're talking about here of course he'd be jeopardizing his relations with Gilman in doing something like this not informing Gilman right away another brother lived found within the webway but how would Gilman ever know he wouldn't jagy would just instead end up turning up amid a battle against the forces of chaos most likely completely unaware the elari had manipulated the whole encounter I think if we can learn anything from Gilman's return to the Imperium and the Lions it's that no primarch return will play out as straightforwardly as we expect no one thought the old Dari would be involved if Gilman ever awoke no one F the lion would awaken not within the rock so the chances of jagy Simply emerging from the webway and getting on with the job is most likely pretty unlikely there is going to be more to that story and this invasion of chaos within the webway makes for some unprecedented situations and it's at least a possibility with jagai being within the webway that he could somehow end up involved whether manipulated or not at the end of the day the webway is going to become a big focus of attention at some point and knowing there's a Primark within it opens up some intriguing speculation and I really wouldn't be surprised to see eldrad orran become involved with the primarch once again as he has through throughout history while yes whatever actions he takes may be to Aid jaggery and Humanity there's one thing you can be certain of they will absolutely be in the best interests of the eldari but as always everyone what do you think could we see eldrad alren become involved with the return of jagatai and if so just how could that be could you see eldrad aiding jager's escape from the webway or given the current events of chaos could we see eldrad manipulating the Primark for his own aims to Aid his own people's fights against the great enemy and if so just how do you think that could transpire as always everyone leave your thoughts in the comments below huge thank you to all my subscribers your support truly means a lot to me it really does if you're new please consider subscribing to help the channel grow and if you enjoyed this particular vid then why not drop a like on it too but with that said I am off and I'll see you all again real soon
Channel: Wolf Lord Rho
Views: 39,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaghatai khan, the khan 40k, white scars, primarch, space marines, primaris, aeldari, eldar, chaos 40k, chaos gods, roboute guilliman
Id: RQYWjyC0Lms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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