Let's Talk About Yarrick's Death - 40K Theories

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before we begin I just want to point out that no this is not going to be the format for the channel going forward in fact I was actually working on a catachan video but that's proven to be such a problem child that I'm gonna have to re-record that again so in the meantime you know just take my mind off of that particular subject and to give you guys something to enjoy hopefully I decided to rearrange my schedule and work on this particular video instead so without further ado let's talk about commissar yarrick now for those of you who may not be aware commissar yarik one of the longest 10-year done most beloved characters in all of 40K who's been around in the setting for around probably close to 30 years at this point in real world terms has been as of the ninth Edition astronom codex killed us how did you die when did he die where did he die at a time of recording we simply don't know now I know there's some speculation going around that some people believe that he was killed by angron because the new demon Prince Agron model has a skull hanging from its belt which has a bionic eye which is very similar to that of yericks however I'm less inclined to believe that jarek for a couple of reasons the first of which is judging from the photographs the skull in question appears to have service studs I mean it could be just the angle the Shadows whatever so you know I could be mistaken but if it does actually have server studs then it's not here it gets some generic Space Marine skull but we won't know until you know someone actually gets you know the sprue in hand to actually have a look at it secondly the official Games Workshop out of yarik's Skeleton shows his skull still attached to his body so it seems a bit weird that they would depict him officially as having a skulls to attach to his body but also having it hanging from anchor on sip at the same time but then again it wouldn't be the weirdest or most you know nonsensical retcon games workshops ever done hello exercise chapter how are you and thirdly I might be misremembering in this regard but from what I can remember yarick wasn't even on Armageddon the current rumors is that you know angron has re-emerged on Armageddon itself and since Armageddon as well that's effectively sitting on this regarick you know people believe that oh he must have killed yarrick there but from what I remember when gas gothraka left Armageddon due to being bored during Armageddon 3 yarick and a bunch of black Templars set off in Pursuit so if angron does materialize an Armageddon it'll be a bit hard for him to kill yarick when he's not even there but again things can be reckoned but anyway the main issue that I personally have with yarick's death isn't the fact that he was killed off in fact from a storytelling perspective I think you know you've done pretty much all you could with yarrick so killing him off you know is not a bad idea you know I'm all for the idea of having big name you know established characters being killed off my personal issue with this is that he was killed off-screen effectively we don't know how he died we don't know where he died we don't know when exactly he died only that he's dead so we don't know if he died in battle we don't know if he died of old age we don't even know if he slipped in the shower and broke his neck you know so that's the main issue because it seems a bit disrespectful for a character as you know beloved and as long tenure as yarig to be just killed off in such an ignominious manner like yarick's main plot point for close to 30 years was that he was the main rival to gasgol thracker the preeminental character in the setting but because yarrick was killed off-screen their rivalry and story arc will never reach a conclusion there will never be a resolution which from a storytelling perspective is wasteful it is a huge waste it's a wasted opportunity now granted further down the line we may get story detailing how yarick died but as of right now we don't know how it happened now personally if I was writing the game's Workshop in any capacity be it as a you know law background writer or as a black Library author or whatever I would have done something like have yarick and gas goal face off for one final match have them have their final battle and have gas go kill yarick because that way what you do one you put an end to their story arc two you big up gas go as being an even bigger threat because hey he just killed commissary that's a huge deal and three it's a huge surprise and a huge twist because let's be honest nobody would have seen yarick's death coming I mean no one saw Jags off screen death coming either but still it's just a huge wasted opportunity to not have one of the most preeminent and most documented rivalries of the entire setting put to rest you know it just seems lazy like I understand there may have been a mandate from games wardrobe saying we are no longer going to sell yarick's model Kill Em Off but just saying oh he died of screen by showing his skeleton and displaying a eulogy that says here lies Jared he finally earned his rest he now takes his place by the improside etc etc that's just lazy in my opinion that's just completely lazy but like I said there may be a story down the line where they actually detail yarick's death and I hope they do because it's just insulting to one of the most beloved characters in the entire franchise I feel have yarick die off if you wanted to have a die of old age that was always an option as well it just seems like a weird Choice given that rejuvenative treatment sort of thing in the setting so you can have people live well beyond their expected lifespans due to biomechanical augmentation I mean look at belisari's call for instance the dude's over 10 000 years old and even then you get like Nobles and you know inquisitors who live like over a thousand years I mean Carol cinnamon for example spoilers for the Beast of Riser series was shown to have lived well into the war of the Beast you know being well over a thousand years old so it seems a bit weird that rejuvenative treatments would be off the table for someone as respected and revered as Jared because you think that the Astra militarum in the department of minotaurum would want to keep his expertise you know in tactical prowess around for as long as possible why waste a hero of the Imperium you know that kind of thing um but yeah that's just my thoughts on the matter so how do you think Eric died and how would have you handled the situation if you were in charge of writing the law leave a comment below and thanks for watching
Channel: 40K Theories
Views: 60,375
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Keywords: warhammer, 40k, lore, theory, theories, explained, miniatures, tabletop, games, collectibles, collectables, 40klore, 40ktheory, 40ktheories, 40kexplained, remleiz, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, 40k lore, 40k theory, 40k theories, 40k explained, gaming, rpg, scifi, sci-fi, science fiction, grimdark, games workshop, commissar, yarrick, angron, daemon prince, imperial guard, astra militarum, rant, vent, 9th edition, codex, ninth edition, 9th ed, ninth ed, gloriana yarrick, effigy, eulogy
Id: k_oaTRkgq2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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