What if the Imperium of Man Found a Halo Ring? - Warhammer/Halo

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the Halo array the superstructure built by now long gone Fallen Empire its purpose a weapon to eliminate all other life in the galaxy in order to prevent the spread of another in this universe it is one of the biggest threats known to any civilization but what if it ended up in another Universe what if the Halo array ended up in the 41st Millennium and what if it was discovered by the Imperium of man before I continue I want to say thank you for watching if you feel that this scenario could have played out differently feel free to share in the comments below and if you have enjoyed what you've watched a like and subscription would be greatly appreciated now let's talk about what would happen if the pyramid of man found a Halo ring the scenario starts off in one of the more turbulent areas of the imperium's vast Empire warp storms have been ravaging this section for Millennia and only recently have they started to dissipate this fact has not gone unnoticed by the Imperium who are always trying to ensure their borders are secure so with this information exploration teams are sent out into the void their main task is to find anything that may be beneficial to the Imperium whether it be a habitable planet or technology that was once formed lost the wide assortment of teams go off into the darkness unsure of what they may find but as for the most part most teams find nothing of substance that is all except for one group in a seemingly unimportant section an exploration group consisting of mechanicus members has made the discovery in the initial reports it stated that orbiting a planet is a superstructure in the shape of a ring they stated similar to that of the grind Crown but it isn't attached to any of the planets nor does it appear to be anything known to the Imperium confusion occurs as to where its origin comes from and as such a further investigation is ordered the initial scans of The Ringworld showed this design is not known as any formal Tech used by Humanity previously although if it did come from the Dark Age of Technology then there is still a chance that this is unknown to the Imperium but even if it is a relic from Humanity's past the expeditionary Force could take days scanning the object much like anything unknown to the Imperium extreme skepticism takes precedent overall their experience with other xenos races and Relics of their own past have shown themselves to be major threats and as such Extreme Caution is advised the numerous or specs readings which showed that the ring is a source of major energy with vast and various ecosystems on the surface layer but underneath this thin layer is a wide assortment of various substructures to ensure the safety of the tech priests and to understand what is going on beneath the surface various Qatari and servitor units are sent down the servators that were sent down are sent into these substructures to ensure their safety and in doing so stumble across something unique inside are a large amount of artificial Canyons that seem to stretch down for hundreds of meters and the cannot be crossed over manually during their scans the services locate what appear to be control panels near these canyons and on this control panel are symbols symbols that are relayed to the expeditionary Force once the images are received the sense of disappointment and hatred is flowing through them for they have found out an uncomfortable truth this ring world is not of human origin instead it is of xenos but even if this is the case the expeditionary force will more than likely continue on in order to understand what it is they're facing and after several talks it is agreed upon that the servitar shall activate the control panel as the servitor begins to touch the symbols on the panel a mechanical whirring can be heard across the canyon metal beams start to protrude and the bridge is formed a bridge made from hard light hard light in the 41st Millennium is not something that is well known the only use of Technology like this is being utilized by the necrons but even then it's not used as something as rudimentary as a bridge and even though this is of xenos design the higher members of the mechanicus more than likely want to study it and with seemingly no threats on the surface members of the expeditionary Force start making planetful the mechanicus will research anything and everything they can about its structure whilst other teams will start researching the biological nature of the Ring world but as their studies continue by finding new technologies and biological life there's a startling lack of information about those who built this ring alongside this a few groups appear to have communication issues given how large and deep the structure is it is possible that they just have simple lack of communication to the surface the teams that can talk to one another discuss their findings more hard light structures and strange symbols across the ring are what Drive their curiosity though unsure of what they mean these symbols appear throughout the Ring's various sections although one appears more often than not but still sheds no light as to what the meaning behind it may be as the teams continue their studies they find a wide variety of technology that has never been seen before some teams were sent to the sections of the Ring where pulses of light were seen being fired towards the San Center was conducting their studies they are still unable to determine what it may be but they do note that these spies are outputting a large amount of gamma radiation the teams want to understand what these spiers may be and as such want to go deeper into the substructure as all spec scanners show that there are multiple larger rooms the teams would Traverse through multiple corridors utilizing the control panels to open the doors in their way and as they finally reach the end of their destination they reach what they assume to be a control room a massive holographic projection of the ring is shown to them but yet they still struggle to find any information and at this point in time some of the team are getting desperate and in their desperation they start turning to more radical ideas there are some teams that wish to connect to the ring directly in order to obtain more data and of course this is going to cause struggle within their own ranks some members state that by connecting to the ring they will be able to obtain data at a much more efficient rate they can find out its true purpose and if it will be a threat to them in the future of course they would still be cautious as to try to not be become corrupted by anything xenos related on the flip side there are those that would refuse any acts like this to go ahead even though there has been seemingly no danger to them at this point in time who knows that if by connecting to the ring it could activate defenses not only this but this can be seen as outright heretical admittedly though many of the other actions that they have undertaken could be seen as heretical but with this action even those that are more open to the more extreme ideas might be hesitant to do so but with this in mind the final decision will be boiled down to how desperate they were to find out information of this ring but finally after many talks of decision would be made a small group under intense supervision would be allowed to access the data however they cannot go through of it without the intense rituals beforehand they will sing chant and pray to the machine God to ensure that their task is complete as the rituals conclude the process begins but immediately something is off it's almost as if the ring itself is trying to push against those who are trying to perform the actions and out of the corner of their eyes they seem a faint Shimmer appearing as the Shimmer slowly dissipates out comes a metal orb with a glowing eye in its Center the monitor of the installation has found those trying to gain access to its systems foreign is a monitor the monitors are the overseers of all of the stations they ensure that all the Halo arrays are maintained and managed as to ensure that the ring is prepared for its usage with the mechanics trying to collect the data from The Ring it could compromise its systems and as such the monitor of the installation has been sent to ensure that there are no issues coming from it that and another issue has arisen within the Halo ring for something deep within the ring has re-emerged that shouldn't have been as the monitor speaks to the mechanicus in his friendly greeting they aim their weapons at it this is an unexpected outcome not only that possibly an even more horrifying outcome than they could have anticipated to have an AI presence let alone a xenos AI presence is a horrifying thought to the mechanicus in the history of the Imperium there has been a war against humans and AI known as the men of iron Uprising it has led to the outright ban of all AI systems within the Imperium so now to have one floating right in front of their faces is a horrifying concept A Million calculations are made and formed in the instant inside their heads to find the best course of action going forwards they recognize that seeing as there's an intelligent being on the ring alongside the fact that it had to jump on them it didn't attack them in the first place not only this it has also started off with a friendly greeting they quickly conclude that it just wanted to talk to them in the first place whether or not they allow this though is dependent on a few factors the first and most important being who is there and the second being how desperate they were to obtain information this isn't the first time a situation like this has occurred either in the 41st Millennium during the fall of Cadia belisarius call and Trays in the infinite had a conversation at first cool was very aggressive and hesitant to talk to traysin but as traysin let cool know that he knew the secret that he so desperately desired cool started to change his attitude so in this scenario with so many questions and so few answers the monitor is going to be spared for now the mechanic is allowed to speak but only briefly before interrupting it they also LED to be known Dave does not give an answer that they like the Monitor and the ring will be purged the monitor at this point in time is running calculations for its head as well both trying to find the best outcome to the situation whilst also finding a reclaimer who can become a candidate to activate the ring the monitors are programmed in a certain way to ensure that the safety of the ring is Paramount and with a destroyed monitor there is no assurance that the ring will be fired so it recognizes that the threats of the mechanicus are serious and as such needs to comply with them in order to ensure that they comply with it although the monitor is not happy with this decision and it will later be known with their sarcastic tone of voice it still goes along with it to try and maintain protocol the mechanicus begin to ask their questions what is this place who built it and what is its purpose to which the monitor responds trying to condense as much information down as possible to convey it as quickly as it can it mentions that it is one of several installations built by now extinct species known as the forerunners utilized as a weapon to destroy the flood foreign the floods can be viewed as the ultimate form parasite they're an extremely virulent organism that consumes other species in order to grow and have been responsible for almost consuming the entire Halo Galaxy at one point in time they hijack a host's nervous system and reshape them into a form that they need and as this process is going on they also collect the memories of their hosts being that they are part of a hive mind the intellect that they consume is processed immediately no matter the memory if it's about their childhood if it's about tactics or battle strategy it shall be consumed by the flood and known in an instant and now it has been Unleashed into the 41st Millennium how they escape does not really matter whether it was because of the damage caused during the shift between universes or because the biologist teams wanted to study it without the necessary precautions all it took was one Spore to ruin it all it may have attached to a servitor or a member of the mechanicus itself either way the infection had begun as the monitor tries to tell them of this threat they seemingly do not care instead they picked up on one key detail of what the monitor has said the fact that this station is a weapon as the monitor tries to switch the situation around by saying that it is a weapon to destroy the floods the mechanic is simply brush it aside again they ask what the weapon does and how it's activated to which the monitor responds with a cheerful tone the station was built as a last resort by its makers the forerunners in order to eliminate potential flood hosts within the radius of 25 000 light years of the Ring the mechanicus are now on extremely high alert but whilst concerned they continue to press on with their questions finally reaching a pivotal moment they ask if the symbols specifically the one that they've encountered repeatedly are instructions on how or where to use the weapon the monitor responds that the symbols represent that of the mantle of responsibility it is the belief that the most developed species was charged with tending to all life in the galaxy and has been passed down to the four runs Descendants the reclaimers you are the reclaimers you are the descendants of the forerunners and as such you are in charge of firing this ring to ensure the eventual safety of of all other species in the Galaxy but before the monitor can finish its sentence the mechanics scream out heresy they aim their weapons and open fire the monitor is struck by the mechanicus weapons and though it is extremely damaged it is still alive the mistake it made could not be foreseen it believed that the mechanics were fearful of it not of the fact that it was of alien origin it also didn't realize they had said one the most offensive things that these people could hear and whilst it may be true to the monitor it is not true for Humanity in the 41st Millennium so for xenos AI to tell the loyal followers of the Imperium that they themselves are xenos descendants is an outright disgusting accusation reaching the highest levels of heresy the mechanicus members try to go in for the kill ensuring that this xenos Abomination is obliterated as the monitor tries to defend itself it sends out a command to all drones nearby it has designated these reclaimers as a threat to the ring and as such should be eliminated on site as it does so it makes a hasty the escape from the mechanicus members that are trying to kill it immediately various teams noticed that new contacts are on their scanners some teams have a dozen whilst others only have a few but no matter how many they are it doesn't take long for them to realize that they are under attack various teams reporting that they are under far from these drones It's Quickly decided that all teams must regroup in order for the best chances of survival as for the teams that went missing it has decided that the drones killed them after they ventured off into an area they shouldn't have so now every rescue effort is built on ensuring that the tech priests survive the team slowly but surely returned to the surface and rendezvous with one another and though they have suffered losses their estimated chance of survival has gone up the orbiting teams had received word that an evacuation had been ordered and as such a guiding the ground teams to the best spots in order to defend themselves as the ships come down to collect them but they noticed something peculiar the all-spec scanners are showing that there is a drone cluster in an area where there are no mechanicus members they see the drones off in the distance flying down into a chamber and it doesn't take them long to figure out why for out of another entrance to the chambers the floor squirms and wriggles its way towards them a wave of flood spawn comes crawling towards the mechanicus like a parasitic tide infection forms squirm around their feet attempting to find the perfect host various scitarian Services fall victim to the filth leading to new combat forms that the survivors have to fight as for the tech priest due to being made up mostly of mechanical Parts it is much harder for these forms to attach themselves though it is not impossible above the ring the flotilla is seeing and hearing all of this unfold the situation is getting even more die by the second and as such a decision has been made the ring must be destroyed it is overflowing with heresy be it the artificial or biological xenos fret it does not matter the ring cannot continue to exist alongside this the team that found the monitor has relayed information that this ring is a weapon a weapon of astronomical damage that could this destroyed the Imperium in a single blow with this in mind the evacuation order is hastened for the tech priest to ensure that they get off world before the ring is destroyed as for this Qatari whilst the rescue effort will be made it does not ensure that they will get off world as such they and the services are commanded to stay behind and hold the line for as long as they can as bullets whiz through the air and explosions go off in the distance the ships come down to rescue whoever they can at this point in time it is seemingly impossible to stop the flood and with the last of the tech priests finally making it back to safety and those that are left behind start praying to the omniscire they pray that the omnisci gives them the strength to defeat as many of the enemy as they can and though they also receive a swift end high above the flotilla watches as the last survivors get picked off one by one and was losing the valuable data that could have been stored on this ring world is sad the survivors are happy to see this ring world go down in flames the exploration teams begin to write their reports they collect all the data that they could gather from their Hasty Retreat all sides are upset that they couldn't get the date of the day so desperately wanted the mechanicus wonder what weapons they could have collected from the destroyed drones and the biologist teams are upset that they couldn't study the flood further than through observation but for now they're happy to be alive as their reports are being filled out a sense of relief washes over them for they believe the worst to be over but this sense of relief is misguided for if the biologist teams did conduct their studies they would learn the horrifying truth now that the floods have entered the 41st Millennium the new Powerhouse has entered the sea and whilst the vast majority of the source of this flood outbreak has been destroyed it still only takes one Spore to bring down an Empire foreign
Channel: Hypospace
Views: 26,280
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Keywords: warhammer, 40k, halo infinite, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40k reaction, warhammer the old world, warhammer lore, halo, xeno, great book of grudges, age of sigmar, realms of ruin, wargaming, astra militarum, how to play age of sigmar, total war warhammer 3, age of sigmar lore, space marine 2, audiobook, warhammer 40k 10th edition, warhammer aos, halo mcc mods, halo infinite gameplay, halo lore, halo reach, trazyn the infinite, the infinite and the divine, hammer and bolter, tyranids
Id: jgI_O1nrm-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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