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castellons of the black Templars welcome gentle listener I am Baltimore to your faithful servant and I wish to introduce you to the forces factions and faces of the Warhammer 40K setting the Grim darkness of the far future where there is no time for peace there is only time for war now if you enjoy these videos do sling me a like and a subscribe and click the notifications button as they aren't that frequent and YouTube will only send you a few out of those issued new systems over there so not as easy for us older channels to thrive anymore so lend a boulder hand if you're of a mind to do so and today we shall be discussing a rank that only really exists in one chapter of the adius aartis the emperor's own angels of death the Space Marines and as it is clearly not coded compliant there are only a few chapters or Bloodlines from where it may hail the space worlds generally do not adhere to the Codex some other successor chapters as well but few but as you well know by clicking on this video's card we do not speak of them today no today we discuss the Fist of the emperor his eternal Crusade those marines that elicit the most violent and explicit of all reactions for only a suicidal psychotic does not instantly lose control of their bodily functions when their mere name is mentioned only those who pray for the emperor's peace can see their sigil and not instantly break and run for the deepest darkest hole and rock themselves slowly holding their breath while hoping the shadow of death somehow passes them by of course I can only be speaking of the black Templar as the sons of dawn but those who Feel the Fire of his anger the cold Rage of rogul turned to Lava the disciples have arguably the greatest aartis who ever lived the first Templar and champion of the emperor himself sigismund but first before we get into the breakdown of what the rank is and what it means let me try to Peak your interest in them a we story The castellan we were all accosted by the rancid stench of heresy the instant The Landing ramps came down and our drop pods we could see it in the foul twisting of Statuary the overgrowth of mosses and Len with patches of fungi like a tide of green creeping up from the roads and avenues as if nature was reclaiming its own but we all knew there was nothing natural about any of this the previously beautiful walks and avenues were swallowed in this dark green mire the glory of the imperium's most devout labor suffocated in slime we spread out in a holding pattern and took cover amongst the many archways as I viewed the Chevrons on my display all was progressing a pace squads under sword Brethren habberman V Stein and Kleinman had burst from their many drop pods and instantly assaulted the locations they had claimed I castline gther benrich oversaw proceedings my guard saw Brethren drachman gunberg hoenheim junker Clinger ostman V and Walder were primed and ready I sprang from my position and rushed forward rolling through a thick door to slam into cover my brothers did likewise ducking and using Shadow Archway colum and wall to obscure our numbers to cover our Advance stab by fire slammed down to fill the quart yards we crossed few of us were even clipped by their bursts none of it penetrated our power armor as we passed drachman and Walder swung into the building and took one staircase each running up them to come upon the enemy who stood at top the crenelations the sounds of crackling power and wording chainsword haunted us as we rushed gone they would clear the palace within minutes V and Yuna took after me as I was the spear tip grunberg hoenheim Clinger and ostman the second wave firing up at those above with their bolt pistols each shot a kill each kill another given the emperor's peace his purifying end I Rush on coming across a small unit of traitors as I cross in front of them I continue the unit of scum ra L guns and fire into walls as I pass but even V and junker ignore them and keep a pace with me gromberg and the second wave plow into them and slice limbs from torsos heads from shoulders the entire thing lasts less than 4 seconds before they off after us again a score of guard dead in their wake I briefly focus on my heads up display and confirm all is still proceeding Haberman and the others have taken their locations they are now fending off counter assaults but are as expected doing so with ease V and yunka flanked me as we hit the largest open air Square Bowling forward we outpace the reactions of the Defenders yet again two positions far crack grenades down at where we should have been if we were cautious if we were not Knights of the blade shards of broken marble explode behind us as lines of fire also attempt to follow us but we are too far we are through the doors to this keep without even breaking stride V and yunka now break left and right vort is under Fire as soon as he smashes through a side door to our left screaming issues from there as he hits the enemy with his chain sword making bloody bits of them to the right Yuna fires up his power sword and hacks through a door to much the same response they will not stop my brethren their stubbers are too weak their reactions too slow they do not know where the weak points of power armor are they will not stop my brethren and already grung BG's wave are here as I bound up the central region a pair of staircases wide and opulent I turn and Bound Again to land on the second level but I do not pose or prance I roll as soon as I make contact with the ground it is good that I did as missiles and plasmatic fire scorched the wall behind where I would have stood and inside are over a dozen Specialists Warriors who wield Mighty Firepower yet in their hands they may as well be slings with stones I do not stop my roll as I come up next to the end of their lines I take the head off the first as I Rise gutting the second as I walk down their line a few have wit and finesse they train their weapons upon me but I backhand slap one of the scum between us he is jettisoned back into them and they are bold over I dive into into the air and come down on them swords swung with Precision none of them have heads when I move to finish the last I duck a Plasma Blast twisting and rolling backwards away from another missile it strikes the wall but it is closer so gouts of stone and Rubble F the air blinding my foe I give them no quarter I slide across the ground and slice off three pairs of feet their owners fall to the ground screaming I raise and unzip two more one from goin to Chin the other from best bone to thigh my sword passing through muscle bone and uniform with as much resistance as air a mastercrafted blade for a master bladesman all of the scum are dead here now I notified the sword Brethren of the other squads to initiate the next stage of the attack they continue to their secondary and tertiary objectives and we we move on we always move on this is a shrine world and we will never falter never rest never stop we will never stop until we have cleansed and purified every system around every Star we are the emperor's wrath we are his Vengeance we we are his eternal Crusade so we now have an idea what a castan is a leader a man who leads from the front but let us scrutinize the origins and implications of the station after the siege of Terror was broken and the traitor Legions fled into the void the emperor was near dead the emperor's body was shattered his sons needed to chase the traitor Allegiance out of the Imperium if not exterminate them root and BR this was all done by the loyalist primar but they needed to leave one behind to defend the realm from outside aggressors and this was routed Gillman and his Legion now the Codex of startis was written by the Primark of the 13th Legion the alra Marines it was designed to break down the wings of the armies of the Imperium and to codify them not only in their doctrines and tactics but in their Force dispositions and order of battle one might wonder where he got the time to do such intricate philosophical and strategic analysis Until you realize he was left at home to guard the Imperium while his brothers did the actual fighting during the scouring so possibly a bit of H overcompensation maybe but we all know I like to playfully prod at the shine on the avenging son but let us not get bogged down even though rogul Dawn the seventh Primark Imperial fists did not originally agree with the stipulations of the Codex for it meant the breaking down of the Legion into the present format of chapters of Space Marines of no more than 1,000 aartis he did eventually bend the knee and accept the document from that moment onwards the Imperial fists epitomized the theories and practices in the Codex even more than their originator yet this same con consideration and acquiescence did not commute to his greatest son sigismund sigismund was indeed granted a chapter of Space Marines made up of the stock of the Imperial fist but these were men who followed him into that new organization freely nay enthusiastically they were the most zealous Warriors in a time when Zeal was not yet seen as a strength the black Templars but after Sigman formed his chat this is about as far as he took the concepts of the Codex he adhered much more to the prinkipia Barosa the original books written by the emperor himself before the great Crusade and he never ever gave up on the dream the emperor dreamt the campaign for sigismund was never over the emperor had not called an end to it so the fires of crusade were never diminished in his heart and so sigismund took his Warriors out into the stars on what has been known for 10 or more thousand years as the Eternal Crusade now the black Templars are unique in many ways but their flaunting of the Codex is one that they are most known for well that and their fanaticism and utterly unbreakable Zeal now the black Templars are strange in that they do not rely on constraining methodologies some might say that they are far too loose an organization and more like a very angry mock but this is usually the howl of those who could not function in the way that they do for of all of the Space Marines in the entire galaxy the black Templars give more freedom and latitude and more autonomy to their Marines than any other formation that has ever existed even the black Shields because they are not like most Marines they consider themselves Knights they bands of equals in the war this is only possible due to their inner reason their Crusade for the black Templars do not have formalized squads and Orders of battle when a campaign or objective are declared the Marines and the Force form their own detachments and units as they see fit but this this is effective for them as they choose who they will fight next to in the line and all know exactly what their role is their goal and the best way to match it hence there are very few positions of any real Authority amongst the Templars of course there is hbre the high Marshall lord of the black Templars then beneath him are the marshals these are approximately similar to the captains of other chapters who lead a company of 100 Marines but a marshall of the back Templars is actually a leader of an entire Crusade force and this can contain many companies of Marines so realistically they are far more akin to a chapter master of other Marine formations yet who leads the companies or their equivalent if not captains or Marshals well that is the rank of castellan often explained as equivalent to left tenant as we have heard it is actually more close to a standard Captain but one might ask does this not mean that they have an equivalent rank for leftenant as as well the answer is simply no because they do not need one the individual dive of the knights the units squads and Marines and the black Templars means that the job of the leftenant is not required at all why because the leftenant is there to step into the Gap when a captain dies or to take a smaller segment of a formation into another region to wage war independently but in the black Templars there is such cohesion such Singularity of purpose that if the castlin is negated slain or incapacitated then the veteran sword Brethren merely elect one almost instantaneously for there is so little ego in the black Templars that there is no jockeying for position or power for many of them simply do not want the title or responsibility not because they are lazy or laxidasical but because it would force the elevated Warrior further from the front and dishing out the emperor's wrath on the unclean Mano IM Mano face to face is where the black Templars Excel it is where their heart sing only the Orcs have the same Zeal and enjoyment for combat hence when a castellan finally passes or is negated then a veteran with authority through Deeds is forwarded and it is often voted on unanimously and Incredibly swiftly for if the initial choice is not supported then the owners of this tedious trial may be placed on them and few sword Brethren wish that fate to be their own with the left tenant of the ultramarines May sit in a bunker stuck to a screen orchestrating the perfect disposition encounters across a battlefield the castle of the black Templar is more a guide he will make sure that all strategic and tactical objectives have received a volunteer Force to neutralize them then when all is well and engagement is in full force the castan will then lead his own forces directly into the Foe and wet his chainsword with the lifeblood of the enemy be they xenos mutant traitor or witch the word castellan is aric and means the governor or Warden of a castle or other fortification and this is exactly how the back Templar castlin act he is the Lord who must organize his Knights so they can attend the battle he is the one who makes sure that all are content and have gained their objectives but he does not actually have control over the knights who fight in his Force they choose and accept risks as they wish and that is more freedom than most humans will ever experience in this hellish nightmare of the Grim darkness of the far future yet one must remember that these are black Templars the RO may not be wanted by many of them but they will not take orders from those who have not shed their blood for the emperor they will not follow any that they do not respect so any castan is a hard bitten veteran and a man worthy of respect fear and following they follow him not because someone has decided they have done enough time in the ranks nor that they have kissed the right rings at the right time to the correct depth the back Templars follow nothing but strength and devotion so when one sees a castellan of the black Templars one can know with absolute 100% and certainty that you stand in the presence of one of the most able courageous indefatigable and violent Warriors Humanity has ever produced because they lead from the front and always have for they are men worth following the castellan is the ultimate expression of the breach of the Codex of startis they exist in numbers far exceeding any leftenant of any other chapter for the Eternal Crusade is it without restraint without constraint and they will be damned if they ever reject a faithful Warrior because of a number written on a burrat spreadsheet Gillman of course knows it so too with the lion for the Eternal crusade kneels to none but the god emperor of mankind I have been balore your faithful servant if you have enjoyed this video then consider joining us every Friday and most Wednesdays a like and comment go a long way to help out and thank you for your precious time now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun tul
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 14,146
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Keywords: Warhammer 40000, Warhammer Lore, Warhammer History, Warhammer Stories, Warhammer Information, Warhammer Trivia, 40K LORE: BLACK TEMPLAR CASTELLANS!, BLACK TEMPLAR CASTELLANS, Black Templar Lore, Baldermort, Baldemort, Guides to warhammer, 40K LORE, Primaris Space marines lore, warhammer audio books, warhammer 40k short stories, warhammer space marine lore, warhamer 40k lore, black templar leaders, lore of the black templars, warhammer for beginners
Id: a7oh6NX6JZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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