GEN 9 CHINESE POKEMON REGION?! | Pokémon Dynasty (Starters & Full Dex)

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what's up guys this boy infamous trainer and today we're diving into another regional showcase video as today we're going to explore the pangu region which is inspired by mainland china as well as reference chinese in eastern asian culture and this region goes by the title name of pokemon dynasty let me tell you guys i'm super excited to dive into this because we do not have a chinese inspired region as most pokemon regions are inspired by japan or japanese culture i'm excited to see what a chinese inspired region will be like so hopefully you guys are also excited now on that note make sure you guys do leave a like on the video share the video out and hit the subscribe button because tons of you guys love these videos and i want to continue making more so i want to hear your feedback and i'm still on the search for a great indian region but if you guys are ready let's dive in also really quick this region actually introduces a brand new typing to the world of pokemon being the mystic typing and this is all of its offensive and defensive information so you guys can know what it affects what it doesn't and i'm actually excited to see how the mystic typing really plays a part into the world of pokemon because tons of people want new typings like sound light and many others but mystic i have not heard and it sounds pretty dope but let's start off by looking at the starter pokemon alright like any other regional showcase we have to start with the starter pokemon because well they start the region off and we have the grass type pokemon cattle it's adorable i like the leaves i like it just growing on his body it's it's cute it's adorable it's like a little ox kind of bold type of thing going on it looks super adorable as it actually is going to go ahead and evolve into gruffalo gruffalo also looks pretty dang cute i can see this thing becoming a grass and fighting type because i know there is a new typing in this world but i don't know if they're going to do it for the starters but it looks adorable i actually like the design of this really with the big buffalo horns is actually really awesome as we go into a pokemon that i can't see the full name of but this one is the new typing grass and mystic and this thing looks like a brute it looks like a strong brute pokemon i love like the design with the grass and the vines and the horns that looks amazing actually i like this a lot this pokemon is going to be called aggro horn and that is the shiny oh the kind of like the gold leaves that is something you do not see because even for my starter i went more like the autumn fall colors which most starters go by so i like the shiny of this pokemon agrihorn that that's pretty that's pretty tough next up we have a tarfall and little horse i like it it's adorable i think horses are a pretty big staple in chinese culture so that's really awesome and it plays into the zodiac sign as well as it evolves into a charcoal i like it i like a lot i can see as it runs it leaves like fire imprints in the ground right with his hooves incredible and i'm guessing this is also going to be the new titan for the final evolution oh my goodness it has like the uh the patterns of like a chinese dragon like those uh you know i forgot they're called exactly but like the ones they use in parades and events this looks phenomenal this is phenomenal especially being a fire horse pokemon because you can only get so creative but this this right here is incredible also being introduced into the mystic typing as well and it's called a bustlion and bus leon looks amazing the dragon horse pokemon i'm hoping this thing learns some cool dragon moves and the shiny perfection perfection perfection perfection you can never go wrong with the white or like black or gray shiny this is it's just something you can't mess up so phenomenal i love it and then last but not least that leaves the water starter as we have ourselves skink and this thing's super cute i can see it like riding on his tail dude now i'm not the biggest fan of water pokemon for those who do not know but this pokemon is adorable having a little water you know snake thing going on as it actually evolved into azalong as a long looks yeah yeah i can see this also being a dragon which is kind of crazy because you can see the fire type being a dragon but this this looks like a dragon for sure as it is whoa whoa this thing i could see this also being somehow connected like uh kindra sidra horsey also being a mystic typing okay and the full name of this pokemon is gonna be nagara uh i hope that's the right nagara and it looks incredible definitely a special attacker i love the shiny shiny looks great the colors are fantastic by the way the light blues and the whites look guys as as someone who's making their own pokemon region if you didn't know i'm making my own region make sure you check out those videos the design elements of these pokemon are are phenomenal but i think by far for me personally i would probably have to go with either the fire type or the grass it's so tough because i like them both they both are really good i probably do grass i probably do grass i probably would do grass me personally so let me know what started you would choose as we switch over to the main pokedex alright so looking into the main pokedex we start off with the regional bug type pokemon this being a brenda which actually looks like the middle stage but it's the first stage so this is pretty interesting to see already um it's a super simple like webbed bug design i mean it's it's it's simple uh it evolves into crisco which looks like an egg this looks like a webbed up egg um i mean it's cool i don't really know what to think of it but the final evolution is what really matters as we get ourselves a mum fluff and this is interesting it's like a moth but it's super fluffy like a sheep um i don't know how i feel about it because the the wings look like eggs i'm a little thrown off it throws him off a little bit but the typing is really good bug and fairy fantastic typing i don't know if we have any other bug fairy types besides like the rabombi line so i think that's really cool to add it in and that's what the shiny looks like i i like the shiny i like the shiny a lot looks really cool then we have our original bird type that one looks like it's called a beak bible beak and it's it's cute it's got the uh i don't really know what these are called like the dot on the forehead that's pretty cool uh yes biba beak the night eve pokemon i love the yellow reminds me of omi from shaolin showdown that's exactly what i got as soon as i saw it it evolves into high crane i'm guessing that's what that says right there right um and again you can see the chinese design elements being put into it the braid like the hats and everything in the crane right you know crane fighting as a fighting style being a normal flying type and it looks incredible again the shiny beautiful these shinies are all incredible and then we have oh our cream mystic flying again this mystic typing is something to mess with so we have our crane and our crane again looks incredible i really like the design of this pokemon i see it being semi-fast definitely a physical attacker i'm surprised it's not a fighting type though i thought this is another pokemon that'd be perfect for the fighting typing so uh as we continue we have woofer the regional rodent dog whatever you want to say i did a personal dog myself so this is pretty cool to see as we have a woofer on the team it looks incredible it looks really good it's it's a super fluffy dog you cannot be upset with that as it evolves into groomlet um very big change a very big change uh i wish this was a normal fairy type like definitely playing into that typing this would have been awesome to see but it's totally fine but i think a normal fairy type would have been awesome and then we have another bug pokemon roca shed and this looks cool um a little uh grasshopper pokemon right if i'm correct hopefully that's a grasshopper uh grasshoppers i believe are also very um inspiring in chinese culture i don't know 100 i'm not really caught up in my chinese culture i would love to be like if you guys have some information i can grab let me know but rocket looks super cute as it evolves into hoplot and this looks amazing this looks dope bug flying incredible i like it i see it jumping super high yeah yeah that's the way that's the wave right there dope and then next up we have a shoe tip okay little bamboo shoot yellow i mean you gotta have the bamboo you gotta have a bamboo it's like one of our original grass type pokemon whoa whoa what is this little bandit this looks dope grass in dark i like the timing which we haven't seen in a while if i'm correct just i think it's what cacturne i don't know i don't i don't always remember them on the spot i think his cat was the last grass and dark type we had but i could be wrong and it's actually going to be the stealth pokemon called bamzooka phenomenal i love it amazing this is a great pokemon i love the design the chinese even better again these shinies are on fire next up we have a calibing this is the yo this is a this is a funny man okay calibing calling bean i like this the gourd pokemon oh absolutely absolutely again another omi vibe is what i get from this um so yeah i mean it's super cute as it actually is going to evolve into what is this what is this a grass and mystic type so again jumping into the new typing what is this um oh gin sage oh it's based off ginger ginger is a very uh essential ingredient and i feel like in chinese and just asian culture all together ginger's good stuff do we have uh tomorrow's normal poison hmm i like that i like that real simple super cute right trip why do you look like tertinator why you look like turtinator are you a pre-evo yo so it is a trague hopefully i'm saying this right right chagui actually evolved into tertinator so this pokemon region is going to have pre-evos that is awesome so it evolved to level 32 knowing a dragon type move that is incredible i love the pre-evolution super cute super adorable as it should be whoa we get one for drampa too kidra by your name by your name fire looking mon i feel like drampa is a hated dragon let me know if you guys hate drampa am i bugging i think grandpa's cool i just like the typing throws a lot of people off i guess i could use a boost upgrade as well but that's super cool same thing oh whoa it's a mystic dragon oh this changes the game this would be a this would be a fire pokemon in this region oh my goodness this would be a fire pokemon in this region oh forget what i said forget what i said yeah okay next we have chowgur it looks like a chow chow right and chow chow super fluffy dogs it's an electric type so it has like the sun and the yo yo okay yeah this is heat this is fire the hyper active pokemon love the shiny oh thundra electric dark chow towers are big fluffy and they actually look really close to this too yo this is dope yeah this is this is amazing this is amazing this is amazing i like i love this this for one does the typing looks like should have been but two i love the pokemon it looks super cool next up we have a lunir i think is what it says psychic or fairy psychic fantastic typing from one i love the design moon design is there a sun design is there a sun design that's like uh mystic sidekick that'd be pretty cool the moon rabbit pokemon oh actually it evolves um into crest air hopefully i think that's what that says right um i like it it's a simple evolution still sitting like on that crescent moon yeah i like it a lot it looks really good whoa whoa did not expect you i did not expect you i thought it was gonna be a two stage this is okay this is awesome what what's the name of this art chair arch hair arch hair arch okay okay yeah oh a sniper for the ability to i like this i like this a lot that's actually really dope whoa there's two different fairy mystic i was close i was close so there is another form so it's a split evo it's a split evo so you can get arch uh arch hair or you can get celine air that is incredible a nice selena pokemon you know what i'm saying it's kind of perfect it fits in the name um yeah i mean fairy mystic that's a baller typing that's a baller typing right there then we have ourselves a love ducky love a ducky um and yeah it's it's a duck and they love and this yeah um there's two different forms there's a black one is whoa i just realized this is yin and yang this is this is yin and yang which is a huge part of the chinese culture you can see it right the the the colorful one has the white and the other one has the black that that's good that's really good actually super creative super creative love the balance uh regorge go steal baller typing love it as we go into okay wearing more of a traditional i guess chinese attire i can't really read the name more more tizzle more tizzle the automation pokemon that's interesting but it's ghost and steel i actually want to make a go steel type so that's actually really unique to see that's actually really cool oh you know how i feel about the monkeys yeah i know how i felt about the monkeys right if you guys didn't know i'm the monkey king that's why i live with myself as i love the chimchar i love the grookie line i love pansimion dope pokemon a rengaru pretty cool i just don't like panda stage pam poor pansier garbage monkeys but griffin looks top tier fighting type my favorite typing on the team you're on the team you're on the team what do you evolve into i really don't even care oh oh yeah you i wish you were fighting mystic type though i wish you were a fighting mystic type that's totally cool we have at peace right ape yeah appease on the team i love the shiny incredible on the team it's easy then we have our pikachu club being a miriamoto i like it electric bug electric bug i'm thrown off i'm throwing off what what what is this i'm confused that is unique a pikachu clone being electric bug i like it i like this a lot actually okay the next that we have oh it's a spider wheel it i just don't like spiders all that much right it's a cool pokemon not for me dry form what kind of forms do you have ground fire still a spider that's still terrifying kindle form i like it again still terrifying uh then we have bye bye which is a mystic ghost type okay okay as it evolves into zangxi zhangzi i don't know what this is i don't know what it's inspired by but i like it mystic ghost type sounds like a fire typing um yeah this looks really really good then that's we have a mystic steel type or steel mystic type being called bling as like a colander i'm guessing is what we're not colander but like i forget what they're really called the full name but that looks pretty cool i like it it's a really simple design with like the tribal markings um and like those kind of uh chinese inspired spirals i guess you can say uh oh another little monkey it's a not a little monkey and this one's a grass type grass normal this being peach little peach butt as it has like the little berry in it fuzzy pan oh my goodness you should be fairy type you should be very tight i love it i love it i love it i love it i love it i love it i love it i love it i love it so much it's adorable whoa so tamarishi and it looks like it loves peaches yo a plus plus fire pokemon you're on the team okay you're on the team oh wait i already have a fire type i switch my starter to the the fire type okay i'm switching to the fire horse right we're gonna get ourselves that that that uh childer all right the the electric dog pokemon we're gonna get ourselves um the the fighting monkey and then add this monkey to the team it was mystic too oh it's it's slightly whoa you need yon this reminds me of exeggutor or execute exeggutor execute execute right it's a water pokemon it's it's dumplings it's little dumplings that looks super cool as it evolves into gal gatta wait go ganta okay galganta i like that gagontin i'm so sorry for butchering these names it's a big dumpling now it's a huge dumpling that the defense on this pokemon is gonna be crazy that is pretty cool i could also see this pokemon being a normal typing by the way now next up we have a caroline and this thing looks amazing some kind of armadillo type pokemon fighting ground this is actually a typing that i want to introduce into my own region i love it what's the evolutions look like we have corporal i like the name i like the name i like the name and then we have whoa this thing looks super tanky i could also see this thing being a steel type this one being uh krillin curling them like almost like colonel kern kerlin i like carlino right colonial hopefully that's how you say it my bad right my bad and then we have for our force appeal force a pill poison electric i mean that's a baller typing but it looks like a fire type it looks like a fire type bug i'm a little confused i'm a little confused i'm a little confused i'm a little confused and it evolves into a vitragon this looks like a dragon i like the fact that he has a lot of typing in here that don't look like what you expect them to be it adds some diversity to the roster for sure whoa no way no way we're getting a halucha evolution win at 20 consecutive sky battles right you're you're getting this evolution because halluci is pretty tough by itself and i will introduce you guys to hawk height and this looks incredible yeah 10 out of 10 must recommend oh my goodness yes sir hawkeye hawkeye oh yeah incredible are we gonna see more like evolut there's baby pokemon and evolutions there's baby pokemon and evolution i mean fire fire all right next up whoa smeargle gets one and levels up while knowing shadow sketch what being a normal and ghost type anchor 9 amazing this right here incredible i've seen a lot of smiggle designs um and and i think i'm being honest by far this is the best one this is the best one smugo does play a part into my region too for a different reason for a specific character that you'll kind of be introduced to later on and i was thinking one of the pokemon he's going to have is going to be a normal ghost type this is just even better inspiration this is incredible yeah this is giraffe right get something too giraffe rig is a pokemon that it's just hated even on the beta right so you can live it up with max happiness knowing a mystic type move or a dark type move and it determines the one that you get it looks like if you get yourself the one that knows the dark type move you get the hostile mode of i can't read the name but it looks incredible it's definitely more giraffe rig inspired as this one is going oh it's called a telecrane telekiran telekiran hostile mode i like it it's also the same pokemon to look here but mystic mode so instead of being a dark it's a mystic type i love it incredible fire fire fire fire pseudo wudo even gets an evolution sudowoodo even gets an evolution i guess i guess if uh mr uh mr mime can soak into the wudo so it looks like if you level up level it up near a moss rock against the grass typing no it stays a pure rock type what is based off a bonsai tree and i'm if i'm correct right so this was called out alley kin that is i thought it would be grass i thought it'd be grass you know that defense was crazy i thought it'd be grass though okay okay i like it what even chimecho gets one chimecho is a forgotten pokemon i've never used trimenko i probably will never use trimet go but if you leveled up with holding a soothe bell it looks like we get harmonial fire name name psychic mystic fire amazing even are you serious even spinda so if you level it up with a calibine in your party color lily bean right okay right okay say less you get the evolution whoa welcome to pan dizzy oh yeah that's tough pan dizzy that whoa i like that i like that a lot yo i like this a lot that is incredible dude how many pokemon get brand new evolutions so it looks like uh elysium is that elysium or is that volby volbeat gets a brand new one being a bug and fighting type called bulbash i love it i love it this is dope and i'm guessing elysium also gets one becoming a bug and fairy fantastic this was called uh lucikino lucino hopefully i said it right my bad if i didn't i love it looks great oh oh my goodness oh my wait what's the typing though mystic okay it's mystic you give evie a mystic orb oh my goodness it's a yin and yang eevee so i know the shiny is the reverse colors right it has to be i don't know if i have it in this pack right here but this is amazing okay this one being called oculion aquion oh my oculeon oh that's tough that's tough an eeveelution that's a brand new typing and looks like yin and yang it don't get better than that it does not get better than that oh that shiny is clean oh that shiny so clean oh yeah yeah yeah 10 out of 10 on the team next we have a brand new pokemon called ruffias who's actually the pangorian form which is interesting so i'm guessing this is going based off of his other region he's done which i will be showcasing here on the channel so make sure again you guys hit the subscribe button because i'm going to be doing more regional showcases you guys want to see them i got them long time the other banger content so make sure you guys subscribe for that it evolves into fanguin hopefully to the right penguin right incredible fantastic little bat you can't get mad at that we have a slag mite oh i like the name poison rock good typing as it evolves into a sega titan i like it it reminds me a lot of giggleth but a lot more aggressive a lot more aggressive but the typing is fire typing is poison rock really good typing um next we have lumen name is great name is fantastic it evolves into hallow or like halo um so that's yeah i like it i like it a lot whoa it evolves into candela being a fire psychic type okay so go from flying the sidekick i like this yeah yeah this is this is this is really cool i think it's a cool pokemon that's kind of like opposite to like um chandelure in a way i think that's pretty dope then we have uh shuriken shrieking okay poison dark type but it's a flying bird that's interesting and then we have aurora seaform water fairy you can't go wrong with the water fairy pokemon right and it evolves into or it has a different form aurora sky form fine fairy okay so you have the water and the fine water and the flying i like it though next up we have shellmet getting a regional form okay becoming a mystic type as it evolves whoa that subway looks dope a silver looks dope being a bug and mystic type i love the typing it looks fantastic oh i like that typing that whoa tork hole ghost type torkle as a ghost type ghost and rock i love the smoke i love the smoke coming out oh that is nice that is that is nice that's nice all right so it looks like it looks like defeat a wild gengar in battle and won't this game go on top it evolves into tortelli torstettle what is that torstettle the tombstone pokemon that's crazy ghost surge i like that ability i like that ability for sure then we got gothida which looks like a a psychic fairy i thought it'd be grass though i'm guessing it's based off of like uh uh alpha gaseous right if i'm correct right geishas then we have go uh goth gotharita okay okay oh god the tail looks incredible that is amazing that is that is right that's a that's fantastic i love the design it looks really really good then we have a weasel okay reminds me of furry reminds me of fur but that doesn't mask masquerade that's tough that's tough pure dark type but that's tough this right here reminds me of like the lucario zoroark i guess equivalent uh oh opera the the mask is a bit crazy mass is a bit crazy and it has different forms based off dominican and gyarados i forget the name of that dog pokemon uh linux of all pokemon i'm surprised not obstagoon or is it obstacle no that's like noon right and then lightburn this one's a bit weird it's it's throwing me off a little bit i'm not gonna lie to you then we have a pandolf wait put a dolphin a dolphin okay put dolphin whoa it involves holding or trade while a dragon scale and it turns into dracon dracono how did a dolphin go into a dragon i mean it's really cool design wise but that doesn't make too much sense i mean it's still dope we have a glazelle that was ice type oh yeah it's super i like this super simple colors the sharp diamond type ears which really goes with ice types and like the yeah yeah yeah yeah tough oh we got split evo so either you can evolve it with a uh what level up from a battle while electric terrain is active or you evolve from level up while psychic terrain is active you get two different ones we get chirush which is an isolated type baller typing i want to do an ice electric type so bad i'm trying to figure out one i really am i gotta figure it out some ways somehow or you can get yourself sega sega sega citrus sages citrus right that name is crazy i psychic baller i love it snow leo snow leo okay snow leo bubbles into hailings i like that i liked it a lot and whoa we get one more evolution what is that evolution i gotta figure out what the evolution is let me tell you right now the evolution's fire whatever it is that evolution is fire that is a fire evolution next up we get squid boom which looks like a little snake with like a little boom like the cartoon boom on the tail looks super cool as we get a cracker boom and you can see more of that like uh fire effect going on whoa crack along now this looks like the one they use in the parades right you know i know the the asian culture chinese loves fireworks and things like that so i can see it like a cracker boom relating back to that fire dragon baller typing um but it looks like those kind of ones they hold up underneath and they dance with it yeah yeah yeah these are tough this is tough we have phallics phallics and it has like that same kind of um dragon dance uh you know parade thing going on fighting ice type okay okay i like it right there right there that's what i'm talking about fighting in fire so you can get two different versions either ice or fire ice or fire or fire and ice um i probably go for ice but that's dope that's really dope because you're using this pokemon you're using that pokemon that's crazy maybe that's crazy and then there's dynamite on them yeah that's tough we have time pole okay reminds me like the buddha statue a little bit right then palpate oh they're pure steel type and then we have a steel mystic type ooh seismitoad looks pretty cool i don't like this one as much as the water form but it's pretty cool it's pretty cool then next up we have ourselves driblet it kind of reminds me of um crammer in the eyes right am i bugging nope i'm not bugging okay okay okay level up on the water slash underwater oh that is so specific okay uh if it faints in battle and is revived starting at level 25 it has a new form what is this toss prey it becomes instead of a water type it becomes a dark type okay okay okay okay okay i like it i like it a lot done sparse which is a classic pokemon to make a regional forum for uh ground dragon i like it a lot it turns into torquay i did not expect this to turn to this this to that that is interesting but dope but dope for sure i like it a lot then we have chaleng this has to be this has to be this has to be the pseudo legendary right here this is right this has to be it dragon mystic yeah it evolves into uh wait go graco the crocodile whatever that's called okay and then shed drongo fire that thing looks mystical as hell alex mystical as hell i can't get the typing ursa phil gets something new he get the new fighting joint yes sir that's tough fighting mystic kung fu gets a new form as it evolves into urgent food that's incredible dual strike style so you have single strike you have rapid strike and you have dual strike double hit moves will be incredible on that pokemon even santa stila gets something ultra beasts are in here ground and mystic okay and even stack attack against something being a pure rock type as it's based off the great wall of china oh big brain big brain how do you catch a pokemon that big that's huge all right so it looks like we're stepping into the pokemon liberation front which this is going to be introducing some brand new pokemon for us so we have a reliquin which is a pure flying type that looks amazing reminds me of rapidash or maybe what we should have gotten from rabbit dash for the hilarion forum looks incredible oh so you choose a scroll and you get reliquin apparel form so you can either get the pure flying or the one that's also flying in dark okay okay are these legendaries are these legendary pokemon then we get bullgrim who's a steel type i love this by the way this is incredible um if you get the skull scroll of ignorance it turns still to bulgrum but becomes a dark type okay so i'm guessing all these are gonna have a form where they turn into the dark typing right i'm guessing this plays into the story of pokemon dynasty uh at some point right then we have swinobyte fire name fire name and then if you get the scroll of gluttony also becoming a dark typing i think it looks that thing looks ferocious that thing looks intimidating as hell uh oh my goodness oh yeah monk king you're a part of the t get on the team this is an amazing pokemon i love it it really has that sun goku vibe to it it's a pure fighting type if you get the scroll of chaos it gets a pull and it becomes a fighting and dark type ten out of ten eleven out of ten this is amazing this is amazing did we get uh what is this it's like a camara statue it's like those statues it's like those lions statues this is called chamera which is a pure mystic type it evolves at level 66 male and female possibly so you either get a nymph or nephroial like like gargoyle so nympha royal right act wait active form and guard form okay so you get two different forms so the female will have the active form or you can have the guard mode which just kind of changes the appearance of the pokemon um a little bit with the wings the color um and and like the horns that looks actually really really cool and then you have uh nympha royal the active form um and again same exact thing same exact thing incredible and then we have a legendary pokemon being called shivayama and that looks incredible that reminds me of hoopa and some other pokemon the pattern on the on the legs throw me off a little bit because it's like a really unique tiger type pattern but it looks really good it looks really good and guys that is it for the main pokedex now i still want to show you guys some characters in the fossil pokemon so let's show you guys the fossils really quick now as for the fossils we have two different fossils being in the plastron fossil in the tusk fossil just looking at it i'd probably do the i'll probably choose the blastron fossil just because it's something different so looking at them we have a tour group which i'm guessing is going to be that uh plastron fossil and evolves into or or what does it say orchestrion or arch lenin or sleen i look these names man oh my goodness uh ability being a divination okay it looks it looks cool it's nothing too crazy uh then you have yourself infantry i love the name super dope rockin fighting type has evolved into arma arma hounds armor arma hounds okay i like it more military war mount pokemon uh you know prophetic pokemon um definitely definitely i will say the plastron fossils not as nice as the infantry fossil but let me know which fossil you picked up in your adventure now next up we're gonna have ourselves the protagonist characters of this adventure i love the male character i love the fact of the hair being this way with the with the headband going on the female character looks really really cool too but really simple i wish it was spiced up a little bit which was spiced up a little bit but looks really good overall next up looks like we have i'm guessing the rival character based off what i was told right and it looks like just a a farmland boy someone who he seems really out of place really really out of place then we have ryu roo cena who's his normal type pokemon we have lois vetch who's a psychic type pokemon i'm guessing this is the grass type trainer right we have a nissan guest uses ghost type pokemon whoople who uses ground type pokemon okay water type pokemon that's oh that's interesting that's interesting okay we have a ginkgo who uses steel type pokemon i like it professor okay okay and whoa gosh he looks dope goji looks super dope i like him and he is his fighting type pokemon that team looks ferocious team looks ferocious and then we have mai oh i like mai i like mai we have camille okay i like camille and samantha okay like yo okay i'm guessing ice fire dragon or fighting or something and then we have masterpiece does he know master mustard does he know mustard does master peach no master mustard oh my goodness man and that's actually gonna wrap it up for all the characters in this region now guys that's actually gonna wrap it up for the entire region i have to give a huge shout out to an artist astray make sure you guys go and check him out over on instagram give him a follow and let him know that infamous trainer sent you guys because he's making tons of new regions like a brand new east callows in another region i'll be showing off here on my channel that being said guys don't forget to leave a like on the video to the video out and make sure you guys check out my fan-made region the neos region as i'm dropping more videos on that very soon leave a like and i'll see you guys next time thank you guys for watching and also let me know your full pokemon team for pokemon dynasty anyways i'll see you guys next time thank you guys for watching this has been your boy infamous trainer and bye [Music] you
Channel: InfamousTrainer
Views: 506,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon dynasty, pokemon generation 9, pokemon fan game, pokemon gen 9, pokemon dynasty starters, infamoustrainer, pokemon chinese region, pokemon china region, pokemon, fakemon, pokemon mystic type, new pokemon type, mystic pokemon, pokemon regional forms, gen 9, china, chinese, new pokemon region, pokemon fakemon, gen 9 starters, pokemon gen 9 starters, new regional pokemon, pokemon region, fakemon region, pokémon, new dragon pokemon, new pokemon
Id: Hsg3hvBtjio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 49sec (2329 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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