How The Immune System ACTUALLY Works – IMMUNE
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
Views: 5,062,038
Rating: 4.981586 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The human immune system is the most complex biological system we know, after the human brain, and yet, most of us never learn how it works. Or what it is. Your immune System consists of hundreds of tiny and two large organs, it has its own transport network spread throughout your body. Every day it makes hundreds of billions of fresh cells.
It is not some sort of abstract entity. Your immune system is YOU. Your biology protecting you from the billions of microorganisms that want to consume you and from your own perverted cells that turn into cancer. It's so manifold that it is impossible to cover in one video, so we’ll make a series looking at different aspects of it.
Today, what happens when your body is invaded and your first lines of defenses are engaged in a fight for life and death?
Sources and further reading:
I ordered the book. I'm pretty excited about it because all the other merch is quite expensive but this one was somewhat cheaper and has more value to me.
I love Kurzgesagt so much that I want to pre-order this book just to reward them for making my favorite channel on YouTube.
I can't wait to see all the amogus memes to come out of this
The immune system would make a good MOBA. Or RTS
neutrophils: WITNESS MEEEEEEEEEE! (explodes)
I was very excited when I saw the title of the video, my excitement grew even more when I heard that it's going to be a series, and I of course have bought the book in pre-sale.
I'm a person who grew loving Once Upon a Time... Life. My wife, a nurse, loved it as well, and now our 5 year old daughter is liking it as well. I wish Kurzgesagt could make a remake of Once Upon a Time... Life (I know it's a crazy idea, but one can dream, right?). Meanwhile, this videos would do. But I keep thinking of the potential of this. The immune system has been my favorite part of biology, one of my favorites of all sciences (and I studied electrical engineering, so I loved many branches of physics!).
Given how much we've been hearing about immune system during the last two years due to this horrible pandemic, I hope we can at least be enlightened a bit, and learn a thing or two of ourselves and how to be less afraid of the strangeness and scary parts of nature.
I'm really excited that there is a book and that there are going to be videos! Thank you everyone involved, truly! I need more exclamation marks! Yay!
I'm not going to say what they look like. I'm not going to, you can't make me. You can't.
Amazing episode, I think I'm going to buy the book, I love science and want to try and encourage my daughter into STEM.