What if Aragorn Took the One Ring? Theory

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[Music] Aragorn raced along the banks of the entry and river and parth Galen near the Falls of rah-rahs it was early in 3019 of the Third Age towards the end of the events of the Fellowship of the Ring Frodo where are you my friend the Ranger cried out in the distance there was the din of battle ringing throughout the trees No Aragorn said softly to himself and ran swiftly towards the sounds coming closer to the inevitable battle at hand that is when he heard the Horn of Gondor sound and he knew Boromir was in danger Aragorn ran even faster but not before looking at the end Duane river one last time there he saw a boat from Lothlorien slowly moving over the waters behind the boat was a small figure a hobbit struggling to swim after the boat in that moment Aragorn had to make a decision he could come to the aid of Boromir a high warden and capable warrior of Gondor or the aid of two hobbits that carried the fate of the world if the otic i were to find them it would spell doom for the world thus Aragorn chose the latter opting to go to his Hobbit friends and defend them from any danger he called aloud to them and he almost immediately regretted it Aragorn could feel a shift in the woods and now there were thunderous boots making their way towards him he drew and the rail the flame of the west and made ready to defend the hobbits but broke after aruch spilled forth from the forests of eastern rohan and Aragorn could not take them all he did what he could but it was not enough and he was overwhelmed to do anything besides defend himself he looked towards Frodo and Sam who were now both on the boat headed for the Eastern Shore Aragorn fill some relief and he felt as though they would make it for the aurochs did not want to swim after their quarry and pursue them onto the Eastern Shore his hope soon turned to ash when he heard the uruk-hai speak a leader yelled if we can't capture them alive Saruman would have to accept them dead not your arrows roughly 10 judoka archers and crossbowmen made ready to fire and before Aragorn could intervene the commander issued a volley Arab Irwin watched in terror as his beloved friends were slain by the servants of the white hand a fury took in ven and as Legolas and Gimli sprang forth from the forest Aragorn had already slain all of his enemies the Ranger then waded out into the flowing waters of the river and he swam for the boat of Lorien before it could be swept away over the water falls within half an hour Aragorn had climbed into the boat and paddled it back to shore when the boat was ashore and the battle was over the three companions Aragorn Legolas and Gimli wept for their fellowship Frodo Sam and Boromir were slain and Pippin and Merry were captured after the Fallen were sent over the falls in the boats and they were mourned the choice for a new ring bearer had to be made even between these three valiant friends the choice was difficult arguments broke out between the elephant dwarf as each argued as the Kindred's had for ages then Aragorn broke the discourse by deeming that he would carry it as the seal dort did long before him and it was now his burden more than it was anyone else's Gimli and Legolas agreed with some measure of discontent but the matter was settled Aragorn took the chain and the ring and put it on beneath his cloak from the gladium though it had no seemingly visible effect on Aragorn at first the descendent of númenor felt power fire and anger anger for what had been done to his friends and fury towards the Dark Lord for his many deeds over the long ages the three decided to pursue merry and pippin and said it may be possible for one of them to take up the ring after they were rescued for it was said that the hobbits were the least susceptible to the powers of the artifact while the man did not wear the ring upon his finger yet it gave him strength and fury while bearing it as it may have done for a seal door before the disaster of the gladden fields eventually Aragorn outran his companions and told them to meet him and the hobbits at the edge of the Fangorn forest Legolas and Gimli agreed and Aragorn was off he ran across the east mint with the speed of a prancing horse and he came upon the remaining yokai earlier than in the original story when night came on February 27th of 30 19 of the Third Age airborne made ready to sneak past the servants of Saruman to rescue his friends after they were safe in the Fangorn he would return to pick off his enemies one by one when morning came the band would have been destroyed and so Aragorn went forth with his plan using his skills as a ranger to liberate merry and pippin without the notice of the Otto Chi who argued about eating the hobbits but after the hobbits were safe in the forest Aragorn heard the sound of battle and horses thro Hyrum had come under the leadership of a omere under the cover of night and they decimated the Udo Konya Aragorn and his friends watched the battle and afterwards Erebor and alone introduced himself to the riders bringing forth and Oriole and hope while the hobbits were to make camp in the Fangorn and were supposed to await Gimli and Legolas if Aragorn did not return during this conversation merry and pippin explored the edge of Fangorn and they came across Treebeard who would take them to Gandalf the White from here their story would remain mostly the same until after the destruction of Isengard after some dialogue took place airborn asked for a horse so that he may ride to fulfill more of his destiny although Aragorn only had possession of the ring for a short amount of time it gave him the strength of will to act with more power and passion in pursuit of his desires but already he acted with less wisdom and forethought Almer gave him the horse - whose master had fallen in battle and Aragorn told Almere to look for the coming of an elf and a dwarf he told IO mayor to tell the two hunters that their friends were safe within the Fangorn they should reunite with their friends before going to Ed arrest to give aid to Rohan finally he told a mere to tell Legolas and Gimli that Aragorn would see them soon and he would bring help and victory with that Aragorn rode south with haste and although the row here more inspired and we are sensed some dread about the ranger that he could not quite understand but he remained true to aragorn's requests meanwhile Aaron wrote indeed towards his destiny with the winds of fate he passed at Arras and then under Haru finally coming to dunharrow and the paths of the Dead as he had pursued the o Tokai he thought of the past he thought of how the wild men of the white mountains had betrayed his forefather a sealed door in their fight against Sauron long before and he felt that it was time they fulfilled their oaths at last and so Aragorn bade Hasso fell remain in his service and wait for him and dunharrow the horse obeyed its new master and his strange powers of dominance Aragorn went forth into the darkness of the paths of the Dead alone with courage and his sword and tyranny in his ring as for Legolas and Gimli once they found to the edge of the fen Goran and ale mares riders they were told of Aragorn and his message the two wondered at Aragorn sudden haste and strength and they knew that the One Ring must have had something to do with it they feared for their friend but believed in him as well and so they searched the Fangorn for merry and pippin but instead they found Gandalf the White as they do in the original timeline the three held counsel and Gandalf was ill prepared for what he heard the deaths of Frodo Sam and Boromir weighed on him heavily and he felt responsible more so he feared for Aragorn and knew that he may become corrupted by saurons ring the wizard knew that if there was any man with the strength enough to wield the one it was Aragorn but nevertheless it scared him still even so the wizard set out with Legolas and Gimli for etter ass Gandalf and Gimli upon Shadowfax and Legolas upon a rod the horse given to him by Amir they were to free Theoden as it's done in the books and Rohan made ready to battle Saruman the row Hyrum would be pushed back into helms deep and the battle was roughly the same as it was in the original timeline until dawn came Gandalf had found Orkin brand and his riders to help Rohan yes but there was also another army on the field unlooked-for from the east came Aragorn upon house who fell with the host of the Dead at his back they charged and the battle was easily won for many yokai and done landings dropped their weapons at the sight of the dead and made for the forest of ents after the battle ended Aragorn and Gandalf were reunited and Aragorn was glad at his friends returned to life Daniel spoke of his worries to Aragorn about the ring but the air of a shield or said that he felt stronger and more alive than ever but the wizard kept his worries telling him that once the war was over the ring would have to be destroyed Aragorn agreed for now finally before Theoden and the others set off to speak to solder monetising guard the oath breakers looked to Aragorn and asked to be released from their oaths as they had followed him from the stone of Eric and did his bidding to fight but instead era Bern laughed at this request the man yelled you oath breakers must see your promises totally fulfilled before I shall consider the request your betrayal and years of absence to service must be repaid tenfold the oath breakers were angry and they made ready to attack Aragorn but there in front of Helm's Deep Aragorn put on the One Ring and while he vanished from view of his allies among the living the dead could see the fearsome spirit of Aragorn in the Shadow Realm the shades of the men of the mountain felt fear for the first time in an age and if their wills broke upon aragorn's they would follow him Aragorn took the ring off and placed it back onto its chain he claimed that it had been necessary when Gandalf scolded him and he was too arrogant to be dissuaded from the folly of his actions free peoples however were joyous that they would have the help of the dead for the of the war and they continued on to Isengard Saruman was made to talk even more here as even in all of his power the army of the dead frightened him he was even persuaded to come down from his tower as was Wormtongue and they were made prisoners of the free peoples merry and pippin rejoined the company as well Aragorn thus took the or thanks tone from Isengard the Palantir that Sodom unused with it the future King spoke to sour on directly showing the Dark Lord that he possessed the One Ring and an army of dead men saying that he was coming now for Sauron even the Dark Lord was disturbed by this thus Aragorn and the others among the free peoples set out for the east knowing that Gondor would be under siege soon Rohan mustered its riders and went with the army of the Dead to Gondor the remaining members of the fellowship went together to Menace Tirith and the idea of the One Ring being removed from Aragorn to give to one of the hobbits was discussed lightly but Aragorn always refused the notion claiming that it was his burden and so during the battle of the pelennor fields many lives were saved for the world here and the oath breakers came in the hour of Gondor 'he's most dire nead and saved them from destruction but since Gandalf and Pippin have not written a head because Pippin never looked into the plant ear Denethor and Faramir were both slain a ladder by an Oscar but for the gates of the city and the former by fire of his own making the line of stewards ended ere the battle of the pelennor fields took place thus before Aragorn and his armies of Gondor Ian's real human oath breakers moved on to fight Sauron Aragorn claimed the mantle of kingship over Gondor and Arnor and so King Eleazar the Lord of the Rings led the men of the West to the Black Gate and after Aragorn slew the mouth of Sauron for his service to the Dark Lord unlike the original timeline the armies poured forth out of the Black Gate to ensure the victory of the West Aragorn put the One Ring on and using stealth and strength and proved senses and his tyranny over the oath breakers the hosts of the West had easy victory over Sauron and if the Dark Lord's armies fled back to bat a doer using siege weapons the armies of the West forced Souren to come forth from his town sauron challenged Aragorn to a duel but Aragorn refused and bade his archers fire upon Sauron he knew that the one ring would betray him as it did to a Co door and Sauron would somehow win the fight and be reunited with his reign after many arrows pierced Sauron and the Dark Lord was upon his knees Aragorn took joy in these moments he took off the One Ring and put it back onto its chain so all could see him in his moment of triumph he said Sauron would be punished for all of his deeds spanning from the elder days to the end of the Third Age Aragorn had learned from his distant relation ar-pharazôn and he knew Sauron would have to be defeated each and every time he came back he could never be trusted and so Aragorn plunged his sword through sarang's chest ending the Dark Lord temporarily for the One Ring yet remained he then called for the execution of the prisoner SATA Wanda and he would commence the punishment after returning to ministereth where saddleman was being held an elf was scared and knew that it was too late Aragorn had grown too powerful and the ring had overcome him Aragorn named himself King our Eleazar taking after the númenórean kings of old and he bade all kneel before him for the power of the One Ring the reign of ancient Numenor would be restored although the island could not be Gandalf cried out against him pleading with him to keep his promise to destroy the One Ring as Sauron was defeated and Mount Doom was so near Aragorn laughed an evil dark laughter and demanded his men of Gondor arrest Gandalf who would be forever a prisoner of men they did so against their will while Eric Gordon put the one ring upon his finger once again from that moment on King RL SR became the new lord of the world Ballon d'Or and iron ore would expand outward and claim dominion over all even Rohan who would rebel against aragorn's tyranny would be conquered for RLS arse ring provided him the will to dominate and control all life the hobbits would be enslaved as with the elves and dwarves that did not sail West flee or die resisting the men of the reunited kingdom of númenor would follow their king RLS are to the 4th age the age of men Aragorn would use his ring to command the oath breakers until the end of his life for they became the fist of the king Arwen would leave the shores so Aragorn would marry someone else and their son RL Darion would continue the new rise of reunited númenor as the One Ring would come to him and pass to his son and so forth thus the age of Sauron would be over for his forces would remain too weak to rise again and the age of men would be just as cruel if Aragorn had taken the one ring for himself hey guys Yost in here and I hope you all enjoyed today's new Theory video if you did please hit that like button and share this with a friend it is indeed a sad and terrible tale for nothing but more tyranny would have come from Aragorn taking the One Ring but just like with every theory this is just one way it could go and there are many other possible directions the story could take let me know your thoughts in the comments would it have happened like this or differently please check out our Facebook Twitter and merch in the description and also please consider donating to our patreon just $1 a month will get you access to our channels podcast and discord server finally don't forget to subscribe and hit that Bell to join the men of the West and all of the free peoples today I'll see you all again next week with a video on the houses of the elves and middle-earth so I hope you all look forward to that as always everyone thank you all so much for your love and support and for joining me on this adventure until the next one my valiant friends
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 274,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yoystan, Men of the West, Lord of the Rings, Aragorn, Tolkien, Theory, Galafee, Middle-Earth, Gandalf, One Ring, Mordor, Sauron
Id: y-lpcbB1JFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
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