What if Galadriel Took the One Ring? Theory

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it comes at last Galadriel eyes pierced the minds and flesh of Frodo and Sam in her garden there was a chill upon the night's air you will give me the ring freely she said and in place of a Dark Lord you will have a queen the ring seemed to Sam to almost levitate from Frodo to Galadriel as the willpower of the lady overcame his masters will us hobbits just aren't cut out for this sort of adventure if you take my meaning lady Sam said and I know middle-earth itself will be better under your care for the time being Galadriel looked upon Sam and for a moment the Hobbit was scared that he would see a dark presence in her face but instead she smiled at him I thank you both for your service her gaze turned to Frodo and not you least of all ring bearer your courage will not be forgotten even as this age comes to pass you and your friends shall rest here a while before starting on your way home Galadriel looked at a seal doors Bane and saw her own salvation with a glance to the West she turned her back towards the wayward home of her peoples I will not sail into the West not yet at least I must first see more goth servant defeated I accept my queenship she put the golden ring on her dominant right finger and the night grew slightly darker but the hobbits didn't notice that night On February 14th 30:19 of the Third Age the hobbits told their companions of what transpired and that they were all to set off to their homes in the coming days though some measure of concern passed over all of them as this had been a foreign idea to them airborne felt the most worried about what was to be with Galadriel claiming the ring early the next morning Aragorn met with Galadriel to discuss the coming days of the Third Age Aragorn found her slightly more grim but thrice more beautiful and fair than he had seen her the night before in appearance at least though she felt a little darker Galadriel told him that the days of hiding were over and that he was to be known as the next king of Gondor and Arne or Eric one was to ride with Boromir soon and to make the city of Menace Tirith ready for its Kings coming though the Queen's confidence was comforting Aragorn still doubted the idea of her wielding the One Ring she said that in the days to come both elves and men would need to stand together against the growing darkness she then bestowed her gift upon Aragorn and named him Eleazar as the Fellowship began to leave for their homes and bring the lad girls tidings of hope across middle-earth Galadriel enacted her plans she sent flat runners of lothlórien to all dwellings of elves in middle-earth and she commanded them to muster their forces along the great river Anduin south of lothlórien it is from there that they would begin their great conquest over Sauron Legolas would lead the elves of Mirkwood and Gimli would convince some of his folks to come to the aid of the beautiful lady as well using her friendship with gwaihir the wind Lord Galadriel called upon the Eagles as well and subjected the great Eagle to carry her to find Mithrandir or Gandalf if he was to be found in middle-earth after his fight with the Balrog with her greatly increased sight and awareness from the One Ring she found Gandalf within a day but still roughly around the same time that he is found in the original timeline after Gandalf is reek Lok as Gandalf the White and Lothlorien he becomes Galadriel chief lieutenant and in the next week the white Council is called together to plan the rest of the Third Age in seramins absence Galadriel became the head of the council in her new power and none opposed her though Gandalf and Elrond rejected the idea of any of them wielding the One Ring for good Galadriel looked more fair than ever though again there was an underlying feel of foul honest and in her beauty she seems like lúthien with nog Lemire aura like L breath in her stars her power seemed vast and her decisions just as for Gandalf and Elrond we see in the books that they are completely sure that their decision to make the Fellowship of the Ring was really a good one but seeing Galadriel used the ring for good makes their manipulation under glass all the more reasonable anyways they decided to reappropriation Galadriel was given Gandalf's elven ring Nuria and Elrond rigged Vilia to enhance and magnify her own power with menya and the one the council decided to exact justice upon their traitor before dealing with Sauron in the original timeline we get a meeting like this after the Battle of Pellinore fields where mostly men alongside Aragorn decided the fate of the world but here it is elves and wizards now that's a point we'll get back to later as the queendom of lothlórien expanded and now included dominion over the other elven territories the Malorne trees were planted and grown in all directions thus Galadriel led her host of the elder hailing from linden Rivendell lórien and Mirkwood further down the Great River and win and into Rohan these elves moved swiftly under their new queen and reached Isengard near the end of February along the way in Rohan they had slain many or akai and they had only lost a few elves as Galadriel power with the three elven rings of air fire and water with dominion over the One Ring caused great rage in the lady of Lorien and those that defiled nature would stand no chance against her the white council acted as her own personal wardens and a new peace came to Rohan when the host reached Isengard Galadriel rents the gates asunder and bade Saruman speak with them Galadriel voice brought the storms of the north and soon it was raining cerements tactics in persuasion held no power over the firstborn of Aluva Tarr especially those who are inspired by their liege-lady before long Galadriel did not only cast Saruman from the white council along with gandalf casting him from the order of the wizards but the elements too came to the supposed impenetrable tower of orthanc the far distant trees made groans and noises as the ents made their way to the ladies calling and after their coming the ring of Isengard and as the tower of orthanc fell to the power of the free peoples and Saruman was drowned by the waters of the mountains though Galadriel believed that the waters had actually purified the former wizard soon the ents were given control of the land that was once Isengard and they were told to expand the borders of their forests as it was in the elder days the ents did not protest as much as their only problem in expanding both the ants and the forest was the loss of the ant wives but Galadriel in all of her power and grace planted new Malorne like and wives and some elves that had remained behind would awaken and teach them once again like it was in the days of old the elves mustered the men of Rohan as they had saved them from what would have been the Battle of Helm's Deep and though the row Hyrum did not trust the elves the King Theoden who was awakened into new thought by the beauty of Galadriel would follow where the elder led and so it was that the men of Rohan and the elves of middle-earth marched towards Gondor and with one glance to the north all in their hosts would see the new trees and many mallards that had grown south from Lothlorien on their campaign to the south they would also encounter and destroy saurons armies that he had sent north to fight the forces of Gale and airborne after collecting Boromir at the head of an army from menaced Tirith and arrow grunts forces who conquered the Corsairs with oath breakers and men of south Gondor the host of the West marched towards the Black Gate and because Aragorn never looked into the plant ear Sauron never launched his assault upon menaced earth which would have been the battle of Palmore fields and if he had he would have sorely lost at this time Galadriel took to the slag hills and declared her intentions to both sauron's forces and the free peoples the Elder Days had come once again and so too did the might of the Eldar the last alliance of elves and men in the Age past was not to be the last indeed and thus a new friendship between men elves and dwarves began any who served and morgoth's name would not be spared and then the two factions did combat Galadriel forces of easily 30,000 against sauron's forces of over 50,000 would fight but with the aid of the great Eagles and the seeming purity of Galadriel rings the battle was fought and the war was one over a few days the host of the West and all of its leaders mightily overwhelmed salons weaker and more frightened forces the tower of Barra Dora was thrown down once again and the Nazrul who had served to the one ring and Sauron had been broken by the ladies will and that day the valiant prevailed over the cruel in this final war against sour Mordor was cleansed by new airs waters and fires and the king of Gondor returned to his throne though it was known that sauron's fea was never truly gone from middle-earth as the One Ring still existed it was to be that Galadriel would remain in middle-earth and her power would be forever greater than that of Sauron if you were to ever try to return the elves who yet lived in middle-earth remained in middle-earth to cherish a new age under their high queen of lothlórien even Gandalf and radagast were persuaded to stay in middle-earth as protectors of the realm radagast would protect nature and wildlife and Gandalf would protect the people's mal Lawrence and all trees and different parts of nature expanded from Lothlorien in all directions and any past realms of elves became one giant queendom with many fiefdom it seemed that Galadriel in taking the ring mastered her will power over the one and did what all peoples believed to be impossible she had used the weapon of the enemy against him her willpower had won or had it the fourth age began and a happiness fell on middle-earth a different sort of happiness one that is different from the original timeline the scouring of the shire never happened as Sarah monks forces were utterly in ruin and many who fell in the books still lived but still something seemed different the four hobbits Sam merry Pippin and Frodo road ponies west on the great east road after a journey to Gondor to see their friends Aragorn and Boromir during the year one of the fourth age and Gondor reckoning of course it would be the year of 30 22 of the third but now it was the summer of year one of the fourth age it would be almost four years since Gandalf's returned to the shire after his 18 year absence when he told Frodo all about the One Ring the hobbits felt a hope and a comfort in the land but Sam's plain Hobbit sense knew that something was Restless in middle-earth oh I'm not sure at all about this mr. Frodo Sam said I mean I know the lady i mean queen Galadriel healed your wound that the black rider gave you on Weathertop but something about all this feels very funny someone unnatural if you ask me in my gaffer you worry too much said Pippin queen Galadriel just saved the world as you had hoped exclaimed Mary no I'm not too sure either Frodo said with worry in his voice Sam is right something feels different than when we left the Shire I feel that we should hurry home Frodo tried to spur on his pony that he had gotten in Rohan but it wouldn't move faster than a trot the other hobbits had found the same problem with their ponies eventually after following the rows of newly planted trees alongside the great east road toward a brief saw an unexpected sight more trees right where the hill that house debris used to be large oaks and Cedars and the occasional Malorne trees here and there popped up on the hill well where is it cried Pippin where's Bree and the pony the hobbits investigated to find that many trees had grown through the town of Breed been destroyed or uprooted by nature itself the hobbits came across many refugees calling out in the dark woods for one another and cutting out the trees viciously the hobbits asked around and found that many trees have been sprouting outside the city for years now and suddenly almost overnight the trees overwhelmed the entire city and scattered its people the hobbits worried even more for the Shire and so they raced home without their ponies who wouldn't leave the new grove of trees rather a dark forest where no light entered covered the far bank of the Brandywine the hobbits delved deeper then into the heart of darkness to find what awaited them within but all had found that trees uprooted their old homes and their lives as they had known them became changed forever they soon traveled and discovered all ends and middle-earth were like this suffocated by nature menaced Tirith the city of stone helms deep made into a mountain wall a terrace of wood Misty Mountains that covered Castle doom and the lonely mountain had all suffered the same fate as the Shire all grandeur of a new day fell into bitter ruin Galadriel had maintained and protected nature in the world but went even further than that nature began to devour everything that defied it and still over an those who loved it like the elves who still followed their queen ventually all races beside the elves became Wanderers sages and peasants in these new times unable to sail into the West at all in its own deceitful way the One Ring had still achieved victory over the free peoples though it couldn't spring sour on back the West suffocated in their own ignorance of power and desire for good the elves and the wise who decided mental Earth's fate stayed under the rule of their new queen the Elder Days had returned the fourth age became the forever age of nature and the immortal elves hey guys thank you all so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed it as I thought about this story for the past few days it occurred to me that Galadriel would really try to better middle-earth through her vision with the One Ring her greatest sorrow in the books is witnessing the loss of the elder days while fighting what she calls the long defeat so I think she would try to use the ring to bring back the Elder Days and the power of the elves Gandalf says this quote to Treebeard in the books while discussing Saruman in the two towers quote but you have not plotted to cover all of the world with you trees and choke all other living things end quote but I think if a being that loves the earth were to be corrupted by the One Ring this would basically happen and I think that if old man willow got the One Ring the tale would end in a similar way with nature taking over but in a darker sense with sorrow and winning all of the battles but instead in the books Galadriel had the wisdom to pass the test and diminish into the West giving us the story we all know and cherish anyways thank you all again leave a like if you found this video entertaining and share it with someone who you think might enjoy it join us on Facebook through the link in the description of the video to contact me more directly and subscribe to stay up to date with my future videos let me know down below what you think about this theory would it go like this or would it happen in a different way and I must ask that everyone stays respectful to one another and to each other's thoughts as this is a theory and no one actually knows what would have happened Galadriel took the 1-ranked so let me know your thoughts and thank you all for joining me on this adventure and tell the next one my friends
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 438,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lord of the Rings, Tolkien, Galadriel, Men of the West, Theory, Yoystan, White Council, What if, Taken the One Ring?, legendarium, Sauron, Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast, Middle-Earth, Arda, Third Age, Elder Days, Fighting the Long Defeat, Lothlorien
Id: 4dnhIWdW5_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
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