What If Saruman Had Stayed Good? Theory

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oh my gosh what if he had bred good uruk hai, or simply used the uruks for good? the fellowship and whatnot would have fought alongside the orcs! i mean im pretty sure this isnt realistic, but its food for thought

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

That's a nice and consistently logic story rewriting indeed. But we could also just assume Melkor remained uncorrupted and obedient to Eru and there would have been no ring, no orcs, no Sauron and probably no Valar / Ainur or Maiar seeking to hurt and enslave middle-earth like the dark lords did.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Laurent_E 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
the Dark Lord has returned you say Saruman surveyed the expression of his friend and close ally Gandalf the gray as the rest of the white Council looked on with dreadful terror in their eyes it was the Year 28:51 of the Third Age and just the year before Gandalf had investigated though gold ore and found that the necromancer within had indeed been Sauron gandalf reaffirmed his findings Sauron had returned to middle-earth who had not been seen since the war of the last Alliance and it is time to do what we Wizards were sent here to do said Saruman we must aid in the downfall of Sauron it is time that I share with you all what I know if the One Ring which may be used in the Dark Lord's fall the other members of the white Council were surprised that Saruman had such knowledge of the Dark Lord's mightiest weapon first however we must end sauron's presence in duel gold war and banish him from that foul fortress Saruman declared thus the white council set out from Rivendell within a few days of their meeting and they journeyed through a pass and the mountains to romanian and finally into Mirkwood they came upon dual gold ore and found the necromancer within with their combined strength the white Council of elves and wizards expelled Sauron from that place and if the Dark Lord returned to Mordor rebuilding his strength in that dark land during their invasion of dual gold or they would also come across the rain the second father of Thorin Oakenshield and they would free him from his captivity afterwards they ventured to Isengard to learn all they could from Saruman of the One Ring in the Canon timeline Saruman knew much about the One Ring as in the year 28:51 when Gandalf had told the council of saurons presence Saruman argued against invading duel gold ore and he had personally begun to seek the One Ring here however I believe Saruman would have no reason to argue against the invasion of tol Guldur and if he had stayed true to wanting the downfall of Sauron he would still know much about the one ring and it's most recently known location in the world the ndrine River with Saruman's knowledge about the one ring told to the council gandalf radagast Elrond Galadriel cured an and the other elf lords likely calla born and Glorfindel would be on the same page concerning the mighty ring of the enemy Saruman would tell of its timeline from the hand of Sauron past to a sealed door and lost in the andrian as the white wizard had known this well in the original timeline during his search for the One Ring Saruman knew this information because he had likely read from the scroll of a shield or as Gandalf did during the Lord of the Rings from 2850 one of the Third Age on the white Council would look for the ring and a way to destroy it all because Saruman had stayed loyal to them in this timeline Salman would tell his friends that the One Ring would bear an inscription if put in fire and that would be the way to confirm if a certain ring was indeed the One Ring if it was found it was to be brought to Isengard for safekeeping until a time may be had for the white counts it to meet and to decide its fate until that time came however the members of the white council returned to their homes pondering all of the recent events for the greater part of the next century gandalf travelled the lands and Sodom on tried to find further lore or evidence about the One Ring or its whereabouts from the mouths of the and wind south of polar gear and Gondor so the eastern walls of the Misty Mountains and even saddle gold ore itself the grey pilgrim wandered middle-earth looking for a sealed doors Bane Gandalf would do other things in this time as well such as going to the Shire for the old tux birthdays keeping watch over Estelle in Rivendell and of course preparing for the quest of Erebor Thrain who had been freed from dole Gould or would find his son Thorin and together they would plot to retake the Lonely Mountain Gandalf urged patience until a time when the dwarves were battle ready and a particular Hobbit Bilbo Baggins was of age to partake in the quest of the Lonely Mountain for Gandalf foresaw great deeds coming from this Hobbit just like in the original timeline in 2941 of the Third Age the company of Thorin Oakenshield would depart for the Lonely Mountain however as Thrain was still alive he took part in this journey as well at large the story of the hobbit would remain the same except Gandalf would have stayed with the company throughout the journey as dole gold ore had already been raided and the Battle of the five armies would commence as Sauron had organized the orcs from the newly rebuilt bahador and Mordor and Gandalf could not stop the wrath of thorn at the theft of the Arkenstone by Bilbo throughout the journey Gandalf would notice that Bilbo had found a ring in the Goblin tunnels beneath goblin town but he would wait until the end of the adventure before seeing if it was the One Ring after the battle was won Thrain thorn and Kili were laid to rest and today an iron foot was crowned king gandalf confronted Bilbo about his ring and how he got it under the Wizards interrogation Bilbo would tell him of Gollum in the caves beneath the Misty Mountains and their game of riddles and off would command Bilbo to throw the ring that turns the Hobbit invisible into a fire pit in Erebor The Hobbit refused to this and he could not be persuaded gandalf remarks the power that this ring already had upon Bilbo in one quick motion Gandalf took the ring and tossed it into the fire Bilbo cried out but it was too late the two watched as the ring was engulfed in flame but it's sat in the flame imperishable and unchanging after a time and off grabbed the ring with tongs and he examined it there was nothing at first no blemishing no scorch marks Danoff side in both relief and disappointment then the markings appeared on it there were ten guar runes atop of fiery golden surface and Ulf turned to Bilbo and said I'm afraid your adventure is not quite through and if you are willing to go further with me we might avenge Thorin Oakenshield and save this world from peril bilbo thought about this request he missed bag-end his fireplace his books and his armchair he missed the green dragon in and the party tree but his tukuche side had awoken within him at the start of this journey and he knew he could not turn back now thus The Hobbit and wizard departed Erebor riding hard and fast to the ring of Isengard after almost a week of riding the two finally arrived Salomon greeted his best friend and introduced himself to Bilbo Baggins the hero of the north Gandalf explained Bilbo's finding of the One Ring as the tale was told the white wizard glanced at Bilbo first and admiration then and Wonder for growing a neutral and even slightly jealous face after Gandalf was done Sodom on satins silence he remained true at heart but even the white wizard felt the urge to see and perhaps to possess the one ring Gandalf saw the expression of his friends and he besieged Saruman to remain true as the gray wizard had also felt those same feelings after he discovered that Bilbo had found the rank sad Imam then smiled and thanked his friend for his support and he would master his feelings Bilbo would stay nor thank for a time as the white council have gathered to Isengard for their last meeting once they had all arrived they held the council of Saruman in the throne room of orthanc Bilbo's tale was told once again and finally the question of the future came it was known to the council that Sauron had returned to Mordor and according to Elrond the only way to destroy the ring was casting it back into the fires from whence it came those of Mount Doom Saruman heeded counsel after council before finally suggesting that Bilbo carries the ring too or a dream while the rest of the white council protected him and served as his fellowship it was a simple idea and one that might draw the gaze of Sauron but it seemed possible the white Council consisted of beings of immense power and Bilbo seemed unaffected by the ring so far a sign of his hobbit resilience sauron was also distracted by his newly made war on Gondor as he had returned to Mordor earlier here than in the Canon timeline and still saw his one ring Bilbo took up this final call to serve middle-earth and its people and the white Council was made ready as they ventured from Isengard they stopped by at Arras and Gandalf pleaded that King Fingal the grandfather of Thaden sent his men to help Gondor in the days to come Elrond also asked for a messenger of Rohan to be sent north to Rivendell telling his sons Ella Dawn and Ella row here to continue fostering Estelle so that if a time came he might be ready for kingship and Gondor and Arne order then the Fellowship of the Ring or the white Council and Bilbo continued forward to Mordor during the late part of 39:41 into the early months of 3942 of the Third Age as they journeyed Candle told his friends that he noticed the presence of Gollum who appeared to have been following them since they left Isengard Gollum appeared to be tracking Bilbo and his ring Gandalf advised to ignore him until such a time when he became a threat the fellowship took the pass of cure thong gold to stay hidden and to their power warded off Shelob from even approaching them then they directed their efforts to remaining as stealthy as possible in the darkness of Mordor this did not aid them much as in saurons domain the Dark Lord had become aware of their presence as he had felt it in duel gold ore and they glowed amongst the shadow the Wizards elves and Hobbit raced towards Mount Doom and once Sauron fully realized to them and their plot he sent to the nine nazgul after them upon their fell steeds the fellowship made it to the doorway on the mountain of fire and Bilbo stood upon the precipice of Doom extending his hand over the edge with the ring in it the nazgûl found them and fought the wise and within the realm of Mordor the white Council and the nine were equally matched Bilbo stood but he did not destroy the rank as he found he had not the will to do so the fellowship encouraged him and even Saruman used his commanding voice to entice the Hobbit to drop the ring into the fire but it was not enough amidst the fighting Gollum had found his way into the mountain and he wrestled the ring from Bilbo before the Hobbit could take it for himself as the white council became overwhelmed Bilbo found the strength and courage to fight to call him back he pushed the creature off of the bridge and the ring found its way to the lava below the nazgûl screamed with pain and the white council fled with Bilbo once they had found a safe spot from the fire Saruman brought forth the Isengard Palantir that he carried with him unused until this point due to saurons hold on the ithil stone with it Saruman told Stewart orgone of Gondor about the victory at that same time gandalf cleared the clouds over Mordor with a motion of his staff and he shot a flare of light into the sky alerting his friend quite here of their presence eventually the Eagles came and rescued the group middle-earth was saved and it had happened much earlier than in the original timeline for Saruman's aid provided much speed to the free peoples there would be no scouring of the shire and Arnor and Gondor would await the maturing of Estelle and to Aragorn and he would become king in this timeline Arwen and Aragorn would still wet the elves would take leave of the world and journey West and the end of the Third Age would soon come Bilbo recorded his story in the red book of West March so that he could tell of the finding and destruction of the One Ring to his young cousin Frodo Baggins at the end of the age Saruman gamble fenced the rest of the white council would sail west Bilbo would watch his friends to parse and he would not join them for the One Ring had not taken too much of a toll on him as it did on Frodo in The Lord of the Rings where he had the protection of the strongest beings in middle-earth thus our theory of what if Saruman stayed good comes to a close we see just how much could have changed and how much evil could have been prevented if Saruman had stayed true to his friends and perhaps that is the moral of today's story we must always remain true to our friends thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed today's episode please hit that like button and share this with a friend this was a really interesting question to try and tackle and I had fun making this video let me know in the comments with the tail go like this or would it go some other way there really isn't a right answer here as there are so many variables that work in every Theory out there if you'd like to contact me or support the channel more directly please check out our links to Facebook Twitter patreon and our merch in the description and don't forget to subscribe to join the men of the West and all of the free peoples today I'll see you all again next week with a video on the Maris the grandest horses in middle-earth until then thank you all so much for joining me on this adventure until the next one my friends [Music]
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 628,567
Rating: 4.9024153 out of 5
Keywords: Tolkien, Yoystan, Galafee, Men of the West, Saruman, Theory, Stayed Good, Middle-Earth, Arda, Gandalf, Third Age, White Council, Elrond, Sauron, Dol Guldur
Id: m1vCi6-5xZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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