What if Boromir Survived? Theory (Updated)

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[Music] he stiffened there were cries and among them to his horror he could distinguish the harsh voices of orcs then suddenly the deep-throated call a great horn blew and the blasts of it smote the hills and echoed in the hollows rising in a mighty shout above the roaring of the falls that was aragorn's understanding of the situation from far off as he stood near amon hen the ranger knew that orcs were near at hand and time was growing short for his friends but meanwhile in our alternative story here oramir defended his hobbit friends valiantly so great stood the man of gondor that the hobbits might have seen as to them a vision of a man of western s holding back the hordes of the dark lord in ages past in this moment boromir thought of everything that drove him the glory of gondor his great father the lord denethor who ruled from the tower of ekthalyan his brother the captain farmer and now his newfound love for this fellowship that he was a part of for gondor oromir cried as uruk and ork fell to his blade he held long enough and in this version of the story porrimir had yet the shield he carried this whole way and with it he held fast the arrows of the urokai that were being shot towards him boromir would hold long enough for his companions aragorn and then legolas and gimli to find him and mary and pippen and together those six remaining members of the fellowship would yet survive together and make for a retreat towards the stair that would bring them safely from the top of the rauros to the bottom where the ant wash met anduin now uglook's force was strong and would keep after the fellowship but here if the fellowship was together and was able to fight off enough of the urokai they would be able to evade them for now making their way down the path towards gondor if bolomir would have survived that situation he would not have let the halflings get captured either and the remainder of the fellowship would have fled the situation but not by boat surely that would have taken too long to cross the water and strider would have noticed at this point that one of the boats was missing so if they went across nen hithoel they would have led the orcs and urokai right to the ring bearer now in this situation the group would survive and boromir would have confessed to his deeds concerning frodo and him as he already partially did when the group scattered after hearing that he had grown angry with frodo when boromir was trying to convince him to go to ministerith aragorn in wisdom would say that the decision of what was to come of the company was made for them and that boromir redeemed himself by saving mary and pippen now they as a group should go where they were most needed and since boromir's path from the beginning led from rivendell back to ministerith his home he would not forsake that road now oromir and the company would begin to head to gondor together where the hammer of mordor would fall the hardest and where they might do the most good since mary and pippen had not been captured the three hunters would not be formed as a group nor would they all go into rohan but in the book there is an eagle that watched the company around this time at gandalf the white's behest as some of the characters noticed the eagle far away thus gandalf's plan would need changing but i believe that rather than meeting the three hunters in fangorn gandolf would fly to them upon gwyhere and after meeting with the remainder of the fellowship near anduin as they headed towards gondor he would convince aragorn gimli and legless to meet him at ederas while he would put the hobbits in fangorn to stir the ants in such a way i think gandalf's plan and the events of the two towers would still come to fruition just as he had orchestrated the plan in the book for if the six went all to gondor right away rohan would have fallen surely now again boromir's path was towards his people and gondor with or without the ring at this point the ring was far away and he would have known its perils after having almost taken it from frodo he no longer would have wanted the ring nor would his friends let him go after it and as his friends went with gandalf to rohan bortomir would continue onwards towards gondor while baromer as a character loved his neighbors in rohan he knew that he was most needed in the white city and it would be so boromir would continue on and come to the ramus equal the outermost walls of ministereth and he would be escorted by ingold who welcomed the high warden of the white tower back to his home word would spread of boromir's return and faramir would say as much to the hobbits when he saw them in the thillion ottomir would be reunited with denathor once again and since both of his sons yet lived the madness of denethor would be stayed although he would undoubtedly be upset that boromir had not taken the one ring for gondor but after having heard the horned sounds of his son days before i think denethor would just be happy to see boromir alive thinking that he may have come to some harm in such a scenario the defense of gondor would be far better than in the original canon timeline whilst in the north and west theodin was roused from his hall and the ants went to war all by the devising of gandalf the white in gondor oromir the leader of men would take charge and mount a suitable defense of the city of the men of numenor he would also be doing this while preparing gondor for the return of its king a man bormir had come to admire benethor would be somewhat aware of this for as a steward of the house of venarion and a descendant of numenor himself denethor was farsighted as told in the book so denathar would be aware of his son's actions concerning the coming of this king again though the madness of denethor would be staved off and i think if boromir was the one preparing denethor for the return of a king to the throne rather than gandalf as it is in the canon denethor would have taken to the idea better now even as the battle of helm's deep was won eisenguard was drowned and gandalf and pippen would make for menes tirith i believe that boromir's leadership and the hope that he gave his own people including his father would have made quite the difference furthermore the armies of gondor would be more ready for the attack as boromir had quite the mind for military strategy thus when gandalf and pippen arrived i think the defense of gander would have been well underway much to the pleasure of mythrandir farmer and his men would return to the city and gandalf would save them from the grasp of a nazgul as he does in the book with baltimore's wisdom and counsel vladimir would not be sent back to retake the causeway forts for boromir would have seen the peril that would come to his brother if he left the white city once more and i do not believe denethor would have felt the madness to send his son away and so when the siege of gondor came and the armies of the witch king made ready to break the gates of gondor and burn the city the preparations and leadership of not only boromir but farmer also would have made quite a difference now the host of mordor was strong and would have still come into the city with fire but i think it would have taken them longer for the soldiers of gondor would have been better prepared for the battle by bormir and they would have held fast with his leadership then of course the writers of rohan would come to gondor's aid and imrahil and his swan knights would ride out from the city to meet them as boromir rallied to the men of gondor within the city denethor would not burn and since both his sons yet lived he held out hope now since vladimir was yet well and there was no pyre gandalf was free to take on the witch king upon the pelenor meaning that theoden also would not perish nor would eowyn take her wound or marry his aragorn and his forces would come up the anduin and to the keys of harland and the forces of mordor would be routed as they were pushed out of the city and field the west would have had a greater victory during this battle if boromir had survived for his actions would have been a catalyst against the deaths of both denethor and theoden the saving of pharamir and eowyn from their wounds and the defenses of the city would have been better prepared aragorn would still set up his tent outside the walls of minas tirith as to not usurp denathore or create political unrest but he would still sneak into the city and heal many of those in the houses of healing a great debate would be called and the writers of theoden and amrahil many of the men of gondor and others including boromir pharamir eo and mary and pippen would join the host of the west in going to the black gate to allow frodo and sam a chance to destroy the ring and since there weren't as many casualties in the battle of the pelinor fields there would be more troops in this march venethor would remain as a steward in the city until such a time when the king might return and if he should the people of gondor not the least among them imrahil fotomir and bormir himself would all make denathore surrender power to the king during this venture towards the black gate i think eowyn who yet sought death in battle would behold the numenorean nature of fotamir of whose temperance was more like to aragorn in some ways than boromir and she would still fall in love with this captain of athelian the battle of the black gage would be fought and won as frodo and sam destroyed the ring and celebrations would be held on the fields of cormolan oramir would reunite and honor his friends using the opportunity to apologize to frodo for his actions at amon hen seeing now that what he attempted to do was folly frodo of course would accept this apology having himself taken the ring for his own in the final hour of doom and knowing all too well the evil powers of that thing after some time of rest and celebration the fellowship of the ring which was all reunited would together return to menace tirith with the host of the west and aragorn would have so much support that denethor would have no other choice but to give up power just as aragorn does with varamir in the book he would restore the stewards to as they were during the reign of the kings of gondor and denethor would retain the stewardship coming to respect and even love his new king the people of gondor would have happiness during the rest of that age and the beginning of the next as aragorn ruled with denethor and then boromir and then boromir's descendants as his stewards for king lsr would grow to be very old but he would see the family of his friend boromir continue on just as the lineage of kings did as well eowyn and prince farmer of athelian would live in emin arnon and gondor and theodin would rule for the rest of his days in rohan until eomir's time came thus if boromir had survived the west itself would have benefited much from him during the war of the ring and afterwards for he would have spent the rest of his life trying to do good for his people and his kingdom from this theory of what if boromir survived i think that just as boromir himself could have gone on to repent for his mistakes and do a lot of good in the world so too can everyone yes we may stumble and make mistakes but it is truly about our actions after those mistakes that count hey everyone joist in here and i hope you all are doing well wherever you are in middle earth i hope you all also enjoyed today's updated theory on what if bormir survived and i thank you all so much for watching i'm so glad to come back and make this theory better for i now disagree with much of what i said in the original theory video years ago and i believe that this updated version is much better and a truer version of what would have happened there are some other old videos of mine that i want to fix in a similar way if you enjoyed this please hit that like button and share this with a friend what do you all think if boromir survived would the story have happened like this or some other way the beauty about theories is there's so much to wonder about and so much that could be different please let me know what you think and also please check out our music channel facebook twitter merch and patreon for podcast and discord server links are in the description below we just did podcasts discussing all three lord of the rings movies this summer so if you're interested please check out our patreon i also wanted to shout out our val or two patrons adrian dulator chris ortner peter shepard kyle wetzel name grimes samuel mcbee jonathan putnam and mark kralick thank you guys so much it means a lot to me finally don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell button to join the men of the west and all of the free peoples today and i'll see you all again next week with an epic character history on prince emmer hill of dole omroth everyone as always thank you all so much for joining me on this adventure until the next one my great friends
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 55,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yoystan, Boromir, Men of the West Theory, Lord of the Rings, Middle-earth, Tolkien, Gondor, Minas Tirith, Mordor, Sauron, Aragorn, Gandalf, Faramir, Denethor
Id: xQV8Ff-XY8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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